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<br /> . - - - , .,- - ����aK �►__ : � _ _ _ �
<br /> ` - ° The Gra=ttar• .THE 89ERt1�iND NATIdNAL HAN1C OF GitAHD ISLAIaD: - _
<br /> � � Grand Islaaa, Nebraska, a , National Hanlcinq Ccrpor�tion, in - ___
<br /> � consideraticn �of FIFTY FIVE �'HOIISAi�ID AND. NQ/I00 DOLLARS � �.
<br /> (;55,QOO.OQ)`, received from Grantee, dces grant, barqaf.a, sell, _
<br /> � • coavGy and canfism uato THE MUPPLER SHOP, ?.�TC:, a Nebraeka _ .
<br /> � corporatian, herein called the� 6rantee, the fallowing-descri.be8` ,_ ---
<br /> . • _ seal �praperty 3n Hal1 Count�, Kebraska: . - — --
<br /> � �I.ots One�_(1) �and_,Tr�o {2);' i.n Block One Hundred 3even
<br /> - (1071 . in Railroad Itddition �to- t�e �ity of Grand . ___
<br /> _ Island, HaII Countp, Nebraska. - ..: },—.:�_--_
<br /> � y ���.
<br /> . � � TO HAV� AND TO HOI,D the abave-descr�bed premises together � rt`_
<br /> with alI tenements, hereditaments aad appurtenaaces thereta ,�;�__
<br /> _ beloAqf�ag nnto the 6raatee and tb Grantee's s�ccesso�s and -.ti,; ,���=
<br />- - assiqns fareverg� FROVIDED. however;. tlaat the above-described real �.r�,_
<br /> = . eetate shall not be used, sold or leased bp the� Grantee or the _=---
<br /> � � G��intee's assigns, lessees, or successars foz the purpose of � .. F:a�. -
<br /> �i
<br /> • ° '. �aw�iding, maint�aing, operating . ar coaductfnq �aay bankinq ����,.-._
<br /> -. ..� _ ��r. -
<br /> - �erv3ces fnaluc�iusq, but not Iimited to, 8epasitfng funda, makfng _ .-
<br /> loans, providing checkfaag aacounts, savinq accounts, or safe ��`;.���:n,�,�_
<br /> � � deposit boxes, investteett� �dvice aad automated teller services= , -� ����
<br /> ' = aad this cflnveyan�e is mca�e upon the escpress cond�tion that in ��
<br /> .,s.=,,.y� ___
<br /> - �8e�even� the a�aave-described real estate shall ever be used by . � �_,_
<br /> " ' t�;Gras�tee, ar �t$ 6rantee's assiqas, lessees or successers for ���=
<br /> 1 - a�y or all of t�e �ore�eferenced non-peimitted purposes within a � � ����".=
<br /> �rio41 afr..thisty �30 f y�s from the date hereaf, then and in- � " `����"'
<br /> � : ,,' �at case. .the abave-described real estate shall revert baak to , ,-.: � �. _
<br /> . ,; .
<br /> � �rarntair or tBae. Graritor's s+�c�essors or assiE,�ns as if this �,-•'��;`�:'� ��_
<br /> ,;� � ,;-_
<br /> - �veyanae had nmt been made. 7��r`�' _
<br /> � '�,�n�>.,
<br /> �
<br />. . ' fr•,,;�._:
<br /> �;,:, . .: Y .
<br /> � �` And the Gxantor,� fas itself and its successors and assigns, ` . _ ,
<br /> . '�� l does hereby conenant with the Grantee and with Graatee's r � . .:.
<br /> ` successors and assigns t hat Gra i rtor is law fu l l y s e i z e d o f s a i d � � � ��
<br /> - ps�miaes; that they are free frem encumbrance; that Graatos has ��; �':�`�;:�5�~;��.:.
<br /> :�. . .. ,,,;...�,.-�•._
<br /> , gqvd rigbt. and 3.awful authority to convey the samef and that � �{;�� +�
<br />� � Grantor warrants and wsZ�. defend the t�t�e. to said premises �• ' ,�;���'.�'�--�
<br /> y:. .
<br /> _ �f'
<br /> :• �•�,;. � L� ;,_ aqainst the .lawful clai�s af all person� �zomsaever. �, ! • `�°��;'-�:
<br /> . '-�rii:.; _
<br />.:� '�': � j •�;:� .
<br /> � �' K:. IN WITNESS �EREOF, Grantor has hereunta caused these .� :�=.!��. :��:
<br />. ' . ,4r.�.
<br /> :��# . , presents to be s�gned by 3ts President. � " � ' � m
<br /> ��.
<br />: � ,� Datec7 Apsil /S'w . 1992. 't . � �� ,r.
<br /> _, � ' . ' " ',,:�:;;i- . ..
<br /> �,�. ,;;;;,:
<br /> THE �VERLAND NATIONAL BANK OF -�`�°,:•_,.
<br /> . , � � .. ::':'�
<br /> ;,;�::"'� ������;:� Y GRAND ISLAND, 6rand Island, � •,, ,
<br /> � ��",''� . :'•�� � Nebr�aka, National Hankinq F ,.. •
<br /> `p= ' Cnrpora�f - � -._ . _. - ..
<br /> �} ,.i�`�'� ` � ; ��r:.
<br /> :��
<br /> . ;'a �`. / � , r .
<br /> �' ! • r'!'
<br /> . �;1;:, . Hy � �i ;.
<br />, ��•�;;� � �� v ert A. Morr g, Its Prea ent
<br /> , �i�. `=, � t .
<br /> ' - _ �� $TATE OF NESItASKA ) s � � •
<br /> :.�`_a;1c+; '.. •. ) SS S . .
<br /> :n::;;:., � COUNTY �F HALL � � ' .
<br /> -. - -. . - - Before me, a Notary Public qualified in sai.d Connty, per- : _ __ .
<br /> , sonally c�ne�Rabert A. Morris, President o� The Overlancl National �
<br /> ,:;��� ;� � HanJc of GranB island, Grand island, Nebraska, a National Banking :
<br /> � � � �' ,� Corposation, knawn to me to be the President and iaentical person • �
<br /> . . , who�, signed the foregoing instrt�ment and acknowledged the
<br /> � . . . . � �
<br /> . _ _`_. ., � _ _... _ . _ -3,,, - .. _ ..: _ _ _�.
<br /> ' '• a �. . ' . . . . { �•
<br />