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<br /> ...
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<br /> . .
<br /> • .. �. ;��t -
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<br /> ��
<br /> _,..__.__— - t- - .�� � - �4''-� -- - ` --_- - — r F_ _-` -
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<br /> .. . t:��t . . :r'a � •:. - . -"�`-- .
<br /> . ,.... _ � . . - _t�, .. �
<br /> .. , -- ---- t �_ ._._ _
<br /> E . ` a , ` _ ' ' ` _
<br /> - <<. _ j , - . . , . .q.�—/c����� .
<br /> - �.: . _
<br /> . �< < . . :
<br /> - ` �zcis� a� �nY �na�� riql�! or sqid� h�r�nnd�r=-siai.l�rip,- th� vair� bg. . .
<br /> �a��iaias��`or ssn�te� o! anY +��lanit a� 'l�n�tos nad�s tAi� D��d c! Trui!
<br /> , :tbs11 aat b� da�d'a vainr o= ari? otIIar or �iaiiu d�tanits �nbs�qu�atiT
<br /> � , _ _._ s...._..���.�*a�. ' �►mt--or=_aaodiff.a.t eh Qt ----
<br /> . _=�tirs��a¢I-�g ��� - _- _
<br /> a�wrtisativn o! ths s�as s�ens�ed bT this DNd of,TSUSt grant�d b� �nalicias� _--.--
<br /> to an! sucefssor tn tatir�st ot Trn�tor shail. not opsrst� to r�l�as�, fa ang �"__�---
<br /> — siaua�r� tls� liabilitp of th� oriqinal srnator and srnstor•• �ucc�s�or ip , ----_--
<br /> �_—
<br /> ' ie►t�r�st. �aiticiasy �hall not !� required to ca��ac� psoei�d�aqa against �=—
<br /> � saa�`saccissor or s�iva� to �ztsad tha ti� lo�C Falia�at os oth��ria� soditF� .-. � �•��_—
<br /> aortisatioa vf th� sts�s �d fadtbtedness ��cus�d by tbi.s D�ed of Tr�st bp �.-��= -
<br /> z�asoa o! any d�tnd aad� bY tt� ariqinal sruat�r and ssustor•s.ancc�asors iai ' �x�'��'��.�*r=
<br /> . o�r.:,r�sez.._.---w��uec
<br /> iLt�z�atf t91 tY r ,,�r„�s ._
<br /> �ritbout aff�ctinq th�'lfabi2f of t h� Trustor or, aap oth�r N;�,��_s{
<br />= p�raon'liabl� �or th� pa?aaat et tD�.obliqations arid indabttdntss a�cur�d bY ':`�'_z'==;���
<br />= - tbis ttMd ot ssnst, sad vithout a�f�ctittq tba li�n or charg� o� tbi.� DNd of �__.;;
<br />_ �, =_ -
<br />`�- - sruat npon aay.portioa of th� Prop�rty aot •th�n or th�rstofor� r�l�as�d as " '=�•1- '�-*�s�"
<br /> � ,.�-.
<br />��r : � pcuritT for tb� tn31 asnunt of sli unpaid obligatfons, D�n�f iciasy aap, fraa .�; -��-
<br /> . ti� !o tia� and iritii natie�s �i) r�l�as� aay p�rsoa �o liabl�, (3zi) �xt�nd .-� . _:'
<br /> �-- -
<br /> . ' th� satnsitp or alt�r any of tb� teras of aay anch abligatioa, li.ii.) 4rant , t �:� -`-."."��—'"°m°4
<br /> r'- —
<br /> � oth�r-°iadnlqsnc�s, tfv) s�l�:�� or r�coav�p, or cau��: to b� r�l�ss�d or ��`��':�`�---�-=
<br /> , -. .�°}•Y=•-�.,� .
<br /> s�ao�yW at aay ti� at e�n�ficisry•s optsoa aay patc�l, porLioa of os ail ° , ;,��__.- -
<br /> � ot t!r PsapstY: to) tak�.or r�2ess�-aay otliir or additiousl :�ritp tor aay =i ;�.`,,.r�--
<br /> k�."• .
<br /> � ` obliqatioa or i.Ad�bt�dn�ss h�r�fa'�ntioaed, or �vi� a:k� �oapositions or _;��=�`}��: _�
<br /> -,� , ctS�r arsa�nqsa�ats vith d�btors tn relat.ioa th�ritot tb1 � =ddi�ioa to tt►� -- '';,�
<br />. .. :' riqhts snd pa+rrs giv�a to th� ssasts� and e�r�fiaiasy la�roia. th� 8�n�fiaiasY ,-'=`���`�
<br /> ;=-
<br /> �` shs7,1 bs�s all sucb otlser riqhts both 3n lav and �quitg for coll�ctioa of the . -�=�r:.:.
<br /> " ind�btedn�rs saanred hsr�by aa it �roald hav� but for tbis Dead of �sts (�) y'`'"�.'`
<br /> � : � s�•-. =:::.=
<br /> 4.�,�.'.; � all cawauats aad �qr�srAts of Trostor ��t iorth is� this Da�d of srust �hall �:: .�.t;-_-
<br />-`.. �_ -g�ry.'�.' b� joint aad s�vsral.: t3) tbf* Dsed of Traat shall b� gov�uad_bTf ti� lavs of ; L°��:_....�":.�,`..-_
<br /> i �,_:. , . ._ �''""�`
<br /> - ��„� thr stal� of ll�bsaska; �k) i.a ths evsnt any one or nore.of tbs provisioa: _:,;�;;.Y,�
<br /> , :��'�:".'-.; aoataia�d in this D�d ot Tra�t, or th� Note or anp oth�s s�cusity instr[msnt :�.::;,�:;:;+:.�,�.----�-,
<br /> •' y .. � . �'' '�,Tr..;.,�:-
<br /> , givea ia conaaatfoa aftb the indebteclaess hsreby secnred shall for anp zeasors -, ;r��=� -
<br /> ._r�s. .., � ,',,•c-:��°�
<br /> ��F °`���• �illogal or unoaforc�alile in aap r�spoct, •uah
<br /> ;.,5:.L'""-'`..�,,,� b� h�ld to b� iavslid. .,;�. =°-
<br /> ��.•,��:-
<br /> ��`.�•�;? iavali8ity, ill�galitp, or unsaforceabilitp shail, ,at ths optioa of _ �,}':.>��,�f;{<<_ —
<br /> �, �n�tiaiary, rtot alt�et say ather psovision of tbis Deaf c� .Truat, bUt t}l�! � ' �- �i1�7<'�`a� '
<br /> ,_-+�����a��?;i;",�,' *'-�i°....,f"-�',y.
<br /> ,: �,.;..;.`
<br /> �3':;`. ..
<br /> ' -,��'+ ,`< D�! oi Trust shall b� caastruad as if suzla iavalid, il2ega�P or un�aforc�abl� �.r, .
<br /> ,,,j�� �::
<br /> i.':�il�rj.�'—�'y�:.` . .
<br /> ;����. .•:;,:� � provisioa bad asver b�en aontained hsrein or thsrein.' si���h� liea o! tbia � ` �:�.;��:=�,'.`:.?c�
<br /> :•.�:,�.: ;.•� , : ' ,
<br />, � ','-��;;�._,-�,,,,��.. • , • D��d pi Tsvst-is irsvalid or uasaforeeabls as to aap past of th� indebt�datss [� .��:
<br /> '" _ bereby aeanred or evideaaed bp ths Note, os if the lien i� iavslid or � _ `"'�''
<br /> � " uneAioresable As to any part of the Property, the ussseeured or partialig i �� �
<br /> � " '�� �.. -• s�cus�d portioa oi �ucb indebtednvis shsll be conpl�teig paid prior to tts� h � ... �X�
<br /> �� r�.;; ;�_.�„ pay�rtent o f t he rena in i n g a a d s e c u r e d o r p a r t i a l l y aecured postioA of such i � ' . ,
<br />• . •=�.>,•:s•:r% :,. iad�bt�dn�ss, aad ail psyawat� mad� on suah ind�b��ANl, wt��th�r volnntsry or , _-.
<br /> .... � .. .
<br /> � ' .�.�r< '"� uad�r for�olos.nr� or otber eaforcenaat aotioA or proaedurs, •hall b� ; ,. . j_
<br /> �`�. :'. .
<br />' ���N:-s-.. . coASider�d to bavs besn first paid on and applied to th� fnll paynrnt oi tltat � - :,',;,: •-
<br /> ' . partion ot �uah ind�bt�dnsss whicb is nat sacured or Aot fully secwc�d by th� -'�°_
<br /> '� ' ,;<=y::'.
<br /> ' � ' li�A of t b i� Dea d o t T r u�t; and �i) the covenaatr and agreemsat� contain�d ia �.'�,�' ',��'.`�"'.'. . • .
<br /> � -• " . this a�ad oi Trust shall bind, arsd the benefits aad advantagss h�seo! shaii i , ' • � � .� .:
<br /> � '�'''` �`� � inuz� to tbe ses eotive hsira, eaeoutors, aSaiini�trators, successor■ aad ' , �••::�=;,
<br /> ' :•,• ,.: P � ,: • .�'.f�._'
<br /> * �..;:�`���m;;;;,:�,,.. assiqAS oi the partiea hereto. whezever used bereia. the eingular nuaibsr .,,,;.,:� :.,��r
<br /> .'��-�a';�;7`�. �• �hall iaaluQe tho p�utzal and coavariely, and tl�a u�e o! anp gsnd�r �bs11 bs � � � _�°�
<br /> , '��r�='��-�i�t�::;T:'• � applicabls to sll geader�. Whessver the term "Sensfiaiary« is used hsr�in, it . , � �-•e+��- :
<br /> .:•;�-��r,,..;,'a
<br /> . , .�...;`�t,��.;?,�•. �hall includs the leqal holder os holders o! the pots or ths indebtadness � • -
<br /> � s, °:'��°..,,;!` ' �ernr�d h�r�in, it shall iaclud� ths l�gsl holder or holdsrs of the Note or � � �� ;
<br /> '� � "'�>'�" ' tEas indebtedaes� secured hereby. ; �
<br /> ",�"• ..�. .� .
<br /> • , . i . .
<br /> " � • ssvs�rsa upoa mrittea requeat of SsneEicisry stating that ail amounts ; ,
<br /> � � � aad ind�btodn�s� socured hesoby hav� b�an paid, snd uDon surrander of this ! � �
<br /> ��''�' � D��d of Trust a�td the Note to Trustee for ths eancellation and s�tsAtioa and
<br /> • upoa payment by Truetos of Trustee�e leeQ, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, . �
<br /> . . � . � . . . � �. .
<br />. ' • . .. . � � , ' ' � �
<br /> . ',�. . . . .
<br /> . .� . i ... . . �, � . ," . ' •
<br /> . .� � ' � �
<br /> . . . .. , _ . . . . .
<br /> • . • � � . � . _
<br /> . � . � , . ' ' �, -- - ---- � -- - �
<br />