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<br /> � - aqrts.otLfswis�ta vribiag. ao7 applicaatfo�t of r�ats; i�sur� ot protit� to aaT
<br /> ` , � .ind�bt�s.s �s�d'b�zslR si�als poL �rt�tod or po�tponr t� dn. dst� o� th� -
<br /> � ` 'instal.la�nt, ps�ota ss prav3dEd iat th� 1tot� or ehaat�� th� �aouat ot mah �
<br /> _---.- -----i.satalLn3a. �• •s r ee;p� t�a la�in� Oo�NS�ioa oi_t1�lsOj�lsLTe �!_.
<br /> .__� _.T_ : �- -
<br /> call�otfon a� ancb r�ats. isaa�a'aad totits, and th� a - - --�:_`__ — _ _
<br /> aa oa �r�is
<br /> � . � - , ` .
<br /> _=:�lot��af�s fl�lZ�bt raty er aur� aap d�f.init or notici ot �i�ult 6�r�nnd�r. -
<br /> • or in�alidats w�! act doa� pnr�u�nt to suab ,aotia�. .Trustor as�iqns Lo .. .—
<br /> , Na��iciast, a� turtMr ��cnsity !or th� p�rfaraane� oi th� iad�bt�dn�ss �tafl
<br /> : obligstioaa°ii�nr�Q-h�r�b}, all p�paid rant� � all.aeo�p� vbieb aay bav� . � :.,
<br /> - - - --------- ... _
<br /> bMa o� aa? 6�s�slt�s b� d�posild.vftt� ssuslor bt aat 1�ssN o! tI� psap�rty, -
<br /> ta s�cur� th� para�at o!_aay s�nt or dasaq�a, sad npon •d�taulL�in th� `
<br /> p�siossanc� ot my oi th� psovi�ioa h�s�ol, srnstor aqr��s to d�liv�r sucb __
<br /> � � rea�ts �tad d�posits to iaa�tici�rY. D�It��rt o!- vritt�n aotfcf o� -
<br /> _ Mn�tiaiass•a ��nai�� o� th� sigbts grant�d by this puags:Pb �i1tD to anp -- -
<br /> - � t�amt occapYiag !h� lropirtT or aay portion th�r�of �halt b� antf.i.ai�at. to . _ ---_
<br /> � r�qair��safd t�naat to paY ssid rrat to sen�ticiasr nntil inrtb�r notic�. .
<br />�__' �s ii tl�� sba12 b� fil�d by or aqainst th� stustor aay p�titioa -_ ---
<br /> p= procMd,{n4 ��king an srring�aL or co�positioa or ��ct.�nsion or aay oth�� ��s=^=
<br /> n
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<br /> 4`-��!4}d.�ie
<br /> statntt as no�r or lMr�att�r in.�fi�at. os if th� Truslor ahsll b� adjudfcat�d �;1,�===_-_-
<br /> - . � pa�1�t or i�a�lnat os at�g o!' Tntstor��.prap�rty sb�ll I�sw b�sn s�qwst�ssd �=-'�`°.�"
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<br /> ds�� ait�r th� �ntry th�r�ot, th�a ths vhol� o! th� ltot� and iad�bttdn�:s �-n;;-..�_
<br /> �;�:z�-
<br />-- bwrN�q Ncurad sbsll, vitlsout aotic�, at th� optioa of tl� e�nsfiafasy b�cor �`_'_-=_
<br /> ;• dn� and gayabl�. -` Y _L- -
<br /> � ` ,��
<br /> -� � �=7l1s �II n d�iault by �sustor ia th� psyat�nt of th� NotR, or any , , ,_ �'
<br /> , po
<br />` `-' r�n�ral�, sodificatfoas or s:lensions th�reof or the psya�nt of say ot h�r l-�
<br /> �`+• i�d�bt�da�s� saour�d h�r�by s�nafiaiarp aay d�c2u� all su�s s�at�red h�s�by
<br /> ` �r u on b�aoae dn� aad �,`~`-."�;s`,�'
<br /> �-� i�sdiat�ly dne aaQ pspabls aad the sans Niall tb • p
<br /> � ��= . psytbl� vithout pr�s�ata�at d�a�nd, gs�strsst or notic� oi anp kind: opoa �=��'''�� -�'��=
<br /> �,=-=. .-,r.'-��
<br /> . ' br�acb bp Tsttstor ia tb� p�riosatarsc� o� iap otli�r t�s�+ ar aondilion ot th� ��,�:�
<br /> � l�ot�, D��d ot Trust, s�a�vals, �sodifiast£oas or �st�asioa• t b�rto f, � ,3:�`�-':.
<br /> 'D�a�fiai ss ravid� aotic� of snah br�sch to srustor s:sd Trustor �hsll �''��
<br /> - -- - --�:' .,.,;: uY Y P =�:.^�'�:%,;;_�
<br /> • � b:v� t63rtg �30) days fron t�ae mailing oE �ueb notics to cure th� br�aah. ■ E
<br /> ' u �.
<br /> x �Y:. Tlur�alt�r, S�nsticiarp �p dsliver t� Tl�t/tf� a Wsitt.a d�alszstioA ot ��5=i��; � � �
<br /> ��r�., .::�;�': .* --
<br /> ;� ., d��sult u�d d�sand for sals. Trastee�sball bsve ths pover of sal� ot th� , .
<br /> �`"�f ` prop�rtq and ii H�neficiary decidss tbs Property is ta bs ■old, it shsll �
<br /> ���
<br /> �;';}; .. ���' � d�posit witb Tsust�� tbis Deed of Trust aad thm xota as rtot�s and anp oLh�r ;.�
<br /> ���;�t. �' doouaMats �vid�aciag sup�Adituses aeeured hsrebq, and ahall dsliv�r to Trwte� ;�,_�
<br /> . ���,�-:.,, .;:,
<br /> � a vrittea notice oi d�faulL and slection to can�� tba prop�rty to b� so1d, aad ,. ... ���-
<br /> ,,:',::.;.-:. �-�=
<br /> • TrttatN, in tusn, shall prepar� a sia�i.lar aotic� in th� fasa� r�quir�d bp lav, • �y:•,;;�,� '_-_
<br /> :�r . M1�Ch sball b� duly filed tor reaord by Trustae. ' � , . `-_-
<br /> , ---
<br /> � �:',-�` 't-�-'' �a) l►Et�r ths laDas of sQCb tiais as aiay b� required by law fal2aving tlis .. ,� •:r':;:�=:=_
<br /> � - �..' s�aordstion o! Notice o! Dstault, au�d Rotice o! Detau].t and potfes ot sals � "�'r�.
<br /> �'��;" .:��� � .. �,.�=�.R
<br /> '� hsving b��n giv�n as r�guir�d by law, �ust��, withont d�nand oa Trustor, . . --
<br /> + . t s�all s�1Z th� Property hereinbsfore. 8escsilsed, and anq aad every psrt •��
<br /> _ � ,
<br /> - ih�r�ot, ie� s�pasats parcals or sn nasas as t�e �i�sstee aiay el�et aaai ia sucls
<br /> , ��•�;;' ord�r a• srust�� may d�t�sa�in� oA tbe datc and at tb� ti�n� aad plsc� •� � � ' °�" ���
<br /> . y_�.
<br /> � =���;;." � �sigstst�8 in said Notics o! sale, at pul�lio auction ta *•hs highsst bidder, � . • " .' ' '�::'•
<br /> Y �j�' � �3i� purohas� pria� payablo ia oasb in lavful �ean�y of the �ni,ted stat�s at th� � , :,,';�;;::.,
<br /> _ �''�•a�<-� tis� ot sals. Th� 8erson eoaductinq t�� s�ls nay, ior aAy cause hs or sh� �'��.1:
<br /> �..�+.:. i"i : '4. � � f .� � .r :.
<br /> � �-,�=�_����'>: d��n� ��cp�diant, postpone the s�►ls lrom time to time until it �hall b� f . , .
<br /> ,.•;:•;;:;� coaplet�d and, i� evesy such case, notias o! postponsaNnt ihall be given by � ,- � � ,
<br /> - • '�;;°:,;,. ��°`°:;� ` public declaration theraof hy such p�zsvn at th� ti� and placs lsat appoint�d , .
<br /> ;,�F M�#�~<4::. s. ior th� aal�; provid�d, i! tih� sale t� �ostponed tor longer tbsn oaa (i) dsy `, -
<br /> `�`-��`, • bsyand the dsy dssigaatad in the Notice of sale, rcotics thsr�o! �hsll be giv�n i � . , •
<br /> -_� � I i•,.
<br /> .... �.��:�, . . �� f :<<..
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