�• __ _. __ . i:=� _ _ .. , _
<br /> --.. - . . �l, f.� ._... , . :` . � . .. _ -_ _
<br /> .._ .` "�,__ __- -"`•`.y"t' � .` "_ ' �.-� _ _ "__ '. _ . �C.._ _ — . __ .- f_ "'— _ ' —
<br /> - , t _.. . .. ..
<br /> �, --_�::.�...�- . . � , � � _ � ; yA.�- /o��� ` .
<br /> � � ` �11 bt L�M xOS�qofs9 ��latl��pxOgfltT aad 3IIt�s�st �tr�bj con��d �o t� . _ - .
<br /> ` ��id,ssd�t,M is �s�laaft.�r cro1l�cLinlj r�i�rr�d ta as t.1w �sso�rt7', `
<br /> - -- -` .:_�_. .. _..a=�e��. . , �:.uato tli. ..id_TS�t����bi�_succ�:sors atid--= - --
<br /> � asdqos, �or..�s, Z� �1tQST EoNSVSa and Ns�'!t potRle or su.s� h•=.bt:�pr••s y , �- _ _
<br /> qrant�d anta th� iald srustN, his �acc�s�ors aad ss�iqa� toa th� puspos� ot . �''':�.__�=-�,-�_�. _
<br /> �� �-:_ �
<br /> qs _.�zz_.�_:,-`� -
<br /> • s�cnsi.a . ���;���:�_-
<br /> � c . . :LA�9M.=_.-., .
<br /> ___ ' < - ra� Tbi pa�nt of i'tu�tor•s jntt ,iad�btfdaass to �a�ici� fn ths • ---;?-�.�`;�='"-_---'-
<br /> — � , grtneipal`�aa of o..�s.aarwd s�o�sa�a roliars i:�eo,000.0�) foz soa�y ;_ . * �` F�-__
<br /> � ` borsawd, vith iat�ri�t tb�reo�s..sll u avid�c�d by and i.a strfct accardaac� �---�.r�R�-�' .
<br /> -- � � � ��_ _ -;� �- -
<br /> vith tl� t�rns of that a�stain pra�is:ory aati�, lur�fnaft�s call�d ti� 1tot� . y��;i-_��,�''k�H��::`�`'
<br />•=`' , i�arfng �a dat� b�savith aad� paTabl� to tl� ozd�r of 8�n�fiaiary. �aent�d . :1 :�:�. �
<br /> �`±`
<br /> b! Trustor� snd� pro�iding ior tb� paTs�nt nf said ind�bt�dn��s in -�_��;=;K�, -_��
<br /> - installs�ats, t� .la�L of wbich is dw snd psyabl� s�pr.�r 1, 2022, subj�ct _`,. �:`-1%�'=,'`:-
<br /> . _���u-Z�ry.1...,.Y .1_ _.
<br />- � to acc�isratioa of aatnritt on d�favlt in th� psy�ent of aay in�talltMaL of '.� . _ T.
<br />. prinaipai �oz faL�s�at oz in tha pa=ios�aac� of aap aov�aant, aqr��aNnt or " '�..����:•`: �''"`�
<br /> �rarraatt eantain�d ia tbi�-DNd ot Rsust; �`-- ,-`�'����.,
<br /> .�1l_ i�.3�'�_'"'.�
<br /> '.�„_
<br /> �s�-,4�'".-i+._
<br /> : �b) 3�h� p�sfozaanc� ot �ach aqr��at, aov�aant aad �tarsautY o� Trnstor � . ,T --�
<br /> "� - Iur�ia cantaia�d or sat fozth in th� t�ots or aay agrses�nt os inatruat�at __
<br /> -- u�ent�d by srustor in cann�eLion vith t� indtbt�8n�ss l�z�hy s�cur�dt � � ` ' ��� —
<br /> �. _ ---
<br /> �' � (c� Tb� P�Y�nt of aay s� or su� af swrny �►ftb fatere�t tHsr�oa vhioh .--•*-�'�_
<br /> �f� '.i�. aay b� h�z�att�r pafd or advanc�d nru�r filia tasas of thf D��d of Trn�t. .'`�"�-- -
<br /> h Fz. =�, �,�
<br /> ���
<br /> - ,?��'_`� �0�� '�=iO�ii '!�D l�O�CT 1'a �CO�I'!'! O? ?AIS D�Q Q! '!i�?� TL1lstos �.• w5c�:.�
<br />, , ,.. - . ,. ..,: .._.
<br />- - °,-��. -:k ' �- . - -.. - does for his�s�lf and for Trustor�s h�f.ss, s+�pre�euta�i�s, wnd�s, snaa�ssors t. .....::,.,..=;-`_-,,'--
<br /> en :
<br /> • __�;:; . ' aad assigns. tbe wnsrs of said Propsrty, lierebY e�presslp coveaaat. agrae and ( • ',�., .:�.
<br />� •'_� . -;���:�:.' . varrant to aad'vitb tIu Tnzstee and H�a�ficfasy. aad tb�ir suca�s�ors, v�nd��s 4 ; •'�;i`'�"�- -
<br /> ' ��= . and s�signs: . E • • • ,e �
<br /> � ��:. �',:;�',' %,:.;_ " . , E ;:.--_
<br /> ,.:�,i:4 �x'r.;r:" ' .:
<br /> . ` E;:'.: ., � lntsss That the Trustos �or�by aavenants �md agr���, to th� �ut�at
<br /> .�f-,':::' • : .
<br />„ � r.,.,��,��.t•.,Y t �.` "�Sw.ttld bp liM� is �afOlidils s (i� t0 pa� Pzo111Pt1y iibfn du� th� priACipsl iAd
<br /> ,�.:_� ,�r+n�, '� - ;. . �'�j�
<br /> int�r�at aAd otb�r stmi ot �on�y provid�d #oz ia t.h� Not� aad in this DNd of �
<br /> , :•-�?.�. . -�. Trust= �b1 ta F=�Pt11t PaY befare delinguenap sll tsxa, as�essnrats and ath�r. _ � ', :,`��=,
<br /> ; .;;; '`".,:-- �.� � charg�s 3�npoaad by lai+ upon the Property ca�eaeacfnq with ths 1992 real estate :.' :��-
<br /> . . " _ ta�cea aad shsll provided,8enefiaiarp Witb receipta prior ta delinqu�acpj (c� ,�� ••
<br /> - • to kasp th� above-dsscribed Propsrtq and t8e improvemsnts thsseaA ia qood � ��
<br /> `" aonditioa and rs�sir aad not to coa�it or enffer �rast� theraof; (d) to � ' .�
<br /> • _ �, �. a�aintsia aad dsliv�s to H�a�fiaiasy poliaies of insurs�ace agaiast euoh hazard� � . ' .
<br />� ' oa th� bniidiags sfld iupsaviasats nw or hsreafter �acate8 on os coastituting �• ,. _
<br /> � a part o! tho Ptop�rtp as tha Seneticiarq shsll requir�, ia suc b caaapaa i�� an d �: , -:
<br /> •= --�4-�•;�., ` aaiounts aad vitb sueb los� paqable olauaes not less tbaa th� outstanding ; . '_�`-:_
<br /> �`�'•�` ��• issd�btedase�= that ia the event ot loss, ths proceads thereoi sba�ll b� paid to .. ,
<br /> . �:,,;;�. •
<br /> ' .;' � th� �8aa��iciasy wbo �asp apply the sams or aay �arti tbeseof oa the ind�bt�8n�ss . ,
<br /> • securad hereby os t�awsrd the recoastructiaA or repair of said buil8iaqs aad ••
<br /> - � improvemats or relea�o sama to the Tzuatos= (e� �o pay anq 11�n, claia or � • ;���._:�•°r
<br /> " :--�.�:..:.:,- - . clsarq� agaiust the property vtdob mi9ht take precedence ovsr tha lieb h�reof� ' � • ` '
<br /> . �t,;_�
<br /> ' _ ;,•,. �!) to yay oa demand a�2 title searebas and appraieal fees reasonably incusred ,,. ._
<br /> ;:-.�.:
<br /> - or psid by e�ae�ioiasy to oolleat tho xete or toroclosure or prot�ct th� li�a , ;;,:f ., -�
<br /> , . . ef tbis Dee� ot Trust= (g) tbst in the event Trustor sbali fsil to coaiply With , .. •
<br /> � th� provisiec�s oi (a) throuqb (t) abov�, the eeaie�iciary aw�Y exp�nd �uch lund� ,_
<br /> • � aad taks �acb aotioa as is neaessary to resnedy screh lsi2ure and all �ums paid . .
<br /> ' by ths Serssficiary pureuaat hereto aitE� intere�t at the rate hsreinatter ' •
<br /> ' • • � pzovide8 shali con�titute a lien npop the Psoperty, ehall be seoured by tbis � ;
<br /> ' � Da�d of Tsust, and shall be inmtadiately due and regayable tn the eeaeliciaryt � �
<br /> . j �h) aoti ta sell the Proparty or any postion theseof; end ia ths event of such . '
<br /> . , � sale hsssin prohibited, then tAe entise indebtedrtess saoured by tbis need of . ,
<br /> . i ,
<br /> . ' �� • .
<br /> .. . , ' � . ' ' •
<br /> . ' • ' ..�.
<br /> • . • _ • . . . ,"�.
<br /> , . � • . � . , . . . . ' . •
<br /> � . . . -. . � '' • . � . . . - . � . , . � . . • . � _
<br /> . , . �
<br /> , . ._ ' . �, . . . ,. -- - ..1 _' . . __ ' _ _
<br />