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<br /> 'f�OGEff[ER wrcEt atl tbe empovea�aitsiww«e�eaf�a erected«i the prq�ty.ana au easements.appu�cet�ces.
<br /> aed fi�w�es twa►ac h�e'r a p�t of tbe ptapetty. !W�epiactments aM additiaas ahall also 6t covered bY tbis SauiitY
<br /> _ _-_ ` (nspnmar� AU of tbe fare�oit' $S�.'�feROd�in this SecuricY�a�uu�as the' . " -
<br /> --------�----•------ � --=�---=-- -----��z--.
<br /> - OWEIi CUVENhNTS tt�t$amwec is Iawfully seisod of tl�e estatt lreneby convcyed and has the rigfit to gtant
<br /> aM cixwey the PropRty ac�t�t tbr Piroperty is wieucumb�red.ejccept for er�vm_�,•�,+�a�f�ord B�v�r�a±2crants and
<br /> � wiU�fad gene�allY the title to the PmpeBy against a11 cfaims and demands.subject to any encumb�anczs of record.-
<br /> • ' THIS SECURTCY INSTRUMENT canbines uaifam cavec�ants for natianal use and non-unifarm cuveoanu with
<br /> .- Wnited variatioas by j+ui�nn w constitote a uaifam sescuriry instrumcnt wvering rtal Prope►tY- � , � _�._� -
<br /> • (�N[EpRM(;pV�iANTS. Boriowa and Lender wvenanc and agree a�follows: - `- �
<br /> � �. r�j�reN ut Pri�cip�l ad L�ter�PreNlmeat aad l:ste Chs�i� B�wec shait P�P�Y PaY wl�en di�e the -_
<br /> principal of�nd intuest aa the de6t evidenced by ttie Note aad any PnePaYmei►t and late c5arges due under the Note. ` �- -
<br /> 2. b 1��ot 1 1��e s a�d Ias�ra�Sub j e c t to a p p ticabie tavir oc m a wiiuen wuver by Lender.Barowec shalt pay to �..._—
<br /> Gender m ihe daY��Y P�Y��dne under tbe Nque.until the Note is paid in fulb a sum t"Funds'7 for.(a)YearlY -°--
<br /> � tues aad ass�ma►c�which may attam pnority over this Security Insuumeut as a hen on tht Property:(b)Yrasly kasehold �� =--
<br />_- paymepts a gt�amd rents on the Yroperty. if aoy: (c) Y�Y ���P�P�RY ins�.��premiwns: id1 Year1Y Aoad =
<br /> - - ' :��*�+�pcemituns.�f aay;(e)Year1Y matSaBe�ns�rar�c�PRmiumc.if aay:aad t� �Y�PaYable by Barower w _
<br />- L�der,in aocordap�x vu�ltt the provisia�s of paragraph 8�in lieu of the paymenc of mortgage insurance pnemiums. 7lsese ----- -
<br /> aocor a x
<br /> - itlms are ralkd"Escrow Items.".L�der may.at any time.caAect and hotd Wnds in an amou�n nat to exceed ttie maximum -
<br />- amonm a lender far a federally nlated mo�tgage loan may require fa Borrower's escrow aaount urtder tbe federal Real = --_-
<br />�.' Estate SCUtement Ancedaces�5ct of 1974 as an�ended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.§16Q1 u seq.("RFSPA"),�udess another --_=-
<br /> .� law tbat�ppUes to die Fmxils sets a lesser ama�at If so.[.ender may.ai any ci�,collect ahd hold Fnnds in an amount not co �-__=--
<br /> excad the lesser amwta- �.ender may esti�te the amaunt of�F1mds due.on.d�e basis of cvrrent da[a and�easonable ��_
<br />-:;� estimates of eapendifutes c�future Escrow Iums or otlxrwLse in accordaaoe witii applicable law. --
<br /> ; TNe,limds sbali be I�d in an institu6oa whose deposits are instmed 6y a federai agedcy.ittsunmentality,or entity �r�
<br /> '`- (incIuding�Isnder,if L�der is svch an instiwtion)or In any Fedecal Home Loaa Banlc. l.ender shail apply the Funds to pay �''�_
<br /> ,<: ---
<br /> - tde&crow�tems. LendeF inay not charge Bortower far hold'urg aad applying the fur�ds:annpally analyziag tue escrow �:_�-
<br /> account,or Kerifying tLe�mw Items. unless Lender pays Bomnwer intercst on ihe Amds and applicable l�w permits , ��
<br /> I.endet to make such a daarge. However.Lender m"ay require Borrower tn pay a ono-time cdarge for an.independent real _�:;g�-;, ;;_
<br />. -. estate taa.rePurti{�g scrvioe used by Lender in connection with this loan,unles.f aPPUcable law provides otheiwise. lJntess an ,,L.r,;��
<br /> ��t
<br /> agree�neat is made or appticable!aw requires interest to be paid,ixnder shaD not be required w pay Botrawerany interest or
<br /> , -•
<br /> ' � eamings on the Funds. Bbmnwer and Lender may agree in wnung,however,that interesi shatl be paid on the F�mds. Lender °F :, -
<br /> `�:�� stiall give to Bomnwer,witiiout chatge,an annuai aecaunting of the Fhnds,showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the ` `-�' ' �
<br /> �:.- ,;;-,,: '
<br /> - ` ar parpose far which each debit to the Funds was mad� 't�e Funds are ptedged as additional security for all sums secured by --• --` �;
<br /> this Security Instrutae�. . ��,,��. _'
<br /> � '�`'- If tfte Cvnds de13 by Lender exceed ihe amuivats�pertniued to be held by appiicable law, Lender shall accou�t ip ��g::,��5:�:f:
<br /> +'` Bpnuwer�or t�se eacess Funds in accordance with the requiremems af applicuble laa. If ttie amwnt of tl�e Funds held by
<br /> �`-=;:'_'
<br /> ',�,� I.ender at any time is not suncient to pay the Escrow Iteu�s w[ien due,Lender may so noufy Bdirower in writing,and.in "�':�.� °_-
<br /> ,;'' sueh ease Borrower shali pay to Lender the amouat raeae�to maice up the deficieney. Bomuwer shall malce up the . ;����: �`
<br /> deficiency ia no more than twelve monthly payments;at E.ender's sole discretion. ��"=�Y'� �
<br /> ��.. ��.;,
<br /> � '� : ' Upon payment in fail of all sums sectuecf by this Seauity Insqument,Lender shal!promptly refund to Boaawer any _
<br /> � � ± - <:�• �F���•:: Funds held by Lender. If,under paragaph 21.Lender shall acqnire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisition or . �
<br /> ' � ' " � t/� sale of the Propetty.shall appty any Funds held by Lender sU the ume of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> :�`���` °� ' '`"'t secured this Securit Instrumem. '
<br /> ". _ �;.:.�_ bY Y .. .
<br /> �;;.=��_:.;:;�--'- 3. AppUqtion of P�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise.aU payments receiveA by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shali be applied:f rst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounu payabte under �; ; _
<br /> � paragraph 2;third.to interest due:founh.to principal due;and las�to any late charges due uader tfie Nbte. .. ,, ~
<br /> . .;: � 4. Ciwrges; Liens. Bocrower shall pay all tax�s.assessments.charges. fines and impositions anributabte to the • f; �
<br /> i:<:,�;.;•,..;-
<br /> ��` Property which may attain priority over t his Secu r lty Instrument�an d lease ha l d pa y m e n t s o r g r o u n d re nts.if an y. Borrower , • •.E,�;-a,�;�:;:.
<br /> � •• ' shall pay th�se obligations in the manner provided in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bortower shall pay them o1 `, �-,'r.. ,;;`•�-:;',:
<br /> � - � �-'���z'=x � � time directi ta t6e 4n owcd a ent. Borrower shall ram tl fumisb to Lender alt notices of amounu to be azd under -
<br /> .w.., -;•-.�.t,;.. . Y F�. P S� P D Y p , ' -
<br /> ,�'�r"�c�>t�, ' this paragraph. If Ba��.�u�er makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �:,....�:' ` �'.• _
<br /> _ the yments. ��•�`/ .
<br /> ' ''��'� '� I Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees �' �'�
<br /> Y ` r�,r.. . I .
<br /> � _ I in writing to the payment of the obligahan secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender.lb)contes�s In good falth the ;�,.:
<br /> lien by.ar defends against enforcement of the tien in.fegal proceedings which in the l,ender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br />= �° �•;• enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from ihc holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to[xnder subardinaGng the tien :.
<br /> ' 4 to this Seeuriry Instrumeat. If Lender detertnines tleat any pan af the Property is sabject to a tien wh�ch may attain priatiry "r'�. `
<br /> . ,� , . ;.
<br />. `'"��; � ovcr this Security Instrument,l.ender may give Bonrax�as a notice i�entifying the Jien. Bo�rower shall satisfy the lien ar take ���''''�. ., ,
<br /> �-�-�;;' . i one or more of the actians set fonh above within 1@ da�s of the�evic�,�of noticv. '�
<br /> ' :�*i•-��� •r. ' S. Haaard or Property lasuranca Boaower shall kee�t:s:impravements now existing or hereafter erected on the �';
<br /> E�.
<br /> , . . � Froperty insured against loss by fire,hazards included within�he e;mi"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including f • �
<br /> _ . , � floods ot flooding,fos zvhich Lender requires insurance. 'f'his insurAnce shall be maintained in the amauats and for the 1
<br /> Sc '-_-
<br /> - --- -:—.r r-- .— � . , .
<br /> �7�:sr�'. "". ,:� } Form3028 9/90 fpuX�2n(b/wXe�► �
<br /> r'; � .+.••.RC. . � , � .
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