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<br /> _ ` pf postpor�rt�t sh�11 b�qiv�n bf►�uDtic Mcl�ration th�r�ot by wch p�rson at ths t[me and o�acs tast aPP.�tnted for tht =
<br /> ____ _ ---_ _. ._—:.._ _�k��� � !lsast�t31� ,�tktsla cso_E,�t�__�c� -:_ — - - -
<br /> • � ' � thsreof shatl be Shien in ths sams msnner as tM o(ipinal nottce of aate,.?rustw ehall execute and delt�rsr toth�purcAsaK �:
<br /> - "-----.;�� �ii�V�ca�finpthe;P�psRysasol�b�tanY�nantorvrsrranfy.aaprassorl�lted.Therectta�sis�tbs�aad , � °�__.
<br /> ----- of arry mriters.or acts aM►il bs conciustw P�f ot ths tniMbineas thereot.Any psrson.inetudinp Bsneflotary,maY p�r• �°_
<br /> �` cMse at ths aai�. ' � . ��`�:�
<br /> ��- - (B)YYhen Truates aMts puranant to the powsrs Mneta.!he Taslae sha!!aDRiY�e Aroce�ds af fNe aais tQ paYmsnt of the - __- _
<br /> - - casts and expenses of exsroialns tlie pawu of aals and ot ths aate,inetudin�tAs paymer►t of tM Trustes a tees actualty • _
<br /> �' fncurreQ,whicA Tn�atas's taes ahal{nat tn the sy��ate excaad tha taltowinp amount btsed spon ths amount secure6 ='`• `_ , .-___
<br />�' �- �;-`� hersby and rematni�p unpatd;5 p�rcentum on tfie Stat S1,000 thereof;l percentum an the balartce thereof and then to the � `�<<;'.�
<br />� ��� - itams In aubpa►a0aph(C?tn the order thers stated �. ,. . -°•_="•�_—
<br /> ' (C}Atier paylnp fAe items apscifl�d In aubparayraph(B�ff the sate is by Truatse,or Me proper courl aad other costa af . -
<br /> ` �.����,-�z� :. forectosure and sals ii the aals!s purauant to�udiClal torecloauoe,tAe pracesds of aaie ahait bs apptied in the order stated `5 -°°�__. .
<br />•. ����� � to tha psyrna►t o�: � � , �'c -
<br /> „c'4-_ ::':-� ' ' _ . �..,.
<br /> •c� �`��'�-°��i<• . < � (i� Cost of any evidancs of tttk p�ocurad In connectiori witA sucA aats and of any roaenue'stamps; ''`'"'
<br /> -- �_� ., ��,��
<br /> .�._����a s � (ti� Atl aums the secured heroby; � .. � � ,
<br /> �� � . (ii�Ths rematndsr.if any,to ths pefaon tepaity eMitted ihereto. '
<br /> � 13.DutNs m1d Obit�tlons M T�st�►(s)Ths duties and oblt�atior►a of Tastee ahsl!be detennined solety by the express �. F •;!"`�--�-
<br /> ;:�;:,:{,t,. :'. provislons of this Dssd of Tiust,and Trustes ahs0 oot be tiabte.except tor the p�a mance of such duties and obN��tlona aa < <:g,v�-
<br /> �-L '.
<br /> � ara apeeifiealty est twtb 1�emin.u�d no impUed corensnta ar obtiQations snalt be imposed upon Tnisted;(b)Na provtstona of e �. �.��
<br /> . ' '` _V�`. `- ,`.-`, tAls Dsed of Trust ahaU roqut�e Trustes to axpend.or Nsk[ts oyrie#unds,w otherwtee triGUr,eny iinanciai obti�atton in the per- � -_t .,_��
<br />` � -- `'L=.. tormancs of any ot l�b.dutlas tMroundsr.or in the exercias of aii�of tts rt�hts or payrer..iitit aNall fiaYe�ro�nds foi beEievtn� _ -
<br /> � ._.�<.` • ;' � 4 'irr
<br /> . thst ths repaYment c�auch funds a ade4u�te(ndemnity aQSinsR audi r�s[c ar ti�bit�tfF is.not roeiao�ebty assurod to 1�(c) 4}•,3 s-.
<br /> �.. __.
<br /> Iy-:.:}�
<br /> � �� - � T�ustes msy consuit with counael of its awn chooain�and t��idvics ot su�h ceunaef�at+a0 be fitff�s�d�xnP�ste aathorintiot�::,'• • �`-•. .. ;-
<br /> -;::.: �,,: , � t-.. :�_
<br /> � <.� •;.,,,;':,'". ., and protectlon in tl�a respect of�ny acNon taken or auNeri�by it hereunder tn yooi�,�attb and retia�ice thereon;(d)Truatea � � �-�f_.�,.�.:,:. , ;�'r
<br /> � ` • st�atl no!6e 11able tor any action taken by lt in pood faitfi an�geaaonabty bellevadbSNt iaMaW�i�dacw�iibht the discrotion � 4 ,} . -
<br />.' . � � . .- � � or rfpMs and powers conferred apcn it by this Oesd of.Trtcst `�::�y'���'s^-` � . . �; `.
<br /> r ,
<br /> � �r, I 14.Addif1oM1 S�eurlty tn�tw�Ma.Truste��2�its expeiue.wiQ execute and,Qatf�6tp t nA�tty upon demand, . � , : :_�
<br /> . . ' c h u�i I n s t r u m e n t s a s m s y be r e quTred fi g r;rustee,i�torm and substanKSii�at�c�o�-'���'�cv�rinp anY of the �. _ .. . . ..
<br /> su see ty
<br /> ' Property conveyed by tAts Oeed of Trust,whic�securtty tns4n,menta shall be additionai security for;r}.sto�'a fattbtul pertor- j - -� � '�'�-���'•
<br /> � � - � mance of all of the terms,covenanta and conditE�ns of this Deed oi Trust,the Loan Agreement,any promissory notea aecured �
<br /> _- �� � , � hereby and any other securir�instruments sxe�:zted in aonnection witb tAls tranaactlon.Such instruments ahaii be reeorded i � �. a ,.,
<br /> or fited,and re�rocorded ana�et(ted.at Trust�'s expense. I ' ',�
<br /> , . . 15.Mbailan�ous. � �• '�. . � ; ,°�� .
<br /> (A) In the event any one or more of the provisiona containeQ in the IIeed ot Trust,or the Loan Ayreement or any promiasory --. - - -�;
<br /> note,or any athe�security Instrument given in cannecCe¢rc with this transaction,ahall tor aay teason to be held to be in- i �,i?�.� _�`,
<br /> ' � � ' valid, ittegat or unenforceabte tn any respect, such invalidity, iategality or unenforceabll�ty shall, at the option of ;: ' ;���:;:;, �,
<br /> 8eneficiary,not aHect any other pravisian of this Deed of Trusl,t�sat this Oeed of T�us1 ahall 6e construed as if sucA in- �__J _ :•���•j
<br /> � valld,iitegal or unentorceaDi9 provislon ha0 never been contained herein or therei�. f - ', i,4
<br /> . (B) This Oeed of Trust shail be construed accoNing to the laws of the State of Nebraska � 'f�:: •. .-
<br /> • � � (C� TAe Oeed of Trust shall insure to and bind tde het►�6egatees, deviaeea,adminsstrators,executors,auccessora and � ".�;,.;�:
<br /> � � T assfgns of the parties hereto. ' � r" •
<br /> � (0> Trustor shall pay all texes levied upon this Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,togethe�with any other taxes o� � . ;:;
<br /> . , assessments whtcb may be levled against the Trustee or Beneffciary or the tegal hotder af th9 Loan Agreement on ac• � . !�,
<br /> ' count of the lndebtedness svidenced thereby. ' .
<br /> �� ppUca�te to ai gende�a eanidlhe tetm•'Benefaciary"�s ail nc ude eny payee of the ind bt Cness he eDy secured or'any � � .
<br /> .. ' transter thereot,whether by oDeratlon of law or otherwise. � • ,
<br /> � �f 18.Succ�ssorTrutlN.Benaftciary may trom time to ttme substitu6 a successor ar succesaora t0 any Trostee oamed hereln
<br /> ' � ` o�acting hereunder to execute tMs Trust Deed.Upon such appointment and without convenyance to!he�uccessor Trustee, �
<br /> : � � tha latter shait be veeted with atl tttls,powers and duft�s canterred upon any Truetee herein nam�tl or actinp heceunder.Each �
<br /> � aucA appolntment and�ubatitutlon ahall be made by written instrument by Beneficlary.containing reterence to thla Oeed of
<br /> " '± Twat and ita place ot reCOrd.whlch when recorded In ihe�oitice ot the Repister oi�eeds ot the county or counttes in which
<br /> ; salA property 1a situated,ahail be conciu�lve proof of proper appotntment of the succeaaor Truatee.The foreQainq power ot �
<br /> � ( substitution and the ptocedute iheteto�shafl not be exciusive ot tAe powe/8nd procedure provided tor by taw tor the substitu• •
<br /> . � tlon o1 a Trustee or Trustees In the place of the 7ruatee ar Trusteea named hereln.
<br /> ; 17.Farb�ar�ne�by Q�nNlolsry or TrustN Hot a WatrM�torbearance by Benef�ciary or Truatee in exerclsinp any right or
<br /> ' remedy hereundar.or atheMrlae aiforded by appltcable faw ahail not be a waivec of or preclude the exerciss of any ri�ht or
<br /> remedy h�reunder.Likewise.ths waiver by 8eneflclary or 1'rustee of any detault of Trustor under thia Deed of Trust�hall not be ' .
<br /> � deemed to be a watver of any other o�almliar detautts aubsequently accurring.
<br /> � � 18.Trustor Not AN�as�d.Extenaton of fhe tlma tor payment or modification or amortization ot the aum�sesured dy the .
<br /> ' Oeed o1 Trust granted by 9erteflclary to any successor in interesf of Truator shall nat operate to reteaae.In any manner,the
<br /> tia6itity of the origlnal Trustor and TrustoPa successor In interest.Beneficiary shalt�os!�e required to commence proceedings
<br /> • aqatnat auch successor ar refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise modity amorttzation of the aums secured by the
<br /> , � � Oeed of Truat by reason of any demand mad9 by the originai Trustor and Trustor`a sucoe�sars in intereat.
<br /> 19.Optton to Fanefos�.Upon ths occurrence of any defauN hereunder,8enef iciary ahall have the option to torectose tro�a
<br /> � Deed of Trust in the manner pravlded by law for the fareclosure of mortgages on real propeny. ' °
<br /> 20.TrustoP�Ripltls,Abunt O�taul�Untll any default In the paymeni of indebiedne9s hereby seCU�ed,or unt�l the bieaCh of - '
<br /> '� - - atry ccvenant hArein contatned.ths Truator,ita successars and asalgns,shall possess and en;ay tha property and recelve the
<br /> renta and profits therefrom.Upon paymen!af al!suma secured by thls Oeed o1 Trust,8eneflciary ahall requesi Trustee to
<br /> � .� ;, reeonvey the property and shali surrendee�[�ag Oeed ot Trust and alt notes and Loan Agreements evlaenCtng tndebtedrte�
<br /> � . ;� , secured by the Oeed of Trust to Trustee.T�;�siee ahall reconvey the property without warraMy and without oharge to the per-
<br /> � f sarss tegaHy entitted thereto.The�rantee iet a�y reconveyante may be desctibed as"the person o�persona entitted thereto", .
<br /> ..
<br /> � and the recitata therein of any matters ar tacts shail be toncluaive proo}oi ihe 1rutMulnesa thereof.Such person or parsans
<br /> '__--_-.._.. :W.:.��..�_._-.�..:;_�__ shall pay at1 costs of ceCOrding,if any. . ' `_ ,
<br /> ..j •
<br /> • 21.Transt�r of tM Proputy;A�sumpt�an.lf all or any part of the Property or an(ntaresf therein is sol�or trsnstertea with6ur � ���� � -� �
<br /> • Benetictary's prlor written cansent.exCepf as otherwlse provlded by law.8eneficlaty may,at 8eneflciary's optton.�ectare a11 ,
<br /> � the suma secu�ed by thia Oeed of Trust to be immediately due and payabta Berteflciary shatt hava waived such option to ac•
<br /> : . � � ceterate if,prior to the�ale or transter.Bene}1Ciauyr.and the person ts whom the PropeMy Is to he sotd or transterred reaoh , . .
<br /> • Hwo�sirAm - - # �
<br /> • �
<br /> � • -
<br />• d '�s� . __'_—. _ _ . ___ • . . _ . . � .. '
<br />