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<br /> Ths und�rsipnea"Trustor'aa id�ntiil�d in th�tottowinQ Os�d of Trust.wMthsr onsar mo%undsrstand thri ths Qocumsnt
<br />=�' tAay arr about to��cut�ts a Oib ot Tnut and nat a mortpap�,and thst th�powu ot sat�p[oaldsd tar tn th�De�d of Trust
<br /><�`- p�avkNs snbshntivt�t ditlurnt rTpMs and oWi�ttons ta th�8arrowsrs than a mort�aps in ths awlnt of a d�hult br bnach of
<br />;;;_� oblipatlop und�r the QNd at Trwt.tnctudinQ,but not timit�d to,tM @enif�lary's ri�M to bavs;tha Rop�rty icl�nttti�d in 1h� .
<br />•t�' tolto�rfnp DNd of T�ust soW by ths T�uitas without a�y I�d�iat procaadin0.7n�ator rsprs�ests u�d warta�ts tfist tlNa
<br /> , . Ackaowt�epment rraa ex�cuted by ttwm b�toro the axecutton of t hereaftar set tortlf.
<br />_ ��z
<br /> .
<br /> � , itent' R Daws - - _
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<br /> . � . r�. g Daiss � _
<br /> . , ;� . �_�':u��
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<br /> � "=� HOME E�UiT1f UNE OEED 4���RtiS'�'�: ' ..�-`�
<br /> . ,�Y: :
<br /> . ; . ,.�.�°'
<br /> •` �•=..tih�' THIS TEiUST OEED mad�thls dsy ot ---19 —between_..��t R Daws and TammY - • •., • . _
<br /> � r.., _..., '�''- - ,�
<br /> . .�,�.. -. ' � Da�s`iiusband and Wtf�reinatter cat�`-7ruator",wtiaae mafflrrp�Gdreaa t�-�07 9 Zola I.n - _:--- --;�
<br /> _ jr: .=: ;'+ :,-�;, , S� North ee er . •. - ��
<br /> .-;�,,,;;�-;:._. Aran R Baack _ Attomsy at LaMr,whoae maiiin�addeaa Is. � ,; .:�:�
<br /> •�:`��`• ,-:``•```_ am"'�N�tas,•;and Home Federat Savinps ane Loui Assoclatian of 13rand tstand,whoas mailiny addresa!s 221 South kxuat, � . -�;;'.;;.:,-'"�""'°�`
<br /> � rs.- ;F.._: . . _ .
<br /> `-��.�, ' P.O.Bax 1009.Qrand isl�nd.Nebraska 8880�,as••8eneficiarfP'. - �y�� � ,�� ,
<br /> .._f R:..�:�,:>��:.. ',�,, :-:' "'°'�.-
<br /> ' - :a:.�F:::��-:�.-{r' Fo�vstuable consld�►stion,Trustor iRavocsbty�ranta,tranafers,conveys and aaat na to Trustes,in tn,at,with pawer af . � ��;-
<br /> � .�,,,,{`�=`=_'��~f�'� aals,forths benef(t and ascudty of Bensficiary,under 1u�d aubjeat tothstenns and cond[t�,ona�f this Qeed ofTrust,thefoifo� '�'`-�4'�`��� .
<br /> � � +K9w".:�,h.:'';^:..,,:. . -"_ ' •,'.l;J/;:5;�,����
<br /> y):•r-r � —�-
<br /> , 4�,.. . • in�desCtibed property tOCilied i� .� �`r-�n Ta 7 ancl --NAbraslca.t0 wix •.ih,y;:.!�
<br /> ,.:.�.�„�.�� �t _ __ --
<br /> •.rw.;�;_�-�-� �• . ,
<br /> Lot Three t3) in R & 8 Subdivision, 8a12 County, Nebraska �`
<br /> • ' . - T�.
<br /> . ' . ' . _.,.
<br /> . , . . • � ��.
<br /> � • ' � 4p' � '
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<br /> ��.,',��� .��..' �=:ra_
<br /> . '. �''`'' • topsthar with all buildinps,fixtures,improvementa and appuRenances thereunto betonpinp,It belep apreed tAat atl of the �� • ��:?�=
<br /> :-;,,,.�..�. .�, ....
<br /> �� � tor in shatt be herelnsfter reterrea to as the"Prope�ty". �' ""� � �
<br /> _ . � � �..._ ,,.... . ,
<br /> _ � � `f , . FOR THE PUfiPOBE OF SECUFIINO performance of each apreement and covenant of Trustor hereln cont�in�d�ndhe pay- ` , .�.
<br /> *-.--- .,.,__....a.,a r,�7�a*� and No/00 Ootl�ra(S � --00.a0 � � .�`�
<br /> t � ' � mant oi ths princlpal aum of �-� �- - � I ' � •
<br /> � y� � � � . aa ev�Qe:�ced by s Home Federal Home Equity Loan A�reement betwean Trustor and SE:.�ficiary(the"Loan Aqre�menl"),pur• ; � �
<br /> • auant"a whlch Beneflciary witl advance funaa to Trustor trmm tlme to tlme at the Intertsi�atea and upon the terma provided ;_ , `�;
<br /> �����'� ' therein,topether with any sum or sums oi money witb intereat thereon which may he�eaiter be pald or advanced undsr the r � �
<br /> ' � terma ot lhta Deed af Truet,both princlpat sum and Interest thereon being payable accorGinp tothe terma aet foRb in the Loao t �'
<br /> :., , A�resment,reference to whlch ta hereby made,ei the ottice ot the Beneficiary in Grand Island.Nebroaka,or st such ather , . .
<br /> ' " ;f'i ' place as Beneficl�ry may Qeal�nate In wrlting. .
<br /> •ti;`r;.. :
<br /> • 1.Wananty ot TItM?ruator ia tawtully aeized of the PropeAy;has goo�right and lawtul authoNty to sell and convey fhe Pra i � �
<br /> � perty;the Property is trae and ctear ot a!I liens anc!encumberances except ilena now ot record;and Tr�sror witl warrant and de�
<br />' fend the titte to the Property unto the Trustee and it�aucce�ars and asaigns forever apalnat the c:�a�ma of ail peraon�.
<br /> � 2,pa�rm�M o}pHncipd and tM�ra�t.Trustor afiaii punctually pay.the principat of,�nd interest on,all advanCe�under the .
<br /> • .�,°;�,�,, Loan Agreement�nd witl puncir�ar�tperfcrm a11 agreements.condlttona and provls�cr�s a!any other aecuHty Instr�ment given
<br /> • in conneotlon wiih thts tranaaciion.
<br /> � 3.Pr�s�rratlon�ed Ma1M�r.ane�ol Propety.Truator wtll not eommit����erasta upon the Propertyat wifl.at sil tlmea,main� � '
<br /> - - tatn thasame tn gnod order and conditlon artd w81 make,kars�timeto ti:tre,ati rapairs,renewal8,.reptaeements:additions and . : _.
<br /> � trr�f�yL�ente whtch are reaaonably required to prevent waste.impalrment,or dete�aration af said propeHy.No bulldlnp or
<br /> , �. Impr��ent now ar herssfter erected upon ths Proparty shatl be attered,removeQar;demollahed without the prior written : .
<br /> , cansesl.�`of Beneficlary.
<br /> • � � �.Insuranc�.Trustor,at ita expense,will malntatrr with Inaurers approved by 8ene}lciary,lnsuraacs wlth resAect to the irta � .
<br /> • � �• � provementa and personal praerty conatitufing ths Property apalrfst to�by fire.NpMning,tnrnado aed d4her perlts covered by •
<br />`_-,,- ---- ._ •—�_—
<br /> -:�•_�' atandard extended coveta�sendaraement in an amoutn epu�l to at teast one hundred percent ot the tutl reptacement vatue , •
<br /> � ' . theraof,and Inaurance aQslns�suct�olher huarQs anQ tn auon amaunt as fs cu�tomaziip cantertby ownera�r�d 6peret�s 6t - --------__�---
<br /> � - stmtta►praperNes and as 8eneitcisry may requtie tor 1t�protectton.Trustor wilt compty with such other requirements as
<br /> " • ' � Beneilciary msy irom time to time requeat tor the protection by►naurance ot the Interest of the respective paRtea.Ati lrr ,
<br /> � � � ' " • __suranee poUctes matntained purouant to tht�Ceed of Truet shatl nameTrustot and Beneftciary as inaureds,as their respective �� ,
<br /> � '• •' Intereata may appesr and provide that lhere shatl be no oancellstian or rttodlfioation without titteen(tvry days priof written- - - . .
<br /> _ . .. .
<br /> . . , .
<br /> �. r .
<br /> r�X ... __ ' _ _ '
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