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<br /> paymen�s rtswy n�lon�er lx�rcquirtd,at tlu op4ion u1 Ler►�ter,if rtgagc iifsur�ncc covcta�c(in Uio an�owtit ar�d fnr the pericxf
<br /> tFwt�.,e�oder iequircs)provicied by�n fnu�rer ap�xovtd 6y 1..endGr aguin M�cames avellahle ar�l i�ob���od. &►rrawer sh�ll paY
<br /> the premiumn toquiroc!tu tn�intaim m�ng�ge ins4rarxc iu effoct,or ta pmvidc a lc�ss rcstrvc,until tha repuirement for mortg�e
<br /> dn�ru�r�oe ud�iA ocoan9�nco with any writttn rtg�nt Uetwan Borrower and Lerxitr or applicabl�law.
<br /> �.lnwp[ctia�t. Lencier nr its agent may maka r�►sorxnble entries apon und inspxtions of the P'mperty. Lender shall giwo
<br /> W�rr��wet ndice�t tit�lime of ar prior tu an insFcxtion specitj+ing reasnoabi�causc for�iw i�ts�c�+o�i.
<br /> 1g, t`oede�pMtiou.The proct,exia of any�w�od or cl�im for darn�ges, diiect ar consoquendal, in rnrn�o�.-tion v�vith�ny
<br /> cnexlamnntian or dP�er taki�g nF�ny part of thr.PrcDperty,ar far convcyu�ce in lieu of condemnatlon.are herchy assig�wd+�rxi
<br /> ahul!I�:pnid to ix�xier.
<br /> In thc evmt of a totnl taking of the Propeny,thc procuds shxll be agplir,cl to the sums secured by Ihis Socurity instrument,
<br /> whether or�wt then dur., wilh any exccss�aid to&�rrower. In thc evcnt of a partial laking of the Propeny in which tf►a fair
<br /> rratknt�'duo uf the lfioperty immodiatety befnre ti�taking is equul to os greater thun the amount vi'il�sw►►s sac:ucz.�by thls
<br /> 5ecur�ty Gnetitcumenl immAdiutaly beforc ths talcing,unless Borrower und l.en�ie�otherwise sgrce in wrftEng,the sums secasre,�f by
<br /> !tua Savrity Inxtrumen� shall bc reduad by the anx�unt of th�prnco�ds multipliecl by the fo(lowing fr�ction: (a) th�taAl
<br /> a,rrn►uot of the sums secured ynun�o�iatdy trefon thc U+king.dividcxl by (b) the fair marl�et value of t1k I'iz�x�ty iir�satety
<br /> b�fae the alcie�g. Any b�lor�ce shull ba p�id to Hcurawer. In tl�e event of a partial taking of the Pn.�pe.rty ir�wAi�3e the fa�r
<br /> hwket v�lue pf the Pru�crty immediataly befure 1ha t�lcing is iess than the amounc of 1he wma�a�nred ia�nediuetety b�e the
<br /> taitiat.unless Horrowa�ncl�+xle�athcrwlse�Jtroe in writing or. unlcss applic�ble law oth�rwi�e provides,the pra�aeds stud!
<br /> be Ypplial to the smna xcnr�xi hy this Sac►tr'.ry pns:ruiaent wi�elher or not tha sums ue then dur.
<br /> lt tbe Prope�ty i�c akwndoned by Sorrowex.ar it.sfReer naia by Lernfor��&,rrawer tha�chn m�xiemnoc ot#ccs w mal�a,�n �
<br /> awaord or setde a el�ini for dsmsg�s, Aorrower f�ita eo c�.sEwnct to I.enc�er wEtl�nn 30 days after t1�dat�th�natiec is given.
<br /> • Ldder is authurixed to colloct�nd�pQly the proc�eda.s�t it�c►p�ian.eitl�er td r�s�ara�ion or rep�ir of che Ptci�srt�r or to the sume
<br /> securrd M}ti►is:5sxuriry Instrum�nt,whettkr ar not thn�dua.
<br /> • Unlaxs t.cnd�r and Bosrmvrx othe�wise agcec in 9YI1f1Dg, ar+o•sppticuia�n of pr000eds to principai afull rat �xtem:�j cx
<br /> poaqione the due d�2t af the monthlY P�Yrrwnts refernd to irt►�prnAniplts 1 anci?ar changa the nmount of such payarn¢s.- ,
<br /> tl.Borrowa Nut A.ela�eed;Farbansoe�ty I.�a�der�lot a Waiver.Extension of the time for�ayma►t or modificiuicm
<br /> af�unortiution of thc�wntx sowrod by this Security I�strumero grmtod by Leiader W eny uuoxssor in intuex of Horrower shall
<br /> not operkr,ta c�ela�e ehe liability Qf the wigirwl Bo�rcawer ur Hortowar's s�ecocssons in intr.r+eat. i,ender shalt nat be iaquiral tn
<br /> q�m�ce ptrp�xedings Ag�Wut my succeseor i�interest or refuse to extend time for paymaor crr��tM�wiye modify amoRiratiare
<br /> - •
<br /> a�f the wms.aecui+e� Aty thls Securi�r L�trumcnt by t�t+on of any d�muad nu�do by tho otiginal Aor�wer or 8amwer'e
<br />' xrraros�qs in i�vera�t, Aay for�ranoa by I.ender in excn:ising any rigt►t or n�l:dy s�hall tat be s� w�iti^�c�or pnxluda tha
<br /> � exercise of ray ri;ht cx�+indy. '_: "'• � ',
<br /> �- .:. :`'�,:'•
<br /> 13. �ooa�r�w� �d A+d�no Ha�undi Joi�t aod Stveral LS�WUt��: Co-e�krs. Tt�e,oovGnacxs���5'4ements of ttis
<br /> �Sauri�jr In�tnunc�t �alt bind ar�d Nenefit the a�scxs u�d asaigns of LatidGr and Ekxruwer, subject t�r,the prov' �isnvas of
<br /> p�r�raph iT. l3oRa�er'.E.c�ovam�ts md sgraaa�eats ahult ba jaint rnd several. Any �ormww wM o�;�g�s thia Se�vriry
<br /> , ,,Imawnayt but doee aot t.+eea�te the Note: (�) ie�co-signing this Savrity instruma►t only to rrx►rtgs,�e, p�rslrit'and oonvey tfwt �:�
<br />_ w,.�,.M.•:;�w�,�.r;w.eia,P�.,.wty under cfie trem�:.of this.seauicy t,�tn�amnt:tb)�s na aasond�y ab�i�xxl to v�y 1he� �':,,�
<br /> . �epned by dii�Securiry Instrnmast:and(cy ag�+ees'tlmt Y.ader and ury ott�er Botrower mny agrec tcr eater�d,modit�r,fa�ebe�or
<br /> Ttq�ice any a000m000dMiau wi11►re�ud to the trnns of tfijs Security Wtturtient or tho Note witbc�ut that�orrowar'�aoma�t.
<br /> 13.Iw�w�L.'Irexex.If tt�c loan aecured by ihis Socurity In�urnent is aubjax w a larv wkni�:�a ae.te u�ximum 1ow darfa,
<br /> #nl ttrt I�w�ie fio�Uy iao�et�ted sa th�t the intenat cx alher la�n clarga rwlleaed or La be oolkcled ln,.00nne�tian x+ids the .
<br /> • Cow eacoeri the pemtittad ii►i�4ts. then:(a)�ny such lo�n cher6e shill be rodaoad by tha mnount neoes�iuy to tr�8uoe tbe ciwu�e . .
<br /> co d�a permitted limit;ard(b)any sums alrcady oolleceed from 8amnwa w�hlch exceedod pamitdod Limits wilt�e rcfunded to ��
<br /> tiamu�rr.: L,eaier may c6aaee to make this refund by rodur.ing tht princip�f owod under the Mote or by mNkio� �c:;�iirat
<br /> �y�i�eat t�, Ho+rrow�a. If� nfiend raivaa principd, tho roduntion will be aated as a Pp� P�Y� w�2�;�7!
<br /> �' .'�Ya�t c�r3e uqdez'tt►t Nde.
<br /> .�;j,�� . !I.rFotices.Arql natitx ta Horrower provideii for in ihis Security T.�strumtnt atwll be given by deliv�t�{it or by mWin� • '
<br /> ii by firet cltis.m�il unku:applic�Me I�iv roquirq�tt�of anothsr method.'ILe notia s!►a1l bt diroctec!to tii�Pmpaty'Mldras
<br /> or�,oy otl�a+eddras Bucrower daign�ta by notia to I�ender. My uotioe to I,ender sh�ll be giva� by firet cL� arail�w
<br /> L�.r's addrras atalad ha�in or any�osht�r�ddass Leoder dcsign�tes by ndice to 8orrowr,r�:;.�!,ny �wtice providee!tor in this
<br /> Sexu�ity In�UUm�x�c shull be do�rned to have bo�n given to Bomowa or Y.eider wht�n given as provided in this Q�rigcaph. .,.t,�,�-.
<br /> ' ��, 1S.GevearirR La►w; SrverabOk�. This 5n�.•urity imtnunau xludl bn gove�rued bp f�ral laW and tha I�w of tlic ,',;�.:"�.
<br /> ;f� 'r juiisdiction in whic�i tha Property ix locatod. In the tvtnt thu wy provision or cL►u9e of this Socurity�I,.',umrak or 3he Nde �'S��s�
<br /> - ,�.,
<br /> oonfii�ds r►•ith applic�iile law,�ecu►tlict shall not�ffect a@�a�:xyvisiona of this Security Ir�st�ment cr tlie Nexc+t�aii:?m'�ti�sn be
<br /> = giver���.w+thout the conflicting provisian. To this en�3��+sic�n•isior�af thls 5ecurity ieatrument and tlie Nate�+4�t?c�iarGd
<br /> � .. ta bc ssvri�lr. �� . ;: :, '. �;"�• .,•• , ' .
<br /> :�:
<br /> � 1f.Horr+awa°�c�:+Fi�C,;;.Aomower shall be g,i.vr;r�+:ii�cnn�ora�od copy of the Note and of thi�5o�ur'ctr dtis2iumcat. -''��" � .
<br /> . •(; • , ��uza �rro `
<br /> �4�. - _ Pp�4o16 •'�� ..
<br /> , "�'�:
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