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<br /> � • �iVON-t1�t[PORM COVLNANfS.$a�o���ed�Lender funt�s coren�uit aoda�oe�foilows: • � � .
<br /> mfuD uuder 9,I.endermay invoke the :
<br /> .� ` 17: Tye+eel�wire rrroeirr+e.If I�ender ui�+�s ittunedia►ie p�8�
<br /> -- -�--._P�"'_°f�stle�aed atha�emedia , "Ked�y ����shall be ccutled to coqect all expenges incuned
<br />_ ___ _ ,� 'gz 6t�nnt Iimirrd to.teasanab(a atta�s'foes and costs of :
<br /> . tvide�e. . q�� .
<br /> Ufiepawer a�t�de is 3avoiccd,71ra+kc sWt eecbrd�aoHoe d defa�it iw acl�cowty i�witicl�arY pu't ot . — -
<br /> � ��7aolea�d i�/�oopies da�k Mtiee i�tYe�uer Pre�d b9��elt la�r M Basrower s�'
<br /> ����, ta�. Afier t�t tLie ttqr�red bp Is�v,lln�stec�Y�
<br /> � �auce ot sNe to tie�pee�as- iR tLe a��er prn�d �PP�V�v. �,�0°� °�
<br /> �r�+tr;dp�se�tMe prapert_at�wblk s�iia�W t11e��at tlu tiare aed ptsce a�d�Mder!be fera�s. - -
<br /> . deiip�ie�ii tYe�Nicr d aaie�ore oe�ore aMa�e�t at�tre�P���� Pn����
<br /> - ' �i c o�r K sq P Q e d d d�e�e'a p M Y�y�
<br /> �aie. l.eNe�'vr itsies�ee�aJ Psnpatil at a��Jsak.
<br /> � Up�ceoeipt d t�bid,'�Ir�tee sW ddivcr W tLe p�rci�lfuster's dKd rnaveJi�the .
<br /> Pe+�at�:.Tre� .�'llneiee s dad�Mw 6e pris�taeie evide�ce of trnt6 d t6e statemeets made thetei�.
<br /> , 'Itistet sdll a�pt�r tre p+noeeaa d tMc sde L�tre taYowi6 a�kr: (a) to all casts a�d expe�+es at exerc� f�
<br /> pwer erade,a.a a�e��d�K�P��oraie 1tu�tee's rees aawu�r iec�rrea,.a w exmea f ive � .
<br /> d tk piejpt anoM�t oi iit�nte.at tl�e liwe af il�declantios of det�Wt,aed ressossAle attorneS�s'tas�is
<br /> � bnr:tti)ta stl�s�axe�by tYic Se�sit]I�ma�t;sed tcl�up exass to the persoi ar persnas
<br /> �aaH.
<br /> i�eao�r��arce. UP�PzY�t of all sums secure�by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall requcst 7tnstee to
<br /> teconvey tLe Property ancl sdaU suReadct t6is Sccruity Instntment and all notes evidencing debt secuted by this Seturiry
<br /> ���E�ry�.�. ��s�ll�yey the ptope�ty without wairanty and w�thout charge to the persan ar persons
<br /> IegaUy eretided to.it Such person or persons shall pay any tecoridatian costs. : � �
<br /> Ij S�betidNe'ii�stee. L.eader.at rts apticRr,maY frwn nme ta time remove Trustee and appoint a succcs.wr-trustee
<br /> ��y������5y��em recorded�rl the camry in which this SScurity Insuumeot is recarded.
<br /> Without caaveyance of ihe Ptopeny,the succeswr trustee shall succeed to ail thc titt�powcr and duties mufemed upon
<br /> 'Ii�uooe herrin and b a licable law: •
<br /> . ��w�������Bo�mwer requests that capies of the natices oP default and sate 6e sent ta Hatmweis
<br /> - gide�s to titis Securlt9 I�strqmeat If one ar ma�e riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded cogeti�er with tf►is
<br /> ;_ . • � Secutity Ins��the wveaaqts of each such ridec shall 6e incotpordted into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> - w�r�iants and ag�eemenfs of this Security'Insuument as if ine riderts)were 3rt a part of this Security tnstrumect� _
<br />':�: (C�SecTc applicable box(es)1• ` --_
<br /> �- �C�ndominium Rider �Graduated Aayment Rider �Growfrrg F�.?t�r Rlder �-
<br />'`l,. �. •a Planned llnit Devetopment Ridet �O�~r��S�ecifyl , .
<br />.-�- �
<br /> x � ' BY SIGh'I:�1G BELOW.Sorrower accepfs and ageea�o the teei�cr�contained in pag� l thnaagf►4 of this Securiry -
<br /> lnsmiment and in any rider(s)executed by Bcymuwer and recorded wit�a�
<br />" ��; esses: � (Seab �;
<br /> , �-
<br /> . AMY 8 RATH ' Bormwcr �4�-=-
<br />'- ' . (SeaU `r.;,;-
<br /> . . s��+� -
<br />- ��: . .. _
<br /> , ,
<br /> ''' � ` (Sea1)
<br /> , . Bormwcc
<br /> .``�`t� ' � _ _
<br /> (Seap -
<br />° ' �.11',� , Bnrmwer =
<br /> ;;�'� , -
<br /> � � STA1E OF N@9RASKA. �-L Cvunty ss:
<br /> `" On ihis l7t fi �ay aSApT i l, 1992 .bcforc mc,thc undcrslgncd.z'!:atary
<br /> - '; Public duly commissianed and qualified for said county,per.ron�Uy came
<br />. . .to mc known to tye tlse .,
<br />' �` identical person(s)who.se namc(si are suincribed to the foregaing in�tcumcnt:�nd acknawlcJgcd the cxccution thcteaf:o be .
<br /> � heT vulun�ary act and decd. •
<br />_ � Witness my hand vnd noturial seal at GRAND I SLAND in yaid caunty. the •
<br /> ' , date afomsaid. � �
<br /> _ �� ,7
<br /> , f
<br />,_ Mx Cotnmissian ex ires: �;o�.uy aurtu:
<br />: �� J 1Rt�Gir�iA�R�hte ol N�au�u ft RTA L REEO
<br /> r,�, , 1lOSEtlTA4l1£ED �
<br /> . _. . 1�,,,+;_, _ tlrCe■�.E�I�AAy3G,t991 ��Q11E5TFUKlt�(:U�vVEYANCE i
<br /> „� - �.�._•_'_;..:_:. T *� }}
<br /> ' ."t'1�f.f •�k.'� f���1S�L. • f
<br />. [.4�.�'� . - ' �
<br /> . t,t.;. , '1'he undcrsip,ncd is thc huldcr uf the note or nnt�ti sccurcd hy thiti ihcd uf'tiu�� Said notc��r notes.wgciher with u11 f
<br /> ' � , ���-,;j� other indetstedness scrurcd by lhis iked nf'1'ruse,hrvc t�cen p:ti�1 in i'utl. You arc hcrcby dirccted ta canccl s:�id notc ar
<br /> �9: nates and this tked ut'7iust.which are dclivrrcd hercby.�,a►o���,���y.without warranty.all thc cstrte nnw hctd by you .
<br /> ,..j�;�.,�:,..f1.: .' � �
<br /> r��;,�a.. undcr thia Dee�of'frust tn the persanur pennnv iegalty entiilcvf�hcrctn. �
<br />. s�.7fi:*.c�: . . . . . . E�
<br /> . . . ..— �.�.... . �
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