. —�:r (�.. c.[�. .' . : ;�.
<br /> . _ ' . , s-. ._ _, 4.
<br /> - ' .��.�` �., ..�._. 4� �-__' _ _ ' < ' ...._.
<br /> �_ ; � - • _ . ' `- -_ S . � .
<br /> ' ' ' ' .4:�• -
<br /> _- _'-- .:'� ' �+f . _.t� .. . ' . ._ .. . •- _ . < ...-- �--- -�--- --_---
<br /> _ , , �. . . . , t. . . . _ . . � . �
<br /> =�- . . . - _ � , � _ - 92_ {,��3i�- � �- : �
<br /> � , . _ �.
<br /> . l. !a e�t bf Pt�1.�a�d Liltt C6W�a Bamwetsd�il pzy whea due tLe p�iecipal of.atd'mteresi an.
<br /> - . tbc�t 6 d�e Na�t aad late ctuarEes due unda tAe Nae. . ,
<br /> � ._,_.— ___ n�
<br /> -- - - --— _ �...,_:_�.,�..,.,...�,►....s....,,,��--
<br /> , � �Mi�Y�f.i'��uiCiiw�r�7itt�'c ^^ �-+lau�.� .-_ __ ..._ . _ .
<br /> ` to�etbes wrth ti�e pincip�l and interest as set�fath ia the Noo�and any tate ch�.�im�allment of any(a)taxrs�nd : ;`�
<br /> spec�l iss�aa�ts Icvied ar w 6e ied against du PY�a�perty.tb)t�tseehotd payments ar goiuW tents on tNc Roperry:and
<br /> .�
<br /> (cj penumns for isui�^� ' hy�aragra�pU 4.
<br /> F�Cfi ipmthly inctaNment far items(a).(b)and(c)s6a11 cqual one-tweltih of the anaual amounts. ��easanably
<br /> � �nnaoe�by i�pius.an amouat su�cia►t ta maintain a�adduiona! b�l�nce ef not more�one-siath afi thc
<br /> ' esprnamd amxmts. '17ye full annual'amourt far eacb ite�n shall be xcumatated.by LendeF within a petiud ending oiie '
<br /> ' mnn�6efar�an itan woWd became delmqixn� L.ender sfiall hold ttie amo�nts coltectoA in wst to pay itcros(a1.(b)aM
<br /> (c)befae t6ey become delinqucn� - ' '
<br /> If al any Um�the tatal,of the payments lield by ixnder for items(a).(b)�nd(c).wgettxr with the fimue manthly
<br /> payments fa soch items payabk to l.ender piior to the due dates of sucT� items, eaceeds 6y alore than ane-sixth d�e'
<br /> e.ctun�t�ad amount of payments required ta pay suc6 rtems wben due.and if payments on the Nate are cumnti then Lendec
<br /> shall eitl�er�efund the eaoas over oue-sixth of the estirt�aced payments oi cnedit the exccss over one-sacth of tt�e estimated ,
<br /> p�►Y!�u m��i?�Y�dY�awer.at ttte option of Bomower.. If the twai of d�c payments made by Bozrowar .
<br /> for�um(a),(b),ar(c)is msufficie,nt to pay the item when due.then Borroo'ver shall pay to Lender any amount nece�sary to
<br /> tn�e ap the deficia�cy on or befule the date the item btcomes due. _
<br /> ' _ .As as�ed in this Savrity Insuument,"Secretary"means'the Secretaty of Housing and Urban Devdopntatc or his ar her
<br /> d�signee. /n any year in�vbic�tAe L.ender must pay a moagage ensurance premium to the Secretary,each monthIY PaYme►►t �_
<br /> -- s1�aU also include either: (i)an instattment of the annual mortgage insur�ce premium to be paid 6y Lender to the �;,-. _-
<br /> _ — -- Secnetary,or C�)a monthly charge instead of a mortgage insar�ce pn�iiun if this Security I�stnunent is hdd by the
<br /> °- Socrerrry. F�ch montbty installmenE,vf the moctgage uisunuice prcmium si�an be in�am4unt sufficient w accamalate thc �.-—=
<br /> - .•� fuD annual insvrance .�t with Ixnder ase month pria to the date the full annaa!mat$age iasvnr� �`-�
<br /> t '•` �� �e �,�'" Insuument is held the each monthl �h e shall 6e in an '¢„��
<br /> ;.�.,4.. Y �8
<br />- ,�;:;;;- psemium is due to tde Se�e,tary:a��c,�Security bY �•
<br /> amaont oquai to one-tweltth qf an�`...�:�:�eimYttt c3f the ouestandinS P��P�bafance dve an the Note. ` "��_;�
<br /> - jf Banower tendezs to��-j�..�,�fiill paYment of all sums secuc+ed by this Security Inswmen�Barmwer�account � _
<br />-- .; sfiall be ctedited with tde bal��_�iaining fa all mstallments fur items(a).(b)and lc)and any mottgage iru�e �
<br /> {f.:, _4 ` pe�tmium i n s t a l h n e n t t h a t L e n d e F r.�s a o t become obli g ated w pa y to the Sic�etary,aad l.ender shall pramptly refund an�r ���.� =
<br /> . excess funds to Bocmwer. Imme�za.'�Iy prior to a fo�closure sale of the Pbperty or iu acquisition by Lender.Barrower s ` `�
<br /> ' � � acconnt sUalt 6e credited with aaq tiatance remaamnS for a!I it�stallments for items(a}(b}a n d(c) - '-- ==
<br /> t�°.. ., 3. Applicatioo ot Rtyment�.•A!1 paymeats under Par�graphs l and 2`shall be applied by Lenderas foIIaws: •" ;`� _..,-`��__.
<br /> Y_: ��to tl�e mortgage insuca�-ere ptemium to 6e paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by tUe � o� --
<br /> ' ` .Secretary insuad of the inori�'�.E�inangage insuraace premium; ': �. '`'�
<br /> ' �Q�Ip,to any taxes,spe�ciar assessments.leasehold payments or ground rents.and fire.Raod and other hazard : k ;;_
<br /> ' �Sf•'� ._ � "
<br /> � w-- . . IIlSIItA11CC p[CII1'�LS•�S , . _ `���S i:,..._
<br /> : :� . g�L m;nte�t eue a�e 1Vote• . . . ..� �
<br /> '�� , ' EQ�,to amortizaaon af 6e prineipal o�si�e Note: , . : k �'r``-
<br /> ' -, ,�r� `_r
<br /> � �,tQ late cfiatges due w^��tfie Nate. • ;. ' � '.�.�i i,:.._`___
<br /> �rF.� . �. 4..Fire,Flood aaA Olher Hara�rd Insoranca $arrower shat�inswv a'�improvements an the Propecty.whether n� '�� a ` f`f;,
<br /> :� � �;.;. --
<br />- ,, in exis��i:e os subse�uently ere��.against acry hazards,casualtie4.and contingeneies.ineluding fire,for which Le13er . � , z�, , �, _
<br /> �'::
<br /> � ,YF� requi�ts atsurance.''t'�is insurance s�aU be mainta�ned in the amounts and f�s the periods that l.ender requires. 8orro�,� ; s,-
<br /> c,. ..�, . ��
<br /> _ _�.;:�:�, • ; shall also insure aR erdpmvements on the Property,whether now in existence c�subsequently erected,against loss by tloads —
<br /> . -"r' �r�`. ` to the extent requi*��y the Secretary. All insurancc'�hall be carried wi[f►ccnpanies approved by Lender. The inswance �
<br /> , :�:.�,�; policies and ang re�$wals shall be hefd by Lender and shall include toss payable cfautes in favor of.and in a fortn ...�;
<br /> :��r;:�};: acceptabte to,l.ender. �.-:.. -
<br /> in the eveac3f toss.Hoaawer shall give L.ender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not , F.;,:r�
<br /> made pmmptty 6y Botrower. Each insurance campany concemed is hereby authorized and directed to matce payment for . '"�"`�
<br /> such loss dimctty to Lender,instead of ta Rorrower and to l.ender jointly. All ar any part of the insurance praceeds may be �'���ry����'a
<br /> , �,.:;::;
<br /> .r�•�� applied by l.ender,at iu option,either(a)tti the reduction of the indebtednesc under thc Nate and this Sa.siry Instromenl. �f�,;:
<br /> � ` ��'', first ta any delinquent amounts applied in the or�er in Paragaph 3,and tt�:;e to prepaymeat af prira�^�s,•or tb)ta the �•.�,Y:�;
<br /> l .�I"� _ .. .
<br /> �=' - � .r�r• �•° restoration or repa�r of the damaged property. Any application of the praceeds to the princ�pal shall not ex�d or postpone ,.,�
<br /> t� -��''_:�' � the due date of the monthly paymen�s which aze refeaed to in Paragraph 2.or change the amount of suc�t yayments. Any �
<br /> =- ��,�: ' excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstandmg mdebtedness under thc Note axd this Secac":.ry ������'°
<br /> •. �.�-
<br /> -_� Insttument shall be paid to the entity legally entitted thereta. . � �r_
<br /> `� • �'�`� ` ln the event of foiectasure of this Securily Instrumentar other transf��cf titte to the Property that eatinguishcw the -
<br /> '�`: r_
<br /> ,�. indebtedness.all right.titte and interest af gorsower in and to insuranee polic[es in forcc shall pass to the parchaser. , • �+•'
<br /> � x. S. Occupancy, Preservation, MAinteaance and Protectlan of the Property; Bo�rawer's Loan Appllcatian: •.,,�,
<br /> • "-� Leuehold�. Borrower shall occupy.establish,and uxe the PlrapeAy ati Hoaower's principa!residence within s�xty dayti , . �;;;-
<br /> ; ' �•E _ .�;� after the executian of this Securiry lnatrument and shall continue tn accupy the F'ropeny as Barrawer's•principal res�dence ;'��� 'v'
<br /> ,� �.,�, fa at least ane yea�after the date of occapancy.unless the Seccetary determ�nes thic rcyu�rement will cause ondue hardchip
<br /> ;�;�:,;..
<br /> • .n -- - for Borrower. or unless extenuating ctircur�istances exist which are beyand Boru�wer's control. Borrs�zr shal!notify
<br /> 4� %'���'������:c' Lender�of any omenuating circumstances. Bortuwer shall not c�mmit watite or detitray,damage or suhsr.:._�:�ia]1y change :
<br /> . _ , • the Ropeny or allow the Property to deteriamte,rea.wnable wcar and tear excepted. Lender may inspect the PropertT,f Ihe
<br />, '::+..,:-{. : . Property is vacant ar abandoned or thc loan is in default. l..cnder may Iakc r�ationablc uction to protect and pn:sere�s�ch •
<br /> • - �� '�, ��.` vacant or abandoned Property. 8orcower ShaU al+n be in dcfauU if eortnwer,during thc loan application proces�,g;-:�e .
<br /> ' .?�'w:'�'� . materiall�r false ar inaccurate informa�ian or ctatements tn l.ender (��r failed to pravide I.endet with any matenal
<br /> ' :�f`� ` . • information)in connectinn with the lnan evideneed by the IVote.including;but nnt limited tn,representations conceming � ,
<br /> , . ,t;;;`� • Bortower 4 occupancy of the Nroperty as a princip�l residence. It this 5ecuruy Instrumcnt is c�n:�Iea.chald.Borrower shall • � .
<br /> �:�:�� �'- . cvmply with thc qtnvisions of Ihe icase. if Bortowcr acyuires fcc titic ta thc Pruperty.�he leasehold:u��i fcc tittc shall not
<br /> be mer ed untexs Lcnder a rec�to thc mcr cr in writin• f
<br /> ,.�'�:-"�;• �.� 8 S 6 b�
<br /> ' __:��_Y�,, . •; 6. C6ar�es to&►�rower r+nd PratecUon ut Lender's Ki�hts in the P�opeHy. Narrower.hall pay all govemmcmal �
<br /> • �-�.� or municipat charges,finc�und impn�itions that arc not included in f�ara�;r:iph 2. Bnrrowcr sttall pay Ihcsc obltgations un ,
<br /> ' . ' time directly tu the emity which i.r�►wed�he p�yment. If tailure tu pay tw�utJ��!•ersely affect Lrnderv interest in thr , .
<br /> Prnperty.upon Lcndcr's reyuest B�►rrowrr rh�ll prampUy fumish to Lendcr recrlptti evidcacing thesr paymcntv,
<br /> �' ' If�rtower fuilc to malcc thcsc puyment.ur�hc paymcmw rcyuired by P•u�agraph 2.vr fail�.to ped'otm:u�y othcr �
<br /> � ':.� � �� covenants and v�reementc cunt�ined 1n�his 5ccurity In�trumrne.ur�here is a legal pmrcedin�:that may tiigniflcuntly aifeet �
<br /> • ••--- --+• � LeMkr's rights in ttte Pn�peny I�uch ay a praceeding in h;�nkruptcy.fur cundemnauon or tn enForce tawti ar re�ulationsl. �
<br /> � � then l.endcr may do and pay whatevcr is ncressary w pnrtcct the value nf the 1'raperty and Lcndrr�rig,hn in Ihe{'roperty. �
<br /> -- - - -.._. .. .. _ .
<br /> including payment of t:�rs.h�ard imurancc;utd ather items mentiuncd in f'�aragraph 2. � . �
<br /> . My amounts dlshursed hy l.endcr undct thiti P�ara�taph shall t+ccame:u�addittOtlill(iCbl Uf HORl1tYCf:Lt(�DC�Cl'UiCI� .
<br /> � , � ' by this Security lnsttument. These tunnunts sh�ill be.0 interest from the datc uf di�bunemcnt,at thc N�tr ratc.and at thc i .
<br /> . opnon nf LenJer.sha116e immediatety due and pay�ablc. � f
<br /> 7. Candemnatian. 't'he proc�ceds nf su�y aw:ud at claim fdr d:un�ges.dimct ur cnnsequenti�l,in cUnnection with:my . ; .
<br /> . condemnation or Wher t�lcing o!any p:ut of the Properry.or fc�r cnnveyr�nce in place of ccmdemna�ine.:ur hereby asyigned ; •
<br /> � and shalt 6e paid ta I.Cndcr tn thc cxtcnt uf the fWl sunount nf the indcbtedncss th�t remain�unpaid undrr the Nate and this �•
<br /> _-----= - - - -- '. 5e��utity isni�trtiteat. Lencter shal!ayply suth procccds tu thc resluceivu eif!he istttebtedaes�under the Nrte nttd thi�S�rtttity . � _._.--_-__-
<br /> ' _ Instrument.first to any delinyuent amounts applsed in the arder provided in Paragraph ;. and ihen tu prepayment�f j � '
<br /> • • ' principal. My Uppticatinn nf t hr proceeds�to the principal sh�ll nat rxtcnd or�tpone the due dste��f thc manthly . '• -
<br /> • � �
<br /> • .. _., _ . _ .. _ r�,iiqe��j1{�d{et� _ . � ;— -
<br />