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<br /> i .i`' - C __����_� =-�-__- .
<br /> r, , '' � J ` Y c � t _
<br /> ��-�• '- •='� -�%� ... � � - � , .. ` . � , ` • � . , .
<br /> ` _ � -. � � �,. � � . � _ �2 � �3°- . - .� _ `
<br /> _ . �. �� �
<br /> ���fl71 i�l0 MkMt Of�III�QK�.�.M1dM�11W I1i11��M OQI�Ofh tR Jb l01�w11Q�ab�O(UI�diSCf�/llOflr tOM�W�fl F'(OC��1
<br /> __�— -- __ �-�._s
<br /> _:�.._�.���11no 1lNt�tran v1�oMS�rM�icwuRrd b� 'd�cann�etlan with wcti ProcMdr.uoQn amr ind�bMQ��Meund _
<br /> , oc6s��:� .
<br /> _prop�t�uponsuchcandiUartsasLar�dermsf►drMrmiee.MyapplicattonolPtoceedstolndN�dnKSSMllnot��deMapoa�orM -
<br /> __._- �aw da�o�iu�I1�S��uirt�sr 9�e Nobet cr , :My ar�apptlidtutNfishufb�p�id� - : - �
<br /> T:�b�;a by i�nd�u Upon the occur,ronce of an Event at De(auithereunder.or if any act is takert or teDal ptoca�dUq � ' '
<br /> �cedaeihicA maMdatiy atleces Lender'a irst�rest in the P►W�srh.l.ender may in ib own disCre�on.twt witAOUt obiiatlan to do -
<br /> �p snd without nofice to w demarld upon Truttor#nd witlwut roletsin�Trustor itom arry oDtiqation.do ariy aet whkh Truslqr has
<br /> - eIIrsed but faits to do and may also do any oiher ad(t deems necessary t4 protect the aecurih►�s�o4 Trustoe aha11,imeisdiateht
<br /> upon demand tderefor by Lender.pby W tender ail cosLs and expensas(�FUCred and sums expendad by tsnder te connee5on with.
<br /> the exercise by Lender of the foregolny rfghts,Wgether wiib interestthereon atthe defau(t rate prwided in tAa Note which aha(1 b�►
<br /> added to th�s indebtedness sa:ured herehy.Lender shall not incur am►tiabiiity becsuse of anyfhing it maY do or omtt to do
<br /> hereunder. '
<br /> � "�� .g_Nssatdo�q M�iiiti`-Tnastar sRatl keep the Property In comptiance w(th ati appliqtife taws,ordi�snces and reyulations
<br /> �:'�-�elatinQ to industriai hY�iene orenviropr�n�t_p�ot�etion�ccltedlvety reterred to herein as"Environmental laWS?'�:?'��shall.:
<br /> ;t�ceeplhe�ropettytceahomaitsu6stas�e�e:s;d�ei:secli 6e.h�rardousasto�cicunderanyEnvironmeMal.Laws(eotte�hv��3�eGtii•.. .
<br /> fiere�ttA4,''l�.aiardous Materiata��'.�si�1 fie:e��+��as�!S an�,rap.,<�esertsM Lenderthatthere are no Ha�'do.�s�:a?sa^�r ..
<br /> iindertheProperry.Tnistorherebya�($e�tv?�3�nc+.��ia�hp!cthasmiess�nder.itsdirectors.otfice�c�::..(�����?�.�°.. ��
<br /> -.- :a�y successors to Lende�s iMeresG frarT a,�against an��ai±�a(E ctaims.ilamages.toss�►and liatnTit�es arising�s�c�.a�ectiori with•
<br />-- " .tfi�e presence.use.dispdsal�.er transport�of an�'Naard�a�ys'Materials on:under.iram or aboui the.Froperty.?!�E FOR€��iNt3
<br /> 10.Aa�iannNnt of R�nb.Trustor hereby asst9ns to Lentler the rents.issues and pro8ts of�e Property:pro�ided that 7rustor
<br /> shall,uqtii the occuRenCe of an Eyent of Default hereunder.have the right to catlectand retain such rents,issues and profits as they
<br /> become due art4 payabte.Upon the accurrence ot an Event of OefauN,LanOer fiay,either in peraon or by agent,with or without
<br /> - brinpinp any actfon or proceedinD,or by a receiver appointed by a ceuR and without regard to tne aciESquacy oi ita aecuriry,enter �
<br /> upon and take posseasion ot ths Property.ar any paR thereot,in its own name or in the name of the Tnistee.anQ d4 any acts which it =_
<br /> � deemsnecossaryordesirabletopresen►ethevalue,marketabitityo�rentabitityottbeProperty,oranypartthereo4orinteredttherein, -.____
<br /> ' :ncrease the income therefrom or protect the security horeof and,witb ar�vithout tak�ng possessipn ol the Property,aue for or r
<br /> othenrise collect fhe rents.+ssues and�ofita thereof,inctudinp those past d��e and unpald,and appfy the same,lesa costs and �'�..��-�,
<br /> � expenses ot operation and collection inctuding attorneys'tees,upan any indebtadrtess secured�ereby.aU in suCh a�de�e9 Lender ,.;.�4.�_:
<br /> _ may datermin9.The entering upon and taking possas9ion ot the Praparry.the catlectiqn ot suCh rents,issues and prohts and the �°K j y-.�'�
<br /> applicatian thereof as atbre9aid.shall nat cure or waive eny detault o►rotico ot�efautt hereu�der or invatidate any aat done in �:;;�:�;�___-
<br /> :esponsetoauchdefauitorpursuanttos�chnaticeofdelaultartd,aotw�thstanCingtrtecontinuancei�passessionaitheFropertyor �'^'r•
<br /> the coilection,recefp!ana appfication ot rents,issuea ar arofib,anQ Trustee arttl Lender shail be ent�tled to exercise every nght � ���`
<br /> �..
<br /> ��„�:<'=
<br /> - provided tar in any o!the Loao Instrurrents or 6y►aw upon occurrence of any Event of OefaulL irtc�ud�ng withaut limitation the+ight, - - _
<br /> "' to exarcise the power otaate.FuRher,LenQefs righis and remedies under this paragraph shal!be cumalahve with,and in no way a , ____
<br /> limitatlon on,Lender's rights and remedies un der any assignment ol leasesand rents recorded agamst tne?ropeRy.Lender,Trustee ��_.
<br /> and the receiver shaH be Iiable to account onty for those rents actually receired. � ------°--_
<br /> :• 11. Ev�nb ot D�auff.The tollawing shal;canstitute an Event of Defautt under this Oeed ot Trust ; =�'�--;
<br /> ' - � (a)Faifure to pay any insfallment ot principal or interest of any other sum se�ured hereby when due; . ,;��-
<br />° r 4` (c)A breach of or defautt under any provision contained in the Note,this Oeed of�frust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any :=:=�,_
<br /> • � other lien'ar encumbrartce upon the Pruperry: _ ; . �___
<br /> " ; (a)A writof execution or atiachment or ar�y similar process shall be entered against Trustor which shaU become a t�en on �'
<br /> -; y the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein; ? '. , , -
<br /> f.. . :-
<br /> �: (d)There shall be tiled by or against Trustor or Borrower an aciion under any present or tuture tedera�,state or othe► { .. *J
<br /> • statute,law or regulation relating to bankruptey,insotvency or ather relief far debtors;or there shalt be appointed any trustee, i
<br /> . tecelver or pqutaato�of Trustor or Borrawer or of all or any QaA otthe Property,o�fhe rents,issu�ar profits thereot or Trustor � �. ;'��%
<br /> � or 8orrower shall make any general assignment tor the benefit ot creditors: ��'� ` � . '_
<br /> . : .,
<br /> � � (e)The sate,ttanSSer,lease,aseignment,conveyance or tunher encumbrance ot all or any paA ot or any interest in the ��ts� . ., :,. . _
<br /> � ,. PropeRy.either vo Eur,P a f i ly or Invo lun t ari ty,wi t h o u t�h s e x p t e s s w ri tt en consen►of Lender, provldeG thati 7rustor sha�l be ��. ; . r;,�� -�
<br /> •_�.- permittadt0 exec�.te a fease oi the Property that do�:r.ot contain an option to purchase and the term oiwhicn does aotexceeQ ;� ,
<br /> ` . one ye��: - � � _
<br /> �•• (fj Abandonment ot the Property,or � :.
<br /> r �� s-, (g) If T�uato�is not an intlividua�.the issuance.sa:s,transter,assignmem,conveyance or encumbranca ot morethan a total � : ,
<br /> " of percent of(il a corporatlon)its issue��n�outstanding stock or(if a partnership)a totat ot percent of �'s _
<br />- �� paRnership lnterests during the period this Oeed of Trust remains a lien an the Property. � � � '. . -,_
<br /> r,Y.•�' 12. R«n�dNs;ACCNuation Upon ON�ulb tn tfieevent otany Event ot Oefault lender may,with�ut notice exceptas requ�re�by �°.. :
<br /> , ,�. law,declare atl inQebtedness secured hereby to be due and payablv and the same aha11 therespon become due and payabte j. �'.,
<br /> � �, wlthout any preser►tmenf.demand.p►otest or notice o1 any kind.Thereaftgr Lender muy: ,;; ,
<br /> ,� Inte est nt he Propertyr to be sold and the p oaeeds to be d s nbu ed,allhn he manner p oveded in tho�1 b�ras auT ust Deeds `�' � , �
<br /> <•.. . -.�:'a�_:. A� � ._ ._
<br /> - - s (b) Exercisa arry and a11 rights provlded tor in any ot the Loan Instruments ar by law upaa occurrence cf any Event of r
<br /> ' � � Oetau�t;9nd
<br /> ".::-� y (c) Commence an action to toreclosa this Oded of Trust a�a moitgage,appolnt a receivei,or spRCificalty enforce any ot the �
<br /> • �" °'�.�'-� � covenants hereof. � '
<br /> � t„sY=:�:, !Yo remedy hereln canterred uport or reserved to Trustee or Lender is irttended to h�exclusive of any other remedy hereln,in the
<br /> � �:_�.. .
<br /> �`:�"�...-.. Loan Instruments o�by law piovided o�pe�mitted.buf each shatl be cumulatwe.shaU be�n addition tc every oiher remedy given ; ,
<br /> • ��"�.'.� hereunder,ln the Loan(n9truments or now or hereatter o�isting at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised conCUrrently, c
<br /> . I JGA'iF'.:.�• - . .
<br /> . . ��:y��. � iadepAadenfly ar succe9s,vely. � �
<br /> ��� � '� 13.Tru�iN.the T�ustee may resign et any time w�thout cause,and LPnder may at any tira�and without cause appoint a
<br /> :;'�`;,. ..
<br /> �t- -;-,=`, . successor or substltute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be liabls to any party.includ�ng without limitation Lender,9orrpwar,Trustor or any
<br /> • i�t�ri..�••• :• purChaser o1 the Property,tor any toss or damage�ntess duo to reckless or willful miscontluct,and shall not be required to take eny ,
<br /> �� .,� +,,.� .
<br /> ,�,� action in connaction with the enforcement of thls Oeed o1 T�ust untess indemnifled.�n writing.for all costs,compensation or
<br /> "�'•�r���`� � expenses which may be associated therewith.In add�UOn.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Propertyr�udiCial or
<br /> " � "°�"'r`u�" under the power o1 sale granted herein);postpone tne sate of al1 or a�y poAian of the Property,as provided hy Iaw:or sel►the .
<br /> +;.<i,.=' ,
<br /> . � - ;-�: ;;� Property as a whote,o�In separate parcels or lots at TrusteH'9 d�scretian. _ ,_ _. ..
<br /> ` • � 14. FNS snd Exp�nsN.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of power ot sate.Trustee snalf be en'.itted to apply
<br /> • � ����' ' any sate prnceeds tirat!o payment oi all costs and expenses ot exerclsing power of sale.inctuding a!1 Trustea's faes,and tender's ,
<br /> �� �.•,`` and Trustee's attomey's tees,actualty incurred to extent pe�mitted by applicablelaw.In the event Barrower or Trust�r.exe�ejSes any
<br /> , � '`'�-�':�'`` rlghi provided by law to ture an Event of Detault.Lender shall be entiUad tn r�cover trom Zrustor all costs anQ��penses a�ctua(ly
<br /> . • ' .`.`?�'�c` IncUaed as a reSU►t oi 7rustor's defau�,including withoui limitation all Truste9's and 8ttorney's lees.ta li���xtent p�rmitte0 by
<br /> • : aPPlicable law. � �.
<br /> '-- 15. Fufun AQ�ranen�Upon request at Borrower<Lender may,ai its optian,make addiUonal and future�advances and re- :, .
<br /> ` • �_ ��- ,. .. ,. �
<br /> -- - .-_ - . - _. _ . advancestoBorrowei.SUanBQvartcesartdreadvan�es:wif'rrinteresEtnerear�st�ats�securectbyth#sCaQC3at?s�.ss:.A»cait.�sfsa�! .. :,��.�:---_.---.-
<br /> C
<br /> • fhBpNnclpatamounloitheinQehtednesssecuredbyt�)s0eedolTr�si.no�spiwl�l�msadvancedtoprotectthesecw�tyotfnis •
<br /> • � � Oeed of Trust exceed ttfe originai principal amount stateti herein,or$ whichever is greater. ,
<br /> ,
<br />. �. ; — ._ --•-i.. . --- - - - --------- -- - -- - . _ ... - . - - - � �f. , , �� .. .
<br /> v t. . �
<br />