� . . ,T '._ 'RSi��.��.::S � ._ .. ."_' ' __' .__ . . • ' � .
<br /> ��K�i.'+.,a�� .
<br /> """;'i�'�'C, f�^'•
<br /> � :u, .. . _ _
<br /> ,,s,, - ----
<br /> �. ��'"' �ia'i I�1,�
<br /> t►aymtnt�c►r�ay nsi Ir�nKtr i�e r�q►wiretl,at!he ap�l�u oY I.e�x1n�,if nx�rtKugc i►�surai�cc c;c�veruge(ln�{�e amma►u arkl fur�li�:peii��l
<br /> ttut l.axa�er reyuires)pruvicsod by ru1 i►u�rer�pr�;u�I�y�.riwcr u�uiu Ue�:arne�avu3lebl�u�ul is u(�iauw:.l. l�ur�owee slwlsµry�
<br /> � the prrmium�roquiroD to mainuun irxmqalte ins�irunce in effact,or ta}�rovidc a Iuss rc�crve,until thc rsquirenxnt 1'�r nx►rtg+�e
<br /> inannu�ce tnds in�ceo�dsnce with v�y writtrn�re�nrm t►e4ween Bormwer uk9,I.ender or owplicabfe law.
<br /> !. lmipectbn. [.ewkr»r its agent mey make reasonyblo rntrACS u}wn rnd inspK:tic►ns of Ihe Property. I..cnder shali giv�
<br /> Horrowar notke�t tde time oM'or prior t��un in�paYion:pecifj�in�re�saLbia cw�c for tFic inspectkm.
<br /> !0. CorMiesunethr�. 7'ht proctods of any awacd nr claim for dym�;r.s, dirix:t or�onsa�urntial, in can►►eci.ian with �ny
<br /> . �oadaru�tion oQ othr�r takin�of any purE of tia�Prvperty,or for conveyu�ce in li�af canrkrruwdiun, ure l�rcby�ss�i�ixJ�txi
<br /> �iu�Jl!se paid W l.ender.
<br /> In thc cvrnt.of A tot�l Wting of the I'enperty.the p�rxxects sh�ll tx applial to the surru serural by thiR Securitp Inxtn�m�a�t,
<br /> wi�her or nat then rhje, witfi any cxc�ea�id to Ebrrnwer. in Qhe event ol'a putiaf ukiag of the�7roperty in which the feir
<br /> muket vsJue of the I'rc�x:rty immadiately be�fore tht taking is eqn�l tn or greator t.h�n tha xmounl af tha Suma socured by thi�
<br /> Soa�riry Inurument immodiutely befor�th�taking;unl��Borrow�er and l,ender ott�wise xgrce in writfng,Ihe sums socuroci by
<br /> thi� Secu.ryry I�t sludl M: rodnoed.by the smount of the procoods muttiplied by cha follawing finiction: (a) tha tat�l
<br /> amcxint of the aurt�ns securod immediAtcly be�ore the taking, dividal by(by tha f�ir markrt vnluo of the Propercy imnnad'wtely
<br /> before thn ta�cing. Any balackt ai�all be pniei to &�rrower. In ttha evcnt of a pnrtial taking of the property in which tha fiir
<br /> m�icct v�fu�of tha 1!rope�ty irtunediatdy before the taking is less thae tha anxiunt of'thr,sums securod immedirtcly btfa+e the
<br /> taian�,unle�Horrmver ud i,er�der al�erwlsc agnee in writing or unless a�lir.s�lo law olhsrwi�p�ides,thc peao�eds ahall
<br /> ba rpplied ta lhe wm+�savred by chis Security lnstrummt whethcr or not the su�ro are then d�x.
<br /> Kf S�P[e�!!,�!��!»�.::+rt F.�r Forn�We�.os i€.�ft!Y r!�K�by Y r+xk�tn E�*owe!�th���c�r!�±r!K►!�r c�f�r�m�!�•�.n
<br /> awud ur�ettle a cimim fdr�s. Borrower fails to responQ ta I.ender withln 30 days after the dM,e thG notioo is given,
<br /> I��du is wutho�ixod to rdluct a�d a�pty We pnxx+ais.at its apticm,ritha to nstoratiai ur repair of d►e 4�ropaty or w Ehe�
<br /> ,e�noa ny ct��g Security Ir�suumrnt,wha:her oi•xn�i:then due. �
<br /> , lTnla+s I�der�nd Bkxnaae�.othapvise �rx in wzitiag. any application �f pr�oeaia ta principt��shall aat r.�teod a
<br /> post�'riijx the du�e date oi'ihe mcx.xd�JI��6,�Yn�ts referred to±a�i��vaRr�phs 1 and 2 or ch$n�;a��e anwuut of s�x�h pir v�:nt�.
<br /> �it��oerower Not�daNn1�;-Tl�tot�iwoe Ily I.e�dat'�►ut�W�(ver.Hxtemion crf�1ie time for payn�t or�.xr•i5d's�icatioa
<br /> of m6ioirtization of t!�wms satinr�'by thia Security Instiurnent gr�xed bx.�n�tder to any auoosssor in inte�st of HctrroWa sl�l1
<br /> not apar�la w�s�c<th4li�ability of the original Horrowa or Botrower'�'j11ti�CSSO(a in Inkt[tst. I,ptdtr si1811 qOl be t�lliCbd W
<br /> oommenar,pmcoq��t��'�r��afnsi aunx suaxssor in intenest or reCuee W e�ta►it tlme for p�ymait ar a¢heRwi�e mudify iu�ro�tiz�tion
<br /> of da4.,�um; �ea�rod'by,tlus .�;e+`c arity Instrumait by.rasoa nf Any dem�nd mode by ttoe original Borrowa or fp�•x��iuvwx'y
<br /> �oc+r.ReN�s in i�Mnr�t. Anv fi�elilkir�mr.hv Irr[ler in atetri*i�w anv rieht[�r rm�edv shall mt hr.y waiver�f'nr.nir`r3J�fhe
<br /> "_ --- ----------� --- --------- -- . .. � ._ . - - -- - - ---
<br /> ��c.--- � . . .. . . .�r•. �-�---
<br /> exo�i�9e of ary rift�t or rat�ed�y. ��., ,,; •�
<br /> ,";�:�f±; 12. S�r.wrert�d A�wi� llo�ud;]oi�[ and Serq'id ,W6ilQty;;:Y;�.di�er�. The oovema�c�:.u�r{�t.�gc� af Ihi�
<br /> '� �- Securlt�r Imtruax�t a1Wl bind aa51 baie5t tho s�wces�urs,�d.�sslge�s��G��.�u�er and&m+ower. aubjbci'W the provuiom�uf ,.��,,�.
<br /> . p�iyr;�rl► a 7. Bocnowtr': oo�nrai�t�ticc and ag�mants sdadY',i�e_•jtj'r�t,a�";3'p`ver�l. Atiy �ormwKr Mvbo co-ai� t14ia;Seauity
<br /> ltu�mw�)?iiit but doe� not exeau�:i�rr Ncte: (a) is ea•signing•���Ia�is�.Seeun?�j�,,.diii;uualau aniy.•io�noTtgcye, i�ont aad�vr��:ttnt .,
<br /> 8orrb�vsr'�i inlora�t�ia the Propecty ur�der the terms�f thie&x.wiricy I�it�arit, (t�)is not pa'aoorlly obli�abod w Pry��e wmu� �
<br /> �ecaeed by this Sacmir"tt�Inutumaot:and(c)a$�at Ihet L,rader and�ny ol�xe:�r b+mowet iruy a�roe to tactad.snodify,forOpr a , .
<br /> rn�e arnr ac,rn�nnr,+r,4�eN,.��,.,»h o►ard�n tM trrn�q nf thi�Grntit�t instryoiejb[er tbe Note without thiF Bexmw�r':a�+.
<br /> . 13.Iw�C'Yii�es.I[the lo+w se�,vrod by thic�Security Yt�uutn�t is aubjax ta a law�whi�seta�uimu�10�9 ch+�ep.
<br /> �ud ebrt law�i� tiu�lly inteepraod eo tGat the intetkst or utha lo�n chargea collootal�W be colkcted.�.n ooanaaiee•witb t1�e
<br /> lo�e ex,s�e�+d tLe�armittad litaits.thea:(a)aay sucb�laan cturge sh�ll be roduced by the attwuut uooes�r to roduc�t tt�ci�e .
<br /> to the purnitted lintir snd(b)�nY aums aln�ady�collected fram Bortnwer w6ich ac�eaied penniteda!�tneqt�x.+prill be ndbaf�o�d oo t����'� ,
<br /> B+xmw�er. I.aicl�er mry clx�oea to mahe`thia nfund by reducing tbe principd �nwed undet"'the N:�.•cfc?�r ro�icin� a ciirect '..z r
<br /> = Pn�'mwt eo Aortmver. If a rcfurd rod�uas prir�,�ip�l, the rcducxioix �vill b� t�ted as a p�tiaf �ymont'��r.'Rl�out inp
<br /> - � P�Y�n�ot cAar�e wider the Ak� .. �`�•'�r;
<br /> 14.Matioes.My notia pt���iiravver Pnovidaf for in this SeperitY Ir�tSe,�altall 'lrt'j�tven by deliveriag it a'�� ,m�Wo� , . ..
<br /> _ it by firvt r�rs rt�f6 iw,rAta4 appl�'!nw re�,�tl use of anolhtt mettxx'+,;t�1�w tbtioe shatl be�irecry+d.b the Ptop�trty 1�dd�ee� , �
<br /> or my ot6er add�s,.��ixtow� deai�tutes by'tatic� to [.ender. Any ►�eiki�tc:ta ��ender shtll be gi�v�by 'fu9t du� mW b '
<br /> 1.eaAer's add�ttated hp+ein or any other addrett I.etidet d�aignal�a by�nikioe to Bonraiver. My nArioe provided for in tAis •
<br /> _ , 5oanity wtn+�o�eat tidl bt damsd td have boe�givea to Tiorrowa or I.a�der w�f�a�Siven�e provided in t6is ':
<br /> - 1S.Cwrer� I.s�u; Se�arnbility. This, Soairity L►sttutnaK sh�li be governed by fedaral ��w and�w of the �
<br /> -= juri�dictioa ia whl�tl�e Property i:locatexl: �;�m;tc�.c eveet tl�t any provi;�kirci nr elwee of tlus 5a�{Yr�:��ait a the Nvle �
<br /> ; oonflict�witG�pQlle�lbk law,such oonPdd slt�L�'iaat a�foct other pmvisiona ut this Seauriry Imtru�e�eek�4�Ae Note w�hich c�n be
<br /> �ven effect rvithout the amflidit�provirio�.''['o thia end the pro�visions of this 5ocurity inarrume�t'ah'd the Nate�u+o declarnd
<br /> to be xvtrable.
<br /> l�.Bor�+ower's Copr.Hoxrowu�hall bc glven one confamed c�py of the Note u�d oFtl�is Saxvity I�uma�t.
<br />� • Fa�n302s 9/�.'����,•��
<br />'�C,`. , , ropsore . , :;•�
<br />�� :
<br /> �' .
<br /> 't�;r
<br />