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<br /> hk.2R_-.�.� .
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<br /> � ���
<br /> � T(�C31�YH�ii WiTkI�Il tho improvement��ctw ox he�.wfhs erectod an ti�o prt�periy.and eU ca.���,��ent�.a}�purten�uur�.s��d _
<br /> fir.tares naw or hrreaf2�r u purt �if ti�c µra�►ertp. Ail r�plitecnse��ks ui�.! a+ldidou�� sliall ni�n i�.c ct�vc.rcd hy thl� Sr.��nrity -
<br /> 11�StCU111et1E.Ali af the forc�uiny�is j�2le�ji�1 cu iu tDls Si:�u�iey:::SItU7iii:ill ll:i 1I10��t'r��i,�:;iy." ---
<br /> gORRUWER COV�N�!'r1TS th�rt Borrnwer ie lawfuliy seiaaf uf tho estate he3-eby comloyr,ci nnd l.ag the i•i�ht t�grunt enc!
<br /> ctnrvey tho t�roperty and thet tix �rOpcnY �`u�urt�ber°d, �sxc;�t Bbe encumbnu�of re�eor�1. B�rrower wxrrxntx xnd will
<br /> defdxf generally the�itle to the prcmetty��inet�fl ciNims tu�d derrunda,subjoct to any eneumbntnees flf record.
<br /> THIS SECUItITY INS7'1tUMENT cc�mbfna uniform cover�nta for mtiotu�l use a�xi non,unitorm cnvcnAnu wlth limiud
<br /> variationa by,burisdiction to con�titute s uniturm�socurity instrumrnt covering real proper�y.
<br /> UNIFQItM COV�N.�NTS,l�iurrawer ux!l..ender coyeeant nnd�roe a+foilnws: -
<br /> 1. Payme�t o�Plriacipd �nd Iatsr�ati; A'e�p�ment �d I.�te Clu�qes. Horrower dhall pmmW�y PRY wlxn due the
<br /> prit�cipR1 of�nct intereat or►the dcbt evldenoed by the Note and any prcp+►yment and late charg¢s ciuo uncler the Note.
<br /> ;!� I�a3�he`Tws sod iewr�rte. SubJxt to�ysplicable law or tn e written walv�r by J.cnder, Borro�ver shall p�y to
<br /> Lar►der on thaday monthly p�yt►�nts sre due u�J�r the Note,until lhe Nata ie ps►id in full,A cum("Funcfs")far:(�)yeady uixea
<br /> aad�saessrrKnu wfiich m�y attaln priority uvar this SoGUdty Instcutnau�a lien on tho Pro�C�:ny:(b?Y�ly leasehotd psycnent.s
<br /> er�raud rentt on the Pnoperty,if any:(c)Ye�►rly iuzard or propc�ty inwrana praniu�rw�(A9 Yeaily fiood in.sur�nce prtmiurrw,
<br /> � it any:(a}ywiy mortga�e insurac�co prtmiwms. if�ny;and(t3 e�nY sums p�yeble by Homdwer to ]xndcr.in aocordn�x:e with
<br /> the pro�isior.a ot'pe�caph 8. in lieu of the p+�yma►e of mortgaqa insura►eoe p�emiuma.TF�tc`t items are called"F.KCYOw ittms."
<br /> I.ender rr�y. at any t9me, oollect �ne! hold Funds in an amount nct to excnod the mu�imum amnunt a kn�ler for a feckrnlly
<br /> retaited mortgaYe lou►may r�qulre for 8orrower's escrow aceount un�ler the fedcral Ral.�stato SettlemGnt Procedutrs Act of
<br /> 1g74 s e,n�nded fram time to 2ime. t2 U.S.C. Saxion 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA"?.�l�:inother!aw th�t appliea w the Pund�
<br /> x�.� a lesx���e!+u. �f s��, 1[.ender may,at any time.oollect arri hold Funds in u�amounR ncx to excoed ihe:lesse�anxwnt. _
<br /> lx,�dex rr�y estimata the anaunt of Fnnds due on the ba.�ia of cument ct�tA nnci reas�nsbl�estimatos of expendiWrn�of fuwra
<br /> Escrow]tems or otf�erwise in�oconfu�c�with�ppllcsb�e law.
<br /> 'I'he�fiurds ahall be held tn an institution whose deposits arc lnsured by a fedah�l egency. inatcumcntality, or �ntity
<br /> (including L,endec,if Lender Ia such an fnslitution)or ia�ny Federd Nome Lan Bank.LenAcr shall up�ly tha Funds to p�y tht.
<br /> Escrow Itpns,I�ender msy not chprge Borr+owar f�r ho�c�ing and applying the Funds,unmznlly s+n�lyzu�g tt►e c�scrow eocc►unt,or
<br /> verifying the E.gcrow Ite.�ns,w►lesa L,ender p�ys Borrawe�'i�Nere�t on the Funds+�nd applii�blo law p�an►t;ta I.ender to make sach .�'
<br /> a ci�arge.Howeva� I.tnder ma�y requin Horrower tq.�uuey�wx-time ch�rge[or an indqi�:nctent real est�te tax xeparting suvicc
<br /> uipd by I�t in connection with dris loon. urkl�;ss ypplicxbls law providas othe�:ise. Unlcss an Agretntent is ma�fe or �:
<br /> �.�liable!�w requins int�t to be paid,Leader sfi`AtI;fwt be requined to pay Horrawer ony intcrest or earninge on the Fwd�.
<br /> Horro�ver and Lender may agree in writing,howeveir�;that interest ehall bo paid on the���mds. Lr.ncfer sFwll give to BormMCr, ..
<br /> w;ehmc charae.sn aunua►a000umin�t of the Funds; showing crodits And debits to tho�'Funds and tho pnrpoee for wtuich each
<br /> drbit ta the Funda w�a m�do.'ll�e Funds ara pledgal.�,±addition�l secur�ty for al!swns s.oai�d by thi4 Security Instiu6►eet. ,
<br /> .:i;;:•�. If the�wids beW by,I.,e�da e�coead the amo+sr�i���ssminad to bt held by applicab1�7�4►w.Len�icr s6a11 ac�a�unt ta Hormwar
<br /> ;;. .`.fpr ahe exoess Pwda in�cc��du�:e with the requir�n�;nts of applicable law. If the ainoimi of the Funcid hel�Dy L.ender at p�r,,
<br /> ;;,..::�}�r�e.ia ta�t suf'f'icimt ta poj+the F.acrow Itans wt►en o1iSe�'LetKlCr mty stt notify BunowdX in writing, uxt,in�t�ch caee&xrnwer: •:�
<br /> : •r.i}yll Par w�i.eada�t�e�nwu,u necessa�y co m.ke up ri�e de�e�a�c.y.&�mower ahall n��a up thr,ckflciency in no moa�e�a�: :
<br /> t�rdve uyonthlY P�Y�•at Lander's sc�IF di.icrttion- .� : ... ` �� �: ��.. .
<br /> . �;.'. Upvo paYmdit in full of dl s�nm sa,vred b}�i#h19,Sxurity•Ii�aGUmeot, i,:eud�x i1+M11 prompHy refund to Harowez',�aj�;:.
<br /> •��uads held by I.erider. If.under p+raacaph 2I,LenclS:r'st��l aom�iro or aell the Pxa.S�rtY.��.�xk.r,Pt'�r w the�oqui�itioa*x•s4�iF� ,
<br /> of the Ptope�ay.apwlt ap�ply any Punds hetd by L�ende±r'��E the time uf aoquiaition"or s+�le'aa a credit againet the wme�ax+rad�i�r� ':��:..`
<br /> thia Sacurity lratrurnent. . ;"'." "`'°•
<br /> '� •I•,�
<br /> . 3.A�p1iR�Mi�d�h�i�eWs.Unkss applicabie law pmvides otherwiae,all p�ymad�rcaivod by I�:nckr und�er p�r��tui�ki§�;�, ..
<br /> 1 and 2 e1MIL�be apPlied:first,to anY P�'��Y��ar8ta due uuder tht Noto: :e000d.w,amounta pay�ble wider p�agr�a�i�!ff.�r,
<br /> tRied,to inteieat due;fourth.to principal due;�nd last,to u�y late ci�atges doe under tht I�,�oto. �.. :,',,,
<br /> ,. 4.,CMe,�i,iew�.Barrovrer sda1C pay all�ces.assees�net�.s, c1�r8es,finea and irt�►oaitions sta�ibulnble w tht Prap�t�ry
<br /> w�hich m�y �tain prioriry ova this Seauiry Inst�umart. �rd laaei�old prymrnts or gnxt`x►d reat�, if any. Bonower ehrlA��►
<br /> Wae abti�t:aoai in the mwirt provideb�i.�r,ppr�gnQh 2.or if not}u►id in th�t msuner,Bon}�wtr�iudl�y ttxm on tie�e.4i�'i::�t�Y
<br /> to tbe pereai awad peyma�t.Borrower a�i pram�tly furni:�h W 3;kfcider dl notiaa of emo�inta ro bc paid under thie p�a��.
<br /> If Botwwe:�d�ao p�ts diroctly,Botrower shall P�P�Y fumish to l.;t+xia reoc,��ts evida�ing the paymente• •
<br /> Bwrrow�tr dWl ptno�ptly di�e any lie�whirh hus priarity ova this Socurity I�utrumaut unlass Aurnower:(a)a�reos'�a
<br /> ariw�tu t6Q p�ranes�t of the abligatic►n eoa�rod by ths lien ia a uu�mer acznptabk to L.eodGr;(b)�onteatA in good f�h tlk 1�la :::,
<br /> by, ar ckfpda ageii�at enfo�c�emax af Khe lien in. teg�l procaedings which in thc LendiiPs opinion a�{�rate ta pncvrnt�t�(t
<br /> enfoc�oemak of the lia�or(c)socure�-from the hob�ier of the lien w�greement satisfactory'tic laxider subordiwNn�tM lieie�tin
<br /> .';. this SewtitS!Ir�suumd�f Lrnder�ktecmines ih�t uny put of the Proprrty is subjeet to a��.�n which may anxin pr�ority ovatf
<br /> tMe Sa,y,rity Lr�tnjment,Leoder may give Borrorver a notia identifying the lien.Bomower nhxll•�ticfy t�e liex�or Wce omt��rr ,
<br /> rt�e u{th��cclona set forth�bove within 10 days of tAe givirtg of�yotioe. ' ,,'
<br /> . • �.,
<br /> . . �om+sc�:.�sb:so
<br /> .;�;:
<br /> i'`,? rw�xme• � . .
<br /> �;.. .. . .
<br /> ... . ". . ,+ ' . -
<br /> ., . � _
<br /> � . . ... .. • .
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