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<br /> ,
<br /> .��,,:..
<br /> � �r ..f�-_.
<br /> �T� '.Yti.t.l�ta - -- �..i_�. _ '�li:�':�i�'t�>r . . . �... ' -__ F '
<br /> ""_` � � __ —_ ni�nLa]�l6 "TCL."�."�AL•2;::YL.__.�.
<br /> _.... a�-. �._�ii ais��o���.0.si umu n.rc�_�a�=-e�«'a��cni_r z.�._�Z���.'�.—G�-�--__.AU=_......—
<br /> • ��'� �,��'�Q��. -
<br /> S.6,U�rard+or�tr�perly In+�up�.�ct. �muw�r shu11 koep tho improver�sente now ox�:�i�t�ur herc�tter eroctad on tho Pm�►Crty
<br /> tn�n+eA�inas loea by tlre. h�zuds Included wlth(n tha terr.� "�x�covc�ge" and e��y�ha�ud�,lncl�ding Qaxle a
<br /> lloadlna�for v►�hic��l,cr�da requirt�inuvmcc,Thb ineuxmce ah�U ba mKint�inod in tho unounu�nd tar tha pai4ds that I�ender
<br /> requiro�,'I'be irstur�u�cantsr pcovWLt�the iiuNU�nco thall ba chcNen hy Bc�mwu aubJoct�o Lax�er`e�p�mv�!whlch alull not
<br /> ba unrcax�ly wfthf�. If Ra�+owet fatD�w mdntain cnv�o deatxibed �bavo� L�n�1er nuy� �t L�enAa'e o�xion� abu�in
<br /> covet�o W aobct Lee�dat'r d�hb�n tho I�'apraty in�coucdrrroo with p�h 7.
<br /> Au in�uran�o aoucia�aa nonowsle aua�no�nbb 10 I.axfor.na anau inctuae s stax�.ra mort�age cicN,�e.t.�x�a�u
<br /> hxvo tha ci�ht oo hold the palkla urd rone�wylsi.lf L,e�cia ra�uima�Harrowa stall P�P��9 Bi�a ta D ctitkar�!l recxipu�of paid
<br /> praniuras�nd ra�cw�l nrxioc�a.In the avont Mt bt���Banower abRtl glvo�xom�rt notko 10 tho inr�urmce c�uxktr�rM L�endca Lender
<br /> nuy mtk�e p�f of bas if t�o�mado�Crxn(Mly by Borcowtr.
<br /> Unless Lender aM!Har.a�ver othttreiso�roe in wri¢ing,inauten�pc0000d.+nMil tks a�liiul to ce�ton�don a c�ir af�do
<br /> propertY�al,if�th��res�xMion a rep�is tlrajomi�.�lty fuaabin�nd I.enda'e security i�n�t ks�e�ed.If tho re�xadon a
<br /> r�ir L�no!a�on�mk:nit1 fa►tihb ar I.�.nda's�ocunky would b�IcsucMd.the inaq�raw�,e pro�aodA sfuU be�ppiiaf 10 tbo sumn
<br /> mocvr�d by thia Security Ins�uma�� �vi�atta�oc txM thea� dae� with�ny exceet pdd o�Barrower. If Botrowet ab�tdonn the
<br /> Pn�ga�jr.or d�a not ans�va w�thia 3Q days�aotioo�rcwu L�nt ttu�t tUa Lu�uranoo c�rrk,r'tw otfaKCl 1�r�e a claim�Uiar
<br /> t+eadkr mxy oolloct dre�procooda.Lender m�y uet�procoaL�to cep�ir ar reaace tde Pmpaty a w pny sumr accurad
<br /> by tQ�Sacaxicy In�ment�whedier ar not tl�a due.'Ibe 3t9�du�y pniod will be�la when tue n�tice is given.
<br /> Ues�ws L�s a�l�arowr�e�i+�i��n whdas.�►Y a�pl«�n of pro�eafa a�oci�►I ahal!me ea�end�x po�tpooe
<br /> tbe due cWe af d�e ma�tbiy paymain refen�cd�ia pa�a�1�ad 2 a c�unaa the Msro+mt of 1ho para�a►ts.If w�da p�ph
<br /> 21 Me A�o�pet3y cs aoquirod 6y I.a�da.B��tm�ar'�ri�ht ba�ny in�u�ce poikia iad ProceeM remldn8 fram�aa►�6e b IAe
<br /> FinQe�t�'Pior 10 fho�cqui�ition a'hell paa to L,rader io tlbs�tent oY tbo ewns�oc�oce��y thSa S�rrity Inauume�ixpmod'ute1Y
<br /> p�i4r Im 46ra�oy�idsiun.
<br /> f.Qot�p�nrc;ys�"e�atio■,11�Gi�tew�ec ara�et Prat�et6o�of t�e Ptopert�i Bon�+rer'a L�awe t�,p�Ycatioe:La�ld�.
<br /> Botro�+x a6a1 ca�upy.t�qibli�h��ad we tha Ac�apaty�Barowes'�prinClpal retidenoe whhia d�tt/dktyi�Ibe execusion ok'
<br /> d�is set�ty�numa�c ana�han oonmwe q oocupy cbe Prope�cy 1�Bonrower'�pcir�l neaWeaoe f«.c fa�ee oeie yar at'�er tbo
<br /> dMe of ooaip�acy.w�xe La�der otl�nvl�e�ees in �idag. whic6 can�ant iball not ba unneaon�bdy �vith6��d.a uniw
<br /> exlaKqipsy c�aa�noa�t wrhich�ra beyond BaroMex'a oonttoi.Bamaer ehW not de�t[oy.cla�n�e a i�np�ir�he PropatY.
<br /> �lloM 1A� Pc�apaty b ddaiade,or coo�mk wr�lo on d�e PropatY. Baro�ra'�U be in defiiult it my fafeiwre action ar
<br /> �■_x�he�dvil or cximio�l.u hr.��ae r�t In Icadei'a�ood t�ith�a�t orntld�in futfeiwm af d�e Propetty a
<br /> r'_"_".�, . . . .
<br /> p�1Yj�p plM�lty�ih6�Ctl C[l�Od�}''lll�1 SOfAV1l�►�ll�L�d�OS Lid1�t���AOC11�'�1lt1EfC�[.SO[i0'll!!t IA<S►CtrO Q1C�1�
<br /> de+�ai�tt��nd rr.ioM�e.as provkkxt 3n p�s� 1B,bY cau�iaj d�e act�oa a pr�ucuo�di���a be d�nioed�rilh a ca�a�dw,ia
<br /> La�r°�gooa fid6 aae�miaMxHiti p�ecludes rarcmuc ol'dw aom�ror•a�iala�a�c in me 3�aty a aner mMerW�ra�t of
<br /> the Okon�reMOd bx tbi�Sacirrity Yn�at ar I.�anAor's noau3ty iataaf.B�rmrver sh�U tlw 6e ia dt�anh it Barn�w+at�durin�ih�
<br /> ioM��ppliCMia�+�r•.4�e�s.�ave in�aiaUY fabe orc aaeocu�ale infaria�doa ot 5ta�dneat�lo L�dec(a failed!�povide Le�nder tvi�M .
<br /> aay mMt�ri�l i�qmi�a�tiun) i�a a+ouectioo wri�0 the lo�a evidetioed by tl,�No1o�ioch�� 6at�ot limi�al b.�
<br /> ooe�earnios Boere�va's ooar�rKry M tbe Peopesty�s a peinci�pal ra�idenco.If thb Socittiey Iasf�uo�a�t i�aa a lereAold.�oan�er
<br /> rn /����(' •t t��....�...n.wn n�i �� Iw w�}y,. �1... U�J�0...Fr rLl�.• .
<br /> ����1��V�wr�{���U iiV{LiiHN��Aln1�� � �i-��Y�V��M�{iIV\W�w�I� "
<br /> 1�1��C Il�OA/�11(�'EGi b(hC fllll�K�l VVfl�ll��
<br /> ' 7.lk�1�o�a1l.�twier'i Rt�b M tMe�. If�otnbw�at f�ila w patona d�e oov�aa�ad apoements 000�ed i ��,
<br /> ddt 5eanity In�tc+miant.et tbart is a kpl piuooed�og,�it.!�Y���Y�L,e�er'a ri�fiw in tba Propaly(�uch�wt s .� . .
<br /> ��i���P�Y�IIx�ror oo�we a fcrRe�mrs a oa enforca lnvs a�e��Luo�a).diea I+a�kr nwy do�od pRy
<br /> far�:�tdEtcva itt aeoess�y lo p��olect t6e val�of die i3t�tt�t;a�d'Ixador's righb in the R:o�eity.Iretideit's�cBoo�s roay inc4ido
<br /> 1�K�y�secueed by a.liar whk� h�s pciodty'.da�a 9�it SoGUrity In�Dtunx�4L� ��K.p►YaB��b
<br /> aqoRneyt' fa�soe�a�lorina an�e Propaty tm a�ice re�in.A1tho�ia i,em�ar aasy W�e NctioA w�ex!hh perKpr�h 7,L;oo�a ;
<br /> tlow nat btra�a d�;�. .� � .
<br /> ,,At„��raoua�d�bbuoried by[��mdrr this p�gtapt�'l�haU 6eootae iddidon�l�bt a�Botrb�ar secu�od by,..:ahi�Sec�it�'"
<br /> irme�rr�r,dnt.Uaiera H�rmwar�nd I�eader�b odrcr t�r��3 af paymeot,ehao amnunu A�bar ir�aat irai�:i6e d�ie af
<br /> �iemait at ihe rTo1e�sMO ind�Mll be pry�bb,Milh iattrt,�upon aotico from La�fer b Baa�a�et mqueoeios Payme�t.
<br /> �.Morl�a�L�rasae. if Lakkr reqairod mcxt�e in�a�a condition of mak�d�o b�a aec�u�ed by du�Saarity
<br /> In�naw,Saaa+�a�sb�U pY �P� �4� a a�e�in t1�a mo�a inucaooe in ei�'oct. If. fa�re�, Iha�,
<br /> ma�inwr�oce oove+�ga requirod bY I.et�dar Ugxs or owa b be in eifoct,Ha�mwer�tWi pty t�a praniu�taptinxl!b
<br /> o6�si c4're+�e aibwr�iW1Y ay�ivda�t 1n d�o a�R�e itt�nnce p�viowly in effoct.at a co�t aibwoti�lly eqtliV�id�c b d�e
<br /> oost�o Ac+n+c�+Har ot tho a�o�tga�e ir�ur�ooe previo�aly in effoct,trom rn alt�xna�a mo�tg�a inwrer�ppm�+ed f�p X.aod�x:�'
<br /> ��oc;uir�ieot moe�o inwcmoe cav�e ia aot av+W�Ub,Bncrowes ahsl!p�y oo i�aider e�ch moeth��iun eqm��.�•.
<br /> aoat�rd�!uf tf�g�ariy mott�o ia�u�o�o P��6 P�by 8on.or►�er Mbaa tbe in�unoo cover�elwp�eci ar oeaurd.tl�
<br /> ba in ef�oct I.exid�er w�il soce�t,uoo�od rwin d�ese pRya�anb as a loa rqave iui litu of moctga�a iawraeoe.Los�c+eaan�a
<br /> liz�ru�aatl2s Y100
<br /> 1��R(NE)la�s).v+ Pay��010 {nNMN:
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