y,o.:x� •�j�•:':,�• ,
<br /> �:.,�;,;•;�Fy ' U,;�y 7�::,j. .:�r,
<br /> ;,•..uii,,,.;. w� ��Mn[i�`' � _
<br /> �
<br /> ...- ,u . _ '-
<br /> .. _
<br /> i ._ , ...
<br /> ' ____.....-- ...
<br /> .�'... .-_. _ �.
<br /> ... t�pOA f!Cl��I 4�pMylO!!1l Or lZlt � �� ��ti1�CQ 3�1���I��YlY t0 t�1! �Iit'C�Ytf'� i�lRl� 1YM11'!y� �! __
<br /> 1'�rr�pertY. 1'iw�redWs In the Trwt�e's�ktd ehN!1H!prtm+�f�rfe c�rldence o[the tnith ot the at�tsmen:�miwk therdn.
<br /> TniMet#�II�iy tde pe+�twd�ot ti�t sMe ia tiwe 4'�arien(aJ to s�ll uoal��expawe�a�exee^rbie�{tbe power�ef
<br /> �I�rt And tbe a�ie,lacludie�q tlse paynxnt af the Trt�tee'�tece�ctwl�lut:s�trccl,not to czreed 'Ji
<br /> oP sl�e prt�d�l a�oaNt at tMe so�e se cl�c WMe ot�aiw ueel�.ti�+�at der�a�it,�d rea+orr�l,k AceoRnera•raa ar paYaftted —
<br /> b�I�w�(b)to al1 wrns�ecured by tld�Secrritr Ia�ee��fsl;�d(c)�ry'excas to tbe person or per�au�u�kplly cn�kled to
<br /> it.
<br /> Z2. R�epoarey�noe. Upon paymcnt uf all s�,`mc xcurod by thiR Su�+iriry Ynatruma►E, Lenc{er stull roqueat Tru�te� to
<br /> reconvey the Ptnperty ard shaQ..surrenda thi�Stk:urity Instrume:rit Rnd �11 nates ev3deocing drbt securad by thi� Security
<br /> inatrum�E to Tru:toe.Tnwa sfu�fl roconvry Ihe�I'�i�eny witlNwt wur�my.nnd witfiout c�twge to the person or persnns Itgally
<br /> ustitlad to it.Such p¢ssun or p�rsons�!!�y stsy,�acor�fation cas_g.
<br /> Z3. Srb�fftrte Trwhae.Lx�der, at its optbcz, tn�y from tim�e to timts rdnc�yo'Pnist�and appoir�t a.succrssor trus:ee to
<br /> any Tru�tec�ppoirMed herc+�ader by an iratn�ma�tiecorciod in thc c�waty in;yyriich this Security�rtstrument i�reoocYlad.Withaut
<br /> oonveyana of the Pmpaty,the sumessor trusta�}uill sucxc�cd to a111hN;ti41e.,powcr and dutiea confcmad upon Triutee henein ,
<br /> and by applinWe law. ',
<br />. TA. Reqrr.st tar Notkes. &xrower roqucstu thut r.opies of the n�dce,�f def'aclt and sale be smt to Borrower's sddras
<br /> which ia thc Propecty Addms. ,
<br /> 2S.Ridarr te tM�Seaxity L�t. IC��ra or more ridcrs u+c�caa:uh:d by 8arrowe.r und�+eoorded to,�ether with th�
<br /> .. .. . . .. . ... .._� _��---�_,��.. :---- .� . . . _
<br /> ,OCU17ry 110ti7l1�lplf,Ui2 wvc�Ww wii�wjSiaw.i�w.iaF f:i(wM:�s S�ua��ua:��s�m qwa�a,uu�jiu�rirS luiv ww sir i ri.-['w�w��.:i h::irj%iv.:w:.f
<br /> the oovenrars and agnoanrnts of�his Sa.writy uui,vma��as if the rider(s)wam a part af chis Security Insuumau�.
<br /> [Glieck�p}�licel�k box(ea)1 ' '.
<br /> L]Adjuctabk Rate Ridu �Conciominium Rider �„ �1�Fm�il}�tiJer
<br /> Graduated Pi►yment Ri�tr ��E'lann�ct 4Jnit Acvclapmrnt RidreY� �Biwalcly PaymaM Rititr
<br /> ..,]Aallcx�n Ridar �Kuta Inqxoveme:nl Rider � �Second I-Iome Ribbr
<br /> . : • V.A.Rider.• t3thr�'fa)[spocifYl
<br /> . �. ��' _
<br /> '.�,:HY SICMNG!11?I.UW,Borrower accept��md agras to the terms a�d raovenrinta caxained in thu$ecuriry l.t�t:'uma�t and
<br /> in ady rider(:)rxea�tta by Bor�wer anci necor�fai with it. '
<br />- WiMe�cs: . ;.`i;;" . ��'�"m`°�1C � �
<br />_. • .,,'> ; ' �.�.+�'Vt+1tiN+ct�. ---.-"',--�`��
<br />- �:\ �. . . ����;�:k�l [:M►R �.a` :KLiMEK .iy";; •eo.�o,+�u
<br />_ �'\t . ,_ _ . `.;;Y�`: . - . „ :;;'
<br /> '" . �Q����'t'c'� �.t:� � " -
<br /> ____ t�)
<br /> ''r;� BZO..L�E G KI�I EK -e«nw�x
<br />- (�►? ,. �s., • (sai).
<br /> •Hcxcnwer �; .D000rer
<br />�. . � ��,i'{':i''':,�` •• � - .
<br /> SI'A'pE OF N18i1[ASYA, .`.:.. � H A l L C�y�. ' ��'i��;,+•
<br /> 'Ibs Eor�esc+i�'�teurt�it�!w�ocknowlet�gecl l►r.forc me:thia 7'.�1�ir.;:,• �y�f JUN� 1996 ' -
<br /> � l,IIIIEI�E l,�kk�;3REK �11 �Ill[E i CL1Mflf,i111SIN� �NI YIfE ,.., ..:�, . , ,.: � , ,
<br /> , Witnen�my �hit�d�nd nowia!sed at GRANO I S Lll i1pF�,:�!1'F�BtiASKA in taid ��Y.dte ciate afurc�aid.
<br /> �
<br /> - I►dy Com�ma�ic�Expi�rs: . :� ._.,�p,, �d ]l__ �_'., ��� ,
<br /> m� �rs �..��Jae�
<br /> - �Ml1ri�AhF�1Me H�,�,,�,�A�"
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