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<br /> , ,:�,-'.:. � �oortqiga�,�,DOC�IiT NO. 80-000541 psg� oi th� Recor^ ds c! tb� Caur►ty oi H�LL aad . ._ '-�s.�.'�--_i
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<br /> ; ; �� BY I�lICHllLL H. SOItOIU 1L4 RECEIVER "'�'�:
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<br /> , � • . _ p�rsos�aliy app�ssyd Doaald 8. Grav�tt• aad ltatia H�inl�in, �ach prraonsiiy I�oMm .:�,
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<br /> � ' � attornfy-in-ladt oi The Naw York Guardian Mlortgaqe� Cosposatioa, by Micha�l H.
<br /> � � "� • • ' 8oroka 11s Roceiver, and ackaow�eQqoA to m� that th�y subsaribad th� nao� o� Th� � ,
<br /> - • - - - ,-- Noa York Guardian Mortgagee Corporation, by Hicha�l H. Sotoks 1!s Roc�iv�r, . , _ •_
<br /> ' � � tih�r�to ar Drineipal and th� nam� oi eo�a�t Corporation as attorn�y�-ia•lact �or '.
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