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<br /> -���- • tract also described as Lot One (I) on Maiaalaact aad,Lo� Oae (1) oa Island) __
<br /> �,`�.: _ s t ' _ .�>:';r' aIl;�hke�faregQ#ng=:be#ag in Sect3oa 8, Taimship 10 North,'Renge 10 Nest of � __-
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<br /> .'.��TQ�E�IER WITH,oll rents,prafKS,ro a:.+e's;�iecome ond other beneftts de►ived from the reol properry;ail teases nr su6leases covering the �; : " _:, -
<br /> �.-
<br /> . . Y �te:•• .,,,,�I,_r,
<br /> , . � 'reol p�aperttr or ony portion thereof,now'er�E�ereafter ex'rdtirg ar entered iMo,and oll right,titk and i�rerest of Tro�ta thereunder:all in• �;:��� '.. .: f
<br /> �:,,s;:: =
<br /> � ����.. � �,:..r;�. � F
<br /> � . • terests,est4'tear other cbims,6oth in law cnd in equity,which Trustor now has or may hereaker aqu+se en tFre real properry;oll e6semeMS, , _�:.
<br /> -� � � , riyhts�of-waf►.taneme�rts,hereditaneets and appunenances thereof and thereto: alt oil axf gas riyhts an�profits,vroter rights ond wata �4;:.. . : �
<br />' � ,, stak;nl{riglif,titk and interest of Trusta,now owned or hereafte�acquired,in and te ot[y tand(ying witfin ihe right-of-w0y of any street cr � • � -_ ,
<br /> . . A'ghwoY adjoin'eg the reol property,any ana oll buitEings. �xtures, improvements,and oppurtenances aow a hereafter erected th�rean a ,.:, • '
<br /> �� belonginQ ttkret�,�heroin refened to as"tmaovement"ar"Improvements"?;and any and all owards made for the taking by eminent domain � �
<br /> , � or by rn►y proreed'mg or purchose in lieu thereof,ot the wtwle or ony part of the real property. � �
<br /> IUI of ttie forepoing estate,property and interest hereby conreyed to Trustee herein collettively referred to as the"Property". ' . �
<br /> ' � ' THIS DEED OF TaUST SHALL SECURE� � '`':'
<br /> - ' - � (o)Th�paymmt of indebtedness evidenced by Trusta's note of even date herewith in tha principal sum of�e Hundred Fiftp .; -
<br /> � � � Thousaad and no/100s---------- - --------Oollors tf 150�000.00 ), ; '
<br /> -. , ' . toyefhe►with ir�erest ot the rate or rates proviAed thereio,(herein,togefher with ony and all�eneYrals,modificatians,and extensions lhereof, �
<br /> � � re{errod to as.tMe''Note"!Qoth principol and interesf on the Note beirg payable in acordance with the terms set forth therein,reference to ��
<br /> • • which is hereby maQe,tht 1+��1 payment ofprincipal ond intesest,if not sooner paid or�if ao renewats,modifications or extensions pre made, ,
<br /> • � due and payabb on Marcca 1, 1997 "_ -_ - -- . �
<br /> � @)The{�Erformorxe of epcii agreement and covenanf of fros�or herein contuined;anA �� .
<br />. ` ' (c)The poyrnent of any sum orsums of r.r.�uy with interest fhereon which may be hereofter poid or advanced under the terms of this Oeed of � `
<br /> Trost. . . � ,
<br />' ' � • (d)The pofrment of any future advances neceswry to protect the security or any future advance made at the optian of the parties;and
<br /> • • ' (s)1he pertamanee of an obligatart of pny other person named in this Trust Oeed to o beneficiary. �
<br /> � 1,/�■Mrt d►r1�eiMi wr Mhn�f.Trustor shalt promptly pay when�ua the printipol oi ond interest on the indebtedness evidented by tM �
<br /> � � Note,and a�l other che►ge�and fees as p►ovided in the Note,and the princ;pol of and interest on any future Advances secured by this Deed ol ,
<br />, f trust. �
<br /> ;;;� . i �.�e�fy d TifM.Trusta is tawfulty sei:ed ond possessed of good and indefeosibte titte and estote to the P�apeny hereby conreyed and
<br /> � has th�rtghf to 9raM ard oanvey the Property;the Propeny is tree and clear of all liens and encumbrantes excepf liens now of record;end
<br /> ' trusta witl�mrant and defend the titte ta the Property agoinst atl cY.�es cd demands. , • .
<br /> 3,M�MMwo�w�/t�eo ri1R fws.:Trustor shall keep the Prapecty in good condifion and�epa+r and sha�l not cammit woste a qcrmit � �.� .
<br /> : � � impoirmen!ar Qeterioration oi fhe Froperty ar�d shatl compty with the provisions oi any lease�f rhis tJee4 of Trus1 is on o leosehold.No impro�e�
<br /> sn�M now or l�ereafter erected upon the Propeity shatl be altered,removed or demoGshed.alrhout 1he prior written consent of 8eneficiQry.
<br /> � ; , 3rusta shall comply with a(i Paws,ordinances,requlotions,covanants,conditions and ras+rictie7s affecting the Froperty and nof commit,sulfer,
<br /> i or permit acy att to 6e d�ne in a upon the Property in viotation of any law,ordinonce,r2�gutation,covenant, condititin or restriction.Trustar
<br /> � i shall cart�plete or restwe promptly and in gaod workmonlike monner ony i.mp!ovement on the Property wfiich may be damoged or destrayed and
<br /> � ; pay,when Oue,oll tbims for tabor perfwmed and moterials fumished therefare and far any a(terctions thereof.
<br /> � � 4. Yw�n.Trustor,at ifs expense,will mointain with insururs approved by Benef iciacy, insuwnte with raspect to the Improvemeots and '. .
<br /> - � .- � �i peeso�ol poperfy,constifuting the Property,against Ioss hy fire.lightning,tQrnado.and other perils ond ha:ards covared by stnndnrd extended
<br /> � coveroge er�dorsement,in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the futl�eplacement value fhereof and insurance against such
<br /> otl�hotords and in such amounts as is customarity tarried by owners ond operotors ot simutar properties or os Bene�eiory may require tor its
<br /> ' � • protection.Trueta wili comply with suth other requirements as Beneficiary may from time to tirt►e request for the proteetian b�insurence of the
<br /> � iateresfs of the respeetive parties.All insurance peticies maintained pursuarN to this Oeed of trust shatl name Trustar onA Benef iciary as in•
<br /> � sureQs,os fheir respettive interests may appear.and provide ttwt there shull 6e rto tance�tation or madification without i�o fess than 15 days
<br /> .._--.----._:_ __���_�� . .p��+�±Rm�►natificnti�ta 8eneficiary.ln the eveM any polity hereunder is not renewed on or betore IS days prinr to its eYp'uatian date. . -- - - - - . .
<br /> • ' Beneficiary may praure such insurance ln atadance w►th the provisions of paragraph�hereof.Trustor shctl deliver to�eneficiary t6e originct , ,
<br /> , , � potieies of insuracxe�d renewals thereof or merno tepies af suctt potities and renevrcls tfiereof.Fai(ure ta furnisA suth insurCnte by TrUSror, o�
<br /> ' ' renewals as required hereunder shall,at the option of 8enaficiary.tonstitute n defautt. . '
<br /> . ' . . _ . , i _ .
<br /> . • . .� ' _ ' , . . -.
<br /> . . j , __ . - -
<br />