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<br /> �,e-recorded to carrcct cobors ' _ � � . `i �
<br /> ..} uddle initia� in Acknowledgcnent. � � ,�0��1�7 - �
<br /> � (SMot ilis�e 71is Iie Fos Rau�D�1 FHA•Case No. . �
<br /> ����-" � � � DEED OF TK[JST 32i-1465010-7k8 :
<br /> �- — �THIS DEED OF TRUSI'("Savrity Instrument")is made on Febn�ar��8 ,19 91 . '
<br /> 'iTie�ranta�i� ' - ,
<br /> Jahn lt; gwansan aad liacliel s. Saanson: huaband aud wi.fe • . .
<br /> t__i .
<br /> ("Bom�vra"):'11K �.Ca�sercial Fedesal Baak:.��a_'�ederal SavinBs`Banl� .; , `..'.°.. ��
<br /> uustee is ; - •
<br /> , : �("Tiiutee").ThC.���!:�:..:��:...
<br /> ,. , f:: , - ,
<br /> . :�,`• • :•x4te Overland Aat#oiia��Ba�'of'Grand ?�s�an,d - � . � _, �.:a:.' .--
<br /> ��h�.s or��rd existing under the.Iaws of NeSras�tca �,.�,,:.' ' , �,; " . ,'und w[iosr' ,
<br /> � :,. �,;� ;•
<br /> addres:g:u- �.304.=��`s�,3rd Street, F. 0. Box. 15'88, Graas��3s�id;.:NE �5802 ,_ .. � �,.� � ,
<br /> , (�Lcader"):Horrawer awes Lender the principal sum Qf
<br /> Posty Fo�r.:,'�susand �rie Huadred assd NQ/10 _ .
<br /> Dollars(tJ.S.i 44,100.00 . ).This debt is evidenced by Bbrrower's note dated the sama date as this Security
<br /> - Instrument("Notd'), which providea for moathly payments, vv�tf► the fu11 deiit, if not paid earlier, due and payabte on
<br /> March 1, ,2021 .This Secudty Instrumrnt secures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the debt cvideaced
<br />��;. by the Note,with Interest,aucf all r¢newals,txtonsians aad modiffcations;�(b)the payment of ail other sums,with intarest,
<br /> advanced uader pgraSraph 6 to pratect the secudty of thi.s Seeurity lnstcument;and(c)the perforrnaace of Bunower's cavrnanu
<br /> - and a�reemenes under this Security Instrument and thr Nate.For this purpos�.Borrowcr lrrevoca6ly grants and conveys to
<br />` �:L Truata.in trust,with ihe power of sale,thc foltowing dcscribcd prapeny located in
<br /> • Ha12 Ca!mty,Ncbraska:
<br /> Lot Z�o (2), Slock Five (5), Gilbert's Second Addition to the city of Grand �
<br /> -�=s Islaad, gall County, Nebxaeka. q�i
<br />�:�� !��
<br /> . = � � � v
<br /> � rf1 f/1 �
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<br /> � which has thc address of 807 West 16th Street, Grand isiand, Nebraska Is�rcc�,t�iy), ��
<br /> Ntbraska 68801 f?.1P roucl. ("PrnpertY Address"}: _
<br /> TO(iETHBR W1TH all the improvemcnts now or hereaftcr crected on thc prvperry,and atl easemeat4,riehts,appurtenanees. � �
<br /> �� � rents,royatties,mineral,oil and gas rights and praPits.water rights and s�ock and all Pixturrw ti�w vn c�rcaftcr'a part of the `�;
<br /> . property.All replacements and udditions shail also be covercd by this 5ecuri�y I»strument. All oP the foregoing is rcfcrrcd
<br /> � � � to in this 5ecurity instrument as the"Praperty.'•
<br /> , '�:�
<br /> ` ,� BORROW�R COVENRN't'5 that Bonower is lawf ully seised of ihe cstate hcreby conveyed and has the right to marlg�ge,
<br /> p ��" grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of record.8orrower�varrants
<br /> � --�•• '�"%' ��wi11 detend generally the thie to the Property against att claims and demands,subjcct to any encumbrances ai'recoFd.
<br /> .. .1.
<br /> � '
<br /> : y:4 . � 1. p�ys�t u!Yri�tetrrral asd L�te Chuge:Borrawcr shall pay when due the pdncipal of,and interest on.tLze , ':
<br /> , ' �: .r... !� debt evidencu�L�the Ncste�td tate ct�g.�s due un�er�he Noir.
<br /> x. MorlLty t'aymeats cf Taxcs.tesur�ece a��(��s�r Ch�rgrs.gonower shalI iactude tn cach monthly p�yment,toge��^er
<br /> _______ _ _ , � ��`. wiii�1he princlpai and lnteres�i�9 set fonh in the Notea�any late chuges,an instaifine�t oi any(a)�axes�n�special'assess�f:er.:s _
<br /> . . � ! �. 4. . .
<br /> :::�g��;��,' Ievled or to be levied agalnst the Properry.(b)teasehold paymen�s or ground�rnis on thr Property;arB�-:7 pftmfium�f�: �
<br /> .. :�.., .-. insurance required by Paragraph 4. - -
<br /> �`�;:.::��;'`' _ -
<br /> i - , f'uge 1 uj4 • L'NA vebn�l�deed ol Trusl •15��
<br /> �-_ . • - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - ---. ._. . . . _. ---
<br /> , -� _ ���INE) i9om� " VMCINOH7dAGE COPM9��313�293 5100��800�92t�I81 - , •
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