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EXHIB£T A <br />to Assignment and Amendment <br />Deeds of T~atct <br />Title of Recording Recording Legal Descriptiaa <br />Instrument Date Number <br />DEED OF 9/5/2008 Inst. No. A tract of land bdag part of We 5otttheast Quatler o[ tie Nottiheast Qostter {S'El/4NEi/~ amd part <br />TRETST, 4200807663 0[ tie Natt>teeast Qaarnr sf tie 5a~dient Qmuier (NE1/d.S>~7!/~ o[ Sedlon 8atrtem (i.~, Townsilp <br />' <br />5ECURITY ' <br />lire p~? NorW, Itnagr'lkdre ~ Wrst of tic Sixth Priuriyurl Meridian, Hall Ca~~ Nebt~lak ~d <br />AGREEMENT 'morn partlcaaarlp dnaibed as [alms: IEetertinS to me NaYtlaeast corner of ~ Souttaeast Quartrr of <br />, laid 5tetion 14 ar,d arsuasFnj tie aeotti link ~ arald Saes! Quartet as besr5as N ti9' 1dl it}` W sttd <br />ASSIGNMENT .aU bearta~gs c~ntaiated lietda ate edatie+s Weestol tbetaee N ~' 14' d6' W a>ad as said atsr[i lip a <br />OF LEASES dis4atee of 33.E fat to the AC'IZIAI. pI.ILCS OF SEC~llriIl~iG, aafd pLce of iseglaaa~ bdag as t]te carat <br />AND REFITS line d[ a puSHc ~ (tSOth l!D Np; t]~noe S GO' i4' ?rt• H card or tie wrst line v[ raid public road a <br />AND FIXTURE •dieesace of S7i,$i feet t4 a point oa the sod6 tig4# o[ war line of the HuarlEagtae Nottlsera and Seats <br />FILING Fs 1Ga+rsf Cowpaegir, tke~ee N tip' ~' 23' W and an said aaorti right a[ wer one s distaaoe o[ 7#T.p~4 ~ <br />• <br />• <br />' <br />" <br />' <br /> Weaoe N Ql <br />iii <br />Z# <br />44 <br />and parafld wlt>t tie east lice o[ aald Est Qaatrter a >ljsts>see a[ 349A4 feet <br /> to a point sae tie aarfh line p[ Enid t QoasZ~ nand ~C aonti Iii of safd rla~at QYSrter, <br /> t~eaKe N Ol' ~fl' 13'~ W and parallel witH tic east >iae of said Nattiest Qaaeter a diltanor o[ 30~i' E[oef; <br /> #ieaa S $9' 14' If" H sod paraNd with tfae satth Ilne oT said Nertlaeast Qearter and the north line eat <br /> said So>itla~t Qaarter aR dl~aaae of d603 feet io Ibe west line of saw public read theect S ~.' d4' I3" <br /> W and oa tie west flee 9E said pubiir rand and parallel wig rise rant ]fate d sadd Watba~st Qaarter a <br /> ~distat~e a[3Q5S8 feet W tie place of beginning <br />DEED OF 717x2009 Inst. No. LotT-ro C+~ l'la~e Iifa^~ 5e6divf+ios is file G'ity of Grand Tslaedr Hull Ooatr~ <br />TRUST, 240905458 ~~~ • <br />SECURITY <br />AGREEMENT, <br />ASSIGNMENT <br />OF LEASES <br />AND RENTS <br />AND FIXTURE <br />FILING <br />DEED OF 2/3/2010 Inst. No. Lot 2, 4, and 6, Block 29, Gilberts Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall GourrEy, <br />TRUST, 201000751 Nebraska <br />SECURITY <br />AGREEMENT, <br />ASSIGNMENT <br />OF LEASES <br />AND RENTS <br />AND FIXTURE <br />FILING <br /> <br />O <br />O <br />0 <br />EXHIBIT A TO ASSi41VMENT AND AMENDMENT PAGE t <br />121$7-52731LEGALI$17292 i . ] <br />412b1I0 <br />