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<br /> h.(369e � File No. ti37
<br /> ' 9� ��6r44
<br /> lender's sec�rity,enter u�n�rK!tak�possessior�and contr�l�i the t�Aortgaged Property,or .
<br />- any part therc�of, to pG�f+o�c'm aU xts nec:essary and,�ppropriat�to operate�and maintain the ,
<br /> fNnrtR,aged prop�erty,includln�,but nat timited to,rfc�n�tr.,cancel a'modify the Leases, rrwk�e
<br /> repairs to tn� fV����y:� C�c;�,�;�y, �h�i:2� a: �cr,-nlna*.� c�r�tr�ct� prr�vir�ing for the �-
<br /> , rru�nagement ar ma{nt�nance c�f th�AAo�tga►ged Pr�pertY,ali on such terms as arr deemPd b�st
<br /> . to protc�ct the security of this�ssignment, ar�d !n Lender's or Borro�ver's n�ma, sue for or
<br /> ' atherwise collect such rents, rcwenues,prafits arsd incame fram the Martg,aged Property as
<br /> , speGifed in this Assignment�s the sama become due and payable,Including,but not lirrs(ted
<br />. to,re�ts then due and unpaid.
<br /> tc) 1111 i�enc�,revenues,pratits�nd ir+conea,c�{li;r.ted shall immedSatPly be held by
<br /> Bortower a5 M�stee far d�e benefit of Lender,only:Prv�vt�.t�asl,however,until un(:vent of Defa�alt
<br /> has occuned, Barower may us� such funds for g�neral.pr�rrases. Borrower agrecs that
<br /> • commencing upon ti�e occvrrmGe of such Event of DeFartlt�ear.h tenant of the Mortgag�d
<br /> Prope�ty shali make its rent payable ta and pay such rent t�Lende�ta' lend�r's apjents).bn
<br /> "� , ,
<br /> � • J_�__.l�L..w.�wr aali�mrYY�f�ISI�(����P_�Il����a��yl�1T1�����XT�yl1C1�1l�111�� ._
<br /> L@f101ef S WIIiiCi�tictt�n�vu u�c.ua,o�.........._------
<br /> such deena�x7 to each r�ntal unit,without any liabiliry ori ti�e pa�t of said tenant to inquine
<br /> fu�rth�r as to the existence of an Event of Default hy Bonower.
<br /> (d) In the ��ent i.ender eiects to seek the apprriqtrnent of a rsceiver t�r ih� '
<br /> Mortg,a�d Propertyr upcyn Sarower's breach of any covenant cx agreement of Bamwcr in this
<br /> Assignment,Borrower hereiyy expressly cons�ents to the appointme�t�f such receiver. l.ender
<br /> or the receiver shali be entitled to receive a reasor►able f�fcx so ma�aging the Mo�tg,aged �
<br /> P�Y� ,
<br /> t� �. 1 .1��.�.. ....���. s �eneff(`Y .
<br /> , � 1 � �@�. A��r�1�S��@Ve►IUCS�Pf07�I5 8I101 IfN.'UJT1C t.71S�Ct.�CU�ttt�ca�iian w i�L.:.^�.."�'. �..-- . . -
<br /> , .,:,..' of any EvenC af t7efault shall be�pp��r3�at the discretion of,and in such a'der as determin�ed .
<br /> , , , ,;, ',
<br /> ��:� � L�y,Lender b��cost�,ii any,of takit!�¢:possession a�xf conhraf:i�and managing the M�aged �
<br /> ,';`::� propercy arx�c�atlr.ctin�such amounb,inciud�ng.but not 1h)t,ihld�,attorn�+'s fees,reGeiver's .
<br /> f�e.s,Rremiums on recelver',s bonds,costs of repairs to the Mortgagccl Prc�perty,pt�miums on '
<br /> . .: � insurance policies,taxes,assessments and'ather cht��tr.�es on the Niortgageri:lProp�rty,a��d the. ::�•';r; .
<br /> ';�_
<br /> .�;� •. cos�s of disc:harging any ob{ig,aGon or liability ofi+�amcawer�as lessor flr�Ianrlla�d..of the ..
<br /> '� � Mort�ag�i Propc�rt�r and ta the sums secured by this Assignmei�t: Lender or the recefv�shafl
<br /> ..�� ' have atc,�ess to the I�ouks and reccxds used in the c�piera�tiun and mainte�oanc�mf the M�D�i�ed .
<br /> ,.:
<br /> �perty and shall be:Iia�F�3e,to account onEy fiar�tN�e rents acttaally rECeivsd. � ,:.��..,
<br /> . � . , �,, ,
<br /> (f� :,. If the rents;�`evenues,profits and incbme from:t�e.l�Ao�tSaSed Prop�rty;ark�r�ot ' �' , •
<br /> � sufficient tc�:rri�the�, it1 any,of taking p�ossession•.�ncb�:eantrol of:3nd mana�{�i�r.the�
<br /> Mortg�ed�'"roEie�ty and,cnllecting the same,any fun�s expen��ay le�xler fix such P�tt�tises
<br /> ,` sF�ali.beccxr�indebtw.c�R�,s�of Sorrower tc�Lende�sece�red by t'his�lssigr►mer�t. Such amounts .�� '�
<br /> � shall be payable upon�riti�:e from�.ender to Bonower requesting paYmea�ft�thereof�nd shalf
<br /> � bear interest frum the date af disfiu.i�'sement at the Default ft�t�provided by the Promissory
<br /> , . N�tB. � ;(r '
<br /> f� AnY�ntering upon arx)taking po�e�Riem and�ontrol of ttte��sl.'!ii�,aged Pt►�4Y ',,:y, '
<br /> � � by lender o� thc receiver and any application�of renb, t!e�enues, pr93�t�`and +��am� as
<br /> ' pravided herein shail not cure or waive any default heteunc�e�lnr invalikl�te any oth�e'r.right cx
<br /> � � �emedy of Lender under applicablP law cx provided thereiixs;:�;::�; ..;;,.
<br /> . ?, .
<br /> - th? Borrower hereby reExesents and agrees that it is and wi�l 4�e`tt�sol�owner of
<br /> the entire landlord's interest(or tenant's interest irs the case,of`k,�as�s with respe�.t to whict► �
<br /> ;�,`:�, � 8orrowe�is the tenant)in all existirt�;��ses,subject to Perrai�tt:�;�!�ncumiarances�:�a�.�3efined
<br /> _ in tt�c Mort$a�pe),that Bcxrower h�,�ici��executed any q�ior as�'r�r+ment of said Leasl�is z�r ren�,
<br /> � ._.��.�;:�enues,profits and income ex��it;those bein�subordi�iated heretn,that Bncrower has not
<br /> � ; ;;�nerformed, and will reot perfnri�,.;na�Y.acts,vr has�not executed, and.�1•i�fi�rint execute, any
<br /> 1,_:-��� instrum�nt�tt�at vrnuld prevent Lencper'urorn exereising(ts ri�LS:u��t�i�rtl�us W�:ssigmnent,and that
<br /> � � • �
<br /> .-'--- -.e•—•--�--1.i.:.._.:..�-----.t....,..1,�L.�,�,..�.�a.,naf�;e�i�fci�iii:,.tir:r�rnnautin�c�Ctn�81iV . _
<br /> � � ' 3[iT14'llttlC',C�f Cl(CLUItV�f tt�tt��aivst�rrnrn;�rai�sa:�o�n�ava.v..•.��..�.�."T'f�^+...-.:-•,'r•_r-r"'r_ ' - .
<br /> � of the rents of the Mortga$ed PropQrty for more than a�ne{�t��drianth p�'?or to the due�latas of
<br /> � such rents. �
<br /> 3� � ��IlA1t1'��of B�. Borrov++er hereUy agrees as follows:
<br /> (a) If any of the Leases provide for a securicy deposit paid by the tenant thereunder
<br /> to Borrower,this Assignment shail transfer to the l�nder all of 6cxrawer's right,titl��nd inter�t
<br /> �' in and to such securiiy deposits;provided thnt,Basrower shall have the r[ght tu retain such
<br /> security depasits so long as no Event of Default shall have occurred;and provide�d further that
<br /> 2
<br />