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<br /> — mwp�p�inrie�ntaf�d�taultaErrehotobli��. ThfTruslor(yfirfh�r��r�tsandapre�s�atf�isaAiBeanaahasbMnaad�nd _
<br /> -----_�_.�.____ - �in��h.butprfort�.N+�Tiusto���aiondMfdlowiaOTruttDNd. ` . -- _ -- - --
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<br /> , 'MB INJ�T eE�KiNED PiroN TO EIfECUTIOI)OF'I111�[DEEQ. ° —
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<br /> ii:;��,, �tiT,isTivKa� � tnindie�bow�MiO�rtMntbm�dea�is lottt ' d�ot _--
<br />- �` ;fg�;�,c,��pyandamorpDonald E Stoltenbera and It. Marie Stol , __ __
<br />- � � husband e �o �` ���nt� •V`:Stoltenber h u s b a n d an d w i fe D e m i is D.' _—
<br /> j �, � ' 'Trustoctsp .� . • - . Gran3� '8 NE and �;�z,
<br /> ;�;� . . FarmC�eftB�nkofOm�.'7nutest,wbaeetina�q9addrPSS�i20fiSw��hi9hStr�Omaha.Nabrasks 68102.and Faran Credit
<br /> K� Sank of amaha -. . �``��
<br /> ti ", '8e�fid�lt:whot�mw�i�0 ad�ss is 206Somf�L41lf S�ae�.�at�L�68102.in eanside�stion of dis aManoe bY Ben�fi�aryr b 7nrs�a(�)W �: .��a-
<br /> tftp�wm sp�eili�d bMaw.th�r�aipEutwAieh ts iea�eiv�a�c�N�.��1►�p+ro`ad66onai.orp�oteq�vs advane�s msda b ora�6Niaif =��,_
<br />::;:`��''• '`" ot Y�usta(s)at B�cLya a��on.Tru�tor(sy imvoa�iY�'��.��ard usi�ns to Trustes.IN TEiUST.WITH PONfER OF SALE.lat Iht '.;?�',.=
<br /> ;:- � . bensfit�rd �urRy ot Balt�ciiry. its suae�sian �nd.aat�"s.under and w6Jsc�p Ihs term�and eurtd'ib'ons of this '�tust Desd.1M Pcop�AY. .�.
<br /> ". . •.' -_
<br /> � •f,.r.i. �`�F WcaMdin ' ..�,._� .
<br /> ' ,;s Hall Counry.31ata W tVabtaska.and describod as blows: :.:�.,ts-_. _
<br /> '.f u•'�3l .�<<�` ��� � �?, .s •_ _
<br />_.. .. _ - . :.�,;�.,� �i�r � _ � 3IIii 6tb P.I1', , ,; —
<br /> " .t�=f f.;;, �xcaptiuq tt�ntsar a tsaat ot land detorib�d ia . •,��.�`.
<br /> u
<br /> - . ,f. DoauMat llo. 76-005969, sor� partiaularly d�sesiD�d ' �.
<br /> .f . °- is ioliars: �qinaia9 at t!� southssst corrs�r o! t.h� ` . `��
<br /> , ., - :µ�;:;;�. BiAt o! �aid s�e. 12� th�aa� ll alonq tba iast liru ot :• �:..>.?:
<br /> -'=� ����' ;�r:`. �aid si�t,/�a/� di�t.anc� o� 3�6.00'j tlunc�K�st alaag a �
<br /> ,'ywry.,
<br /> � . '�fl_T� F+��' .`i, lirw 3�6�W� ��rrH _1 ``_ `L . .:�•��fF,;j•
<br /> ;'4:-:•:�1 0� � �=�il�l � 7.H� aDUWi l� 1 ����?' ��'�:.
<br /> � - �:
<br /> . .A`.:,..;;; ` ot ssid �r• a diseanc� oi 209.00•� tb�nc� soat1s - .�,-.: ;"
<br /> . :-.ti,'., r � aloaq s lin� �09.00' iisst o! aad pasali�i to th� iaat Y - t' ` :
<br /> ,.�,{;; li� o! �aid �[e a distaaes o! 3�6.00• ta th� South � .�c'? ��,
<br /> � • , lia� o! �a3d Sf�l tb�sses iast alonq th� South lin� ot I �. � '�`���� "��
<br /> '.. ssid Si�tr s distana� ot 209.00' to tis� �oit►t o! � '�t -
<br /> ;..: �,
<br /> aoatainiu 1.660 acs�s sort or l�as, 0.158 � ' ' � ���
<br /> ' 4,.
<br /> ' ' • � �os�isAOt Mhiob i� co�tain�d in pablic soad riqht-ot- � • ; �.�
<br /> � , :{�`'� �Y� �xe�ptinq tb�r�frqw a tract.piatt�d as �, . � ��-.� -
<br /> � '�'`.��' l�i�ra��d Sacasd.3nbdi�4ision. rQrordad aa DQ�nt � `'
<br /> - :'�. ' �'i� • _ f` , . �y-' :
<br /> • .>�.� • ,;':`��'', � j ito. 88-106058. ��, �� , � . : .x`�",;:
<br />.. , . :.... , ,.�_
<br /> • • ��:�::.�,•,,�:�;', . .
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<br /> ..::�,c::,7;i'., t, .:
<br />_ '`",'��'` *Stoitenberg and Kristie K. Stoltenberg, husband and wife� and �tei-RUb-Bill Holstei.ns, � � • �,.�•��
<br /> • ��''' �• � Znc., a Nebraska Corporation • -•-�-
<br /> • � ,�s .. .
<br />. � - . � � topether wiffi aA Trustoh dght,Utle,and inmreat in the proaerty,rww or heraaitet uquirod,indud�ng: atl buildinga,fixtures,crops,and knprovements �' , :_ ,
<br /> � - na�v an or hereakerp1aeed upon the propeRy:al1 appurtenances,water,lrrigattort,and drainage dghta:a1t rents,issues,uses,inwme,proftts,and�hts � E ,
<br /> � . . 10 potaession;aN oii,pas,�ravel,rock,or other minerats ot whatevar nature,indu6ng peothertnal resources:all personal property that may inbpnlly � � : :
<br /> ' ' beton�to or hereatter be�me an intearai part of the real estate whet�er atcached or detaehed,ineiudng any appurtenanees and aeoauue:r.enb otany � •
<br /> , �. structure a reiidenee seeure0 hereby:all abave and below ground irriga8on equipment and a�cessories;and ait leases,permits.licer►ses.ar privAeDes. � f �
<br /> • appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the property,now or hereattar issued,extertded ar renewed by Truator(s),any State,the tlnited Statea,or any i
<br />� , ' • � deparOment,bureau,instrumentatity,a agency thereof,Tfie toregoing is colteetivety relerred to in this document as tha'property.' . .
<br /> ' N ts unQerstnad and a�wd b�twNn Trustar(s)snd Ber+�flci�ry fh�f ihU=ru�t DNd ts pivm ia ucure. i � .
<br /> , (a) pror.ii;;ary nate{s)exeeuted by Trusror(sy to Banefrciary doscribed as foltows: � u
<br /> ' . Date of Not� � �jncieat AA+ount pats ot Note Princinat Atnabm �'. ' . � '
<br /> • �.��.; �-. Apxii 10, 1g92 5220.OU�.O� �i�
<br /> payab�u aceording to the torms ot tho note{s},and any addendums to,reamortisation or rosmucturing af iho notd(s). ' � '
<br /> '' (b) T��e�epayment in(ull by Trustor(s)ot any dnd el{tuturo tmd tKWidonal toan�or advancos which rnay bo mado by Bre�ficiary,at�s oyt:on,at ihe � ,
<br /> ' requo�t oi,and to a fot the account ot T:,,s:ar{s),or any of them,tor arry purposs,pius interest on alt i0�n9 or nd�ianeos,undor ar y�afe�sy er ofher I �
<br /> �� instrumont(s)maditying,reflnancing,axtenSng,ronawing,reamortl=1ng,a restructuang,now a�sting,or ad�tional indF•bt�dnass or aty part lhaeof,
<br /> �. �. aN payabie accor6ng to the terms ot tha note(s)or othor instumant(s);provided, however,that the total princip�l ir�e�:edness outstending and
<br /> seeure�herobystanyonoUmowillnotoxeoedthesumof ^!°^- !'***'*`n�. �+.�"+v munnen�m bur� N0�30�--------------- �I , . '
<br /> � " � ---0OLIAiiS(S 220"Q9Q.9.Q. ),oxctusivo ollnterest anQ protective �
<br /> � - advaneoaaulhorized hereln or in the loan agroemont(s); proviQod lurther,ihat Tt�IS PARAGRAPH SHAL�NOT CONSTiTU7E A COMIA.TMENT TO j!
<br /> (c� The repayment in tuli by Trustor(s�at all amounts aQvancad by Sanefieiay at its opHon,to or on bt�half ot Trostot(s)as protottive Advm►oo9 ,�
<br /> ` autfiorised herein,m ffie ban agreement(a),or in othor insVUment(s}which avidenee suCh aQvancus,ptus intorost on ail such advancos.payabie as j � ,
<br /> ' ' � , providad in ihe note(s),toan agreement(s),or other instrumentjs). •
<br /> � � � (d) Tfle payment in full ot any and all other past,prosant or tuturo,direct a eandngent,debts and tiabi;itiCS o}Trustor(s)to Banentiary o1 any natura ; �
<br /> whatsoevee. ;'
<br /> J � ' This Trust Oeod wdl be due � March 1. 2012 ar upon tho paymant in fulf of a(i sums securud hora6y: �" � `-`�-- "`---` ""
<br /> • ' • Trustor(s�hereby w�tt 9�at Truswqs)hotEa fee simA�e btte w fhe abovaeesrnbad proporry,that 7rust0�(s)nas gc�od and Iaw1u!as.hon.y tn deed artd encumCer LRe � �� . .
<br /> • � • same,4fat tlts ptoporry 191ree nnd elear of ail t�ens and eneumbrances,exeapt aneumbrenogs ol recore,Md tnat Trustor(9)w�;l wa�rant and ae!ono tna proparry.at � , .
<br /> ' • • 7rustar(�)expenss.againetmieta�mantswhomsaevar. trua:or(s)msonorebywa�veaane�oi,nqu:sr.osa:rngn�so�dowo►.nomostoad.e�emn;,nvosnare.aneezemptonm .
<br /> • •- - ` - t�ndtoMSahoveQesaibMproP�rry.- - - - - - - . . �_ --
<br /> • Fnd . :
<br /> � � • - --- ---- .�_._-- ---- —_- - ---- - ---- ---_ .—_._�_.• � �• �_
<br /> ' � �� • �- _-'— -
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