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<br /> ...�.aai d�i�+�t;,-.. ,,
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<br /> ' � �t.�gg Fllr*No. B:i7
<br /> � �����
<br /> Sectinn�.Oi9. . . In thA event of tl�e fnrr_r.k�surp af�Ihis
<br /> ' Deed of Trust,nr cxhc�trar+sf�r af title ta the Mcxtgagpd prapeity,or an�part thereaP, by�onJucil��al
<br /> . foreclpsurr.sale or deed in.lfeu c�f forecic►sur�e,the purchaser of the M�rtga��d Prnperty,nr s��h part
<br /> thereof, shall succeeci to ail of �ir��star's rights, inciuding any riAhts tn un�xpircu irisura�ice u���i
<br /> uneame,cl ar rMumable premiums, in and ta all insurance policies�equirr.d by Sectian 1.05,subJect
<br /> �o fimita�tfons on assignme�t c�i blanket paliciES,and limft�c!to sur.h rights as r�elate to the Mnrtgag�
<br /> Prnperty or such part thereof. If Beneficiary acquires titl�ta the� Mc�rtgaged Pro�e:ty� or an�+,pan
<br /> theredf,in any manner,it shalt the�u�on t�,s between Trustor and Beneficfary)bec:ome the salct and
<br /> absolttte�wner�f thP ins�.aran�:e p�lit:iQs,and all prc�ceeds payable thereunder with respect tA the
<br /> Mc►rtg�ged Pr��perq►,u�suc:h part ther�of,rPquirPd by Sectian 1.05,with the sol�right tA collc�ct end
<br /> rM�in al)uneamed ar,returnable premiums thereon witfi respect ta the Mc�rtgaged Prapert�r,or,suCh
<br /> part the�eof,if any.
<br /> SeCteon 1.U51. 1�'�,+.J�C4�itl�..,Waiver of�ffeet.
<br /> t�3 if ae����;ary is��a�riy d�'��ant ta un�r l6t�gai'::,�eur:.��sEr.g tl�is lae� -
<br /> of'Prust os the Martgaged Prope�ty,or any part thereof or intcrest therein,or the occupancy
<br /> thEreof by�'nrstar,tt►en Tivstc►r shall irxlemnifyr and hold Beneficiary harmless fram all liabilit�
<br /> by reasori�af suc,h litig,atian,including alr attomcrys'fees and expenses incurred by Bene!ficjary
<br /> in any sux;�►litig,aticm,wt�ether or not any such litigation is prosecuted to judgment. U�x►n an
<br /> Event of D�fa�a�t,8eneficiary n�ay emplay an attomey or attnmeys to protect its riBhtfl here- �
<br /> under,and in t�r��ent of such em�ltryrment foll�vving an Event of Default,Trustrx shall pay
<br /> ait attorneys'f�es and expenses incurred by Beneficiary,whethe�r or not an acticxi is actually
<br /> � corrtimenct�d�ainst Trustor by reasar�of an Event of Default.
<br /> (b) Tnistar.waives any and all right to claim or recover against �en�ficiary, its � "
<br /> a�f'ic�ers,emplayees,a�e�nt�and repr�sentatives,for loss of or damage to Trustar,dts Moat�tged
<br /> Pmperty,Trustor's prop�t�s,ar the prc�pe+ty of others under Trustor's conhnl from any cause. �
<br />::::�c>;,- . insure.d against or requirpd'��ta��se insu�ed against by the provisions of this Oeed of Tru��ti:.•.,,. � �� '`
<br /> �.�. ,,.:: ,��,. .
<br /> '�` ��� (c) 1111 sumsµ�ya!>!e by Tnistar hereurtc�►shall be paid withcwt nc�tiee,d�Ki,;.����t� ,
<br /> �.;.s
<br /> �ccr�.r�t�errlaam, setoff,derlEie:tian or defense and rr�i;:hout abatement, suspension,dcferrn�et, :���,.:';:'� �.
<br /> �ii�►�iriutiors or reducxian,and tbe Securexi Obtigati�m;�of Trustor hereunder sha�l in no way,t� .'.�;;;,�. ''•' .
<br /> ��;; '
<br /> rei+aased,discharged or aher�vise affectc�d by re.awri'of: (q any damage to or destructitNr;�lf;ti"}±. , . .
<br /> . an�condemnation or similar.taking of the Mortgaged Propert�r or any part thereofj.�{i};`,t��:y
<br /> :�, re�on or prevention oF or inGe�fex�enoe with any.,u�e of the Mc`i�tgaged Property oi�arry;{i� .
<br /> d�e►waf; (iii) any titl� ckfect cx_er�umtxance cx:;anv evictiori from tl�p��?q�r�p�ty ar the
<br /> �'�r!Provements, or any pa�+t therebf, by title par�lir��unt or otfiervvise; tiv�;t�,rty �tn�c,t��tc.y, .
<br /> , ;� �:1", insolvec►cy, r�organizatio�, con�x�sitic�n, adjustrr�ent, dissolution, liguidaiho�� ar..i��'.like
<br /> - ''` psocteding r�lating ta Truslor,ar any action take�r+.with respect t�tfiis De�d of Trus�;�y'any
<br /> ;� � �tria�tee or receiver oF Tn►stor, or by any courf; i:r�a�y such �xoceedin�r�'tk (v) arey odtpr
<br /> uccwrence whatsoever,whetltier similar or dissim��at to the foregaing;wMe4�her cx not Tnasta'
<br /> shall have nodce cx knowled�e af any of the foregoing. To thQ extent permitted by I�w,7r�astor
<br /> waives al! rigMs naw or hereafter conferred by statut� or�athsrwase to an�► ab�tctm�nt,
<br /> suspension,�tetment,diminut9on or reduetion of any Secured Qbligaticx►.
<br /> . .,.. ,. .
<br /> _ s�eccion t.t a. _ �. .
<br /> - (a) Trustor agrees to pay, pricx to delinquQncy, al) real pr�opert.y;ty1:�s, and
<br /> assessments,general and special,and a!I other taxes and assessments�af�rAipy'kir►�d or►►atune
<br /> w�haac�ev�er,which are�ssessed ar impc�sed upa�.the Nlcxtg,a8ed Propon.y►,�r lE;aecome due and
<br /> payabie,and which cr�eate,may c�reaat�or a�r tv cn;at�a lien upornth��t�►��rt�ged Prope+ty, �.
<br /> a any part thereaf,or upon any personat property,equi�rnent or�ott�er facility us+ed in the
<br /> operacian or maintenance thereof(all of which taxes,assessments and nd�er govemmnntul and
<br /> rwngovernmental charges of like nate�r�e are hereinafter refamecl tn as"frnpositians"f;pravided,
<br /> however,that if,by law,any such Imposition is payabl�,or may at tlta apNnn of the taxpayer
<br /> � i�e paid;in ins�aiimenu,i rus�or may pay�ne same,cagetnar witn any accrue�i inieresi oR me
<br /> unpaid balance of such Imposition, �n installmenis as thQ saniQ l�ecome due and befnre any
<br /> . fine,p�enalty,intc�+est�x cast tr�ay�e.zeided tlreret�n for tha nonpa��mrnt of any such Installment
<br /> and interest.
<br /> (b) If at any time after tPoe date hereof thare sh�ll be assessed or impased(i1 a tax
<br /> or assessment r�i the Mortgaged Arc►perty in lieu of or in additlnmta the Impnsitiat�S•�ayal�le
<br /> by Trustor pursuant to subparatgi~��ah(a}hereof,or(ii)�license fee,ta�:c�r�assessment f mpased
<br /> on Beneficiary and measur�ed by or based in vvhalu or tn part upor� ihe arnount of the
<br /> outsta�rding Srecured Ublig,ations,then all such taxes,�ssessments or fees shall be d�eemed to
<br /> �
<br />