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<br /> ' � fiAfi94� file No. N:�'1
<br /> ��.�T�,��S�IY�BEE�dEt�
<br /> �,,�ASSlGNMENT�F ItENTS �,,,� ���j��
<br /> � ��19�qEF.(7 OF 7RU�T,SEC�IRITY AGREEM�NT At�lD ASSIGNMENT OF����1'S(t�lis°Deed
<br /> `:n3-�'�uba53")�4;made as of the ? day of J�me, 1996,by and amang M1LAN E.TIN9lv�,��.singMe�rson
<br /> �`��"�4`r8.+rsxor",).tivhase add�ess is 233 kast Carrilla Street,Suite C?a'.Santa Barh�ra,Caiif�rnia`�310t; FIRST
<br /> _� NATIC7'€�1,?,��'�rtNK QF OMA�i�;�:national banking asso�;i��%r�i��i;O�naha,Nebrask�.4"geneficiary"9,
<br /> whase a�1�'i,.�a`is 16�4 Qadge et��e3,Omaha, Nebraska&��Gt2;and FIRST NATIANAI. BANK Of
<br /> OfN�HA,a national b�anking association,Omaha,Nebraska i"7rustE�e").
<br /> FOR G()OD AND VAI.UABLE CaNStUERATION,3ncluding the indebtedn�ss herein recited
<br /> and the trust herein created,the receipe cf which is h�reby acknowledged:
<br /> I. Trustor hereby iRevocably warrants, grants, bargains,sp11s, t�ansiers, c+anveys and �
<br /> �YSi��iS fti Ti'usic�:, li•i iR�Iif�YJi�ri ri1YJER OF SAi.E,ioi t ic�iieiit a�td 3«ts��ty of&�����:ry�
<br /> urtckr and subJect to the trrms and conditions hereEnafter set forth,all of 1t►e foliawing rksc.�rib�d estate,
<br /> propercp.and interest of Trust�r nnw or hereaher acquired, together with all cash and nan-cash � '
<br /> proceeda thereaf,whi�.h n�ay be refsrred tu h�r�tin Gollectivefy as tho"tiea!Praperty":
<br /> ti. The"Property,"being the reai property Ic�cated in the Counry of Hall,Staite of
<br /> Nebraska, mwe particularly descrifaed on Exhibit"A"attached hereby anr� by this reference
<br /> incorporatecl he�ein,together with al!ren�,,issues,prafits,royalties,income and other bc�nefits
<br /> derivgJ from the Properiy tcollectivety the"rents"f;all estate,right,titte and inter�st of T/ustQr
<br /> in and to afl I�ses cx suble�ases covering the Pmperty,or any portion thereof,now or here�aRer
<br /> ,.wai A •<�;rr°.M.lr,tc,ir.r'.uwi^�,:::.h�ut!:::::�.�,':^�,�!!cas�:�r�r':t;��4�,?�ivanrp .
<br /> - a.s�.oa ir v� ... .
<br /> rectt�6�anti��posits os paymenu of similar natur�;;.ai'1��ight,title and interes!t of Trastor in and
<br /> ;yq����,i�:c�pt��$:tb purchase or lease the Property ob;7�rt'r}�ortion therec�f or inter�st therein,2�nd �;��.,�,;.; ` �,
<br /> �i�cy�gte�ter;,�state in the Praperty awned or her�after acquir�rli� all int�nests,estate or other � � ; ',`�,;
<br /> ��it�s,bot)i-°i,ri law and in equity, which Trusrocnow has oi�tay hereafter acquire in the •..� .,
<br /> ���p�Zrty;all easements,r�ghtsaf-way and rights�s�ed in conne.atian therevuith or as a means �
<br /> �,aocess therebo,and a11 tFnements,hca�ediramrnts�uid appurtenanaes tt�cict and thereto,and '
<br /> all water rights anck shares of ytock erricf�ing the same;all right�tide an�d�interest of Trustor, . :
<br /> . � now own�d�sr.hereafter acquired,In.�rgta��i any land lying wir�iQrt�the right�af-way of any s�a�eet.
<br /> p�en"or proposedj adjoining the Praperly and any,and ail s3d�Ni�)ks,alieys and stri�s anc!gorres .
<br /> ,
<br /> ;'�t,�F��d adjacent ta or used in canne�.�tion with the.�roperty; , ,;�_;:�.,�� -
<br /> ,�, ;. .'.,...�
<br /> ' ' ;`;;;;:;i���., �.� ,;Ariy and �It buildings and Improvements n�vd �r hereafter erect�d on the �;'�;'�
<br /> . _�roperry, �r�:.�u�din�, but nat Iimited tQ, the fixtures, attac:h"ments, appliances, ecx,uipment, ,,;.-::',;r.��:�,
<br /> s 7�:iai�hinery, and �th�►r: anid�s attached to such buildings and� improvements (tl�e •'' :� �:'�:`',
<br /> �;:;�'�Ictiprovements" , . '�, .
<br /> 1: ;r.:;�
<br /> � II. Trustor further gcants Benpficiary a security lnteretit in the fr�llawing(ttia "Personal. . ,
<br /> . .. 'f�ri�p�es4.y"J: . � .. . � �� . ,.. i;
<br /> ,. � :�. .;,;: �,,.��'
<br /> ;:_ A. �►id tight,title a�d interest of Trus`t�r�i n.�hd to.�Il�tangibl�personal prbperry nrnv ��;��
<br /> ��Qwne+d or hereaftet acquired by 7rustor arxt now..or>aE dri�/.tjr�e hereaft�r located on or at the . �
<br />" Propert��or used in connection therewieh,(ncltsdic�g;'tiitit.a�o��li�iited to: a!i buitding mai�ials ,�•�•.�'�'�
<br />= .ti#ored on the Pr aods machin tools ��4�;� ('. � p ���``':'�
<br /> _ �tY,g . �Y, . .1 Pmerlt. �hGluclin fire s rinklers and alarrr� �;`;•.,::
<br /> ;�:�ystems, air conditionina; heating and refrigerat�n��qui�i�rrent, equipment for'electronic '� �.
<br /> ' +�inonitoring,ent�tainrnent,recreation,window or structu�al G1+�7ning,maintenance,exclusian ' �' �1
<br /> � � of vPrmiri or insects,rernoval af dilst,refuse or garbage,all kitchen equipment,and alI��ther
<br /> _ equipment of every kindl,other than suc�property owned by tenants of Trustor; �
<br /> B. All af Trustor's interest in all existing and f�ture accounis, contract rights,
<br /> generai intanglbles, files, be�oks of account, agresments, permits, (icenses arsd certificates
<br /> ` necessarv nr desirahla in rcu�nartIne�with the arniiicllinn.nwnPnhin.Ipasin¢_.cdnstrucYInn.
<br /> �'� ._'__....� . . _...__._ "..__....____.. ."_' ""_ __�_-"_'_"� _ '..._._. .�., _ ._ w . .
<br /> ' � operatinn,servfcing or management of ihe tvlortgaged Property(as defined be{ow),wh�ther
<br /> ,;, now exisiing ar entered into or obtainecl afl�er ti�e date hercauf;
<br /> },
<br /> . C. All the estatA,intei�st,righk,titi�l�a�;ather claim or demand,including claims or
<br /> , demands wich respect to the proceeds o'f;�isa�t��i��in effect wiit�respect there4o,which��rustor
<br /> '� �'� � ' . t�ow has or may hereafcer acquire in th�NlorE�g'oc1�Yru�ertY,and any and all awardx rridde E�r �',
<br /> ,. . ��'��
<br /> , � .th�:takir�g by eminent domain,or by any proc�ii,i;��or p�rGh�se in lieu tl��reof,of the wh�le� :;;. ;,,';.�':'.;,:;,:'
<br /> � �;, �r.ahy�ar����the Mortgaged Property,includin�,without tianitation,any awards resulting from ` � • � .
<br /> a chan��+f�rade of streets and awards for severance clama�es;and Trustor herehy authpriz�es, ,
<br /> directs and empowe�s Beneficiary, at Its option, on 1'rustor'� behalf, or on betialf of the
<br /> 2
<br />