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<br /> , ' appiica�ie l�wr miy�peafy far rcins�et)befa�e a�le of t6e fRopeny pucs�io aaY Pawer of s�Je caroined in dds �
<br /> _ __ _s,.n�t.ena�►-oE a��srt eefae�ci�this Sa�itY�7�s��m 8t�t Bazow`er' (aj -- -�—
<br /> -..� • _.z ._—.� _ .__._�. _.,__-�,�-
<br /> • , ` • pa�I.mder a�suaK wAic6 tfrcti wwW be dub u� s ty °i` -
<br /> - aax�s�tbl c�as�e dd�uh a[any odKS coveaants a�(c)P�l�s all expenses�in enfoceing Wis SoauitY
<br /> . itatmm�et�t.inciudins.but not WnitM to.teuan�bie auameYs�[ees:aad td)takes sucb acti�n a4 Lender maY nasoaablY �
<br /> . , nb�ui�e ta us�ae thtt tbe lim of diis Securiry IasWmau.La�der*s riglxs in the PtopFrty aad Bamwer's a6tigatian w paY dx � .
<br /> �pas sCCOUd by tbis Soc�ity t�uun�shalf cuat�e lu�uOBcd. .uPo� rr�� by Bamwa. t�is SamitY
<br /> In�t�the abligatioas seaa�ed l�ereby s�a1�rtmaia iulty c,ff�ti�reas If s�a accsteration had ocs�u�d. However,this ,
<br /> � ri�t to teimwe sh�}i not apply snt�ese of�uoder pairsg�i7. • .
<br /> `` t�. Sde of Nal�e:Ci�t�e d f.or Senioer. 'ILe Natc.g�P�ti�l intertst in the Note(to�etbcr with this Serurity
<br /> � . Instrumei�t)may be sold aa ar.ew�e time�without prioF no6cs to Bortower. A sale may re.wlt in a cNange in the entitY
<br /> � (fcnourn as the"l.p�n Savicu�'3 tLst eoYeds aoa�WY P�Y+��due under the Note aad this Sxuriry Instrnment. 17�eta alw
<br /> maY bS ane ot mo�cf�gts of re l�t Sa�iee��°d w a sile of th�Nate. if ilrece is a clwige of t6e I.aon Servicer,
<br /> - Bamower vv�71 be given writ�ttnoti�e d dte ct�tinge irt socurdance with paraBrsPh t4 above and applicable taw. The notica
<br /> will stats the tiame a�d add�css of the n�w Latit Senrioer�d the add�+ess m which paymer�ts sltiould be n�de.The notics wiU
<br /> --- - aLso�oatain�ny o�her is�foimation taquired bS'�PP�x�law. •
<br /> 2�. Rs�ar�as S��ees Boimwer slntl not tause or pamit the p�ence.use.disposal,staaSe,or�lease of anY .
<br />- Hua�dous Subst�nces on a ia the Ptoperty. B4rrower shaU not do.nar albw�nyone else to�o.anythu�8 affectin8 the
<br />-- • Ptopeity_thu is in viotatioa of any EaviraunenW Law. The pnocedin8 two senteoc�s stiall not apply to tfie p�esa�use.or
<br />� staa e on the A'operty of smatl quantities of Hazardous Substanas that arc gaxcatlY t�ecognizo�w be aPP�°Pn�t°��'
<br /> = caitkntidl uses aad to maintm�nce of the Ptopercy. �n�tawsuit or odkr.action by any �.
<br /> - Bortower sl�ati prampdy 8ive Lender wriuea notioe of ar►y imestiS�tion-claim.
<br />- _ govemm�ta�or tegulatarY aB�Y�Pn��P�Y imrolring the Pcoperty and any Haa�Maus Substance or Envimnmeatal
<br /> - la�v of wAich 8arawer has actual knowkdg� If Barower karns. or is natified by any gavemmenal or regulatarY
<br /> � autfroriry.thu any nemnval ar o�her ' 'an of any Har.�udous Substance affecting the.Ptoperty is r�ecessary.Bomnwer
<br /> = shatl pranpdy talce all necessary remodiat actioas in accardance with Fi►vironmental Law.
<br /> � As used in thi.s P�B�Ph 20:"Hazardous Substances"are thosc substances defuKd as toxic cx fnzarAous s�by _
<br />- �viranmenta!Law and the foflowing substanc�s: gasoline.kemsene.olher flammable or toaic petroleum producis.toa�c
<br />` . ' . . pesticides and betbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing as6estos ar fotmaldehyde.and rad'roaccive materiats. As —
<br /> oac i
<br /> used in this patagraph 20."F�vironmeetal Law"meatw federai laws aad iaws of the jurisdiction ahere the Ptope�ly is locate� . __
<br /> th�t relate ro health.safety ar envirunmental pratectioa __--
<br /> � NOl�-UNIFORM CUVENANTS. aolrower and Leader fuithec covena�►t and agree as foltows: � ----
<br /> z:-.';� Z L A c c e k r a t i o a:Ren�edies. Leader sUaU g i ve notke to Borrovrer prior to accekraUaai fdloRing BoROV�er's � �_
<br /> . . �'r : brsac6 d aay coveeant or ap'tement ia tfiis Securfty InsUument(6ut nat prlor to aarokration nndec A�S�P6 1 7 ---
<br /> . �� a�kss sP�ica6k Is��v provides other�ri�e). '17rc notke sl�ll specify: (a)t�e default;lb)the a�ian requi�ed to care tbe —
<br /> - ddsnit,tc)�dste.eat kss tbur 30 days tran thr date tUe aMice is�ive�to Borroveer.by�rh➢c6 t6e defsieit mwst be
<br /> '� cured;a�d td)tlut fsilure to cure tbe default on ar before tLe dAt+e specified in the notice msy result in acaleratioa d
<br /> � tl�e sMms secered by tbis 5ecurity l�trumen!aad sak at the Psoperty. The notioe s6a11 farther iofarm Borrower ot
<br /> � t6e ri6ht to reiestate aRer accekratioo aed the rtgbt to bring s court actbn to assert the rwn�istence at�defaeit a' __
<br /> "�'� �i dier detense at Rorrower to accekration and sAla if tNe defauit is nat cured an or betore the dAte specitied in =-_-.—
<br /> � �:�'� the notke�L,ender at its optan rtwy require immediate payment in fu0 otall sun�secured by this Secu�ty L�strumeal
<br /> �rithout iWrther demand aad may invuke the power af sale and any other remedi�permiKM by appiicnbk taw �`---
<br /> . ._, . ��
<br />.. Lender sA*II be entitkd to cdtect all expenses incaned in pursuing the remedies provided 1n tbis ParagraPh 21. <<_•�g�.
<br /> �� � iactudie�.b�t nW timited to.reasonabte attorneys'fees and costs ot title evideace. 'x'N�`
<br /> '`;` . It tMe paWer ot sate ls invoked.Trustee shall record a notice ot Aefault in eacb coun�ia h oh�an.�part o�idt o .4,.,_r?_
<br /> • ` property is located aad slwil mail copies ot such notice in the manner prescrlbed by appl�Ca _
<br /> ��,� t6e dher persons prescribed by appiicabk taw Attee the time required by applicabk Istw.7lrusta s6a11 give pu6lic -�:::.�=��
<br /> :.,;� • �c�;' . notice d sale to ibe persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law 7Yustee.without demand on Borrovrer, . __
<br /> ;;;':;;.';`::. ., :'�i,� ' shaD sell the Property�t publir aucUon to the highest bidder at the time and ptace and uader the terms de.signated in� ,
<br />_'`�'F<�"�'�• - `1`'''� tbe notice of sale in one o�mare parcets and in any arder 7lrnstee determhtes. 7�ustee rtwq postpone saie ot aU or any
<br /> ,... _ �y,,':�, .
<br /> � -`' �� � parcel otthe Property by pu61k aanouncement at the tlme aad pface ot any previously scheduted sale. Lender or its _..
<br /> ,y�.. .
<br /> � s F • designee nwY PurcbASe t�he Property at aoy sate: .
<br /> � -���;r Upoo recelpt ot pa3�ent a�t6e price bid,'[I�xstee shatl dellver ta the parch�ser 7lrustee's Aeed conreying the _
<br /> !"m�r, propert�:TUe recttaLs in the'ii�stee�deed�daU 6e prima facie evidcoce nf the truth ot the swtements made therein. ��• ' �-
<br /> #, r�: .;�.`-
<br /> c .,,, 7lrushe�tH appiy the prceeeds of�sate in the folfowing ordes: Ial to all costs and expenars otexercising the power • --
<br /> ,: •.,.�:
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