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201006178 <br />Nonwaiver -This Agreement may not be changed or terminated orally. No indulgence, waiver, election or <br />non-election by New Lender or the trustee(s) under the New Security Instrument or related documents shall <br />affect this Agreement. <br />Severability -The invalidity or unenforceability of any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the <br />remaining provisions and portions of this Agreement. <br />D. Signatures and Acknowledgements <br />The Subordinating Lender, through its authorized officer, and the Trustee if applicable, individually or through its <br />authorized officer or other representative, have each set their hand and seal as of the Effective Date above unless <br />otherwise indicated. <br />SUBORDINATING LENDER: ' <br />Wells Far o B <br />By <br />(Si ature) <br />Barbara Edwards <br />(Printed Name) <br />Work Director <br />(Title) <br />FOR NOTARIZATION OF LENDER PERSONNEL <br />5TA7E OF Oregon ) <br />}ss. <br />COUNTY OF Washington ) <br />s/s/ao l o <br />Date <br />The foregoing Subordin tion Agree ent was ack-n'~o~w~le~d~g~ed before me, a notary public or other official qualified to <br />administer oaths this ~ day of , ~c;~,~ by Barbara Edwards, as Work Director of the <br />Subordinating Lender named above, on ¢e if of said Subordinating Lender pursuant to authority granted by its <br />Boar of irectors. S/he is p Wally kn n to me or has produced satisfactory proof of his/her identity. <br />(Notary Public) QFF-CIAL ~~AL <br />R~III~CCA A. D~ikY <br />NOTAI9Y IaU~1J~~gl~GI~N <br />0 16 IAN MII IAN N~, 446~~ ~ 14 <br />SUBORDINATION ONLY_NE V 1.0 Page 3 of 3 <br />0000000000074187 <br />