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<br /> f:'��i�,�+��I�ry and thet tho Intereat pa��bj��n th�Rume aecured�y ihla pe�d of Truat shall be��4
<br /> sai��Y�eete a�x 8snaflciar�r�hall reque�t.
<br /> 3. 7hAt ae� funh�r �scurity tor the p�yment af the Nots �r�d th�
<br /> ind�a,�t��i���t+�$ thereby evid�nc�d an�i tha peKormenco of a11 09' tha terma, cavenanta and
<br /> candi��r7,�,�t�ronf,T�uat�r a�reea that Reneifciery sh�il and doa=hereby i��ave the riqht, power
<br /> artCi.ir�t4�r;�� during the cc�ntinuanGCt of tl�la Qeed af Tnut to collect tha �enta, iasues and
<br /> �p��R�.a1f°t��4i Property and ot any pe�anat property� laceted tharaon with or wltitout te�kinp
<br /> �s��ns��►��S the property aKected thensby;and 1'ruator heroby ebaolutafy and unrondkionetly
<br /> as��►�,a�l auch rents. lasu�e snd pmflia to �nAflcls�ry. Benefldary� however� harob�y
<br /> c.�������k�Truatcr'�collr.clian end retentlRrt et sur.h rents,Isauar�and pro�ts as they accn.�e
<br /> aa1a�t��payabto so I��ng aa Trustar ia rtat et such ttma In defeult with nespect to paym�nt
<br /> at a�ny�;ir;�f�rk�tedness secunecl haneby or tn tlt� performr+nco of any agreement ht�reunder.
<br /> lJ�e�amy+,;aptc�default, �enafld�ry may at any time, eith�r ire pen�on, by afl4nt, or by nec;eivi►r
<br /> to�ag��r,�imt�d by a cau�t, vrithaut ra�tir,e and wiihaut nsgard t�the ad«qugcy ot any security
<br /> fa�,tt�e�imcF�btedness heteby.sacured (a) entR�upan and take pas�e�slan of the Property or
<br /> a?��•p�;t+nk�rRCat and i�its�uom name sue for ar etho�wise colwct such renta.issues and protita,
<br /> imc�ticii��;t6t�se past dua ared unpr�i��, and-.�ppTy the sam�� tt�sa costs� and expensa of
<br /> � o��ii�n�nd cx�llactlon, InN�xiin�neaaoneble attoma�'s fr�ea, upan any Indabtednea:secured
<br /> h�t�,et�y;ar�ti iri�uch asde�r at��nafi�lary mAy e�3errnin�;(b)leaae tho aame ar any paR there��f
<br /> t�r:.su�t;�ental, term and upnro such condilinn� a� Beneftciary's judpment m�y dk�ts or
<br /> � t�:'mi+n�S�;+�r adjust the tenr�s ena condiUtma�f,arty existinp lease or lesses. Unlesa Tnistex
<br />, analr[3�ar�.Yr�ciary aqree atherwise in writin�� �ny�pplFaatian of renta� tssues o� proflb to any
<br /> imdebteakl�ess secu�d hereby shall�r�pt a�tend or paatpane the dua date ol the�1nf�N�nsnt
<br /> p.ayat�ec��� a: provided En tha Nat� �r�han�e the amount of auch inatalim�ants. Tha�rttiair�
<br /> ,,�J�t,a�l takinp pa�se�ainr� aF•.fhe Property, itt� cd�ectt�o�ot such rertta� isauw and propta�
<br /> ' '�',�cict��p�llcatia�t��ereaf aa�foresai�,ahal0 not�►aivn r�r wro any c�atauit or natk»of de�fault
<br /> "``;: � ,1A�a'!�ir!!tleP�_:�¢t klv�lidaM�ny aCt done peil�au�ln�r tQ suc�itotiCd. Truabot a0�igr)9��tq Ber►M(t�y�
<br /> �. + .��a��5�trtlier aecu►ity for the performar�of thty ind�bt�dnee���and obliyations s�c�?�'��!henek�►��dl
<br /> � ��!r���d ront�a�d a8 moneys whic�m�y�havo l�en o�may heroaitef�l�.�posit��.ii�itl�Tn►sts�r.
<br /> �'da�p:c=�y leasee of the Proporly� to .txiauna the payment of any rerat:.�r';d��ri�gqs;' wid up4D�r
<br /> d�it��r;�t in the�famance of aRy of ths pmvision�hereQt� Tn.�st�x�a�'re�ea'�a�Ii•iieN xu�li�t�ei�ts
<br /> �:iictapoaits to Beneftciery. qolivery of written nati�e of Benafic:iays exen���mf ti� ri�
<br /> pr,�r�fit�d by this pan�raph thitd ta any tanant occupyin� the Propetty or any portip��rex�
<br /> �tt�NN��sufHdent tn reguft��aid ten�nt ta pay seid ront to 8enofic{�ry untii futthe�nptioa.
<br /> r; . q. If there shafl�ba flkrd by or a�ainat t�e Trustar,any petition ar proosmdfny
<br /> :�',:: .; ssrtdy� ar����►��angemeM or campa�Hfan or extensi�n or.�ar�y other reNet undar�ar pureuNrit.�o
<br /> , ' ��e��edarat"�Yiiuuptcy Cadc�or any other�imit��•statute aa�nnw or h�reafter in:�.[g'tteat,or�N the
<br /> � ;fi��,�lor shall bs adju�ted�bankr�pt or���.�aiv�n2.or any of Truator`s P�?A�t�►�Y�+pM h�ve t�aen
<br /> �, . � � ':����'�uest�red �nd such r�tee a�k��i{�have conUnu+�d undisd�arged �r�'t�;�r,n��,far 90 dpy�s ,� .
<br />�'>'` ',: �� .`��€ter the sntry theroof, thsn the..�9'nQ� of lha.Note and tndebtednes��hbi�kkyy:��curod shaN. ,�.� ��•:
<br />`�:;.,�`:. � u�+�hout no�ce��t the op�ton ot!h���fid�ry�bea�me dua and payabl6. �; r � . .
<br /> . . : 5. l��r� de�fautt by Trudtor i�the p�yment of or perfarmano� of�the terms
<br /> ' �`xi conditlon:af�ther N�ta�cx any�d�ensw�ie�madifkaticros•�or executiar�s th�r�at.the pqymant
<br /> ,�i��: a�°any other.�;i�l�btednesa secur+��t�a�►reby or in the perf�'ermanoa ot any aflroe�r+e�t„ coven�nt
<br /> ` �; c�warranty h��+ein cantained or set iorth in the NaM or eny eqr�ernent of lnetruhrt�M e�oeaiMd
<br />� hay Tnrator in connecHon with the indeat�dr�ass hereby secured, 8enefic�ary may ded�re e�
<br /> Inid�: . S,nt
<br /> �. � e � . �7'/� �p
<br /> . � '
<br />