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<br />.- WHf;N Rt2CpRDED MAIL TQ:
<br /> Equaehla 9anlr
<br /> Dters Aaealre ararrsh
<br /> PO sell 160
<br />
<br /> u~Q of rausr o
<br />
<br /> TH19 DE15p fJF TRUST' is dieted August 28, 2010, elRong DANIEL J_ THIIYER, Mrirtllse address is 2604 ~,
<br />!
<br />G
<br /> COTTI]NWOOb Rb, GRAND IlfLAND, NP 88801 and USA R T1IAYER. whvse address b 280M1 ~
<br />~
<br /> COTTC)NWOOD RD, GRAND ISLAND, NE Bt1801; Husband and Vrifs ("TrusttN•"j; lrqultat-le 6alnk, tNhosa
<br /> add!a.:.a Is Glsra AvettMO 91and1, PO ttptt 760. Grand Island, NE 66802-0180 (retkrred to bslttty eiOntet1r11e8 as
<br /> "Lander" and rolttsHmas as "Banollt:lary'~; and Egtdtabk stank (t)rtlnd Island Raglan), whose address le
<br /> 113-115 N Lnawt St; PO Btsx 180y Brand (eland, NE P188p2-0180 (refelTad to bolow as "Trustas").
<br /> rSDNVEYANC! AND GRANT. Fx rslroMe rnrrslMeratiss. Trusmr avmrys tv Tnreaea M erlrs~ tletTtl POYrEIt OF lALt:, far Ina (Yattera eT
<br /> Lender a: 6emdisiaty, d oT Trraebrs right. t1Ue. end lnlrsest in end m ere rullprrirrA described roel property. bpaerer wNn ell stooling or
<br /> autleequaney «MCted «affarod laeadilgs, N11et'aYwrNrtlS and Glduraa; aN easelrlerns, nghh dway. end sppurlenaners; ae wstsr. reneger
<br /> nphts and dtrah nghte pnatldlrq stock In ulePoee rdm dltah « trrlpaeort rtlmb]; end ee atll.r ' tw_ my and D-O(ee -eierna m the ~e~1
<br />~
<br />"
<br />eal e
<br />'
<br /> propergr, includkep witlrtrut i]mkeNan aN rtlirwerals, od, gas, geothsrrnal and sknilsr msttara.
<br />fte
<br />R
<br />Propartyr
<br />) loealsd in Hal[
<br /> CDllnly, Stale of Nvbratka:
<br /> 1: Lot Sbttaan (16), In Bock Tweltty Five (2S), in t:ollege Addition to watlt 4awn in tits Gi1y ai' S3rand
<br /> lalarat, Hall Cvunly, Nobtaska.
<br /> l: T11s South Seventy Qne Feet (87T.0~ vI the East Sildy Fvur Feat (E&C) oP the North Nall (N1n) of L.at
<br /> Nine (9), of Cotxtly Subr6visittn, in lily Sot,Nlt HaM of the Southeast Caatler (Si/2 SE1l4) of Sactlalt
<br /> 5ixtsen (9~, Tvtensb]p F.leretl (11) North, Range Nina CS) Mvexet of the pth P.M., m tlla City of Brand
<br /> Island, Hap Catprt]r, Itsbraslca.
<br /> The Rent Properly « its address is cnntrnanly Known as 2108 N. Nustott Ave and 't70 $ CMdMr tat, Gnwtd
<br /> Island, NE 88407. The Rawl tsraperty tact IdeMiticatlan iltNntNY is 400035537 ~ dOp1d4682. `
<br /> CROSS~OLLATEIL4LIYJITION. kt addNon m ew NtNe, fhb tkwd d Trvsi saclavs ae ablipatisrls, debts and Ilat>geles, plus inbrest
<br /> lhercan, of Tr>dar b Lersler, or any orra ar more d elerrl, as Ilrap as at Olallrla by Lender 6geeMl TrlMeel' « Mly OM ar moro df them.
<br /> MAlatller new eaiNine w heroader arisirlp, rrltMUrer rdaled a unndatrd m era pwpaae a( era NptA, whrAhsr voMxdary « e>lherwist.
<br /> rrheetar eua a net dUe, elnat ei Indtner, dalemrr-ed ar undalsmenae. ebedlWe «tartdntprN, Ntluidehd «unpgwldalMd, +ehMlPler Trustor
<br /> may ha WaMe individually w JA'rAfr weh aatelr, wheeler ahlpewd as gwrrnmr, aurrgr, acapnanadpean Deny «otltelvrbe, and wnetner
<br /> roobvsry upon eekdl •molmla mMy be ur hieaeseHMr enMy bsvalrw hMrrad btr rryr seswss d limilelisns, and whether the ette®aeon b roPaY
<br /> aucn alnaurde may ba or hsreeeler nMy bMCarns otllerwMe unardoreeebp.
<br /> FUTURI? ADVANCER. N addnlart m raw Ntlle, ihle peed of Tntst awava ee iur+ra odsanees made by Larrdar b Truebr whee+er er net the
<br /> advanrxs a,e rude pvswnt to r aerrvniOneM. Spacilglly. walrgtll rtmkalbn, tlNS peed of Truel assures. !n enalNon b the MnMUrrk1
<br /> spedFed bt the N We,•all rrnae amounh< Lender in rTs diawdion may ben ro Trrretar.legaetae' alkn All tnlaraet lharMtn.
<br /> 1Ytrstor arasently rsdats is tender (also knnam as Benerruary in This Ord of Tnlary aN a1 Tnuhva ripYd.llae, and intartsr M area b ae
<br /> pesent Ind tllblro MMess of 1hM Property end eN Relee ham dtv F'ropwly. In addtlsn. Tnrsbr 9~ b tarrder a unilbrm Cammercal
<br /> Cade seourey arterest in ere Peeednal FtiapeAy and Rards.
<br /> NItDEit 7rE 1e01"L, THE NlelA'r8p DOt:YMLIt'f8, ANO TFNS DELp OF TRUaT. THIS Ots'9I OF TRUaT IS GtYptt AND Ar.GEPrED DN THE
<br /> FOLLOtr11NC TETde9:
<br /> PAYMENT AMD PERPDRtsAttCE as oeterwlss provldsd b 1hM peso or Trust. Yluet« shill tNry [o Lender ss smoume s+-cured by
<br /> this Davd aP Trust as exy hemnte due, and shah stilcsy and M a timely n,mtner peel«m etl «TYIIebV'M obllprtkxer under the Nate. thb
<br /> used of Trwt and dro Ileleted poa~aleerra.
<br /> Pla6S68810N AMD NWNTENANCE fIF THE PRRPEItrY. Tnertsr ayraes thrt Trusln/s poss~sseisrr sad see « the Property err011 be
<br /> glwwnvd by MrM fntla~akr9 pmvkhr.+t::
<br /> PseNellle'el Mad tlw. UlNp the aewneeraM VT Mrl [vent d taPleldt, TfYflar mM,y (1 ] rwrtain in paseessbn and ebrsrtll n! Ihs Preparty;
<br /> (2) use, o]lsroro or msrtrpa ins Prdpargr end p) adleot the Ralee nolrl ew Propary.
<br /> DrKy let Maintabt. TrYet« anal tlleerlaN IlM F'rYlpee'a M hreerrleble aarldklarl and aralrlbeY pertaml aN lepe6rw replaaBmelth, Merd
<br /> malntenarce narrssiry 1b ptlesrw as wNra
<br /> Cnr*lirtsa HFelr EarhrwaweWal Lars. Teasley IMjweanta M1d wrrranle to lender slat (1) plaNtp tree period of'Truebra ownsnhlp
<br /> of the Pravwb, seers hoe been rip use, eteteratiorl. ~, eMrege, baelrntlM. aieposal. retpafe ar ltwealened redaaes d any
<br /> Harerddw sunatarlae by any paean on, urdsr, about «trom tM Playerur: iQ] Traylor hoe na krlvwlsdge of, «reseeon to believe
<br /> M,ar stare has heor, eroept a pretlierdy acdaesel La and adalawAedaed by tender an vvnpng. (e) any enesml rtr vktleetlen M any
<br /> Ernironmsrltal bows. Ib) amr MsM. avrlMraGvn. merrutacb+es. haatretanT, drspean4 rrJeese rr ffrreaL•rr4d release aT arry
<br /> 1latmddus ffiuhstarlce on. under, about «tlam rile Progeny by ~ otyTllle « elrcuparlt! of the Propatry. « (a) any edalal «
<br /> erraahrrea rrYgaben w ckeims vT ary lord by a^T Perserr rdaNtg m aarir mselere4 and (a] E7trpt as pterawady disclosed b and
<br /> etemowleelped by Lender In wrltMty. (e) rlanllsr trtlat« rear any tenrrd, carAracbr, gpelA or otlwr alMaAzed user d the Proparpr
<br /> anM ass, gsnemr, melltnbauro, taoro, iNYM, dNpoae M «reMaee sty Mstatdbus RlWaeenae on. ullesr, about «tr«n e+a Property;
<br /> and p)] arry stadr aefhNy shall (M candadsd in mrreptlerrae vritlr aw apprreahle raderal, sfal, and local lama, regtdalisns erred
<br /> ardinarean4, prdudlrrl wMrwrr: Nndtadon aN I:nvkenrtrsrMal l.ews. Trusar suerahw LAnldlr end Ir: agwee W arlerr apps tter Plnperty
<br /> b Irtek! erle:tr mapeaadrle and testa, M Tnlelafe eeweree, ee Larldar may deem appropnete b ttstarlwets oallMlllende «tlra Property
<br /> eNlrt Ihla eeetlpt or ere Deed d TMML Arty nr tesGr made ty Larder shoe lro Tor Lender's parpases awy and ahae nut he
<br /> eanswad ro ervats rrry rospare141Nty a pablMy all dw pert at lender m 7nuasr try b Mny Parer pMNM1. 'The nprvaPenledone and
<br />