� ' � t;�i�i�;�'"�� _ . __ .
<br /> , ;�• .� . _ .. _
<br /> • __�.__._._.__. .��rr_c��.�.��----
<br /> '�;,,7Ft•W-"-==�"r..t�,o-.: =----
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<br /> � � TOQET'l1�R WIYl1 MN the Mtprmen'Nnts nrnr or h�te�hRr erect�d on Ihe ptop�rty, �nd aN�eane�►te, �p�wd�na�, �nd
<br /> � lixture� now�r haoaRa�pa►n q1 the praperty.All rcptacmnente and addilons nh�ll ntso bo aovered b/th(:�Security lnstrumant. —
<br /> AN o1 Uia fara�ah�la roferted to In thip Secu►ity lastnime��1�e ihe `Properly."
<br /> f)Qr�Rt�Wf:R C(3�'FNA!�T9 thet Soi�ower Is tawhiNy oelz�d o1 the s3ute hnreby aonveyad or.ci h�s Ihe t�pht to rra�l and = -
<br /> convey th� I'rap�ty �nci th�t fhe Props+ty Is wiencurnb�recf, e>:cept tnr tneun7rranr.ca oi recard. Oarra•rrcr ercrra�ito nnd �•,::1 �
<br /> d�fend ga�w�aly thi Qlta tq Ihe Property�palnst�fi ctalni�and den►:nd�. eue)eet to�ny emeumhnnee3 ot raaorel.
<br /> TH19 9��URITY lN9iP.l1MENT combkiss unNortri cnv�n�nt� 7or m�ttand use and nqn•unNarm oavenante with Nrnfied
<br /> varNtiona by JwistMcilon ta conttftut0 d unHam ucxirily Inetrument covMittp rs�l propnty,
<br /> UNIFOHM GOVENANTS. fiortow�r�nd l�d�cov�nt snd apres ae f�Mowe:
<br /> 1. P�ment of PrinclpN �nd IM�ntt; Pnpaym�n!and l.�t� Char�s. 6arow�r�har promD�Y IMY wh«ti
<br /> clue Ihe prktrlpd o9 a�d Mte�e�t on the debt�videnced by the Nole�nd any pnpYym�nt tnd wte chugee dae under the Note. �
<br /> 2. �uads far�'axss u�d imurance. �3ubj�ct to sppltc+wN I�w ur to fi Wiiiif�l W�w ay 1.:,�a:r,C�,�o:;:r ct��y �
<br /> to L�nd�►on th�d�y monthly paym�nh us du�undK th� Nofs, unfM th�Not� fa p�W b tuN,• aum ('Fund�')fa: (a) yMrly �
<br /> tivae�nd �sreasrn�nt� wl�lch rtw�y att�ln pdorky over thh 3ecurity Instrument aa� Nen on th� Proprry; (b) y�uty IMrMofd
<br /> p�yrtMnt�or�o�+d nnts on ths Property,H�ny; (c) yw�ly hRZ+ud or property Mnursnce pnmfuma; (d)ys�rly riood fnsuronca
<br /> premfumt.N�nY:(�) Y�Y��9e insur�nce prar�iums.H nny;�nd(Q �ny nums p�yattk by Borrower to I.ander In scca•cMrtw
<br /> wkh the provi�lona ol p�r��h B, fn Meu ot the pr�yment of martg�ge Insurance premWms. These kems �re caN�►d 'Eaaow
<br /> Item�' Lenc}ev m�y. �t �ny tkna. coNact and hafd Funds In an uixwM not to excesd the mexN�wrn smouM e la�dcr tor a
<br /> fedei�iiy reiatad mortyage lan r�w�y requ.a fa•r OaTawsYa escm�rl acccunl und�!he ted�a! Real Esta4e Seflktnent Procevk�rc+s
<br /> Aci ol 187�t es�rNnded trom tM»�to drrre.12 U.B.C.�2601 M ap. ('RESPA'), unM:ia anolher{�w th�t appYee to the Funds
<br /> sets� beser anxwnt II so, Leocier m�y.�t�ny Hme, coN�.�t and hoid Fund.i in en amount not to exceed the lesaer orr►aunt.
<br /> L�ndx m�y eatimate the emount of Funds due on the bashs ot current d�tr and ro�a�on�ie B2UfT14iCl 01 BN(1E11CIHUfd3 O�IU1Ufp
<br /> Eaaow RMns a oth�wisa fn accordmce wfth�.�bie law.
<br /> The Furtr!a sh�N ba hNd fn�n InstlWtlon whose deposRs are fnsured by s federal�ymcy,InsNUrt'.entNity, or entiry(inckiding
<br /> Lendw. M L�n�Yw k auch en Instilul)on) a in any Feclerr Home Lan Bmk. Lender sAW�ppy ths Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Rwm. Lend�r m�y not charqe BorrowK for hokAnp�d a�plyinp the FunCs, �nnwly�naMdn9 lhe sscro�'�ccount,or veriyk�y
<br /> tn� Exua.v iiarw. u�daaa l�-� p:}r Ca-raN�- k'x� cn tha fuacls end ��4 lsc�r per!r�!ta l.enAer t4 m.fc� auch a
<br /> ch�rp�. Howeva. Land►rr mry req�ire Botrowcx to ��iay,a oneUme ct►arqe ta an Ind��srufent re�l est�te Ux roportinp servfce
<br /> us�d by LencMr in connection wkh tt�fa lori. unl�a� �'i�r,ebkr kw provides athemwiEe. Ur�laesa �n �yi�eemant is m�d� or
<br /> �law►equbras htoro�st to be paid,Lender afwa nol 4�a reqcJccd to pay 9orta++lr.r any Intaest or e�mfngs on the Funde.
<br /> Haroww�r+d t�nder m�y�pros in writlr:9, however, t�R int�st st►AN be pald m Khe Funda. I.andar shaM gke to Bomowcx.
<br /> wiMouk c1wg�, en ennud rexountlnp o!the�unria, sh�:�win9 cre�its anxl debita to NhQ Fi+nda eX!�'hu p�rpose tor whlch e�ch
<br /> d�61t to ths Funda w�s made. The Funda us pladgrr.E xrs add'Not�al yeeuAry tar aM er+r,�saxued�y t�v SecuritY Instcumet►L
<br /> 11 tha F�ds hMd by Lender exoesd the amaun.�s IptxMkted to be held by�pp�c�Ne kw.L�ndR q'har�ccamt t�Bortawer
<br /> ta 1M �n�ta Funds b acoortMnoe wAto th�ra�t(re�carm:it of�ppic�bi� I�w. ft the�rwunt of the Fax�s held by Lea�At�ny
<br /> Tim�b ooi sul�dmt td pay th�Ee+�+�ra fS!to+a vrhen due�Le�d�►m�y so notHy Harowa b wrNhg,:eni1.In such ua�BonnwK
<br />. sh�p�y to l«►d�r th�arnount rt+r.�airry fia mrk��p the defcieneyr. 8an.wrir shNl m�kn up riar cY 9tdancy in no moro ttan
<br /> twotw moMhty psy�rMnts.at Utt�'a sah:�discnlia►.
<br /> llpon P�yRn�nt In fuN M eM �uens awctxed bY Rhis wecuiily Insfiunent�Landw ah�N protr�lly �durtd to BortowK eny Fund�
<br /> l..w n�.ir�.r, x;wwi.�aerr_rsoh 21_ Lrndr sh�4 mcauire or a�l tha ProputY.LenJer�Wia to the�squisF9on a eaM of th�
<br /> Fto�ty,sM��ppy�ny Fw�ds held 4��l,ender�t Me tlii�s of�a�ufekion oi�ale a a ore�t ep�k�st the suna seared by thh
<br /> $�k�slnrrw�N.
<br /> A�(�McKion af PA�Nnstl�� vdaa .ppw�ls Mw prnvldes oth«wi�e� .r p.ymr�ts"recewea by lenaar undrr
<br /> p.rayrfiplete'! .na 2 sn.r be�d: lfrst to.ny pnpayr►wM cn.r9ea dus unaer me t�ee� a�asd�to amounea�»yaa.under
<br /> prpraph 2:tldM.to int�t duec taurth,to priicfpM dus:�ad t�sf.to any kt�chvpee+dw��der th�Not�.
<br /> 4. CflMf�i; Wns. Burtoweo shM pay aft t�nma, usesamente. ttw+yeR. If�ias and knposlif�nu atbiM�O�Fak,ta th�
<br /> . plropaty which my�qin pt�orky oree thie Ssarky initlatmom,�nd leas�hdd ptynMntn a grarM r�nts�N�ny. B�xrnw�sh�M
<br /> p�y M�es� obipMbns h the m�tm�r Exovidai h p�r�pA 2, qr it not p�id fn ttut�rwn�r. 8urrow�r' ahMl pay tbem on tlma .
<br />' di�w.ty W the pvaon owed�L 6c�rnwer shaN pmrt�ptry fumiaA to L�nder�M noGcss of amounts to b�r pdd�mder d�{s
<br /> parpraph. M Haruw�r m�ksa tl�se p�p7.merKs clirsciy� Bortower eh�A ProreP1lY flur►bh to L�enidlar receipls e+rMrndny the
<br /> � BOffOW�f�� ��I��f64^�Af'�{�17�1',i$,tlfA W3lfCI1.�FIflS pl{Olfl�/OYEf 1NS S�CU�IIy•I!!$it1�112Cf11�1ilIM9 BOfTOYM�f: (a� w�N6(f1
<br /> w�kp to ne.paynn�:t a!nse o�q�&.�se�;wba�+y'�N;io�rbn 1n. m.nn�.capt.nlp;qo 6:e+taia; .(A) cortt�ats h y�d tritn tne
<br /> Mn by or ddrid� y�fnst�o�c�naYl�ma•:iha I�n 1is;,..9egd procx�dh�s whfch in tiY�•{.iACiePe.ct�ri�lon ef�nt.to prav�nt da
<br /> �nlor�em�nt ol th�Mnc ov�c)aecuras than'the ho1dK o1 ths A�n�n aynartMnt eadshCtory to:�.�i:ler eubar�n�tlng th��rn to . .
<br /> thk Saarily M�InrrNr►1.II L�nd�r d�tattJr►�ttwt�ny Qvt of ths Property b subJsci t�s.a Ifen wh3oT.��ary atan�ny�,ra n,� .
<br /> S�arky Malnnnwn. La�der m�y pMe Bortower�notke IdentNlk�g Me N�n.E3ortowa g3va1 aatlsty thi ian or t�k�atw w mon of �' ,
<br /> the�ctla�s s�t iath�lwv�wkhin 10 dtys of tiw ytvkiQ o1 noiia. � '
<br /> 6. Ha�tard o1'PrOp«ty inwratlta. Botrowet shM kMp the h�q'avem�a now �adtYn9 a harodt�r w�obd on tM .
<br /> _ Prop«ty inw►�d ep�inst{oss by�re. ha�ds IndudW wNhln tfie tam 'adendod ar�ee�ps•md riy other h�zrds. Indu�nq ,.
<br /> lbotlt a 1k�dinp,fa which lendK nc�uf►ea haiusnce. Thia inwrr!co. sl�ll be m�fntolned in tho�nww�ts w^�d tor tfia peAods •
<br /> � thK L�ndK roquY+�s. lh�hwranc�artMr providMy th�inau�anco��ha�be chosm by Batr,w�r subj�c! to lendK's�ovd
<br /> whidr sMM reol b� unre�sawbly wphheld. M Botrowe�t�Ae tu �►winY�h covKaq� d�aabed�bov�. Undx m�y. at lanskr's
<br /> " ox,Yon.oW�n cov�sp�to prolsat l�dK'�ri9Ma in the�top�rty in�ooxdnc�wkh pataqnph 7.
<br /> AM fnsunr.w poYcier �id nnNwis nMM b� eccrpLbis to Lendx �nd shaN In�lud� a tt�ndrd morty�4s d�uae. Lendx
<br /> '� shd hwe tM riyfit to hold th� poNcies�nd nn�wds. B LendK tnqufr+er�Bartnrwr ehd pr�omplly piv�w Lender�nc�rts M
<br /> prid prwdum.md ronewv noNcN. Irt the everrt of bsv,Bortower ah,f�givs pranpt notfc�ta the Inau�r►�e urti�►�nd L�ndw.
<br /> 9 LandK mry m�kt proo4 A1 bsa N not msd�P��P�'Y bY�• ., •
<br /> i Unbss L�r and Barruweir othKwbe Rgroe in w�itq�Insur�m'ca{sroceada ah�N be�ppMd to restonitlai a np�ir ol the
<br /> Prop�rty�rrM9ed,il the n�tonUon or req�ir is s�xa�toRrleailt,�r f�asibl�and Lender'a s�curilyr ia not Fessen�d. M ih�ratoraaon or
<br /> f rop�t is nd�c000mEcrly haebfs u LendK'a eecurity,x+,a�i7a be leaaa�ed,the hsur�nce proceeda sluN be�ppUmf b ttre eum�
<br /> secuced by thfe SedNity Matrument, whMha a not ihen dus, wiU►eu�y exc�ss p�fd to t3onower. M Borrowur at�ncions Nw
<br /> ' Rrop«ty, a do�s nof�nswrr wid�in 90 d�yrs a ootico iro�n L�nder th�t the Mwanrx curfer hae oMerod to eettle e ck�im,then
<br /> lendM•M,mrs co�sct tht inawance proo�eeds. Lender m�y uss the procQeds to repsk w restoro tho I'ropMy a to pay sums
<br /> � securod Cr.y.Lhls Securiry tnatrument,whRher o►not then due. The 94�day paiod wili begin when the nnifce is given.
<br /> Unless Lend�r �nd Bortmver othdwise agree (n writjng, eny appYcaUon of proceeds to prhdpe! shaM not extend or
<br /> postpone tAe due date ot the monthy paNnents ro(emed ta In par�graphs t end 2 ar change the amount of tho payn�aits. II
<br /> �. under pua�h 21 the P�ape+ty I�acqulred by Lender, Borrowef s right to eny [nsdrance poYclos nnd proceeds reauRfng from
<br /> :�• � . d�npe to !h� F�rOp��uria to ihe ucqutaWon �h�N pass to 6ender to the extent ot the sums by thfa Secwity InsWmeni
<br /> � � knmediate��rinr to the scquisltlon.
<br /> " � ---�-- u_��__�__ �.a - •-_u� �s u.� e � �Y.. '
<br /> ._ . o. �'ii�if�Gl� P��Rf�OV�r� n�iwtnsnw�tG� wna rccs��sa�v�• an a�w ��vp�.y� ..v..v..�.�• w�.. . .
<br /> AppileaHtMf; l.ra�holds. Borrowar shar occupy, establlah, nnd usa the f'topertyr as Harowers txindpai rcsidence wiih3n
<br /> slxty days �tter the executbn of thia Sc�curity In3hument and shal contlnue to occupy the Property as Bnrmwex'a princEpel
<br /> � reslde�ce fa•�t le�st one yreu uRer the dnte of ucc��prracy, unkss Lender otherwise agrees In wri�ng, which conaont ahaA not
<br /> be unraesooabiy withheW,or unlesa dctenusik�p arc�mstancea exist wh{ch are bayond Borrower's control. Bortower shal not
<br /> das�roy,rbunspu or knpair tAe Propdry,s�kw the Properry to detedorete,w comrdt waste on!he Prop�ty. Ba�nwer sheN be Mi
<br /> dd�ult H�r►y tafaturo rction or proa«Ni,:g, whelher r3v�or aimind,is beguo ih�t k�l.cnder'e pood faith�udqment couid resutt
<br /> In taleiluro of the(�roperty or uthetwNsce rnat�SsMy impsU the lien cxa�ted by thf�Sacuriry Instrumu��t a Lendex'a security Intore�t.
<br /> F131G.LM0(3/96) P��o 2 07 5 �„_ �
<br /> 9G09/
<br />