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<br /> � huPst;int{ufly a;ulvalent nnongage insuruixe coverage is nnt availnblc.Borrower�hall pAy to I..endcr cach nx�n�h a sum equal to
<br /> - m�e•twelflU uP the ye�dp awrtgage insuranco pre�n�um t►einR�.�+id by k�rrc�wer when t6e insucancc caveriige IaP�cc!ar ce•ascd to
<br /> I�e lu eftca:t.l..etiulcr will arc.tit,tASC HIN�Cil�I11(IICSC j1aY�1�C1119(IS u to,s r�scrve i�i licu of mnngnge insr�rance. Loss rescrve
<br /> p:ly���;:r,t�;i�e:y uu lu;ibcr ii2 i•��i�3�•�d,r:iits u1lEfc,n ui'F.::�,f::r.lf ntoiu�c�gc in•;urr�ncc covcrngc(in t9�c�unaunt mtd for Uic perial -
<br /> tl��st[,c�xie� rcyuircs)pruvider�by ui� insurrr appr�v►�a0 hy l..e�cltr sgain beca►nes iivullabtc uixl is�btaiix;l. C�QPh'Q►fi�c�sl►a!1 Nay
<br /> tha premiu►ns reqni�csi ta naiutudn nwi�gege in�unu�ce in cff�t,ar to providc u loss�rescrcc,uatil thc requircnxnt for nwrtgsgc
<br /> inaur��xc enJw iri w:c'�nlwxc with any w►�ittcn ugreemeot between Bu�nnwer�ncl i.cixter or applic�blo lew.
<br /> 9,Ir►�proctlorr, I.arxler�u its agrnt may�naks reaconuhls�ntrics upnn and insJxctiang af�he P�roperty. i.e�xler�hall&ive _
<br /> Borrower naticc Nt the dme of or pdor to an inspec.Kiun s�ecifyfng rcasorwble cswse tar the inspectian• —
<br /> 10. i:ondemnatbn.'I'he proceeds nf'any uw�nl or claim !ur damuges.,direct or consequtntial. in connection weth any
<br /> conriemna�tion ur�ri�e takiug oj�uiy �:+�t of'titic t'�ay;;,rty. ot fas conveyat�:e ie�lieu of conciemn�tinn, nre hereby cssigntd arxl —
<br /> slull bo p+ud tn l.eoder.
<br /> In the e•rem of a totul�uking of the Praperty,tho procaeeds shal!be Hpplied to the sums s�cuYe�by this Security Instrumey�t.
<br /> whether or nut thcn duc. with nny excess paid to Barrower. in the cvent�f u pzrtial taking of ti�e Property in which the fair
<br /> marktt velne aF thc Piv�cny immedu►tcly before th�taking is equal to or greuter th:u�the omatnt of the sums�curcd by this
<br /> Security Instnrmanl immextintcly beforc the taking,unlcss Horrower ancf LendCr crtherwise agrc.�e in writing.�he sums socured by
<br /> �his Secu�lty Instrumenl shall M: reduced by the amount of'tho procteds multiplied by �hr. following f'raction: (a) tt�e total
<br /> mtxamt of tha suu�s s�ired ii�uredi�stely t�.fcrc tha tnking,dividal by(b)1hc fair market vxlue of thu Property immediatcly
<br /> bt:fare�he taking. Any balAnce shxll be paid to Borrower. In the event of a pa�iial taking of the Propt:rty �n which the fair
<br /> msukct value of thc Propr.ny immediutcly before�he taking!s less than th�:amount of thc sums socured immediutcly{xforo the
<br /> taicina,unle.ss Hor'ro�wcr aai Lcncier otixrwise wgree in writing or unless applic�ble low otht:rvuise nrovidcs. the proaods shall
<br /> b�applkd lo thr.sums socu�cf by this Socuricy inst�wtix.nt wh�thCr or rat th�Fums arc thr.n due.
<br /> If thes Pn�perty is abandonod by Boimwar.or if,aftcr nnticc by Lencicr to Bormwrr Uiat the eondcmnor offers to m�lce an
<br /> �w�rQ or �etttr,a c{uim for damsges. Borrower fails to respond to L.cnder wichin 34 days�ftor tt�e�►te the notice is�iven.
<br /> Lender is authoriud to collect and epply the pcoceods�at its opt�an,either tn restoration or repair of�he Prupeny or to the suma
<br /> soct+red by this Socurity Insttument.wfuther or not thr.n d.,c. ..
<br /> Unless Lencier tixi Fk►rrowa otixcwise agroe in writing. anY eppiicAtion of proceeds to pdncipal shxlt mot extend or
<br /> postpone tt�e duc dat�of the monthly p�yments reCerred to inQ�'�grnphs 1 and 2 or cfunge tfie a�r�ount of�,uch payments.
<br /> li.8arnower Not Adease�l;Fwb�r�nce By.1.e�der tvo�p WairRr.Extenstion af thc timc for paycnent or modilicatian
<br /> of wmon�ation of the sums secuned by�his Security Instrumrnt gnMal bY Lender to nny successor in inter�,st of Borrower si�ll
<br /> not op�rate to release tha liability of the originxl Borrower or Sorrow•er's su��cessors in interest.Lender shall not be tequirod to
<br /> oomcr��ce procbodings��oinst any sucoessor in interest or nfuse to extond time for pnyment or cettunvise moclify amortiration
<br /> of the sut►u securod hy t�is Secunty I»strumem by reason of any ckm�nd nvde by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> s;�ecessors in inierest.My forbeumce by I.ander in eaereIsing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver oF or prxl�de the
<br /> extrcise of w►y rigbs or nmady.
<br /> 12. Snocee�ors and As�ro Bound:.lolot snd Several LisMINy, �o-s�ners. 'ihe covot�nts wd agt�ements of this
<br /> Secudty Inswmient �lu�ll bind and 6enefit the sut;crssors and a�signs of LeMer and Bormwer. subjoct to the provisions of .
<br /> p�rs3irnph !7. �orrowGr's�venmts and ograments shall be ,joi�x and sevenl. Any Borrower who co-signs thic Socuriry
<br /> �IIS�lUR1C'Ill btU(�bCS IIOt CAGi11�G I�IC ri(NC: (u)Is cA-s'igtting tit[s�a.vriiy Iiuia�iuFT�i.;..�j iv i�:Z$.p... p�w�s� ��nnyw�r thf�t
<br /> Borrower'ss nnterrst in the Property under the t�rtns of this Security inurument:(b) is not persatially obliguod to pzy ttie Rums
<br /> securai.b;r3his Sa�urit�Inctrument:and(c)agms that F.ender;trwd any u�ther Bomnwer may agrer to extend. modlfy.furbear or
<br /> melce�n�.ycx�annac�t�otu wi�h regard to the terms of this Sxuc�ity Znstrurornt or the Nots witfiout tt�at Borrowa's oonsen.
<br /> 13. l.o�a CYsr`ee.If the!an securod by thix Socurity instrument is subjocc to a 1aw which sets m�cimum loan cfuuges.
<br /> and that !aw is finally inte�pretod so that the intc�sr aher loan charges caUectod oe to be.�ollocted in oonnection with the
<br /> � taan excoed the�:d lirnita.�hcn:(a)any s�:ci�t�ut char8e shall be reduood by th�amount necessrrf to roduoe the�huBe
<br /> � •to the per�uittod lunir,aad<b)any sums al�ady ooifocted from Borrow�r wh6ch cxceakd peemitted limiu+wiil be rcfundod to � .
<br /> 8urrowc�c. i,eader rniy clwose to make this refund by rrducing the principal owal und�r rhe Hote or by makin6 a direct
<br /> paymaat to Porrowcr. If a refwid reduces prAncipai. ttk reduction will be trestod as u partial prepaiyment without anY
<br /> P�'�P�Ym�nt d�uge umier the Nae.
<br /> 14.Noticea.Asry;inat�cx to Borcower proviJod.C�in this Security I�isttumcnt r>hnll be givai by delivcring it ar by truiGng �.,
<br /> it by fi�,.t ri�s msil a�:�,..'�applic�ble!aw roquire��'+z��f ano►hex mcthod.'I'�x�notica shull be dirnctat to thu•P►ti�►acy Ad�dross
<br /> : or �at�a� addrcss'�orrower desig►utes by notiaa tu Lendcr. My �wtia w i.,�nder �shall be givm by first claK m�il to -:
<br /> (,e�dec'a�ddtess satal tkrein or u�y other address I.rarler desig�wtes by notice to Burrower. Any ndice provided fur in thia
<br /> Security L�itryma�t shall be dxmod ta have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pro��ided in this paragrrph.
<br /> 1S Garer�lu� Law; StweraWUty. This Saz►pty Inatrument shall be govemod t� fc:lcrA1 law end the law of the ,,, .
<br /> s��n�,}��p'}� yis loatai. In��ie event thsrt eny pcowision or clause oY li�is SaWrity 1'mxE�vmmt or the Note ,.
<br /> '' oc�aRic��n�h applic�eis�fi��r�duch oonflkt shall r�at a�'ect otl�er prov�sions of this Security Yc�ument ori�;�i:�iae which au►be
<br /> 6i��ra.c�ri'G.without the oontlicting pmvision.To thi9 enci the provisiau of this Security In��unoent�nd the Note are dcclared
<br /> w lx,:+�i+�:rt�'h�le.
<br /> l.b;::�gnrr�ower'R Cupx.Borrower stwll be given orn oonformed rnpy_of tlx Note and uf this Socuriry Instrument. ':. .
<br /> p�:'7Yaw[er of t6t Properiy or a Be�lk�f Iaterest la Ba'rnwer.If all or any put of ttx Propetty or any int�r:,vt in it
<br /> i�soid�r trAnsferrod(�r if a beneficial interest in Borcowcr is sold or tr�wferrnd a�xl BotYOwer is not a natural person)witf�out
<br /> L.et�der's prior writtee consent. Lender may, at its option. roquire immediate payment in full of alt su� secured by this
<br /> o��5c�t�wna►t.Howevee,this optiun shall not bc exercised by Y.�nder if eaercise�s nrahibitod by foderal law as of the datc
<br /> �ec:irity Instrume,u. .
<br /> bti�sxkr exercises this oEKion, �,encicr shall give Borro�se's mvtiex ot'acce�ention.Tl�c tn�tice shal�p�v�c��a�oftnot .
<br /> �css than 30 diys fnom the dace die c!otice is delivered or mailod wlihin which Bo�rowcr sttrSt pay Y �
<br /> '. • Socuriry Instiurnent If&xrower fails to pay chc�e sams prior to the oxpi��tio�of this period.Lcndcr nis.;�nnvoke any cemedies •
<br /> petmittod by this Security Instnnnent wi.thout fut'�her notice or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> 1t4. Borrower's Ri�6t to ReE�atc. If I�or�ower meets certoin conditions, Bomower shall have the right to have
<br /> enfot�tnont of this Security Instmrn�t discontinued at any titne prior to the carlier of: (a).5 days(or sucB other�xuod as
<br /> , appl"n:�:�i,L Faw r�wy spccify for rei�ostatement) lsefore sale u� (1� Property pursuant to oh��ower of salc contai.t�e::4�:1.this
<br /> Securit��:u�t:,��rnent;nr(b)entry of 3 judgment eu,ct�ing this.,.�"+�c�erity Instrunxnt.Ttwse ca.�tvti�ions are that Botso�x;:;�(;i.b,��ys
<br /> f.�A•�r c�fiii'�au which thcn would be due under a4�:;,Security �Insurument ar.w3�the Nnte ss if rw aocrlcratir.�n ha��:•.:s�°e�';(b}
<br /> cuccx v►r.Ji defuult cT1`'nxn�uthor covenants or flg��e�za��nts; (c)paYs all oxp�s�§ncumYi in enforcing ti�4.3��c:;araty Zr;�:zu��ia�ttr
<br /> includi�,but nflt Ir:u�tvd to,reascmable attorneys"fees: ar►d(d)takes such's�riion as Lender may tnasc�"a,,�yy recluint i:�'ia,�;s,:rc� :
<br /> thnt thc lien of this Socurity Instifvar�,�nt. i.cixier's rights in the I'roperry aod Bormwcr's obligacion to pay the sums s�vi,+sc3 by
<br /> �H:� c.Y..,.:w r�rr„n�,n stuil ar,r�;�ue unc6an�ed. U�n rcinst�tcment by Borrowcr, this Security Instrument �n11 the
<br /> obligations sorurai hcrcby shalf�e�txiin fully cffoctive as if no ucceleration ltad occurred.fiowever.this ngt►t to reinstace seaii
<br /> no1apply in the case c►f acceleration undcr parag,raph 17.
<br /> l9. Sok of Note;Ch�nge of LoAn Se�vicer. Tho Note or a pariial interest in the Note (togeth�r wid� this 5ecurity
<br /> � Inswment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change in ehe entity(iaw;tim
<br /> as tlse"Loan Scrviuer')that a►1lects monthly{►ayments due undcr the Note uncl this Securit��instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or n�orc changes crf the l.oan Servicer un�lated to a sale of the Note.lf there is u chang�c�f'tl�e[.oan Serviocr.Borrower will be
<br /> gi��en writtor►�wtice of the etiangz in acrnrdance with paragrapit 14 abuve and applicable la.v.The notice wili state tGc�and
<br /> �ddress of th�c new l.oan Servicer:uxf the addms to which payments sliould be m�de. Tl►x notice will also cont�in any aher
<br /> infomiation�tquired by applicable l�w.
<br /> Zp, }����ubstances. Borrowrr shall not causc or permit ihe presersre, use, disposal, stoiag�, or rele�ase of uny
<br /> Hust�dous Substarxes dn or in the Prapetty. Borrower sl�all twt du, nor alluw anynn: clse to do, anything affocting the
<br /> P►�operty that is ire violation of any Environnxntal Law. The preceding two sentenc�;shail not apply tu the presenee,usc.or
<br /> storagc Un thepraperty of small quantities of Hazardous SuDstances that are generally rccognized to be appropriate tv nonna!
<br /> rGSidential ua.�s and to mu�tena�xe af the I'roperty.
<br /> vep��o+• � Form 3028 4I90
<br />