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<br /> sub�tantiuily equiv�lent mortgr�ge insurai�ca caverag�r,is nut avs�ilahle,Iic�rrower shnllpay to[..ender euch mon�h n su�n equnl to
<br /> " c+stie-tw�l(il�nf thc y�arly martgage ins�irsance pre�nium being paid b,y Borrowcr whcn Ihc insucttncc covctage lapsed ur cea�ecl to
<br /> ' be in effc�t. l,e�x.ler wili wc�cept,use atxi r�tnin thcse payrr�cnty as n Ic;ss re�crvo in lieu af mortgage is�suennce. I.oss r�s�r��c
<br /> c P��9n�r.nts may no langer be n;c�uircd,r�Y thc nptii►u��f l,ct�dee, i6 mUrigo�e insuran�:c c�►veraFe(in Iho nmeamt nnd for thc nr.riix!
<br /> l�lUl�.(:S1S�E7 reyuir�s➢ps�vidcd by�u in:,urce u�3�j�i�vc�t Iry I,e�uier r�gCl�fi�t�CiIYII�'l 11Vi4�Yf'.V��«►*.�1 is ut�tnlnuS. Tiorro�VCr r.ti:ill pay =-
<br /> U�c prc�uiums requircd tu maintuin niortgnge Insur�iicc in rffese,or to pmvide a lasy rescrvc,un9fl the rcc�uircmcnt for��wrignge
<br /> . insurxnca entla in accorclanc�witli nny written agctuixnt�etw�n F3orr�wer a�xl L.encler ar nppilrable I�uw.
<br /> 9.I�pection. I.ender or its agtnt ma� nwka reaumubtr,emrie�u�nn u�xf inspcctions nf thc Pmpe�tiy. l.encier shAlt give
<br /> Borrawcr notice at thc timc of ar priur tr�an nspccii�n h�►eclfying reesonublc r+►use far thc inspecUon.
<br /> 10,CondemnAHun. '�he per�cCals crf�ny aw�n1 ar cl�fm for damages. dlrcct ar conseyuential. in comxction with Any
<br /> coixlemnation or other tukins�i'uny p�uz af thc Pmpsrty�or fur cnnvcyxnce in lieu�f cnixiemm�tion, aro hcrcby asyigned ancf
<br /> shaU bc paid to Ltndor. `
<br /> In thc event of a totel tpking uP che Property,lhe prnccocls shull be uppli4�d to the sums secumf by thia Su:urity Insinimcnt,
<br /> whetnsr or�wt then due, with c►ny cxcoss�u+d tu i3ormwcr. ln chG event of a paettnl t�king of�hc Propeny iu v+hir.t��hc fair
<br /> market v�lue of the Pmperty immeclintely fiefure thu taking is equal w or greater than thc umaunt ot d�c�lims s;ccurul lvy�his
<br /> Security Inst�um�nt imm�clistely beforc the twking,unless Eiorrawcr end I..endcr ethttwisc�grca in writin�.thc sutns secured by
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument shull be reduced by tht auiount of tho ptnceeds mu➢tiplicd by Ih�: folluwing frsiction: (a) the totul
<br /> Amount of the sums secured imrncdiatcly beforc lhe taking.dividr.d by (b) thc fair inurket valuc of tha Praperty immodiutely
<br /> before thr tuking. Any balance sh�ll bc palJ tu Bu��rowe�. [n tho cveni af a�.�rtial tuking of Ute Property ia which the fAir
<br /> markct velue of tho Property immodiatcly'txforc thr,taki►ig is less thAn the anwunt of�hc sums socurod lmmodiatcly bcforc tha
<br /> taking. unless Bormwer atxl[.ender othcrwise Ag�re in�vtiting ur unicss appl+cAbla law otherwise provides, the procecds shuU
<br /> be appl�od to ths sursts sxured by this Security lnstrumenc whethcr or not thr sutng are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandanai by Borrower,or if,after natic�by Lender to•Barrowcr thut d�c cor►demnar offers to mukc an
<br /> awa�rl nr settle a claim for dum�g�s.Borrowcr fails to respond ta Lendcr within 30 duys aQcr tho dnte thc notipe is glvcn,
<br /> [.mdcr Is nuthoriT�ed to collcct and apply the prceoads,ot its o�atlon.cithee to restoretlon or rerpair of the Pro(xriy or t�tl►e sunu
<br /> seturcd by thts Security Instrument, whethor ur not then due.
<br /> lJnless Lender and Sorruwer wltierwise agtr,e iu writing, any application of procoods to priu,:ipxt s1w11 raa► e��er�ar
<br /> postp�ne the due date of thc monthly payments nfern�d to inp�uagraphs 1 u�ci 2 or change the anwunt of ylch payments.
<br /> 11.llarrowcr Not Relais�d;Forbe�rance By I.a�dn'T�IoQ�Walve*•Extension nf the timr.for payment or modifiaitian
<br /> of amont�ation of the sums sexv�r.d by this Se�curlty Instrvmeiit grantal by I.ender ta�in��surcessor xn interast of Bonnwer shull
<br /> not operate to releasc die lipbility of the original Horrowar or aor�no�ver's suo�essors in lntflrest.Lender shaU rat be rmquirod to
<br /> oorrurx�proceedi�igs against any succcssc►r m intercst or rafi�rx to exte►xl time for payment or otherwiu mod�fy amattlzaci4n
<br /> of the sums secured by this Socuncy [nstrument by �san of any demsnd made by the original Borcower or i�o�rower's
<br /> sua,�eswrs In intenst. Any forbearance by Lendcr in exercisdng any nght or rcmedy shall not be a waiver of ur pr�cludo thc:
<br /> �xen:3sc uf any right or remedy.
<br /> l�: S�ocesoors �mi As�i� &wnd,Joiat �►nd 5ev�esYSs I.tabtlity; Co-signers. Tha covenants a�nd ag�ements of this
<br /> Socurily ins�curt�c�c shall biod u�xi benefit the suocessons sw��9 assigns of Lender and 8urrower. subject to the provisions af
<br /> puagrapl� 117. Borrower's oovuwnts and agxecmonts shstl �e joint and several. Any Borrower who arsigns tt�is Socudty
<br /> inun►mnt but daes nnt cx�te the Note: (a)is eo-signing t[�is 5eturity Instcument only ta rnortgagc, grant w�d oonvey thac
<br /> , � •. Aorcower's interest in the Prope�ty under the tnrn�s of this Seeurity Inctmment;(b)is not petsonniiy obli�ied io p�y ii�c su�� '
<br /> sucure�;d by thls 5xuriry Inshu�r►cnt:and(c)agn�es that Lka�;.t e�td uny othar Borrower mny agra to extend,modify,t�xibr,�r or
<br /> � • ms'�e 7my aornmmodations wid�r�;�yasd to the terms of d�iti S�n��si�y Ynsuumont or the Note wuhout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> , ' �1�.;�,�.�ao Ciurae.s.If the w.orM securod by this Securirj ilnsizument is subject to u Is�w whlch stts muimum low.i chu�es,
<br /> an3'''s'hat!Taw is finally intecpretod so that the int�rest or ot3r�r.'lnan charges collocted oc to be oollocted in connecticr�with the
<br /> � loarl'.�;,,�ct�d the per►xcitted lim�ts,thcn: (a)uny s►►ch loun char�e shall be reduced by the amount r�eocssary to rodua thc charge
<br /> . ` sU the•p�mitted limitt�nd N)�Y sums altrad�y eallocted from Borrow�r w1n'vch exeeoded permitted limits will be E+efundod to •
<br /> .9oirr.+w�r. i�en�der m�y choose to nnke this reCund by �w..'`k~sag thc pri�cup�al owed wxier the Note or 6y making a di�ct
<br /> pa7�tar'at to Aorrower. If a r�fund roduoes principal. t�c,_ra"L�ction wil! be meated a; a partial pr�payment wnttwut �ny
<br /> prqsr}�mmt durge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notias.Any notice to Borrower pmviaorl for iu L':Ss Socurity Insuument slwll beg�ven by delivedng it or by m�iling
<br /> it by first class m�il untess applic�bk 7aw aquires use of another method.The aotice shall be dircctAd to�Ge Propaty Ad�ress �' ,,.
<br /> or any othcr addcesm Rorrower designates by noticc to I..erxler. Any noticc tm Lender shall be giwm bp ftrst class m�il to , �
<br /> L�der��idr�a atated tieKin or�ny othcr addreus Lender.dtsigr�ates by nc�ticc to Barrower. Any e�t�t�e provickd for in this � •
<br /> Savrity Inmument stuJl be detmai to have ban given tn�i�i�ower or L.endcr when given as providai 9n this puagrnph. '�':'�''1'.
<br /> � �5,Gorer�is� J,�w; 5rer�tbNity. '[his Securir.y Inserument stwll be govemod by foderal I�w and �he Ixw of the
<br /> juri�ietioa in which the y �s tocated. In the event that any provision ar clause of thjs Se�rity I�mrnt or the NatC
<br /> oa�flicts with app4ic�Jhle laa�snch canflict sha1L�ot affect othtr provisions qf this Secur�ty Insuumtnt rar¢!�Notc which can bn -'�'!;'�
<br /> • givea effmct w[Ut�,*�,t r.?x c�oollictio8 provisioe.�'R'shis end the provision�rT Ehis Security InshumGnt��the Nc�te sro dxlared '�`' �.
<br /> to be yever�ble. '' • ... � . . ��:�
<br /> I.6.iloKtvwnr's Cupy.Hurrower shall be givon one confom�ed oowy of the Idote ancl�nf this Sa�urity Iastrumeat.
<br /> ��,Ttarefa ot tlre P�+opMy or a EeqdkiaD Intatiat€n 1{onro�ra.if af1 ur xny�n�rt af the Property or any inta�est in it
<br /> is soi<t ar traasfurod(or if a banCcial intere�t in Borrower Qs sold or transfr,rnd�nd Bdtrtower is not�nat�sral person)vrithout
<br /> lxnder's prior writtrn cansens, Ltr►der maY. .�t its opt�ion. c�equirc immrxliatc p�yment in ful{ of�11 sums securod bp this
<br /> � Soa�rity Ira�umcnt.However.d�is opti�n sinbl.ia�t be eatrcisod by Lendcr if exercix is prohibited b,,+r fa.�trel law as of the datt
<br /> of!h}�Secuary Incttument. �
<br /> •ri�l.ender oxercists ttiis option.Lender shall give�ormw�er rnotice o6 aoceleiatiun.Tt�e notia shall provide a Qcnod of noc
<br /> Iess�i�t 30 dAys fmm thc dAtc thc notice is deliverod ar ruailed within which Bon�s��r must psy al[ sums sre�•�d by this
<br /> " 5ocurity Dnswment.If 3�rrower fails tu pxy thesc sums prior to thc expication of this�cua�od, Lendcr may invokc a��y ranedies
<br /> pcamittod by thix Sxurity Instcumcnt without furth�r notia or dcma��d on Bor[+ower. .
<br /> `°; is. Barove�'S Ri�ht to Rdm�ta If B�rrow�r mects certain o�nditions, Burrowcr shal! hs�ve the right to lu►v�; .
<br /> enforcemcnt of Ih'ss Secunty Insttument discontinued at any tiroe prior to the eariiea o�: (a)5 duys (or such ot�er periad as
<br /> _ applirable law may spocify fea�minstatcnxnt)befo�e salc of thc Property pnrsu�n3 C� any power of salc oonr,r.im:d in this
<br /> Stxurity Instmmcnt:ur(b)entr,�+:s a judgmcnt enforcing this Security instrument.T[�cne conditious an th��t Bosxv�nn r:(a)pays
<br /> Lender�Il sums which then K��3d be due unckr this Secur�t3-Instcument and the Note as if no Aoaleration had ax`u►red:(b)
<br /> �;} •� : curts any ckt�ult of any otiwcr covenants or,�kr+ixments;ic)paYs all expenses incumed in enforcing thi.s Seeurity Inswmeat.
<br />�} including, but m�:lintite�i to. �easonabie ar,r.akr�:�s' fces; and(d)takes su��nction as Lendcr may reasonably ncquin to assu�r
<br /> .� tluu the lien of this Socurity i�tncut, Le�rGrtr s rights in thc Property and Bomowrr's a�bligation to Quy thc sutns secunni by
<br /> this Security Instn►ment sl►al! �etnue unchanged. Upon �einstatement by Borrower, this Secvnty Inst�ument and thc
<br /> r.�: ------..�..tl��3.. �dt.,..f9,r�:vn nc If nn�rlrratinn hnd�riurn�. However.!bi&npht to n'inctate�ll
<br /> S v.n.bo:.v..v u.n,....,..:........� �..�.... --� �'--'-•-—-- --- -�--- . . . _ .
<br /> •, not apply in thc c�ase of arrclerouon under Faragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Salc of Notc; Ctutt�e uf Laan �ioer• 'I'he Note or a partial interest in the Note (together widi this Securi.ry
<br /> � Instrument)tnuy be sold onc or rnore timcs v�iEitiotit prior notice to Bomo���er. A sa1C n�ay resuit in a chnnge in the entity(icrawn
<br /> ' as the"Loan S+:iviccr"�that coilects montlily payments duc under the 1Vote ar►d this Security Instmment.Thet�e also may be one
<br /> � or inorc chsngcx af the i.o�n Serviccr unrciatcd to a sale��f the Nota IF�hcre�s a change of the L.oan Secviccr.Borrower will tre
<br /> giv���vritten noticc of the�hange in acxordaixe with paragmph 14 above and applic�ble law.Tt�e�wNce rt�ill state the natne and
<br /> ad�iress of the ncw I.aan Scrvlcer and the ndJress to which payrnents shoutd be m�de. 'Ifie noticc will also contain any uthcr
<br /> information rcquircd by applirablc law.
<br /> ' 2p. 1�purdous 5ubstanees. Bomo�vcr shall uot c�susc or permit the prcsence, use, dispo�a,l, storage, or releasc of any
<br /> Hazanlaus Substaix.� on or in thc Piropercy. Somower sh:ill �wt du, nor ;dlow ;►nyone else to do, anythiog aE�ectins tlt�
<br /> Property tliat i� in violution of any Environmcnta➢ Law. Tlie prectxtin�ta•o xnicnccs shall not�pply to thc presecx�c, usc, or
<br /> storags on the Pruperty oY smull quuntitics of Hazandous Substa�x:es Uiat aoe gencrally recogniuYl tn b�;appropriate to normal
<br /> rasidcnti�l oscs and to mainten.nce nf the l>mpecty.
<br /> reDa a ot e �'am 9QZ8 9190
<br />