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<br /> � aud Sxt�es o�uw ct l�ae�0es,a ot t1�e peuQaty. All repfaQemetits md addit�Ons shali�tso be coverod by this Secarity ,
<br /> --— -- --- �-=
<br /> - - - - � ,. ... - .-- 'a
<br /> --�-- - ____- - ---
<br /> '�ficav$iF-i — -- _ — --
<br /> ` BORROWOt ODVENAI�Li'S t6u Barower is Lwfullg seised d Me esdtc hneby coaveycd aad has t6e right�to grant ,
<br /> - �I caavey th•Ropetty aed ihit th�RopEtty is e�9Mnbae�.e.�cept fot encutaM�s af recotd. Aartower wutnots aod `
<br /> ` w�t de[end gsoeraliy de atk�o We�noperty�giunst�It claimt aad d�m�d�.subject to any�cum6ra�es af r�a�- .
<br /> • � THYS�SECURTF1i INS7RUMENf oombiees unifam oove�ants fac nuiomi use and aon-uniform coveaa��s witA . .
<br /> - Innited vriat�ons hy jv�a to�oe s ttnifam se�itSt�ESOVering�eal pco�xrtY-
<br /> EINIIaORM��OVENANj'S. �ott�o+ver a�d l.eider coven�tt aod,�g�+ee as fdiows:
<br /> L Y��wt�t at PeLeiMl aM iMere�:Pe+eP�7See�t a�Lak Ciar�es. Bor�ower s6il1 pmmQtty WY wbai due d�e
<br /> Principtl of and i�+at aa d�e Qe6t cvidanotd bl►the Note u�d aaY P�P�Y��and lue ctnrges due iuiderthe Nate.
<br /> � l�lai�fir 7�SN.�M Lairai� Subjxt to applicabk law or to�t written wava by I.ender.Barvwa sbaU paY m .
<br /> � I.ender m tbe daY��Y M9�s.ac�dua uoder.the Note„u�til the Nac�s paid"w full.a sum["Fur�ds"�fa:(s)yarly
<br /> pxes aed u�r�s whish'msy aWon p�iaity over this 5ecuriry�as g ii�oa tbe PmpectY:@',►�e�rlY k�MW
<br /> � .psyrn�ts oc�ouad c�'an ihe Ptoptiiy.if aay:fc)Y�Y�a�� iasumnce p�emium� �� 9GVtY t1ooQ
<br /> -- iruutance Ptmiwns,if anY:t�)Y�y'�8�8c iasurancc pemiums.if auy;aad 4�?��P4Y�bY ��wa w
<br /> - t.aider,iu accord�noe with thc provtsions of pangraph S.in tieu�of tt�PaYmenE.of matgage insuauyce p�emiums. 71�ese , ,
<br /> 1tEmS i[C C�ICd°ES�UW IIq111~ I.CfidlC 111iJ(s 8t�it111t.CO�C[�ifOTd Rt[IdtRli�tt BRIOIIDE fld[t0 CxCCC[�F�1C tI1�1I1111YiI1
<br />_ amount a leader_for a.fede�atly ielate�mo�tgage to�a may teqiu�e for Bamwetk ascrow accaunt w�der cbe;.fede�al Real
<br /> � Esiate Sealemrnt Proce�ums.Acc of 1974 as amendea from dme co ame;I2 U S.c g Z6ot er srq:�"RFSPA'7.�nilzss�
<br />:fi�: law that appfies to the liunds sets a lessa amoun� U so,I.ender may,at any time,uollect�ad hold li�nds ia an araount not to
<br />- exceed d�e tesser a:ncwnt. Lender may esdrn�te ibe amonnt of li�nds due oa ibe basis of cunr.nt dua and n�sana6k _
<br /> - cstimates of e�pa�iares of future F.scmw Itemc or otheiwise iu�ccadance with applicabk law.
<br /> - Thc�ndt s(r�L:�[a held a►tat inuitatian wlase deposits ate�insured by�federal ageac.y,iasuumentality.ot entity
<br /> - — '•'.• Cuicluding I:ender,iE�t�nder is such w institution)a in any Rederal Home Lo�BzaY. Lender sh�il apply ttie F�nds w pay
<br /> -_ rr tbe Fsaow Ium3. Lendcr may aot chuge�ormwer for hotding an�!applYinB t6e A�nds.annuaUl►an�tYzinB tGe esccow ' =.
<br /> � .' accamt,or verifying th�Bsccow Iterns. unkss i.endes pays Bomower inttrest on the�'vnds ancl appiicabk!aw pertnits �
<br /> '�a,: Leader to make such a charge: Howcvea.l.ender may roquue Barrowtr to pay a onc-time charge for an independent neal -------
<br /> E_--�_
<br /> � est�te tu iepon'In8 s�vice used by Lender in connectton with this to�n.unless applicable[av��rovides otherwise. Untess a» �;�.Y°-_:=_
<br /> : :ti i ageement is made or applicabte taw requiies interest m i�e paid.Lender shaU Qot 6e required"to pay Bonower any interest or :t;�- -=-�
<br /> 'eamings on the I�nds. Bomower and Ixnder may agree in writing.howeve�tEsa�interest shall be pa�d on the Funds. Lcnder .,�``::°,�
<br /> :�w...�
<br /> - st�l!g'tve to Bormwet,without cf�arge�an annual accauaqng of the Funds,st�w�g credits and de6its to the Funds and the '"`_�-�
<br /> � putpose for wdich eaeh debit to tl�e Fu�xts was made. The Funds are pledge��s addit�ona!securiry for all sums secuced by ;.���$��_
<br /> �-�-, this Secuciry Instrumen� , . ,�
<br /> �' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pemiiued to tie het�,by applicable law,Lender sball accaunt to _�'��
<br /> .. ''+: , � Bamsver for the excess�unds in accordance witb tbc requirements of appli •�,rr�law. It the amau�af,tl�e Funds hetd by � -
<br /> �, ,` L.��nder at any tir,�e is nat sufficient to pay the F_scraw Items when due,Lendr�r c»ay so natify Bossaur�iu:writing,and,in .�5
<br /> �° sucb case Borrower ahaQ pay to Lendec the amoant necessary to make up 9x deficieney. Bcsr�'�iv�.sh�l! make up the
<br /> .�, ,_, . _ .
<br /> • � {{7 � deficieacy°in no more than twelve monthiy payments.at l.ender's sole discretion:' ,_ ". ' . ti,
<br /> Upon payiaci►t in full of all sums secured by this Security In.qtrument,I.ender shaD�asriplly seftmd"to Borrower any °
<br /> ` %'�`� F u a d s h e l d b y L e n d e r. I f,u n d e r p a r a g t a p h 21.L ender shall a c qui�or sep the P r o p e r t y,i::.�►der..p r ior ta the acquisition or `'`!° � �
<br /> t. ..,�:�.. .
<br /> ,,,� .: sale of thc Property.spall appiy any Ponds held by Lender at the dme of acquisition or s�1e as a credit against t1�t swns __ .
<br /> securrA by ihis Security Inammien�
<br /> �'" 3. Application o!Pt� afs. Untess a licable law rovides otherwise,all a ents received Lender under _
<br /> :s ' J� PP P P Ym bY ��; _�
<br /> paragrapt�s,l and 2 shall be applied:fnst.to any prepayment charge:�due under the N�e;second.to amounts payabte under _-
<br /> - :: paragaph 2;th�rd,to interest due:foutlh.to principal due:and last.tv.any late charges due under the Note. - _
<br /> ,. ,�: 4. C hA1gRS; Lie1�a. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmCnu.charges.fines actd impasitIons attributable to the _
<br /> .. Property which may attain�rioriiy dver this Secutity Insuument.and leasehpl0.payments or graund renu,if any. Botrower ,• • , _
<br /> ` y .; shall pay these obligations sn the manner provlded'm paragaph 2,or if not�c�3.�that manner,Bormwer shall pay them on �� i: , "`��,
<br /> �_° •.._ . time directly to the persott owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to➢.zader all�►otices of amounts to 6e pa�d under � ` :a':;�„�,_
<br /> � �r th3s paragaph. If Barrower makes these paymen�s directly.Bortowcr shall prompUy fumisl�o rm Lender receipts ev�dencing ,,,.. ,'�`���-
<br /> . . � ihe PaYmeAts. . . •,�.�,: :._ -- ._
<br /> , ._.,.;,;,;
<br /> .,a••:;,. ..,
<br /> . Borrower shall promptly dischargo uny licn which has priority ov4r thls Security insttum�i unless Borrower:(a)agrees , •�.-;;t,:�,;,--�
<br /> . in writin$to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a m�nq�r acseptabia ta Lender.(b)contesis in good faith the ' •, ��,;:..,;
<br /> "` I�� lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal procecdipgs�1!hich:in the Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent the , ..:,��;
<br />- �� e�'orcement af tho lien:rn(c)secu�es from the halder of the i�en=�'c1.ag,ccement saUsfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien . ��_:»-�.-
<br /> . " � to this�S�urity lnspvmenl. 1f Lcmder determines that any paR q�iiliC.Ptopetty�y:subjcat to a lien which may atiain pdority - ., „�:�-;�:::�;.
<br /> _ �;,`:�. . ..
<br /> aver this Security Instrument,l.enAer may givc Borrower a nodee identifying•the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take . a..�,:•,��;�.;. • �.....•
<br /> . _ " one or mote of tho actions set forth above wilhin 10 days oF the givi.ng of nutloo:., - ' � '��` . ..
<br /> , �. , .,.,;•.,,.. .
<br /> �r`. S. Hazard or Pr r lesurance. Bortnwet shall kec the im �ovements now existin or hereaftet erected on the k�';�r ''��"�`���•
<br /> . ,:. ::.:i_.., � .' Op! tY p P S ,t��:�...�-:�i:,�;';i•:�. . ..
<br /> � • �:1''=` :-;..••. Property insured agsiinst loss by fire,hazards included withih tho tem�"ctfetCtidod cv�verage"and�ny othcr hazards.including r��....-, . .� , .
<br />. _ ';�^l,s;�;I;�tj;+f. floods or flnoding, for which Lender reyuires insuraace. 'Ihts i�sutance ahail be maiatuinvd in the amounts and for the 1:`'''":` � :':�:%` - :
<br /> : y, � �
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