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<br /> �__._ � -___ PAGE40P4
<br /> !4&� ��1.,�,�' Ac�ni�r�cznsn�.�,.r�:���� _ -
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<br /> 1f��1"a�:r�!'I.klf: F':�tc!9 �;7 Rr:l�'I'i� !C•'.! n�"'!�C�g1��2S'P Cii1�K7�i i}:'�1 h'P ��IIIlIl�QO��tt7�111r�i^'�and renied�ss�r�1t�t1e e��ioss I,t�11T�f!N'�191tA'.IIY ysa cytr.�d ta '
<br /> Y ,._...._._.�.._ �.
<br /> �1t�����5���Iklt GIA!tlGl.liy Il[�lYfiti lI�lI4 it!I if;411!69 L':Aor(t�►G�dli��j !id'�rD�'1 IIli.1.f,EII G1i C1 flj4l9 LI fC;'�"_�:9.Ll(:c!f,��l Cti��S�F:ti::(1?i!;�!tTt�"-�
<br /> 1��1{L�1�tu�� IM'
<br /> TO A0IEASE ClIMM11C CONIIt10NS; t q�� y
<br /> �ntr ro s�ara.
<br /> "�"iS�:I�A IKPd�S 0!!t!!PI.tFg,�!3TN P.E�►ECi TO iNE EME y �-
<br /> fwtMr�TM��rnitiM�K �IIM�u�Ii0 A�►AEf[MT�110M ON MIYiiUih�i'Gr iw�t�ii1 A1�+�,`i�fiE�CN�r� i�IipNMt�i�Mr d tklas.�� Ixt Mt
<br /> Lp1
<br /> s�s i co�o��r�c�r�"ir� o�t�►�aauctts►.i ww�i«w c►��r.�s����+� ��x��
<br /> IhNiti!b,tM hrN.1�11t!�M�It��f I�nrl�tl�Ie�Aw.tM 1�►I�uyr slie«.M��hh��!�:hxa�,tM h1e el�wNt�l ol cautructlo�el�MM.�r
<br /> h�;,�M1�c«�i�i�u��sn.�.N�r�utHi�ol t��est�t satt�na,csln►tlr cr�h!11tnt r�f lown�a d a��,�nl rra t�i t��t��rtr co�sYa�t IK
<br /> PR4�PAYllhicFwhalc amoimt awiit�3,��you�in�r1�NAN y IIn�HARG�'f'i f�nn�hlin�tuiimr�t�uinit r�tnnd di¢t thc�financeuchargo(imercs)i tcan putcd da ly�l know my�
<br /> No��pc�e eia�will bc Ics9!1 I makc uo aady puynir.rt.an+f h will��:lilght.r kf I pr�I�An;�l pSI�re+:o8nir.c t�at any neccssnry adjustment to tny toinl fl�tancechar{t will _
<br /> be rcOceted in my fin�il bill:1 ul+o kirow tLnl ih�r amnums tihoxn��n p�L`�2 fur Iha��NIt�t{t1�Ch�uta.Totnl uf Pnynir.nte,unA tha'Potal Sulo Fnce are cstimatcs bssed oa
<br /> whec►!um Chnused on u daily 6�15c 1 kni w ih U�f nll�rehi cs,rufinnlf�+u►tl�m.1Ut tR�v'ich 1 mlgM�bc cnt Icd�loss t1nlrt oncpd�llni(�00).no rcfund�uill lie madc 1
<br /> paid all�amo�nis oK-eJ.1 knuw�th:i if 1 pnyr�y hnrwholclxnRuunt,�y+,Yuv�}�cofltci i r�rctnln�fmmPite n mini mmmchn Rc notjgccatcr d an SI�q0��r pAymcnt9 until I lii�vo
<br /> SR�ClAI��'.�R�G�h�cr Ilx►kiirtv,���1 know�ihat 1 c�nt�c��s l lhicaca�atnx't rt�y ime afwr he�pedod of t9m S�iveo t fine by I�w in wh�cb o cansel��Mg t�hni
<br /> cgal peaal of tinx.I know th��1 ha�e�hr ohlig�bn to p�►Y ynu�ln fnll.thr�+rnt owed.
<br /> COAftlfe.AiCc�9E�:T(Dr'TI1E::IIdAR'Gk:C6dANCek:1'fh,;fineaice chsr��imlemsQ is esHm�tcd to Et:ut within 30 days of rhe date of tlds contnct,exeept in thrsv�n:
<br /> Cert�fmtelli�crmamoffii�anccchugcliicrc�tln yh,;nx�re�rlc��ihintihiumc�wntdi louddcpcndingonihcawunt Ip�y�youandmytnndc[nc�sinmakl+��mptqtion -
<br /> U£FAULT:I wip be in dsfault unckr this controct if: 1.I A�ro t n�5k.:a fi�ymxn�when duc��r 2.!brca{e my[x�omisc,l m�dc to you in�his caNrr:t:a 3.Somctfiing else _
<br /> h�ppens which causcs yau�o beli°�•e In gcxHl foiUi ihat t do�rat in:�e.rA a��r.y you os promised;or 4.1 defuul�on any obLgation�for which 1 vn u;i,;.my home as colleteral;
<br /> or3,Something h�ppens to mY Mwse which thre�tens yovr tight5.iLn�lry,in it.
<br />' COLI.EC'I[QN C05N'u:lf 1 um in dcf�ult of Ih1s curunca arv!3'aa dtm�nd full paynxnt.�oi�i�witl�clo�ll�ihat�thc taw�rcguiii�t 1 unders ancl that i�f gw hiro sut ittnt�y
<br /> you an�t 10 lu►ve my housc sokl to rcpay a�y amounts 1 nH•c:ycrir.�llt+�urc my houu�s sold.�,
<br /> to assist you in 1he enTorcenxnl uf your n hts.i�tcludin 1h:sak�of,my house or�IaNwG,l agrce to p�y you for rcasonablc r�Grrneys'fces a�1 fcv d r telued expanses
<br /> such as eoutt cous,�itle seuctks anA mnrBiey you ex(�ndtd q�4+^+1'�vet mY houu,if you are allowed to ecilket such anwunte bp lSw.
<br /> p'i'l;Ell R1GN1'S:Ya�can ch<�se ix�t to enfom any�f lfi:ri�ii9ts unckr thls contrm�s uflen a9 you a�et wi�houi los�ng them.lh.you rz�n d�laY enfa�clna any of 1he
<br /> rights wiihout losin��hem.Ya�can ulso usc ai�y tiphtt npx'oz�r.i ihe fulurc given to you bp luw. ,
<br /> DE4AYS:1 know thm you will use your best effcxte to lnataAl:AK iRoducts 1�m purrh�sing on my hou.x,but 1 also understu�d ttut in some:siuiulon�ya+m�y e^'-'oun��
<br /> ddays thM ue cauxed by udkes.Ktather cad.it3ons.d:��5•=�y�:N�ve in obtaining mwerials,cN t�or other reasons that r�rt beyonc!your coettvL 1 will�at hold ycu liabk
<br /> frx xuch delaya. ��o�, c .I.fa��11 e�? »ehu cueir�c�you c�n declarc�I!thpt i awe ur�dtr this contn:i y�bk u o�e:I agu to pay�rou iMercst
<br /> f�l�jUl.J�!VR iV t.�cniinws�..:�.�»..:�,__-!�. �-�--+ �..�..•�1/uyw�ar.n tn Y0U_ _
<br /> an dut amiwnt u tl�maximum eontr�cwal atc dk�wcA fYy+'I�w nntil�he amount I owe you is p�kJ.�mso�m�i Y�o c�.�"""°`�'��
<br /> AitlA{i'�A'I7QN:If I tuive a dispuie a clilm v�it�yaic�M�cemin�the quantity.qurlity or pecformana ot the Product.a.I undenund ifue iny¢i:put�may Ge submitted
<br /> to u�d�aetPAd acc«dieE.ro the medi�Can-arEitr�t.im L+ra�tin lhat may have devetoped in my community.(al�so imow th�t�ny deCfeiort tne�}e roY.n'+rtat�ivat°t{�t)would be
<br /> eetemtunthecoucthavm8,ju1'isdicdonovermc arcJ�ya��•
<br /> SALYACE VALUL:[b;aw�hat Ihe wi�bws.xi+odvic,cic.sldina.bricr and aher mucri�ls th�t have to be ccmoved b��yau foe this f�i�rNun7�ave M�utrage value.
<br /> Whon pa rcmove thcm.you can hsve them ftwc whatrt��u purpo�se Yau want.
<br /> SlEGt�1,4 SITIJAT[UNS:[)ue to tAe u�ue�r.0 of,v�ime of the Pcoducts�hu you all.l underuend that(nspecia33itwtiau your Reaiond Office�nwy luve W neview
<br /> and ve thic corNract.f dso undeatsTd ilut.th:s at�t�ocwrrcd in my home�nd that you�ad I may nolluve hai dl the cotnct Inlo�m�ticn�fimpptunt W thls uuuactio�
<br /> at our ingertips:l give you my conxM ta mcrcxtuvx abvious erro�s Ch�t may have uccumed wt�en the b++�ks in thls contnct werc compleu�l. � .
<br /> INVAI.ID PAOVlB[ONS:Itrnypr�ovhtfonof ttdt�r,ontnct vlofates the law eed Is unrnforctabk.the rest oP tiu eonttact wip Ue valid.If pti�'pni1�tosrn7�lect���
<br /> poYmenl Lf mone inKrtst Man the Itw r+:rm�ig.tht�t you wlll only have the right to colbct ftnnt me Ihe vno�u�t af intrnest which tfie law al ows
<br /> CpMa/,B'fENESS OF 1'lllS COyTRACTr.Tli t controct.an only be chanEed if�otl�you ond 1 agrce in wridng. .
<br /> AMY_HOLDER OF TtNB C+0lISAfN1E�CRE!)1'1'C�DNTRACT S 8U�.1��'f'TA J1L,t.CLAIAIS AND I���9fl�f1ET0.�OR WCM
<br /> QEBTOR 11ERE�l�f#DEA• , � . •
<br /> INSURANCB CA1�C!E;t.9.ATiQN:if i R�a�r. inaurntce in this purctase.I ma cancel auch rtquest for insurancr Tor.my reas0a wi���ftxa���ay fr�
<br /> the d�e of thi�coMracs by notifying yai a tG�s � r ot this conu�ct tn wsitinB.I know t t tfie cancell�tion of nry covtaq,�t tiv.itl.t�art+�ngtd t,
<br /> c+fnia
<br /> anJ a(nU ttfurd of tay prcmiut�(s)rogr.tM:r•'n i�M�pplk+bk fitwrcY clwtge wi�l hc crcditcd Io thi�caMnc't. ,..
<br /> pl.£ASE NOTEs If l havereyu�c�ted insuwm�:lnthisp�cfux.➢will receive wiihin thirty(30)d+Ya�ccrtitk�teof insurvrco ifia�c fu1lYl�cii7wt l am��erod o�i�lY��° .
<br /> I kipw?hei if there is any contlict in thr,conuxge or the langusge of the certiFM�1e ot i�u�wice and the[olbwins NoWe of Proposed .
<br /> the eri2C�T•NtMed in t1�C fO�IOM`InQ NOti�:e o!Proposod Inwr�nce•f vso knox'thu�hxve inwnnce covec�e a►ly if 1 have ban clur�ed fo,r,i t: �
<br /> �Cs�ke,optict ►:itI�t�t Cmetit A.i6:on.�redit Accident m3 Hralth Inwrana,or both.`�11 �1��f«��l in.��"of ii s ��oee�slwt w°�i�YSub,jeci Ia���
<br /> ��,�i�,r��Yo�e�•�:}rsT�fi inaw�nco.'Rlls iosur�xe will aily covcr the peryon $nI 8 rc9 � ,'.
<br /> by�the myi�ranoe u;�pa[,;;,th:insuranr.o rill be effec�ive u of today aid will conunue a�,y Cor the�Mer of rtanths nr u the ettative dNe eqwl w thc+ of
<br /> month}y pa�`+tt�xY:�'�t�ndarstmd�ut Ihis�vticulu insucarke may not provide covet�ge for my I�st few�yments,and th+t�lu+ing th�t Penc�of dme I will uat have any
<br /> imur�nce cove�ge.�:�dbteeGts�nd im,ax�ds otthe insunnee w�ll be pmd�o yw a to a finae�c�d InstrtWii�e�f it purch�sts the lnthe Tolat�io�Po roents: tthee'after,Ufc
<br /> oi its inccrests arS ram�:b�ivn:u wilA fxs pryable�o me.TIx initi9l amount nf Credit LiCe[nsurance is the am�unt reqtu �o rcy�y Y
<br /> insurupe docreaxt^ri./ahe amou»t oFuash monthlY WYmen�on a schalukd 30 d�y buis.If 1 un�oiMty obligued on�he o31s1(ment SileS tGsrBtrbct with a Go-BuYer.u�d
<br /> wc have both siane�!tfir,request for Ctetlll LiC�Insurmcc.d:oth beneff�s will Ao psYib_�f���U�re9s at���u��s�ta�uni u11l30�ih cf�h mootFt's W meM f�a h
<br /> or waiting period�' a'!sn thu inem•anr.n polic- arcattificate.Cmlit Accident tnd tkxl
<br /> day that I xm tdalty d�abled dun ta nm in�ury a sickness whilr 1 owe�Y paYment w ya+;howevet.l undenwnd Utu have to be ytevC51M kom wixkm due W such
<br /> eotal dis�bility fa morc dwn Caun:en I 14)ennsecutire da}:�beforc the i�wtencr.txnefit is naid buk ro the first dsy of•my'rot�1�`+S��������
<br /> obt��y�+�(rc�lata if I m�n orer id e�rb o(s�e lody�.�ed A Y�Iso 3��row tbat tl�e is�rrrnce a�oHeraje pt+or�ata m�
<br /> ����yo��6�t�d�y��ou.pue to the muimum nmaunt of wvcnge uated in Chr�nsu:voce policy.I know Ih�t
<br /> d �e w�kM wW ro1 pn�r in noca+e ewe9, •
<br /> any�id amowx in exuoss uf�hu int�urnce crovers�ge will stitl have to be pvd.If thc lnstnllment 5ales�oatract is prepaid m full ptior ao u7�c'lut paymcnc ter?nY
<br /> urKameAinaucm��'�.miwnswilll+U�uCatdedion�mthtmmtr_rprescrilxd6�'.Withinthiriy{30)day�.iwillneeivothectnificateofht9uxuleettwcefullydtsrnbmg
<br /> my insuru�ce cnv�.�q:_Af�ha inwmnoe if not xcepml by the imur�:con !will tecei�ro a reTund of tt�insurance premium�I have jnid. ,
<br /> 7039 SA1•IOI-N(?•9��tL� PA�k�. '_ ..
<br /> _ -�.W_
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