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� —�-��.�:_ ._.. _�_ _,_: .. _ �._'_ "..._ __.___ _' _ <br /> .- •.T, . _ ."' _ .. � , ' . - �.t.__. <br /> .�. � _ ',z 4c .. . _ <br /> ':.� . i:.1"'" '-: ._� = �� .�� _ _-:___'__—__ ___ —"_ •_—.--. __ —— _ ---_—" <br /> . . . i.. . <br /> � _ .. . .. . _ __ _ . ,� . . . <br /> , <br /> ..—_'_'__. _'"'.._ ..—_ " " ' ._ '. < � c' ` ' . '�.:����'�' .y-'�Y�''-' <br /> __- � '_ , r iL� �_ _ _ . . :.-+=wrfl�C:z�Y . <br /> - cG.. <.'�j' ' 4� � .,.._-- :'__, a�. --'-`— z <br /> '(..�_ i ' 'F" _.._ . . " _ ' � .< _ . . . . . . _ � ' ' <br /> r' i<c __ l , ` . , ,. � . � ' , _ • . - ��r- /Q����� ' �� . <br /> ' � � ` _ _ _ .'. . � . ` _ . _ . c , _ ` , . ' . .. ' . ' . <br /> ```''periods that L.eeder ra�ire�- 't7te sawtance caRietr FrovidlnE the'�nsusa�ee sl�11 be Ci�osen by Bcxcower sabject ta Ltnder�- <br /> _.. _ -- — � - �coval which�ll not�e nn�ea�onabtY witAheld. ff Bnrt4wer faits ta maintain coverrg�described above.Lender raaY•� . <br /> � <br /> . . -� ' �nce ith ? <br /> -- • nc�. tua�ccQCd_._...._ w �Ph • <br /> — -- - - <br /> � _..— �_ _--�---- ■ <br /> _-�—-- �. <br /> All lasurance poli�i�and renewa�Ls sha116e acccptabte to Lenrfer a��d. mc u � ive to Lender�tl receipts T — <br /> -sttall f�ave the dght to hotd the poticin and re�wals. if i.ender ra►uices.Borrower�hall Promlx to the insuraiice camcr�d <br /> ' of paid premiums and cenewat�wuces. b the evau of loss.8ori�uwes�e pto t� <br /> . Lender. l.cnder m�y R�e P'�f of lass if not made pron!PdY by Berrower.� . <br /> Unte�Lendet and Borrower othenvise�'�s ecanomically eas�ble and SLender's pse ur�ty i na tessened. ptf the . . <br /> � ��u�e�ty�Sragctl.if the s�estotatio�or:?rP�'� wouid be tes.setted.tite iqstuance iscc�ccceds s�11 be <br /> resc�a a repa�r�s�ot eronamicailv feasble or Leader's security . <br /> applied to the sums secured by�this Seciuitg insuument,whether or noe then due.witb any txcess p:ud to Borro�rer. li ; <br /> gorrQwer ab�ndons the Prapert}+.oc dces na an:wer widun 3f}days a notice fmm ixndcr that the insur.mce carsier has <br /> ndon roceeds to re air or mstore <br /> offe�ed t�set�te a clwn.tben l.eader may coilect the insurrnce proceeds. I.ender may use the P od K ll n when <br /> _ • the prope�ty or to paK�sums soc�u+ed by thic Security lnswmen�whether or not.then due. 7'he 30-day peri 1�8& <br /> �1101��g'v`'�' - .. m writing.any application of proceeds to principai shaii not extend or • <br /> - — Unk�s Lender and BoRUwec otherwisc agree. <br />-_ - — postpone the due date of ttie montblY P�►Ymrnts'refeRed par�Srapbs 1 and 2 or change the amuunt oF the payments.�If <br /> _ u���.�y�1 �p��ny i�xquired by Lender,Barrower's nght tu:eny insucance pohcies.and proceeds ceaulting <br /> frorp damage to�he Pmperty prior ta the 2cquisition si�all pass to l,ender to ttte extent of the sums securea aY this Securit� . <br /> _ Instrwnent immediately pnor to the xquisition. : � Borrnwer's Loan Applkatlon; <br /> �, p�p�Cy� prese�atiop, Maiatd�ance and Pmtectt°° °� t� �'°� y'1 residence within sixry days after ==— <br />-,."', Lea�6old�, Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Pr°percy as g°n°wer's pri�o�wer's•principat residenre for at �=v__ <br />- ,� ti�e exeeution uf this Securicy Inswment an d s ha l i continue to accu p y the.P m p c c t Y writing, which consent sfiali aa 6e ��_= <br /> - lean ane year after the date of accupancycinumstapce�s eaist which are�beyond Borrower:s contrai. Borrawer shalt not . �i = <br /> -'- ' mueasona6iywithfxtd,orunlessexsenuatin�. �:`�_� _ <br /> �-_=-_ <br /> �;:v al�uyv the PropeRy to deteriorate.or cammit waste ort the Property Borrower shali �,.,____ <br />- destroy.damage or impair the Pcopercy. whether civil or begun that in i.ender ti good fuith judgment __= <br />- _ be in default if any fa�fe�tuie acuon or proceedin8. �-_�- <br /> could resuit in forfeito�e of the Property ur oth��'��'�terially impair tbe lien created by this Secuzity Instnsment or � - <br /> - Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a defauit and reinstate,as provided in paraBraPh�8•by causing the actian �. <br /> vr proceeding to f�dismissed with a culing Lender's good faith detertnination,pteeludes forfeiture of the Borrower:s ; � _ <br /> - inter�st in the Property or other materiai impaitment'of the lien cceated by this Security lnstrument or Lender's securiry , :_ =- <br /> incerest. Borrower shall also'be ia defau�t if Borrower, during the loan application process. Lave materialty fake ar ��i./�;_ <br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender lor faited ta provide Lendet with anY materia!infotmation)in canneclion with .: , ' __ <br /> the toas� evidenced by the Note. inciuding, but not limited to,representatiorts conceming Beaower's uccupancy of the , Ff._,,,_=_ <br /> .}' praperty�a principal tesidence. If this Security In-ttrumene is an a leasehold.Bormwer yhal!comply witb all the provisionc �.I . _,,_ <br /> -`' af the lease. If Bouower�cquires fee title to the Property.the teasehold and the fee[itte slrall not merge untesti Lender agrees '{, }�` <br /> ' �._ $. .' to the merger in writing. ' •' '�- <br /> y, Protection ot Lendee's Rights in the Praperty. 1f Borrower fails to perFortn the covenant�s and agreemertts �,_.�,.�..: <br /> contained in this Security there is a legal proreeding that may significantly ai'fect Leader� rights in the ���r :_ <br /> � - property lsuch as a pra�eedin�in bankruptcy.ptobaie.for wndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then ����,:_- <br /> , Lender m� do and pay fae«katever is necessary to pmtect the vatue of the ProQeny and Lenderi�S r��men�a r�a�ng �'j'�'�`�'���- <br /> �:t.- y <br /> • '� Lxnder's actions may inctude paying any sums seeure�f by a lien�hicA has priertt} over this Secun y PP�" - . <br /> �•, �':��� '� in court,paying reasonable attomeg�y f�s and entering on the Property to rnake repairs.Although Lender may take acuan ..: <br /> `.r•�`�° undcr this ra h 7.Lendet dces not bave to da sa. ''� ' `� <br /> �1f��� • � ' �� Any amoun p dixhuned by Lender under this paragraph 7 Si�,:�become addhional debt af Borrower�,ecured by eh:� _ ; <br /> • Security Instrument. Unless Borcower and Lender a�rsee ta other terms af paymen�the�e amounts shall bear inte�est fram the <br /> �' date af disbunement at the Note rate and+hall br pa�aBte,with interetit,upan aotice from l.ender ta Borroaer requesting ' <br /> . � .� <br /> • payment. �• - <br /> � i: g, Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender reyuired mortgage intiurance ati a condition of making the taan 5ecvred by this <br /> "`•` 5ecurity Instrument.Barrower�hall pay the premiumti required ta mainiuin the martgagc insurance in effret. Ii'.for any . _ <br />•:`.,, � ' . .��, <br /> � - �?r :�;�:'� � reason�the mon�:�ge insurance cover.sge reyuirec3 by l.ender lapse+ ��r cea�ey to be in effect, 8aaoc�er �h�l� pay the �: <br /> ' '''���_��`'����� premiums reyuired tq,obtain caveruge +ubtitantiaily �uivalent u� the m��rtgagc in�urancc prcvinu�ty in effec� at a cost . � <br /> ' °.,. _F�n`.;". [�i`�; � <br /> ` ..r .., subtitantialty equivalGpt_W the cost ta Baaower of ihe mortg��gc in�unince pret ioa:Ey in cffect.from an alterRa?e mvrtgage <br /> 1 t". . `� ''' intiurer appraved by l.ender. lf yubstantiapy equivalznt mortgage intiurance cin era;e ir n��t av.►ilable.8arra��°sh�ll pay ta J..,�: �.:�. � - <br /> Lender each momh��um eyual to�ne-twelfih of the yearly mortgage in�urance prrmium 1r;ing paid by Bcrrower when the � c;;!__ <br /> ��, insurrnce coverage lap.�ed��r cea.ed to bc in effcct. L�nder wiil a:upt.u.e and retam thc.e{�iyments�.y;�loss reserve in[ieu. <br /> - r'��'`� of mortgage in�ur.►nce. Loss re�ervc paymcntti may no!nn_t��e rrNuirc� the optiim of l.ender, if martgage imuran�: . . <br /> . an in.urcr roved by Lcnder t�gain heenrr.Vs � <br /> ' �.��=�'�;.�p� coverage(in the aniount and far thc peri�Hl that Lrndcr rcyuir-�r pro��dcd by �PP • <br /> �'�� .��. �vailable and iti obtaincd.Ba*rwvrr�hall pay Ihc premium�r;;quired to m;�inta�a mti�ngagr imurs+nce in cffect,or to pn�vide a it - , , <br /> _`_��':-.�s�,� : tokr reservc,until thc recquiremcnt for mortga�c in�ur.snce cr.d�iR zccordancc�►ii:�any a•rittrn agrcement beta•een 8orrowcr � , <br /> • � and l.cnder or applirabSc taw. • <br /> • „%: ' . ` 9. lnspectinn. Lender or it�agent may makc roas�m:,f�'c cr::ricy upnn:md in.pectic�n���f'the Properly. Lenefer tihall ` , <br /> '-�'�� •- - , givc Borr�tvcr noticc at thc�imc of or pric�r tu an impcction tiprc"s��ing rratiunahlr cau.r fur tl�r in.pcctiun. <br /> • :;�•,�.,. . 10. Cundemnation. Thc prucccd,uf any aµard ur claim far damugc�.dimct in run.r�� catimcctiun with any f . <br /> �r• .. . tiingir l•,�m�ty••Yannie�tae FredAle�tac C�IF1�R�11�5"fRl tih.�Y..t mr�n�n t'n�cnant� 4;�JO�ipd;�•±.,1�•p��Cr•i S <br /> �;''- <br />- . ...t. . ��tra1l:derNn.ina.Y�tm..l�t� � . . <br /> . '- � 6�urdrt I,i!1 tJ:(11�44t!'1:W:1';Y.1t f If.791•ilii i _ ' . <br />. - :. �i�r' � , .. <br /> , � . : � <br /> . . 'K. ' �''r�� . . <br /> �y' ' ��' . " . . v._..._ . . . - _ — : : . ' . • '- --- ,�- . � , . . _ , •- . , . <br /> . - ' • : , , <br /> ' ti,�'-: '.f n,j�. , „ . , � . . . <br /> . n�..; -_ ' . , • ' . ' � - <br /> . .�,.�.`.,._� _ . . - . . ' • , � � � .. ..,. � <br /> • , . � ,. ' ' . • . • • , � ' <br /> . , . .. ' ,� .. , , ' _ .• . . . . • • ., .-' . . , , <br /> .. <br /> .. , 1' .. . . . ' _. . _ . _ _ , <br /> . . � , ' . : • .. . . • ' '_ ,". _ '♦ � • . y <br /> _ . , . ,■. �. — __ __ - <br />