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<br /> 36-� 1Q4 i�8
<br /> 'd'(2�i1i'llii?!t�Vl'1'll nl{�h�impr+�vr.�tpnts�xfw ur hercAftcr cr�rtcct mi tho propt:rty,nnd all cascnicnt!i.a�;�;urtrnancc3.rsrd
<br /> Tixturc� nuw ur tureutter � purt �P lhc �roaerty. Ali reploc:testtcrits and acictitions ei�all nlso b:: covci�bd lyy ttii:a .::c�i�lty ._
<br /> (��st�umeM.All�f Q�e forcgain�is rcfcrrod t��in this Socurity Instnrnxnt as the"Property."
<br /> F�RRt7W�R�UY�NAIV'TS th�t&��wes is lnwtuUy eelsed uf ihc estate hercby cunveyai and hus t'he right tm grent an1
<br /> ecrnvey the Property ax1 llt�t ttx pro�xnY ie unencumberrd,�xceps for encumbrnnecs oF record. Dorrnwr,r warrants an�1 will
<br /> d�fnxi gtnerrlly�he tids ai the PrupertY�Bain�t�II el�l►ns uxf drnuud9,subject ta�ny ancumbtances nf reccmf.
<br /> �'t�IS��S�UR1Tv l�g•�'pt�t�NlVT combi�xg uoiiorni covenar�ts for national usc and non-un�Corm covcnRms with limitad
<br /> variNi�xu by judsdictiern ta conatituta a unif.orm stcurity inst�umen[covexing rwl pnr�xrty•
<br /> Q1[dIFOR.M COYENANTS.���we.�;�����������°��w�r sh�ll promptly pay when due thr.
<br /> 1. P�ymeut of PtinclpNl
<br /> �rincip�i of aed l�nere�t on tha deM evidencod by the Nato and anY p�epsYment aivl lato ciu�rges dun under the N�to.
<br /> 2, �l�neb[or'Taxa�nd G�surance• SubJect�o aPP�icable taw or to a writtcn waiver by l.�:ndcr. Bomower sha11 p�y to
<br /> I.cndcr�n th.e dal man�hlp p�►ymenls�re duo under the Nate.untll tt�Nao is naid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yairly ts�xa►
<br /> and asessnxnts which may utain priodry over this Security Ynstnrment ys a lirn on th�Froperty:(b)Yeatty IeLCChotd�my�►iea�ts
<br /> 4r`round rcMs on the Property.if�ny;(c)Yea�'ly tuzud nr prop�rty insunrxae premiumc:(d)Yarly flood inwrancx prcrciium�
<br /> if�ny: (e?y�Y nx►ng�ge inr.urana: premiums.if any: ar►d(fl Any sums payable by Homow�er w I.tnder.in�ccordanc�e with
<br /> tho pnuvfsiems af p�rAgraph B, in Ileu of thc payment of mon�uge inwrance premiu►��s.Thcse items are called'Eacrow ftam."
<br /> krder mny.at any tima, collect u►c1 hold Funds in an amaent not to excexd tha mrximum rnxxmt a lender for a fakr�elly
<br /> rcl�tod rn�rtgi,ge loen m�y rcquire far&�rmwer's e:ccraw account under the faktaf Real Estate Settlement Procodurcs Act of
<br /> 1974 as�ntendod from ti►rn to iinw, i2 lf.S.C. 5ai:a:. 2FiJt rt s-'r�.("�p�"?.�'n��a�"O�r law that�pMks to the Funds
<br /> ads a Ieaser amaunt. if so. IxrKkr o►ay. �t ony time. onllect and hoW Funds in an amc►unt rat to ti���lesstr unount.
<br /> I.e»dee nwy estinu�te tha onu►unt of Funds due on the basi�of curcent data and ra►�sa�bla estimates of expenditures of futuc+e
<br /> Escrow Itcros+x othcni+isti tn wccordunce with applicablc law. ����iry. ���
<br /> 'i'he FLnds �1►A11 ba held in au inuitution whose dep4sits �ue insurod by a foderal agencY. .
<br /> (�nciudinb Lender.if l..i.�nder is such an institution)or in any i�ixie�at Home L.oan Bank.Lencler shall apply the Funds to ps►y the
<br /> EsCrov�,lte�. I.�kr�y nM clwge Borrower for fiolding u�9 applying the Funds,annually arulyzi�sg thr escrow account.or
<br /> verifying the Esccow It��es.ualess lxnder p�Ys Borrower in�sc�t on the Fulyds and applocable law pe►mits Lender to mdce sw�e
<br /> a�c.However.Lctuter rru►y rc9airt Bormwer to pty a o�rn:rtitvie charge for sn iridependcnt rcal�tate wc ce�ortln8 Service
<br /> ueed !►y I.,enckr in connaction with this loan, unl�s appli�:nhdol 1aw pcovides otherwise. iJnless An �gra.��t is road�e.ar
<br /> �rpplic�bk law requi�s interest to bt p�ud.I�rxSer siull raa be ret�firal to pay Barrnw�r any interest or aurue8s on tire�a'�"�s�
<br /> HlI�IdVPRT ill[1 1rQIQC[l�y�6�ec iu i�iiiiR$�:'•5.�::YY�.�F�et in►„_wew�t chflll hC�]lK�Otl f�IC FI111�S. j.CTI�{CT 5�1��$IVC�O�0(1f�OWCi.� .
<br /> withaut chcuge. an�►nual socwmting of the Funds, showir� cccxlGts wd deaits ta the Funds aisd the puipoee for which di� ,
<br /> debit to the Funds was nu�de.'Ibe Eu�ds are plcdgod ss rdd.;ti�cxe���fl�c++rity for�11 suriu securod by lhis Socurity L►etrum�sY{:...
<br /> If the Funds haW by[.cnder cacc�ed the amounts permiitted tq�ne held by appliaMe law.Lender stwll aaoouM w Bont�'�'er
<br /> fa the cacass Funds in aaoontance wit?�ihe�equirc�r�s of t�niit�bit law. if the amount of the Funds held by L�ender at u►Y
<br /> time is not sut'ff'icient to pry the:F,sc�ow Itcm�wben dua.Lencf�et ekity so notify Ba�r,wu in wriung.�nd.in w�ch c�Fbrn►Meir �
<br /> �lall pay to I,enckr the.:mount nae-isuY to m�lce up thc defici�ptcy. Horrowrr d�all make u��he defici�c�p in»o more th�a �.:''.
<br /> t�wdvt moMhlY WYme�nts,at i.endec�'�sole discretiwe. ' ,,
<br /> (lpon WYman in full uf.alt sums seculr.cl by this Secuxii��.Xnstrumcnt, L�nckr slu�il p�nmptiy retund w Horn�wer�ny
<br /> Funda l+dd by l.et►ckr.If.under ParaBraph 2l.L�erxier slu{!;w:qvii��or sefl the P.rape�ty.I�ender.prior to th�scquisitia�or sule
<br /> of tt►�Property.siwlt�pgiy any Funda held by l,eides et tl�:ti[rr{•of acquisitian or sale as a crodit sgainsi che sums socurerl by .
<br /> tlus Sa�rity Insnumeaa. '�
<br /> 3.A{�iie�tisn af Payn��.Unl�s.4 applicable law prov�drl�othes+air�e,aal4�payma�ts roceived by:�ider vadec nc+Sc+phf
<br /> 1 �nd Z sFull be Appliud: first. to a�:y�Pr'eWYment charge.g duu:�s;�cr tt�e."'rc+t�;�eeaa�nd,to anwum�s pnyabk under ppr�ra�ph Z;
<br /> thi�d.to ioter�cst dua:founh.to prinv^i�t due:a►�last,to uny,;a�ipn�Jwcgts dut iu�dcr the Nae.
<br /> • 4.Qa►�;Iinrs.Borrower sh�ll pny all trxes.aas�ssmirM.i,clwrg�.�in�and impnsitiaris auributable to the Prape�ty
<br /> • �,�•:; . which mt��ttain prioaafiy over this Security InsG�»s►trH, arx��Itnsd�olJ pay�ziants ar ground reets, if any. Hocroarer shal!pay
<br /> ...•�;,:: on lin�e ditectl
<br /> • `�':.,,,, tl�as obisit�aAions in Ux4 ntsitt►ne�'providod in paragraph 2,or if:tieq paid in that muu�er,Bocmwer shall pay tt� Y
<br /> ta tlee.�irrsun owed paymrnt. Borcvwrrr stull pnxnptly furnisb�.�'f�.?e�er all notioes of urrounts to be p�id under this p�ragnph.
<br /> If&x's�t�vr:�;r kralcrs thGSe payments directly.Barrower studl pr.i�!jtyFfi F;�furnish to i,ender neaipts eviderxing the p4y�►s•
<br /> Bo�tibwer s�all pc4�tly dtschurge any lien which iuis prti�ii'tj�over this Security Instrument unless Iiorrowa':(a)+groes in ; `
<br /> writing to ttxs paymatitm�'tt�e obligstion sccured by tlx�li�n nni r�manner accepti�ble to L.etder:(b)contcsts in good faith tho lien ;.. .
<br /> by, or dei'�nds againu enforcement of the lirn in, IegaE pn�nc:xodings which in the I.aider's opinion�ptnte to preve�N tfie '.,,l;;;
<br /> ad'oncement of thc lien;or(c)secu�s from the holder of th�:�Ivtn an agaemznt sacisfact��t�Lax1t�`�hvrd�►�at��►B the�'en�°
<br /> ahis Sa�rity inurummt. If[.ender dctarmi�s that any�rt•oF�the Propercy is subject to a)irr,�which rr�y stcaia prioriey over
<br /> thic Socurity Insuument. �ockr may give Barrower a�wi1�.e I�entifying the lian. JBorroxer stial!sarisf},dhe lien or ta�e one or
<br /> m�ro of thc actionz set forth aiwve within 10 days of the gEviit�,r,of�x�ticc. .
<br /> ' Fonn 3026 9l80 '
<br /> . ,_.
<br /> • - ' P�V�2ot0 . .. . _. • .
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