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<br /> — '—� -
<br /> --� -- -.-,- -�„- -=r'_�, - -=-.- -= _— -- �.._ — -
<br /> �. c .
<br /> �. i i` �
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<br /> —,r.'1. ``.i�:t >>d j ` � ' . � � ' Q�rlQ���f ' ` '` L,
<br /> • ' Y 17�:1`!��� -- Or����l���l�d�'•�i�dF�1}►�it Ot ftlC pIOQGrtY Ot ilh/111�SL 10 It ` .. .
<br /> `is soid or transfened(a�f�aDm�e ial iaterest in Bamw�er is sold or tr�sf�eed asd H�wer�s not a m[uni pe:soa)wid�at
<br /> -• Y�eoder's priot:.wrivan oo�ew. Lenda n�Y. at its aptioa: reqinne immpdiate PiYar�c[ in tuti of aq sums socu�od by tliis ,
<br /> ` Sxmrity�umrat,Ho�veeer,tiris optioa sl�atl mt 6e eac�sed by i,ender if exerase is p�ohi6itad 6y federal law as of tbe date�
<br /> — _ __ ��_�-��.1�s;a.P,n:a.t�n,� ----�---____ � --- - -- - - — --
<br /> ` df�radei e�cencises thts uptian,Iroder sl�aalt give Borrower aoti�e of aa�eleration�- �--noaa prov a period of na.
<br /> : . less thm 30 days fiom i1�e date t5c mtice is deUvend ar mqilad within Nhicb Borniwer mnst pay atl sums securod by�this
<br /> 5ecuaty Iusau�ent.I€Borrower faifs ta pay�t6ese sums prior to the e�Pir.uion of[his periad.Len�er may iavoYe arry•rcm�dirs
<br /> permitted bY this Seauity L�shuaxat witlxwt furtber aotioe�ar derna�oo Bormwer. .
<br /> IS. aacro�rds Rispt to Re3mtata Tf Barra�ver moets c,enam coadiuons. Bortnwer shaU have th� right to�havt. .
<br /> . eofonYm�t of this Savrity 1as�urr�ene d'i 'scanu�ad' at aay t!m prior w ti�e eariier of {a)S+t�a�s tor sueh qt�r period as ,
<br /> "applicable law may specitfy for reirtstatsmem) befpn salt of the Property pucsuant m any pQwer of sate watai�d in this
<br /> • � Sepirlry In�mna�t;or(b)eauy oFa jt�dgmer�e enfnrcing this Savrity lnstrument.Ttwse rnt�d�aons ue that Sosroarer.(a)QaYs
<br /> I.eader ali sams which thea woutd be duc under this Security Inctr�+�+t aad the Note as if ao acceteration had occumd;(b)
<br /> � atces my defsuIt of ady other covenasus or agnart�ents;te)PaYs all expe�e.s encurred in enforcing thes Sacurity_IacUument.
<br /> inciuding.6ut noc Cunited w.ct�sonabie auomeys fas:ard(d)talces sach xncm�s l�ender may reasonabiy requue to�sure
<br /> tf�t th�lia�of tlus Sac�uity taurumei#t.LeMer's rights irt the Praptrty�nd 8omnwer's obTigation w pay-the surtLS socured by
<br /> this $ec�uity lastrume� sh�Q � anc�t�8ed- Opon nein4tatement by Hotcower, this Sec�rity Instrument and the
<br /> ubligadons securad IxceL*�strall ransiii►fully effeaive as if�acceTeraaon had oc.a►aod.However.this rigtu to reinswte,shali .
<br /> . -mi appty in ti�e case of acceltratioa under pa�agraph 17.
<br /> - I�. Sak pE Nnt� CI�a�u( Loiu Savioec Tfie Note or a pactial interest in the IVate (togetber with this Security
<br /> Iastiument)rmy be sofd one or more dmes without prior mqce to Bomnwer.A sate may nsuit in u change ia dte eatity(Irnm��n . �
<br />- a5 du`"Lo�Servi�P7 that cnUects monthlY PaY�ts dae nnder tfie Note and this Secunty Instmmeat.Titere atsa may be one
<br /> or more ehanges of the Loan Senriar unniated to a sate of the Note.If there is a ciiange of ihe i.oan Servicer.Bomower will be
<br /> --- given writte�i notice of the cLange in accordanc�e with paragraph 14 above and apptieabte.law.The notice witl statc tt�e name afd
<br /> - address of the new Loan Servicer and the addres4 to which paya�ents shouid be made.The natice will also oontain aay othec
<br /> .' infom�ioa requirod isy applica6le taw.
<br /> `..' Z�:Hmrdoas Su6sp�aoes.Bamower s6all not cause or pe�mit•the p�resence, use.dispasal,storage.or rtlea4e of any
<br />_?- • Huudous 9,�bstances on or in tLe.Pcoperty. Borrawer shall ant do. nor allow anyoae elsc to do. anythiag affe�ting tbe
<br />-`- prope�ty�is in violation of any Envtronmental Law. The prireding cwa sentences shail not apply ta tGe prese�e.use.or
<br /> storage on the P�vpe►ty of small quantities of Hamrdous Substanccs that aze generaiiy recogniud to be app�apriate to nom�al - .
<br /> • rtsideabal uses and tn�nte�ance of the Property. � ' �,_-
<br /> ' . ... Bbi�awer st�aii}iiump"tty g"�.re gznder wrictea�ouec of aa�invstigation,clatim,deman�.lswsuit or•ai�er action by any
<br /> -govemmental or reguta'tary agency Qs�civate party irnolvtng ihe Propetty and any HaTardous Sbbstance or Envirohmental Law �`' �
<br /> :�:� - of whic6 Borrower ha�a�ua!know#,.Adge. If Borrawer leamc.or is notifeed by any govemmental or regulatory autharity,that �_ p�
<br /> •i': any rernoval or ather c�rr�iatton of any Hazart[ous Substance affecting the Property�s neeessaty.Botrower shall promptly take
<br /> ',��f�; ', . :<:� -- all n�ssary'ren�ed�,�x?ns in accordance with Environmental law. �`��� -
<br /> '+ ` As used ia thi�:�?a.-�agraptr 20:,"#Iazardous Substanccs"are those sabstar�ces defined as toaic or hazardous substances by . ��'�_
<br /> 8nvironrtrer.�r.��t.a��»d the follo�.ti�g substances: gasoline. lerosene. otber flammable or toxic petroleum products..toxic
<br />' • , • pesticides��;r'�,.-ides.volatile rAGser�s,materials containiseg ad3estos or fom�aidehyde,a�radioxtive matenals.As used in -
<br /> this parr�.=�,i`ZU, "�vironmentai��w" �S federal laws a�r7�"laws af the jurisdictioo Riiet+e the Praperty is tocated that . ��'- �
<br /> � ,� relate to ifeatth,safee�or envlronmental protectio� '" --- --
<br /> � :, NON-llNIFO1�II COYENANTS.Borrow•er�Lender furtlier covenant and agree as follows: �'"`•
<br /> "� T 21.Aooekratia�Se�nedies.I.ender siwll gire notke to Borrower prlor ta acceleration folbv�iqg Bortower's bnach � ��'�" ��
<br /> t' �<< ' pt Any covens�nt ar agreanent in this SecurltY Instrument (hut fx►t prior to accete�tion andes paeap,�'aph 17 unless ��,y3 �v�
<br /> !_'!!���RSG_.
<br /> � ' '�"� applicabie law provides otherwise).The notke shall specify: (a)the detault; (b)the acNon requised to care the defsult; ,�r--�:-
<br /> �._ t�._.,.
<br /> t,j� �� r y `t...-.. (cy a date,not less than 30 days trom the date the notice ts given to Borrowee,by which the default must be cured:and ��-�
<br /> •�. _ (�that tailure to care the default on ar before the date speciflen in the notice may resutt ia acceleration ot the sums
<br /> ���� ~ ' secttred by this Secartty Instrument and sale ot the Ptoperty. Tde notiee sl�all farther i�torm Bocrpwer ot the rlght to :
<br /> ti' �
<br /> �� - reinctate after acceleration and the right to 6ring a coori action to as5ect tt�e Ran-existeoce ot a default or any other - ., _-.
<br /> detcase of Borrower to acceleratbn and�s►le.Jf the default is not cured on ar before t6e date specitied in tNe notke. ,::
<br />' " - Lender,at tts opNon,may require immediate payment in full ot s�ll sams ssaurcd by this Security Instram�t�itbant . °��'=�-`
<br /> • `"` s• ��= turthee demand�nd ma invokc the wer ot sale aad any other remedies rmitted b a pilcabte law.l.ender�all be
<br /> ��,,.y;.>.. Y P� Pe, Y P ."..!";:=:=
<br /> � �%;;�:�•. eatiAed to collect all expens�incurred in pursuin�thc remedu�provided in th�s para�.`raph ZI.includi�,but not timited . � ,?'-
<br />�- ' :=,i:�=r°r;;- to,reasonabfe attoraeys'fees and casts of Iiite evidence. . ,
<br /> `, � �' It thepower of sAle is invoked, Trustee s h a 1 1 recor d a no t lce o!d e fau l t in cac h cuun ty in R ti ic h a n y p a A o t t h e ,,.
<br /> ...=�"'*ir � Pcoptrty is I�cated and siwtl mail copies of+uch notice in the munner prescrit►ed by appUca6le law to Borrower and to �',��,:. �
<br /> *.� •
<br /> the othe�persons pre,scribed by appllcable luw.After the hme'cequired by applicable law.Tn�stee s6ail gire pubiic nntice � ,;.,!;�.c-
<br /> ,. �; Y�' i . ��..j,_.
<br /> . �,�� , ot snk to the pe�son9 and in the mannee prescrihed by applicable law.T�astee.without demand on Borrower.shall sell ,, -•';;y..'f;:,-
<br /> z_ ,. :�;S the Property At publi�auction to the hig6est bidder at the dme and place and andrr the te�ns designated in the noNce oi rk � •••-�:
<br /> -'�3 , snle in one or mare paa+cds and in any ardcr Tru+tee determincw.TruStee may p�niponr sale of all ar anypa rcel oi ttie .
<br /> ' ' _ Property by pablic anaauncement at the time and ptace ot any previousis �:chedufcd sotc. l.endc�or its desiRnee may �' '.. � •
<br /> �. + Pnr+chasre the Pir+nperty gt any sat� �� !".•,!�;,:;.,.
<br />. �, ,.`'t"_.-_'�� ,t..
<br /> � �;'���'
<br /> ; ..�u:�.':.:. ,-
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<br /> �r���„, form 3028 9190
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