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<br /> �W11y ill f�iC�Yi01dk!OOi1V at�CndCtCd On���[bpd'iSt.ifd i11'�.�.� '
<br /> �Ci n01Y�C[ �G�C[ i�C Of t�lC QN�[iy:� iL�O�dI[S 71Qd �it101L� �I1�� w130� CW�[0��`� '�1�y_
<br /> ___ �'lw O�f`E�OrGjOjA�!f�!'[�!�iD IID tbi5$OCU[Ily��S I�iG��lRSt.� � � `
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<br /> � SOItRO -° -T' - ---_ �� �° - - — -`—
<br /> oonvey tht P�operty�aod tl�t the Prvpe�ty is u�bered.ea�oept for ea�vmbr�x,s of co��d. Borcawts warcants�d wvl
<br /> � defend geneialiy the title tn t6e�'oPe�tY sgainst ail ciaims tid drm�Ms,subjoct to aay enc�unb�of record. � . `' � _
<br /> TEIIS SECURiTY INS['RUIVIENT combinFS uaifcNm oovenants for natinn9l use aod non-unifonn covenants with limited .
<br /> • vuiatio��s 6y jarisdicqan to ooiufimte a uniform savrity irstr�pt oovering ml property. . ' . � .
<br /> UNI�bRM�COVENANTS:Bocrower a�L�endcr cove6aat aM agne as fottaws: . . �.
<br /> l. P�y�aest o[Pri�cfp�l ied L�a�t; P�epaymeat��md L�te Cdv�s. Sotmwu sl�aft pmrt�tly pgy whrn duc,t�
<br /> princip�l of a�d iffieezst on the debt evidenood by tDe Nou and any prepayment wd late charges du�undee the Nota '
<br /> � 2.F�ds far Taus aod L�anae.Subject to applicable!aw or to a wtittep waiver 6y I.eridor. Borrower shail pay W
<br /> � Lender au the dag mort8ly psymntg are doe urder the Nate.until the Note is p�id in fuU.a sum('Fuads')for.(a)year[Y tues
<br /> md�whieh ma3r�ain priority ovtr diic Secarity In�ment as a lien on the Pmperty:lb?Yarly lasdjold psyments
<br /> or gcaund nnts on the A�opecty,if arty;ic)Y�Y huard or properry insurarce pc�emiamr.(d)Yeac1Y ilood insur�nce prcmiums, .
<br /> - — ' if any;ta)�r-eulY ma�tSaB��nsurance pmmiums,if any:and tfl anY su�PaYable by BorroBrcr to l.ender.in avcondanee with
<br /> — !de provisions of paragraph 8.i�lieu of ibe payment of nnortgage incurarxx premiums.'ffuse iums are ealted'6sct+nw Items.'
<br /> Ixmder may,at any time, cultect and hold Fands in an amount not to exaed tLe maximum amauat a tader for a fedt�ally
<br />-=- ni�ed mortg�ge ta�t may reqaire for Battuwa's escrow aocoant nnder the federal Keat Estate Settlsment Pracedures Act of. :
<br />---- 1974 as amended frasn time tu time, 12[1.S.C_Sae6on Z601 et seq. ("RFSPA"?.�kss another law that applies to`the Funds
<br /> -_ � sets a lesser amo�m.tf so.I�r may.st aag.`�e,collect a�d bold_Funds in an araoant aat to exc�ed the tGSSer aiisoun�
<br /> ` I.mder may estimate the arnount af Fimds dae m��e basis m�curnent data and reas�nabie estimatcs of eaprndituces of fntu�e
<br /> - . . Escmw Items or atheiwise in aoca�with apQ�e iaw.` � '
<br /> - The.Funds shaIl be &Id in an insM�utio��iib'se�deposits are intivred Iry a federat agency. instrutnentaliry, or entity
<br />-- (inclading Lender,if Lendcc is sacEu aiirrstitu[ian?or in ury Fe(�era!Home Loan Bank.Leader shap apply,the Funds w pay the _
<br />.= ;. Escrow Items.l,ender may rtot�Y;Borrower fqr hotding and applying the Funds.armually analyzing the escrow account.oi _
<br /> - verifying tl�e Escrow Items.pnles��:ender pays Barrower interest on the Funds as�d applicabte law pemiits Lender to make such --_
<br /> a cAarge.However.I.ender may require Borrower to pay a on�-time charge for nn irtdependent real estate tax reporting senrice '• `F__-� .
<br /> � used by Lender in coanection witf� this laan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or :. ��_
<br /> • _ appl�cable law requires interesi to be p�id,l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds: _ . =----v--
<br /> _ . ,Boa���;and Lender may agree in writing. however,that i�rast shall 6e paid on the•Funds. Lender shall give to Borrowet. ��====-
<br /> �+t wi�,�`ioct:'��targe.ace ant�ual accasnting of the Funds,showine czadits and debiu to the Funds and the purpose for which each �-----=
<br />'.�=�;�::. • .,debit ia the Func�s i��;made.The F�nds are ple�ged as addm�rr�f security for all sums secured by this Savriry Instrumen�
<br /> �"'�" If the Funds��:,;�by I.ender exczed the amoun�s persnitted to be held b�applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrdwer �---•
<br /> _••I`. . " . __—__
<br /> , ,, for thc.excess F��s in accordance with the reqvtrements of appticabte�aw.'If the amount of the Funds held by Leader at an} _
<br /> time is a�x safficient to pay the Esc��aw Items when due.lxnder may so aaii€g�Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower . �-�__--=,:_
<br /> ' shall psy t�Ler�der the amount rtec�ssary ta make up the defc�iency. Borrowet shall make up the deficiency in no more ihan .� �=-�----.��
<br /> : twelve manthly payments.at l.ender s sole disccetion. �°��
<br /> �, ._
<br /> �� . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrumer�, Lender shall promptty refund to Borrower uny ?.' f��y,�_`
<br /> ` .,• � Funds held by l.ender.if.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Praperty.I.ender.prior ta the acquisition or sale ' �:• �`�r;��
<br /> �'' af the Property,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit a�ainst the sums secured by �.�; •_: ,;�.�:.
<br /> �'' this Security(nstrument. . °. ,;:--:,
<br /> 3.Applkatbn of Fxymtnts.Untess applicable law pravides otherwise.all payments received by Lcnder under paragraphs . ' n"��
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: fint.ta any prcpayment eharg�due under the Note:second,ta amaunts payable under paragraph 2: - : f�'=�_
<br /> �¢:
<br /> � .� ' ,,� "',' third.to interest due:faurih.ta principal due;and�ast,to any late charges dve undcr the Nate. ,
<br /> ;; 4.Charges:Lien9.ii�►rrawer shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impositians attributa6le to the Praperty '"�'
<br />'�':'' ' " 2• which may attain priarity aver t[�is 5ecuriry lastrument. and teasehotd paymenGti or ground rents. ii Any. Borrower s�:ai[pay ';:�::J'!� _
<br /> ;;:�:: . �.i:t`;u�'=
<br /> f�- � these obligations in the manner pro��ided in paragraph 2.ar if aot paid in that manner.&+nawer shall pay them on time directly :•,.;1.��..,.
<br /> �- to the persan oweA payment.Barrawcr shall pramptly furnish to l.ender all naticcs af amaunts tu be p�id undcs thls parugrs�ph. � :"=
<br /> _'r-;'• �,t If Barrower makes these payments directly. &�rrawer shall pcompUy furnish ta Lendet receipts evtdeneing the paymcmts. , :�^��'-�'
<br />