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<br /> execulcd tor tho purpaeo of creating,sccuring ur guarantyin�B Ilic Sccurcd Debt. A gocxl faith belicf Uy l.cnd�e tiiat _—
<br /> ' 'Lender at any tims:is insceure wlth resgcct to any penson or entity obtigatc�on thc Sec:�red�cbt ar tliat thc prcnpect
<br /> otAny�aymcnt or thc vAlue of�be Pra�rty i�impaired shall alsocunstitutc an Cvcnt a!'defuult.
<br /> IS. �I�MEUIFS O1V QEFAU'LT.Irt some inslances,fe�lcrHl and st�te law will rcquiro l..ender to pruvide Crrnntar wlth
<br /> noticc o[the right to cure ar other naticcs and may estat�lfsh time sch�dules for forcclosure artions.SuUJcct to ihc�e
<br /> iin�.itations,if��uy, I.endai'inay acccicr�tc th^ �ecared Dcht en��fc�rcclosc this Sccurity{nstrumenc in A manncr r
<br /> ��r��tRdec�by Inw if Cirantar is in default.
<br /> At tS�e option of Lcndcr,nll or any part of th�a�r�eci fecs and charg��,acc�ucd intcrest and principal shall beaotnc
<br /> immediately duc and payablc,sftcr g�ving noticc�f rcquircd 6y law. u�on tht occurrcncc ot a dafa+�lt or anytime
<br /> thereafter.In addition,l.ender shall bc cntiticd ta sll the remzdiss providcd by Inw.thc tcrms of the Securcd Debt,
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument and eny rclated dacuments,including without limitntian,tho powcr ta sell the Praperty
<br /> IF tt�rc 9s a dcfauli�Trusiee sh�ll,in acidition ta any other pennitted remtdy.et thc rcqucst of thc I.cnder,advcrtisc
<br /> ancl seli the Fr�erty as a whoFe or in separate parccls et pubtic auction tu the highcsc bid�ee far cash and wnvey
<br /> absolute title free and clear of all right,titM:And mterest of Grantor s+t such timc a�d place as Trustce d`oibgenast�c�s�.
<br /> Tn►stee shall give notiee of sale including the time.tertns and place of sa7�and a descri tion of the proFeriy
<br /> as required by the applicabie law in etfect at the time of tha proposed s�lc.
<br /> ppnn sale of the praperty and to thc eatcnt not pr�hibited by law,T'nuta�f�as!charges�nd costs,sliall pay to l.end�er aU
<br /> scrld which conveys absolute title to the�urchaser,and after 6rst pay B .
<br /> m�;���„��;,,nxd fc�r repAirs,taxes,insurance,tiens,a�ssessments and pnor cnsambra�es an�l interest thercon,ai►d tli�
<br /> prineipal and intcrest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if�ny,to�Grantar.I..enQee may puxch:.se the Prc��tS'•
<br /> Tfce recitals in any deed ot canveyanee sha11 bs Pnma tecie evidenue of the facts set farth Werein.
<br /> Ait remed'�es are distinct,Gwnulative and not exclusive.and tt►e L.cnder is entitled to all�rne Q=¢��s�pdre►Adec1 nL on Ge
<br /> equtty,wh�ther or not cxpressEy se1 farth.The acc�eptancx by Lender of any sum ir��ym P P Ym
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance�s due or is aocelerated ar a[ter foreclosure praoeec3�n�•nte�iled shaU not constitute a
<br /> waiver af LeAder's rigiit to require comple3e cure of any cxisting default.By not excny9Fng any rcmedy on Grantor's
<br /> default,Lender does not vraive I.ender's right to later cansider the event a defau7e if it continues or happeiv�again. _
<br /> prc�it�ited by law.Grantor agrecs to pay aEl of I.ender s expenses if Grantot breaches an�covenant in t�S�u�noi
<br /> s
<br /> ICiStI'acriment.Grantar will also pax on demand any amow►t incurred by Lcnder for iruurin ,inspecting.P
<br /> a}���e protedtirig the Prnperty an�I,ender's security interest.These exp�:nses will bear interest trom the date of
<br /> �e��n� 411���a����j p�t1�t,+ a�'aF.�rj�ttt_rPCt rate in effect as Dtpvided in tlac tenns of tl�e Secured Debt.
<br /> Crrnntar aRrer.s t�r{�ay a11 cous and expenses incurred bY Lender in oollecting,enforcing or pratecting i.�nd�r's.��i�w
<br /> a�c�re.medies under this Securi.t�Instrument.Tt►is:�n�cxu�t maY �n��ude�but is not Gm�ted to,attomeys'fees,court
<br /> c�sds,and other kgal expcnsts.'I�s Security Iastnuneni"t;hall remain in cUat ur�tii•rel��d.Grantor agzees to�x+Y
<br /> tti�any reoordatie�n oosts of suol�:Yelease.
<br /> ly ENVIROT�IMFNI'AL 1LAWS AND HA�A�tUOUS SUBS'fANCBS.As used�tion and �L,iab�Ety Act(CERCLA,
<br /> me,am.withaut Wnitation,the Comprehoasive Envira►mental Raponse,Cc�np�
<br /> � 42,�JS.C.9601 ct seq.),and ali other federal,state a�xi local I�ws, regulations,ordinances.co�rc orders,attomey
<br /> ��neral c�pia�ons or interpreGve I�tters co�►cerning thc publie t�ealth,safety,welfare,envirunment ar a hazardous
<br /> sr•�LsS�tase;and(2)Hazardous Substant;e means any toxQC,raclioactive or har.ardous material,waste.pc�Uu4��t Qr
<br /> oonteminwt whi�h has characteristics which render the substance dau�gerous or poteniially dangerous tn thc;�ivbl�ic
<br /> health,saftty.wctEue or environment.The larm includes,without limitation,nnY substance.s dehned as"ha�art�ou�
<br /> materiat,"•`toxic substanas;,•`hazardous w3wtc"or"hazardow substanoe"und�r any Envlronmentnl Law. „
<br /> Grantor repmsents.warrancs amd agcees that: �
<br /> p, Except as previousip_�iisolosed and z►ckaowledged in writing to l.cnder.no 43(ezardous Substancc is ot�►viil be
<br /> locnted,stored or relbased 4n or in thc Property.This restncsion does;no!apply to small quandties o�
<br /> Hara►nk►us Substances that are generaily reoogaiud to be approprisxe for thn:mormat use snd mauH�narx�e of
<br /> the I'ropGrty. ,. ::�
<br /> •�i. Exapt as prcv�ou.�ly disclased and admowkdged in writing to l.cnder.Grantur.aud every�tpni�nt have i�een,a�c,
<br /> and siult remain in full oanpliance witt►any a,�licable Environmontal Law.
<br /> C. Gra��tor stiall immcdiately notify Lcader if�rel�ase ur thmatened rolcase:��f a Hazardous Substxnoe o�urs�
<br /> under or about the�'roptrty Qr there is a violation of any Environmental Law aN►oeraio$ihe P�ri�.'::,, ,
<br /> tu�event,Grant�r s'�all talcr all necessary r�emedial action in a000rdance with any Environra�ntal Iaw. . .
<br /> D. t'iraator shall immediately aotif�r i.,endar in writing as soon as Grantor h�s reason ta��c;yieva tdare�as any ��
<br /> per�ding or ihrtatened investigation,claim.or proceeding relsting to the rc�}�:axe or tiire�tienecl reiea.qe pf any
<br /> �{azardous Substanoe or the yiolation of any Envitomncatal Law. ,.
<br /> 1S. CONQEMNATIUN.Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of Any pending nx•"�re�ten�.f4��tion.by private or
<br /> public entities to purchn�e or take any or al!uf the Property tt►rough oondcmnatiai�i,emin�i�2�c`��main,or any ether
<br /> mcw�s.Gra»tor a�thorizes Lendcr to intervene in Grantbr's n3me in any of the ab�vs dcscrlbe�l actions or cls,ims.
<br /> _ �Q;rantnr xssigns to Lender afi�:pnxeeds of any award or flaim for damages coun�c3�with a condemnafiun or olher
<br /> t:K��::ng uf all or any lsart af,the Property.Such Nrocees�.g���il bc:consYdered paymeqts,natl wi�1 be applied as pr.ov�ded in
<br /> ,t�4is�ecurity lnstrumenG'�'�ris assignment of praccecls�ds�ubject to the term:.of ai�y prior mortgage,dee+��f tnut,
<br /> � � security a ,ee��a�ent or athcr lien document.
<br /> �, 19. 1NSUR�!�k:>��rcantor shall kecp Prctperty insus'�Y!nLqainst loss @rp�re,flood,theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonabiy tissi�ciated with thC��tty due to its ly���d lowtion.'Ptus:nsurance shall be sn�ur�?�zined in thc amounts
<br /> �:�for the periods ttu�t��c^der requires.Tiie insws�a�a:�camer pr�ovLd��g th�i��uzanf i��in.ma3 tnin the caveraS�
<br /> :a,n'�jzct to Lendcr's appn?'a�a�;wi�ice snaii nvi oe urirc�s���av.J�...=.ti.... .• --__...--- -- �
<br /> a�escribed abovc.L�ender may,at Lender's option.obtain coverage to protect Lendc�'s riglits in 1Be Property aocording
<br /> eo the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> All ir�surancc policics and renewaas sleAll be acceptablc to I.ender and shall include a stan�ard"mortgagc clausc"and,
<br /> whcrc applicable,"lass payec claus�:."Grantor sUall immediately notity Len�tcr of canecllation or�crminution of the
<br /> iRSUrdncc.I.cnder sS�al!h�ve Qie right to hold the policies snd rencwals.Iff l,endcr requires,Grantor shall isnmediately
<br /> give to Lender all reccipts of paid�remiunts and rencwa!notices.Upon loss,Grantor sh�ll give immedia�e riotia:to
<br /> the insnrance carrier and Lcnder.I.i:nder may make proof of loss if not made immed'eatcly by Grantor.
<br /> ' �. (pag�+3 ot�)
<br /> O e�wn�.n bY�+�,�,e.Si.Cuud.w+(taoo���23n�Fo�m nE�oT�►iE b�w
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