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<br /> .�.,,:HU'�YA IIPI � •wtplilAflk.+wye�-. ...
<br /> �-�: ,ww+� Y� ii �'�yd'R�fllM".i6..,,� . � _ ..
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<br /> �r't['(�'!• .... __�.. -
<br /> � hll I _
<br /> tiif _-.�...:-i.�_
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<br /> i��rci'�'!�!:Y IiiEi}�nn loi�ltiur ti�;��is�iic�d.zt If�c��Z+tlus���f i��ider,if►�im�tgag,:i►i5irrnn�ve��(n t e e�unt ancf far the�►eti���i
<br /> !.1
<br /> lir�it [,tixit+f� ����ytlirr:c!p��ouid��Ly�;�1 iy�5ut:r a��j��;�vc.i by l�:udte a�;diq h:.��i�f�t�>nv��fl,�.l1l���izd i4��bt��ta�c{!. Hurrowex s1i;� �ay
<br /> Ri;a:prr�niumc rnqtlirrr�i ta�iiudnlaln nx�ttgage insurtuxo in cffect,ur tu provide ct los�reserve,until the r�yuirement f'or nxirtgage
<br /> i�anum�x�enda in a�r:�+alnmx with any written agroemea�t between Harrower and l.rndcr or epplicablc law.
<br /> 9. Innpnell��nu`Lr�n�-Icr�r{ta a�ent may mxJco rer�crn�bls entriea upon and in4pe�Kions of ttM Property.L.c►xier slwll give
<br /> Iic�aower nntioo�t tltq 11me af ar prior ta an in�pection speeifylnQ reYSOn�Ie cwso for tho inspectlon.
<br /> !0. Cundttntn�i`lN►n. 71�r, prextods of any award ��r clal►n far damegrs, direct or co�n+equcmit�, in connecdan with�ny
<br /> c�ndemnrtiun.ar�otltttr tuking of any prrt of the i'roperty.or for couveya��lu UFu uf co�xl�mn�tion. e.•e'hr.reby e�sivned Atxl _
<br /> shull bc pwid to Cenc�Hr.
<br /> In Ihn dvant nf�i.dcxul tuking oi dK PropeMy,the proa¢ds shall bc apptied to the sums securat by tMs Seeuriry Instn�ment,
<br /> wlwfner or nnt�thnn.f�ue, with any excex+pQid ta Bormwer.In tt�e cvent of a par�lal taktng o�'the Fropercy 9n which the fair
<br /> nMrkst valun of�thn f:1ro{�er1Y immodia�ely Ixfore d►e tuking is eqw�l to or greater th�n the arrxx�nt of tho sums socured by this
<br /> Secudiy ins�rnmtmt 4�Jamcdiately befam the taking,unless HoROwer Arid Lender otherwise agrce in writing. the sums secured by
<br /> thin, Securit,r Inc�tn�rr�nnt shall be reductd by the �rount of the pnw�ls i»ultiplicd IsY the following frrN:tion: (a) the toW
<br /> arnount of tha se�ms;o�cured invnodi�teiy 6efuro the taking,divide�by fb) '+�fair�market valuc of the Pcr►perty immediatdy
<br /> b�tsore ttre takin�. A�i.y bular�ce sha{i be paici to Bo�e+owcr. In the event of e pnrtiat tsking of the PcopeirtY in which the f�ir
<br /> markrt v:lnn of the#?x�opcny inmodi�trly before the taking is les.g than che amo�rn'r of the sums secured imrnedi�tdy before the
<br /> tnlcing. unitsss BnrraEwer ud l�encier dherwlse e�gree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides.the proceads shall
<br /> b+�applied to tlin a�mnn eecured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the surr►e are then due.
<br /> Ef dea pra{�etty�3e�t►?�►xk�,ed 6y Borro��ver.or if.after notia by L,ender to Borrower that the condem�wr oftcrs to rr�aice act
<br /> ; awxrd or sr.tuo at CL�m tor danwges. B�RUwer fails to rapond to Lc�xler wlthin 30 days attec tix dace the �wiii.,�is giv�,:,,
<br /> I,ende�r is Mithari�t4 tacolloct and app�y Uu Arc'oeeds•at ita option,either to restorxtion or npair of the Property or f;o the sums
<br /> =�u�r,d by tidc Se,r�rity lnstrunu�ee.whether or not then due.
<br /> Unle�ss LendCt and Hnrrowa wherwise egrce in writing. anY +�PPlic�tion of proceeds to pdncipe! shall not extwid or
<br /> � pnst�ne�tltc�duo dtlle of lhe monthly payments referral to in paragraphs I and 2 or ch�nge the amounc ot'such payments.
<br /> 11.Bunro+rR`+�Not�eia�e�;F�gy�'��Wvrer.Extc�sion of tlse time for pRymant or modi6catbn
<br /> of unoniaatinn nf C�tie sums soa�rod by this Security Ir�atrun�t gianted by Lender to any suoassor in ir�terest af Aorrowrr d�al!
<br /> not�npernta tn►r.l�use the li�bility of the original Aorrowtr or Borcower's suoassors in interest. I.en�l�er shall not be required W
<br /> ro��pnx,occ�chga against any s�kcus,�or in intcrest or r�fuse to extend time for payrr�t or otherwise modify uYartiz�tion
<br /> of tt►� sums. scxur�rd Dy this Socuriry Instrum�ent by ra�on of any danand mde by the origiml Iiormwer or Aonbwa�a
<br /> ���,.a�n.inten,�c.Anv for6ear�ncs by Lader in exen:ising any right or semody shall not be�w�iver of or proclude tbe
<br /> cx��r�s�of s��y riB's`t or remedy. The coveaents uid�greemeix� of this -
<br /> 1�. s�rooeua;r.� s�r Aa�iw Bou�d: Jdat,i.a sevual i.twbuitr� Cu-a�+'e•
<br /> Secudty Iust�ume.ot siWl bind a�nd benefit the suocessora u►d dssi8ns of �.endu and Bomower. subJect to the provisiau of
<br /> p�ngraph 17. Bu�kower'a mve�nnnto ond�agrew�ts sftall be joi�t anci sevetal. Any Borrower w1x► co-aigna this Security
<br />- i�►strummt but dr1?� not oxec�te the Note: (a)is oo-signing this Sa.�urity Imtiumau only w mort�a8e�$��O0M'�Y�
<br /> Bcxrower's int�:mv+is�:in the Prolirtxty u!xk�the ternr�of this Socurity I�trume�n:(b)is not pesao�rllY obligated to pa f��
<br /> • securpd by ih(a Stsj't�xit7 7rux�umeM;�i(o)+�g�+nes thed I.ender�nd�ny otha Horrowa may agcet to eRtend,m�odifY. .
<br /> .:^„u�ay:.-�rn,1f?�^���,�3ard tu the terms of this Sxuriey Lnuument�or the Note without ti�at Bormw,er's 000�ent.
<br /> .. 13.Lar�r.»�,«..�...-=`�3�:,-�".�securod by t6is Security Ins�umart is sub,�ect to tt la�whid�sets noaxL�wm lom cltiarfea .
<br /> and tlu�t lxw.is.f?i�i►t+Z;i inte�pKted so thtt the interest or other toan clargts callectal or w be colkct,eel in�ion with tbe , :
<br /> laan racoeed du+.�i i��►u�tod limits,tlaen: (a)any such tain d�rae slutl be roduoed by the a�ix+�wt vt�y to reduoe t6a clMrge;�:•.:��' •
<br /> t
<br /> �. .
<br /> . m d�I�inat:�hii;and(b)any wms slrady collectod from Horrovrrr whid�exceeded pamidod �luts will be refi�eded to '''
<br /> `' �t,�tiub�4�:r. I.endar mry chaao to mzl:e this nfi►nd by roducing the principal ov�raol under the Note or by mdcing a diroct
<br /> .. pirymi�eit to :Atu;i�wer. If a �efund rod�sors principil. the ceductlon �vill be treatal as a p�rtld }xe�aYtnem.witl�out �ny
<br /> .. P�Ymmt.cl�i�g�_under tho Note. '''' '�
<br /> ' 14.(1it�tEfi,ao„•;�!ny rwtice to Borrowerpmvidod for in this Socurity I�mait slsll be givas�y;��lelivering k or bY r�ilin�i� .;
<br /> �' it by �in+t c11►ua ia��il unkxs applicable law roquir�use of another method. Thc notla s1�al!be diroctod W the Propat7 Addr�x. �.
<br /> ; or any otl►r.r acttltrss Bot�nwur designytes by notice to Lender. My ttotia tu I.ender shall b�e given by firet clast m�ll to
<br /> Lcnde,�'x adcitr�sa;�ted her�in nr any other ar3dt�ws Ler�der desigrotes by +sotia to Borrow�a. Ar+y notice provided for in this
<br /> s S�xvdty I��ctn��i .ahiJl be damad to have bocn given to Borcowa or l.cnder when given as providod in this par�gr+�ph•
<br /> ' 13.�owa.s��iMg L.�w, Sn'aab{iky. This Sa..urity Insuuma�t s1w11 be goversxd by foderal law �nd t1�e law of ttie
<br /> ,�uri.aliciion in Mi�iich the Propercy is locyted.In thc event that su�y provislon or clavse of tf►i9 Socurity Instnunenc or tbe Nota
<br /> ¢N?Y(�Ill;Q9 K�iih.xxi�licable l�w.s�.�ch cx►nflict sh�ll rat affcct`��ther pmvIsions of this Se�,iirlSy,Instrument or the Note which an b�
<br /> �I: ,i�'�;ii��r;�ffrxx wi1llbut 1he conflicting provision. To this�tit�'iki�pmvis[ons of this Se'quriEy.lnstrument and the Note are decl�tod
<br /> ;e�. •'�c�ji'r�sexaxahbx.:,c , ��'`''�' ,
<br /> '�}• 'f!�:;��:lb,�,�+m�iier'a Ca�py.Sonowea shall,�b�;given oik confum�od cfi�py•nf the Note and of this 5a,�udty tnscrument.
<br /> �` ,�. � ' Fam�028 �/f0
<br /> . . . ; , .
<br /> ; �, •,vzti:�ae
<br /> '(.: `�� ` . . . , .. . , . . :.� .
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