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<br /> 'f(X;E'CHEYd WITl3 ail the in�provei���iEa r►nw ae herexflor erectod un Eho�s:r�,x:rty,and all ras�inents,appurtenancta, a�xi
<br /> ilx�iu•cs no�v ea• h��rcnftCr n �?art �q tiic �>rn��cny. All 1'C[�I[ICCiIIGI[9 tllld a�d�fR�,ii:i clu2ll alsc� 6� cnvercd t�y Q�ls Sc.ct�rliy
<br /> t��titr�smsrn, Ail of tFie fore�ofng is r�fe�real to i�i t��is Secu�lty iostrvi��ctit us Uic"l�l'UjTLiiY." _
<br /> HOit1�4�WEft CUVBNANTS tha�Fiormwer is IawfuUy sels�cl of t8�cstutc t►e.reby conveycd ond hus t�ic riRiit w�rRnt and
<br /> rnnvey ttb Prop�ny +ux! thxt the i'rnpeny is umncumbereel,exerpt for encumhrsinces of rcco�d. Elc�rro�vrr wacranty a�x! wil)
<br /> defen�l gener�lly lhe titla tc�thc Praperty against ull cl�ims a�xl drnunds,�;abjer.t to any e��cumbrances of rtcord•
<br /> TNiS SECURITY INSTRUMF3NT combines uniform sovett�nte for natiorwi usC+�rrd txm-unifornn covenants wirh limitod
<br /> vrriQsia�by ji�riullc�inn u►co�zstitutc a unifc�rm cccurlty instrun�nt covering real property.
<br /> lJNIFORM CO'VBNANTS.B�rrruwerend l.enckr caveeunt snd ugree as folinws:
<br /> 1. Myeneat ot Ptlndpd ru�d Intei+at: Pr'e�ymen� p� l.de CharRee. Bormwer �h�ll promM�Y MY wtkn due tho
<br /> principal af and interGSt on tho dsbt evitler�ed by t�te Notx�rrd any prepayment nnd late chargcs due urxf�r the Note.
<br /> Z� ��{���� �nd I,qiwrpacc.3F�hjrct to�pplicable 6aw or to a wcitten waiver by I.endtr� Borrowrr sha11 p+�y to
<br /> Lender an the day mnnthly pa�yment9 nrc auo undor tlie Plote.uneii tlie Note is�id in PoII.�sum("Furuts")for:(z)yearly taxa�
<br /> anci asse�sme.nts whlch may attain priority ovcr this Savrity fa5tnament as a lien on the I't�o�trty; (b)yearly leasehuld pnYments
<br /> or ground rcnte on thn Pmperty,if any;(C)yearly h:n,AM ur prop�rty insur�nce premiums;(d)ycarly tia►d insurxi�pre►�►iwi�s,
<br /> if any; (o)Yearly rm�tgade insurpnce pt�emiumv,if any: and(� ar►y sumv payat►Ie by Borrower to,�,arifietr. in accordance with
<br /> tl�provision,5 of paragraM�8.in lieu of the paymcnt of nwrtgaqt insurance premiunu.'I'hese items atti c;�11ad"Escrow Items."
<br /> I,Gnckr m�y. at any time. collece and hold Funds in an amount not to excoad tt►c maximuin amount a•�umler fur a fsclerally
<br /> rclatod mortgage!wm m�y require fur 8om�wtr's csGrow account under tF�federal Rcal,�?uate Setdement Procedutes Art of
<br /> 19T4 as amendod from timo to time. 12 U.S.C.Soclion 2601 r.t srq. ("RESPA"),unless�itvther law that applia to the�unds
<br /> aci;,a tesse;a�r,;.;:r,t. If�, [�:eder m.ay, nt eny tizr.r, cnlisct and hold Fu�s in an amount not to cxc:oed the lcsxr amount.
<br /> [�x�cler m�y �stim�the ar►�unt of FundA due on the busis of cumnt daGi bnd reasonable estimates af�xpsndiwrcs of futuae
<br /> Cscrow ltrn�s or dherwise in acwr�dsnce with app�er.able law.
<br /> 'I't�e Funds shal.t be held in an i►utitu¢eon whose da�wsits are insura� by a fodtral agency, insttumantalisy. ar entity
<br /> (includi�g[,end�r.if Lender is s�rch au►in.stitution)or in any Fai�:nl Home I.o�n�anlc.l.er�ler shall apPly the Funds in pay the
<br /> Escrov�iums.f.ender may nut ctwrgo&irrowcr frar holding nnd applying�tee Funds, annually a��xl�zsn�e��esci�w ecwunt,or
<br /> verifying t�Escrow Items,unless Lender psys lY.�rrow'er intsrest on the Pund�snd applicable law pr.mlltr���r to maice suc.h
<br /> ' a cl�arga Flowever, Lu�cler may roqutre Borrowtr to pay a one-time charge for aq indapsndent real e�X:�x 1„uc reporting service
<br /> used isy I,entier in cwutection with this laan, unless upplicable law provides otherw�se. Unless an b�toement is m�c1e or
<br /> �pplia�hle t,aw roquires interest to be paid,I.eader shall not be roquired to pay Sormwer hn��intertst�r�amings on the Funds.
<br /> p��,��(,��;�ay�roe in writing, tN��wr.v�r.that intcrest shall Fx:�id on the�Fair•ro'i�. i,endrr shail givc tn Horrower.
<br /> :.:u'x:::y�.�Q:. _^•.�._r...m� ���in��£thr Runds. showin¢ccadits and�3h::d:�s to ttae�tlnrl9 aPd thG'��urpose for which each
<br /> de�ic trr�he t�unds wws m�de.Tt►e Funds art pledged as addidonal security�:qr.h!f{sums s��u'red by this Soeurlry irmtrument.
<br /> If t!�Funds hdd b� A.endar e�cad the Amounts perriuurd cfl be hel�b�,applicable.�::�v;•I�r►der s�all acoount to Aoimwer
<br /> for the exccss Funds in ac�cordance with thc rnquiremcnLS of a�'rable(Aw.If thc amount af the Furds held by I�akicr at any
<br /> time is rat sufficient tu Qny the Escmw Items whra due.I.ender may so�wrify Borrower in writing,ar�;in sueh case Ba'�nwa
<br /> ' ' shaU poy to L�der at�r an�ou►u��rY tb m�drt�°•�up the deficicnr,y. 8c�rir�a5r�r shall make up thc cic'iiricmcy in no mone tlwn
<br /> • .� twctvc monthtY pnY�c,.�ts,xt L.eixSer's sole discn;hinn. � �` � � �
<br /> Upor� peYme;nt in fula of all FunLC secu�by this Sccurity Instrument, Laxkr sba11.promptly refuad to Aarruwa� any ..
<br /> Funds hetd by Lencier.�f. under paragrnph 21,I.ender shall acc�uire or scll the Pxopeety.I.,ender.prior tn the sa�uiaition or ade
<br /> • , of the pro}�crty,st�alt�pply any Funds heM by LSqder at the 6me af ucquisidun or salc#�.g tr credit ag�inst tM sums socurod by .
<br /> ;;: d►ia Security Instaumeiu. "�
<br /> ,.�:
<br /> 3.AppYtatbo a[Paymenta.Unless appires�•t�7t law providcs othtrvih4e,:a?1 paymen4s roaivaF try.I.,cndGr unda p�ua�caphs .,; .•'
<br /> 1 and 2 ehall be appiied: fi�st, to anY P�►Ymcnf chargcs ciue under the NoGe; se�nd,tq�.Amounty pu�s�rle undcx paraqrap�2: ,'
<br /> third.i+.*interest du�e:founh,ta princip�l due:and last.to any�3a��charges duc undcr the I�Qio. .
<br /> q.'Ch�;l,iean. Borrower�ll pe� a",�t.:nes,asses��ii��t�,charges,fims�und idi}ibsitioos attributsbfa to the Prapaty
<br /> wldch may atta�n pr�ority over thia Sa.�uricy 1ns¢�azrnEnt. and ieusehotd p+�;Hm@�nts or gcauttd rents. if�ny. &nrnwu s1u�lE.pay :.;:";,.
<br /> �"�'�, th�ae obli�atioi►s in the marurcr providad in p�nri��s�p�a2.nr if not paicl in ftih�:rr•�r.Horrowcr sh�ll�ay ttxm on time dirnctly ��;;�'`,,;�.
<br /> , to thc prr�on awed psyrexiN.i3ortowa ahAll��mrttptly futnlsh to Lender alE'�i�iiocs of sunqtynty to bc pa�p:�pndcr this}�ngraph. ••:,.,,.�;�.,
<br /> • [f gorronver ma��s tix�e pnyments tiirectly,Hotrower shull promptly fum'ssh to I.u�der rcicoe.'zpts evidcr�cing the�ayn�.
<br /> ...�,. gtxrower siull prom�.Mly dischargt any iien er•hich hes piiority ove�Qiis Security[nsfSiiment unl�ss Borrow�:(A)agreas in
<br /> ':�"'�:�, writing to the p�vmenc af the obligation sec�rc�d bY the lien in a nwnna a4tiie,pt4ble to Lender;(bZ oontcsts in goad fiith tk�e Ikn ,,
<br /> , by, or defa�ds �gainst anforcunent of the li�:ri.'is�n, lege! proceatings vl�7cn-in the L.a�der's opin'ec�+',>opetate to preva�t the '�•.��'�
<br /> ' erefonqpneM of the lien;r.►r(c) secures from the�iblder of the 13en an agreeiYient satiaf�ctary to LGnder subordinatin�the iien to
<br /> thia�acari.ty Instrume+�t. If Letxk:r determinas that any pnn of the Property is subjxt�A:u lia►which may attuin�n'.i�it,y over
<br /> 4FtIT$OCUrItY IRS[tUI11Cl1[, li.endtr msy give Bonvrwer a noti�identifying thc licn.Borrower shall satfsfy�ha lien artFt�v'.ana or
<br /> rtare of Ihc actions se:t fo�th above wilhin 10 d�ys�t�f Rhu giving of noiicc. •
<br /> , � Form 30� �1�Ci.:-.:
<br /> v.o.zae ' . '
<br /> , ,� .. �; '
<br />