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<br />R1-,c~uFa l" rOR hAR~rfAt. RrcoNVrvANCE
<br />The t3ene~ciary requests the Trustee to reconvey the real estate described below to the person or persons entitled thereto.
<br />Beneficiary
<br />S"I'A I'I? (71 N1•a3RASKA )
<br />) SS
<br />couN rY of DAwsoN )
<br />Subscribed anti sworn helnre n1c thisl3th day of August, 2010, by Karl Randeeke,r, President ol'Firsl. SLaCe Bank, on
<br />behalf oPfirst Stale Banl:. ~
<br />fRAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska ___~ ~'~~"-~ ~ ' ` ~,~~~' ___
<br />GENe ~ .
<br />~ ANG~tA D. NICHQLS Notary Public
<br />My Comm. Exp. March 2fi, 2011
<br />['AR'i'IAt, l)N:h;U O1' RI~:CONV-•;YANCE
<br />WI-IERI?AS. FIIZS'I" S"I'A"fF., BANK oPChttltenhurg, Dawson County, Nebraska, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust
<br />recorded April 1 I. 2003 executed by Richard L Hartman and Patricia A. Hartman, husband and wife, as Trustor, in which First
<br />Stag 13an1: is named as 1.3cncficiary, and the underaigneci as "1'rustce. and recorded in the office of the ReE;ister• of Deeds of Hall
<br />County. as Instrument 200304338 and re-recorded as Instrurttent 2D0312901, has received front the 13enefrciary Chereunder, a
<br />written request to partially reconvey, reciting that such deed of trust artd the note secured thereby have been surrendered to the
<br />undersigned trustee for cancellation;
<br />Nf)W 'I'Flf•:RI-:I'URI;, in accordance with such request and the provisions of such deed ol'trust the undersigned, as
<br />trustee, does hereby reconvey, \NIl11DUl Wal'ranly, to the persons entitled thereto, narnely Richard L. I lartman and Patricia. A.
<br />Hartman, a portion of Lhe estate now held by it thereunder, to-wit: See Attached Exhibit'"A"
<br />In witness whereat; the undersigned has executed this deed oFreconveyanoe at Gothenburg, Nebraska, on August 13,
<br />2010.
<br />first State Bank, ol'(~olhenbGU•g, Nebraska,
<br />A Nebraska Ba king. Corp ., 'on, 1'rustcc
<br />ray ~„~- _~..
<br />Kar R~ deck. .President
<br />) SS
<br />COl1N'1'Y OF DAWSON )
<br />Subscribed and sworn before me this 13`x' day of August, 2010. by Karl Randcckcr, President of First State Bank,
<br />Trustee, on behalf of said 'Trustee. '~
<br />~' f_ ..__....._....__.-_ -,; Nebraska
<br />M'
<br />~~^',~;r •.)t_,
<br />> ?;711
<br />GENERAL NDTARY -State of Nebraska
<br /> My Cnmm. F.xp. March 26, 2D11
<br />~~~~~~
<br />Notary Pu ic-....----- -~m.._....,.,.._
<br />By liG~r T
<br />First Stale -3ank, oPGothenburg, Nebraska, ~
<br />Beneficiary ~
<br />c~
<br />'w,
<br />K~ rl I : nc er, President.
<br />