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<br /> '. � . ..._. -.
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<br /> .
<br /> � . : ,.�
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<br /> ?.. . .:�- ! . , - . . - " �
<br /> -�._-���-�....�:�� . - .. ,�.':i' . , ., . _ .. _ . . . . .. -- ' . . �- ��. � - - . .. - .
<br /> - - :- .;- � - - .. . -_ . � _ ��.. D��l��� .f
<br /> . . . . _ ._ . . .� _.
<br /> ': 1 1�M.i.u:tore�o�.yn�.fomi.�11P�Y�o�e�..al�dd�Ot�d,r,du�t�ri.»Rona�r�rmdla�d�.apn.c�rwM�:�110� _.
<br /> {ar�ho�iws�roT OonoMA�nt ta,SonawM7r b�e�t wM16r lhat to�n!►M tlN�n0�oo�w���wo�L k����� :
<br /> ; �iilu�rt o►pleteipy,Mooedto i+Miw4 ind dNn ta���,�,If p �t d . ._.
<br /> ' :_ar�a_nK�f�dP�Ym�rKUtAilIMFsK'c'Yrd�d�btisP�idk+fi�l� - -� - -
<br /> ---°_ _ -_ _- '
<br /> — -- t_a1MN.Al��Itrr..�or�an'.•wixp�y:nqxwr.saaanM�.aaeotM�a+.�.t�bu�bt�wu►.orov�Nwn«�ai.�new(ud�indtlH.
<br /> to ti+��pp�y�t ar�raaimsvk�l+waWd ths tiriE aNhis 4ue of�wt.tand�r m�i ra4u+n Ba�aMr�o+wipn+e�►�aM�s: _ -.
<br /> --0s-0��is wltl�Fi Ntsarwr n`a!f���P��!4+�'RD�Y�r cr mthtlak to tmD�w�or msintsin B�pt� .— —
<br /> � !.�wa 9oROw�r wiil tMp t!w P��Y�+�ue�r t�rma a�ea�taEts to t,�nd�r at 8orrvw�s rxPM�r and 1er l�nd�ts b�rwlit All
<br /> i�x�ra P���in�rino�Proa�A��en��i d,�k�i lsr��o�o N��t��to►a�or n�p�ir�tl�Qaa p d
<br /> ---' ' p�opeey��s�iwt+Nd�bt.Hlsnd�rnquir�smort4W�ttaurstx�.8orrow�r�Oro�totnitMSinwcAinwrar+eNaastonD�tl�nd�rn�c+kr..::
<br /> 1„l�e�rtn 8orrt�rNr wili IcMP tl+s p�aD�Y tn yood oondiKon and matn sll npain raaona6ty na�sstry. .
<br /> _ � ���' oa.ny�ipsdona°s�.a sd�by�U�i�d�otmnt'��earrowirwi�i�payn�amou�wl.en�"b�we�rnC�a�w a�i9ot isfA�a..dt�t�tn�
<br /> - �/Aos f�airb�MM�Unlus Borrnw�r firaCObfsina lande�is wt�n�an�Borcowsr witl nac[n�lo!uR AKmn+��m�!I P�*
<br />-_;�: s�curitY tM�raMt Boccwer wil[peEfo�a11 cf Borrorw�'s abit�atioss urrde�ealr Priar ntar�e ci�t ofSwc cr athrr srucHy�p�rNn�
<br />:��; �nCludinp 8ortonNt'�ca�ar+rte��maRs payc�e�ns wh(ys;dua •
<br /> - . j;`:'->`:;` , 11nla�sHo[iowrr.and Isr�dr�rhNea� ::��:,.
<br /> �A�i�taElr�s�wtll�of�s.Bcurcw�rlwipmc�l�{a��r�rxtrasand�aftt� .. ..
<br /> Bocro+wt c,R�isict�nQ �ns t�slhti�.a�.i�?o,a�F is not en � tt ff 8orrower dditr.#tr.@andsy Lendqc'�5:;:';:'•::�;
<br /> - otli in w�itiRtg r °n'�` - ,,� ��`�-' �,}, s 'J�rut oollert the rstns.A�f r�nts landu aolNecs st�ait 4�,s,',:�,:;,:
<br /> ara.�courc�PPaint�W t�t�u'mrei:. ���.'� T�F�?��?�?�'4t'. -
<br /> 1f,�iit in�1e aw9tls crf m�i?6ifi�'+�P������'����.��.,.]��'�I�,� °��si�ssions tor rrirttal anA t�e�o� ,
<br /> -r 1 ` � r�. �l��;�s:v�x7fi3f�'G+�,I,�.ssi)1�19tC'+oy�c=7?�$�`IiSY�Li0c1 thel4WCaAdeG[81i`q�` � !11COVOtl�fltF,.- =--_
<br /> h` ':'. y,� � . ... .. .... '`,':;`�" i� � �L Ii. - - . . . � :..'- -
<br /> . � •.� . � . � � t - .�..��l�. . ,1r __.
<br /> ', i . .c'� f .r . 5/_ : . . - i.f.�. ,�,;' - I MR�1II'7+�' i�t��S� �� � _
<br /> �e�����'�"�I�L/L�Gi(t73bYy.'��a�+�,y'x1�Y t�. � IE�l�iF,µf,�S!'�EIEd�:4�it{�'. .r .
<br /> i�u frms f�}1�A����� �E .4l�iUd,Slt!'�C6Il�0� �r'TtS��.O����'�' r����FOI'�A31b��,. � '- -
<br /> J��, � Ii0P119�10�%��'�.�'��. �Uf11L �:.� . , r �T-sr�
<br /> rte r. d1��r tfM�tlts �sc"r+ilDulidonaof id�oondrs�t¢auRt Q�pT�iiisd. dereiaPr!ea"�;,';;..;;:•.;•' :s;;''',•
<br /> „ . ,; ,...:..; , . . _ , ::..:.:•. . ; .,;. . .•. .�'.t .
<br /> .._;.... ••.. . r �.._
<br /> � . .. . .,-:,•- �,c .
<br /> y !. � ,-.;y;�i::.::.
<br /> . !��tlreky d LM/K to llKlorm f�r Ro�aw�H Barrowqr fins iDop�r�orm any of Botrowif��dtlbaaimQsr this deeA ofirus�lend�r msy ��°'
<br /> '. p�Aorm ths dutiea or caus�them to be peAormad.tnndsr m�y sign Borr�ers nsm�or pty!ny�mouM N�r1►10�PM��If a�1r .��,��;;`.
<br /> conaructton an ths proparty is discoMinued or not carriad on in s roasonsbls manner,Lender may do whstevnr is necesarl►ro Prot�t�end�r�
<br /> � - s�curity irnen�t in th�prcpaRV•Thb may incfude completing the oonshuctiort.
<br /> � .,., _ --
<br />- - - t in ather►1 artde►the t�r m thir�e�d M mnt. . _-: -
<br /> � „;, � 4sndel�bifurs to peAorm will not Dreclude LeaAer from exercisinp aml o Qhtt . =
<br /> a�ndy wilt D�ir Tntena i om thi da�te ofhs�p ymrnt�untlf psld i�n�tull�a t�tts��rttte In e�(fect�on th S��deht�, �tl Ds due an d�mand, ` `
<br /> , L' r'.�.....
<br /> " �0 pNwlta�dAeell�n!lon.itBorrowsrhibtomstnanypaymentwhendueorb���bamrcarartantsunduthfsMboftru�to�anyoblip�tton . ', -
<br /> �eund py thi�dNA ot t�ust or any priar moKpaQs or dee0 ot trust.tenQ�r m�y acalerat�th�matuBty af th�Ncursd d�bt�nd Qmund :..'•��. ,
<br />� imm�di�p�Ym�nt anA msY Inwk�ths pawn ot�I��nd any othsr nm�dia p�rmiK�d by appNc�bb taw ; .• ._.
<br /> *:� :���, :
<br /> _ •�, '. _ ��,lbw��a MM,If the Lsnder inwkes tha power of s�b,ths Trustes shstl fl►st ncord in th�oMc�of tIN nptst�r of dMd�ot�ad�oountY :�'` '-- ?- _
<br /> wl��Tn tM tru�t propHty or aoms psre or par�eel th�rwl is aiNated a notic�of d�huk conqininp tM inlom►ation nquir�d by Isw Th�Tru� �. ;.
<br /> . ..�. ' �It ala matl c a p k s af th�notks Of Qshult to ths Borrowrr,to eacb Denon who is a party h�rKO.�r►A to otMr p�nom as prNerib�d by =�,;�:Y,`.. .-
<br /> :,�,_ �pp{kabN Isw Not tess thsn one month�ft�r ths Trustee recvrds tAe notice of det�utt vr twn moMhs i}ths tnat DroputY is rtot In any - ; - �
<br /> :,�` Inoorpowtb cky or vill�ps and ls u�ad in farmin0�opsrations eaRied on by ths tru�to►,the 7rust�s shall piv�puWie notici ofat�totfN pKtom �-��. '�
<br /> `^ � 1 ` and in ths manner pre�cribed by spplicabfe law.Tiustes,withart Qem�nd on Bortowsr,sh�tl HIt ths prop�rtv at puWic�ucdort to tM ht�hat . ___
<br /> " `4� ���'• biddrr.If rsquind by the Farm Homestead Protection Act,7nistee shall olfer ths property io tvw tepante a(N a�nqulwd by�plicsW�law • =��,F
<br /> ±;�•= �'�°� � - ublic announcement at ths tlms and place of any pnrlously sch�dut�d s�ls. �;_�; ."-• �
<br /> .•��::=�' .�'^ : T�t e s m a y o o s t D O n e�s l e o f a l l o e a n y p a r c el of ths pro p e rt Y b Y p
<br /> , .��'���,.::;r: tender or ks des ipnee may puriettase t h0 PfOPenV et erry e�l@. ,`.j <•' � •' 7� i
<br /> , .�.,�
<br /> ,,�;:��," •�=� ' Upon roceipt of p�yment oi the price bid,Trustee shali deliver to the purchaser TruateBs deed conveylnp the property.Ths rsciats eonainad ,. `'�.,�
<br /> r,... �,....
<br /> � a= tn Trusters dead sha(1 be prlma facle evtdence of the tnrth of the statements conutned therein.Trustee ahall apply th�proc�eQs at th�at�In , . ,
<br /> � ,�!""�°�`•� th�totlowinp order: (a�to all expenses ot ths�ate,Inctuding,but not Nmited to,reaionable Tru�te�s tsa.nawn�bls marne�/s 1b�s artd . -��`
<br /> � _��. rsln�taament fee�;tb)to all sums aecured by thls deed ot trust.and(c)the batance,if sny,to ths pereon�Iepally entftl�d to�ve i� : � ;;.-._
<br /> �'� 1�ie�8own,At LenQers optlan,this Qeed of trust may be foreclose0 in the manner proviQed by ap0ltcable Iew f0►ioroclows�of maRQspe� , i,�'�=-=_.
<br />. ' ��; on rsatpropeRy.
<br /> :�j��.�._,..,� .. ,. =_t-�.
<br /> '` `�s 5 1�,Mqp�otilon.lander m enter the p�operty to inspect it if lenQe►glves 8orcower notice befarehahd.7he r.Gttce muat st�'d the roasonabk . �
<br /> ;� " ' • cau�e for Landers tnspect�on. ' `
<br /> �, ,; . =
<br /> • ' _����'�,•: ' � i-':Y-
<br /> ,=,a. ;;,,. �,�,�pnd�mnstion,Barrower assigns to LenQertheproceeds o1 any award or c�aim for damagea connected wlth a condemn»ian or othertekiny ,�;
<br /> • ,��;• of s1!or any p�R ot tha property.Such proceeds will he applied�sprovided in Covenant 1.This assignmen!is aubJect to the terms of arryr prier .r,.; ^___=
<br /> « ' '� eecuf,ty syreement —--
<br />�. .• 13.. '' , . � _
<br /> .��,�'!►�. .�,,I�''!. . ��.:�—_-_.
<br />- _�*�� 1d,11fIN�[v.By erceictaing any romedy available to Lende►,Lender does not giva up any rights to later uae any other romedyr.By nat suercistny _,, __ _
<br /> , " �r yF�_*��,' any remsdy upo:n Barro�efa defaull,Lender doe�not waive any right to tater consider tha eveni a detaWt i!it happanf agdrt. ,, .
<br /> • t� ,. ° .> ,�-y� . (.'; ' •
<br /> ,��,�;`�,_� :., . �,,�p��g�v{�i�y�Co�n�rs;Sueey�p�s m d AsNn M B o u n d.A l l d u t l e s u n d e r t h i s d e e d o f t r u s t a r e j o i n t a n a s e►e�a l.A n y B o r r o w a r
<br /> :.,�,. �, - who co�signs this Qeed af trust but does not co�aign the nndedying debt inatrumant(s)Eoes sa onty to grant and convey that 6orrawar's Intere�t �•.:`,`j,.;_ '
<br /> � 1n the pro p e r t y to the iFustee unde�the term�ot thia Ceed of truaL In addition,such a Borrower agrees thet the Lender and ar�yathe�Borrawer � .
<br /> ' BorQeowers coense t and wlthout releas ng�hat Bo owee irom the terms ot this deed ot trust i s d e e d o f t�u s t o r t h e a e c u r e d d e b t w l t A o u t t h a t .
<br /> ,. . � + . .
<br /> , �"' ` � �± The duNe�and beneflts of this deed of trust shell bind and benert the successore and aseig�s oi Lender and Borrow�er. ( �
<br /> . �;�'�.• f,'•,��.- � _, �
<br /> � 17.Nofla Un1e��otherwise required by law any notice to 8orrowe�shal�be given by deUv+ering lt o�by mailing it by certliied mtll sddrossed !
<br /> � to Borrow�er at the property address or any other address that 8orrovwr has given to Lsnder.Borrawer wllt give any notice ta lander by certifled �
<br /> • � helltb�sent to lenders aQdress es ste edfon the trontt8lde of this doed ot irusi resa which lsnder has designated.Any otNer natice to Lender i.
<br />� . - . Any notice sh�lt be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or l�nder when given�n tho manner stated abave. �
<br /> ' ' 1�.Tr�n�hr of th�rropety or�BM�dieiN Mt�t tn t!N 8orrow�It aQ or any part of the property or any interest in it ia sotd or transferred i ' .
<br /> � �thout Lender's prlor written consent Lender may demand tmmediate payment of the aecurad debf.Lender may also Eem�nd Immediat� �
<br /> • • p�ymene it ths Borrower is not a natutaf peison and a beneflciat interest in the Borrower is sofd or tran�ferred.However,lender may aat demand i
<br /> p�yrment in the above situations If it ia prohiblted by tedoral taw as o}the date of thia deed of trust. ` �
<br /> • �� � 1!p�aonwy�nq,When the obNgation secutod by this deed of trust haa 6een paid,and Lender has no further obUgetionto make advanee� ; .
<br />- - - un0a ths intttumeni9 or agreements secured by this deed ot truat,the Trustee shall,upon wrltten requast by the Lender reconvey the t�ust �
<br /> � propeRy.The 1.ender ehall deliver to tho Borrower,or ta Borrowers successor in tnterest,the trust deed a�d tha note or ot�er evidence of th0 . -
<br />� -- -• - obl)gatlon so satistled.Sorrowee shalt pay any recordatio�costs. !• . _
<br /> Zp,SueoN�prTnytN.Lender,et Lender's option,may rem6veTrusteeand appoint a snccessor t►ustee by firat,ntailing acopy of the sub�titutton � �
<br /> ' ' ' ' of Uhstee as requtred by appUcabte law,and then by tiling the substitutian of trustee for reaotd in the oHiee of the register af Eeeds of each _;:
<br /> U
<br /> • ' eounty in whict�th9lrus!property,or some part t�iereof,is situated.Tl�e sueeessor truatee,vlitHoat eonveyanee of the prapefi►,shal!auceaed •
<br /> . • _ ' to all the power,duites,authnrity and titte of th�Trustee named in the deed b4 trust and of any suceessbe twstee. � :
<br /> • . �, � , •
<br /> . .. . . _ .
<br /> ,,,., ; , .
<br /> _.� _. .. :.,:�:�_ �•- .�
<br /> �::.--. .. _ •
<br /> - --=� --_--_—_--- _- - - -- _ -_ .___.. . . . .. .__ . .. ... - ---- --. . , _ . . .. - - -� - - � - ��....._---.,_
<br /> � . .��.I ': � �;� , . •.
<br /> �!
<br /> - •;: • � _ _. ._ .. __ . .. - _ - - - - - - - - ' - . _. _
<br /> �
<br /> r:.
<br /> . ;,.�:; : . - .
<br /> . ; , ,.
<br /> • . ,;. ; aCP-ilAtO-NE BACNSIUE REVISION t/AlE 8/6l81
<br />