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<br /> 'i�SALHl1S[A�i.B1tA'[E�iDE1t`i�w�de� 1�►TH eM.qE APRIL - . ' ' --{l,,�i-...-.s
<br /> — - - -A-,-- -- - � Deea errwK,ars.a►k�r�amre•�e�ritx�"1d
<br /> - — : . �._,,..r=�� — - --- - - - -----_-------- --
<br /> - --_
<br /> -=-
<br /> tT�es�e d�te pre e!tie sda�i titic•�DaroM�"1 w�eeae�oeeo�rer'� �
<br /> _ ��i�fe"Ladlr"i of tie siwe dYe�cwe+i�t�P�Y d��is�he Sa�tf1�Imtru�eat�ad tatatad at:
<br /> .-'. --- 2@28 9REN'it�OD.:8L11Q.� GRAIID ISLAflD: [�ASK{f 68801
<br /> _ ._
<br /> - < (prngertg Address) i,
<br /> 11is t�It e�(�e�sri�i��►a�!i�fit ei�/���4'iii�[at sak t�i�Q��IY! . -
<br /> �t�'t�itMrraVei�t�etM�otdi�t�i�aaE�aleoreYytsta�4Metl�ear '
<br /> d1�QiEiiii�runil�4rliy!�!�1�'1inr��'
<br /> . .. ��%�ilr. . " _ _ :: . .:.::i'!''i;:.:'.'t ...i...:1=•;�-'.i�� :�!'.:.:.:�::.'-::,� OltlilAi��LW�
<br /> .�H�.QQ���'��i��.��.R'��4f��IddC l0 tbC��'�.
<br /> ' ��((y^+�—�aO�i�t� ".'�'ei�+Y,r i.��; " .�i�c_�:,lF . . .. . . . .-
<br /> � A. IIYfE�SI'sIl7L'AND MONTAI.Y�AYIM@t�.;:;..,`;� , � -c;:::=c: � .:.: ,. •_: . _. ..
<br /> '!Ue�(aoe.Provjda ta an ioitiat imtaeu�idt�o[ 6.0 �i.�Sectiao,4 of tLc Note tircvdes£ar�in the sm�at rste ssd Me
<br /> ■o�l�v.+ttal{o�rs: . - � • - ��.`- - .
<br /> �
<br /> - —° "'`:k,�' ,��1rilTEANDAK)MHLYPAYMEM'CHANGES " - . . `
<br />_ _ -- , �ta�ais�trstetxLlp�►ms7drs�ij�aq►tberastdayor '.�'�AY .� ,t9 9��� .aeAonthuda�}'e.e�`r '�,.
<br />__ � t�aQ � mootA�tUaaifl�-�b�odwfikfimp��•�oatdah��ye'uatlleds.�/eD�te. , - ',; �
<br /> , �g�q��fust ChanAe Date,�y h�cae�r�aevre3IItxb�sed oa an iadex.T6e••Indac,•is t3e�iciy�►v��i"ca tlaitpd�5��rrs� r
<br /> .� , adjakdfo�co�taK�YaB:����Acav#�'WikbY�F�Raa����?!!e.�?�3�tafiRure ,', �'
<br /> _ ,..��` . •: : . ., r . ,.:;�a:.'.,
<br /> � `�v�it�i�o�d*te45dsy�tx[aeacEc�Lmt�eD���.�e"�^�a#tlades.•' : ; , , � ,
<br /> � 'fE tfle�ac b ao lon�er ava�a6i��'.'�e Ii���des wr��tC4s�:a:ir�r iadu whkh is b�1aR6,upva.-��a�e,rrri�a-�T�fe�1'i�te • --
<br /> , _ _._... , .., > , {.
<br /> • ',, Hoida��,NemeaotiaoEs�,sciiois.���• � , � _ —
<br /> ,,; � .. .. .;; . �; . � . ��. � ' ,.:.:."••.�'�'�`.. �. :;.� ' , _
<br /> � `���i�r:�Y�vrc�f►:li�g�t.cr�^�aavs'a�cr�wby�iis'T�;�-`��-FiALF �.pgnam��ia... ' l. —
<br /> . gcEa+edrd�Chaa� � ' -
<br /> nts ��•5 �Xi)to the Gai�.gi�;ieac,ae�'.t�4tsi�ri�searat 1/�th of l�ri,subkct ib'�hc7�uts st�ud in Soccion N���:
<br /> POI ('` . . . .:
<br /> 'Ibi�roundal�twltlbemynewloteca�iacc.un�ttiairactCh+�nreUate. . . ,
<br /> 7'be Note Holda wil!then determina tLe amaunc of tlie monthty psyrtient th�t wauld be suEqClent to repsy In full tl�e ptlncl�Ml.l;+un -- -
<br /> : eapected to owe on that Chanje Date ia substantialty oqwl W►Yments bY sho man+�ity d++te at my new intercst�tc.The rcsulc ot�his pku4tiop
<br /> ��- wi116ethenewattwuntofmymonthlYDaY�1•
<br /> �• _ i
<br /> � (D) IA�ibwl�knatRateC�ea
<br /> yi.
<br /> •'._ 4.a'he iataat rste 1 am tequtred to p�y at the fust Change Date will not be greater than 8.00 g� T� than �'. �f��
<br /> '�,� 00 �,'ph�reafter.my intNat ratc wlll never be incrcaud ar dave�.sed on any single Chaage Date by more thut z
<br /> • Z•4 ttom the rate of interest t have been�tYina lor the precedleg twdve months.The minimum interat rate an t his l o a n w i l l n e v a b e -. ,,,'�'�-�
<br /> •"� �4_-.__
<br /> �y�� 4.00 9i aad the maximum interat rate wilt never be gteater than ��•�Q m. "��='•;.:��.�
<br /> • (� Ettecti.e D�N of Cra�a �-�;'-�--
<br /> My new intuat rate will become et/ative on eacN Chaage Date.t will pay the amount af my new monthly p�yment beginnin�on the fi�at � -_
<br /> }.��' nwathly payment dace afar ihe Change Date until theamount of my monthly paymem changes again. • ., __
<br /> � � Natloe of ChKa °. " .. -
<br /> - - - �` The Note Hotdtr wi!!mail or ddiva to me a notice b�fore rach Change Date.7'he notice will advise me oP: �
<br /> - (1) t1�e new intecest rate oa my toan a�of the Change pste: __���•�i;F.��:
<br /> � (ii) t6e sunounc of my monthly payment followlnBlhe Change Aate: �
<br /> (1ii) any additional matters which the Noto Hoida is reqnired to disciose;and IL�' ' �'�"+
<br /> � �..�•. _.`��r
<br /> • •�`; (iv) theaddressofthea.uociationyoucout4cantactregardtnganyquestiansabouttheadjustmentnottce. �` '� --- --
<br /> ' - ' . . . ���"`,
<br /> �. 1. CHAItCE3;WENS F . . -
<br /> . �r u, UNtarm Covenant 4 ot ehe SeWdty instrumeat is amenQtd to rwd as toltows: . ,•
<br /> , _ ,..; _ .
<br /> <t I.Llwesi IJer.8onower shaU Day all taxa.auasmeau.and o1Au charga,flna,and impositions anributable to the Property which may 4 . � '•.
<br /> � : Y-� �tt�ie�priodty over this Savdty Imtrummt,and leasehold paymentsof ground rrnts.itany,in the manna pravided undn putaraph t hereol : � ,
<br /> 4__M,�;: � a,if not p+iid in such manner.by 8orrower makin{psyment.when Que,directly to�he psyee thereof.Borrower ahall pramDtlY Wsnish Lender ( ,
<br /> "'` ' • � �ll f�Mica oE unounq due ander this psra�raph,and 1n the event Bonower shall make paymrnt dircctly.Horrower ahatl prampliy fnrnish to .
<br /> =3r�•��.• ..�y- � • .
<br /> ;`�;��".� Lender rccs3yts evlQencina wch psyma►cs.gonowa shall promptly discharge any lien which hu pdodty over thi�Secudty Instrumeitt; .
<br /> � �' �"�`"'''�' � fwwever,Boaower shall not ba requlreQ to dischuae any sucb lien so tong as Borrower:(a)shall adree in writins to the paymrne of tha . �
<br /> �.�:r iM.' �� � ' •
<br /> 1i' w.....►... •.. � . .
<br /> �- �� ablipHon aecured by such llea 1n the manner ac¢epta0le to Lender;(b)shall In good faith contest such lim by,or de[end a�inst enfarcemmt o! .
<br /> ���-�._'-r - �..
<br /> . �.�_�:F `.;�; auch lien in.teaal proceedlnp which in the opinion ot LenQer operate to yrevent the enlorcement af the Ilen or forfeiture of the Property or any ;
<br /> '�'` �� - pu!thereot;or(c)shW secura from the hotder ot sach lien an agreement in a form satistactory to Lender subordlnatlng such 11rn to thia � . .
<br /> � ;�..;t_ .s , _
<br /> '" °�?�:,��• ' SecufltYlnstrument. .
<br /> �'•��� lt l�eder detem�ina that�atl or any pare of the Propeny is subject to a tien which rnay attadn a prlority ovu thia Seeuflty Insuument, � .
<br /> , �,�. .._.. ,
<br /> � v��" '' Lender shall�ive Hotrower a nottce ldentifying such tien.Borcower shall satlsfy such lien or take one or more ot 1he acNons see forth abave ; �
<br /> w1t61n tm days of theglving o!the nodce.
<br /> �. ,.."r�,� ',;`' C. NO�I'[CE �.. . •' . .
<br /> ' - •..'r�; " Uniform Cuvtllant 14 of the5ecuflty inslcL..'ttcnt is am�:.QM to read as fo^ows: � • ' .
<br /> ' ^�'-=':,':'.�:�.;; ' :,
<br /> • . �, - ..,.y . . . ';'`�'
<br /> - • 11. lVofier.Except for any aotice req�l:ed;:riQer apC::cab?�law to be given in azto�her ttanner.(a)any notice to Borraw�ptovidcd for in th3s �
<br /> . '.'y;�;'�...''. . . �, , .
<br /> . , �� � • t�- �. Secudty ttfstrwaent shati Q�egivrn by Qelwr�g it or Ey r.:.."inE it by first class mtil to Bo^:�wer at the Proptrty Address r,�at sueh othu address
<br /> �. , ; .
<br /> � a�Borrower may deslEna;e by notice to tr�det as pca+�ided herein.and�b)any notice tb l.ender shall be glven by firs�:fass m�t to Lender's ' • =`' " .
<br /> •,,, . . .
<br /> . ...:� ��:_.-:._ : ... _ . •
<br /> .__.....,__._. � -- -
<br /> - --°°'- ;----- . -
<br /> � �.. � �� adQresssfatedhereinorfosuchofhetadC��s'sS�tendermayQaignatebynmi�toBorroweras�rwidedherein.A�synotl.�r{xovidedf�irin�.`s'ss - . � . -
<br /> � Security Insvument shatl bedremed to have been given to garrower or Lendcr when given in the manner d�ignatcd hetein. t :
<br /> ' , i; . .. .. , .
<br /> , ... i. ._..�''�' ..._.... _ . _. ._ _. . ._ .. . _ . . __ .._ . . _ . . .. . ._ _ ._ _ . . . .. _ . - . ._ _ . ., .. -
<br /> -, . '�.:t.• . �``�• . � , _ . . . . ' . _�� ^...__' - .
<br /> _. �i..�.'.�_-.�.-c�• . _ . .._._. . _ . _-_. __. . _.
<br /> ,_
<br />