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<br /> � ae�r �ut�.�or bg ury couaty. tovnsbip. s�micl.pality. villaa� oz oth�s pol�tical . —
<br /> , " � subdivfsion th�reaf, oY by my assne�. boatd, ca�issioa or'eLputM�t of any ;
<br /> _ �. .of ths. fos�aoina,_authorizia�.th� `aonstsaction. aequiaitiot� or ap�ratian o� a�l - -
<br /> propsrti�s. facili+ti�s. syst�as or businasses, insofas u th� sa� �ay by Iaw
<br /> _ b� assi�d. e,raisud. ba=aai�hed, sold. co�nysd, tra3�sfarrad, �ortaaged. oz
<br /> plsd�td: � � ' � . . , �
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<br />= All riaht, titl� �usd fnt�rest of tbe Kort6sgor in, to uid �mder a�► -
<br />-- and all�coR►tr�cu h�ratofazs oz h�r�aftes �[scuted by. aud betveen tbe-ltortaa�oz
<br />- �und aa� pazson, fia. os cosporatioa relatia6 to ths Kortgased Propexty togethes
<br /> - ` ` . srith any.and a�.l othar account,�, contracts ri�hhts and general intaagibles (as `
<br /> � sucb t�s�s us dafitied in the agp2icabla Uuiforw Co�rcial Code) heratofora or
<br /> = � hsreafur uquir�.d bg ths Morcasa�=: .
<br />-'j. ° n �
<br />' Also. itll ti�ht, title and i:tt�rest of the llortgagor fn aad to all � _
<br />� �;� � othes propertq. real ar passoaal. ungible ar intangible. of avery kind.�nsture , . ' E___
<br /> --= sud-deseiiptfon..a�d vh�r�soavsr sitwtad, aov awned oi hereafter �aqwi.�red by - �-__
<br /> u -- �–.
<br /> ' tbe Mortgagos, it bein� tl�e iatentioa bereof that all sucli property nox oxned -'" .��_-
<br />. V.` "4^'-.
<br /> bnt swt �scifically dasaribad berein os acquired or held by the Mostg,sgor sftar `-�Ta="-
<br /> �� - ttse date hsreof shall be as fuliq eabraced �itbi� end sub�ectad to the lien �-�
<br /> � - bereof as if tbe aaaa xese now ovned by the Mortgagoz and Were specifically� �:°'�=���
<br /> '�� dascsibed bsrain to the extent only, hovevar, that the subjeetion of such �_��.`_-�=q'
<br /> � „ psoperty to the 2isn hereof shsll not be contrary to �a�w; ' ��y;�
<br /> }i , . ... ��-�,.;�;
<br />' Together �+itti all rents. �incoae, revenaas, profits and bene�fts at �i'-�=�°�
<br /> �:-. },i
<br /> _ � any tiaa dexived, recaived or had fron any and alI of thc above-described -.`,.�?�;;--=-
<br /> -��':,� :ra:•`--`°f�:._
<br /> ��� �� ,.; property of the !lartgagor. . . -_ .
<br /> . . �: �
<br /> ' �: ; ;'.',�,;i�;-;:. ` , . _
<br /> • �:.,.,,, :�;;:� � Psovided. �sagy�� no sutoaobilea, trucka, trailers, tractor� os -•..�=� =
<br /> �"�,�; �_� ' other vebicles (including vithout limitation aircraft or sbips. if any) o�ed � .' , • _=
<br />;_,,;�.f,ir,- .._�� • or usad by t�e Mortgagos shall be iacluded in the Mortgaged FtopeYty. � . ., _
<br /> �`:y, "�:...;
<br /> �O, HAVE AND TO HOi� a12 and singular the Mortgaged Property unto `
<br /> ' Ilort � ee and its assi forever� to secure e uall and ratably the payaert � � ''
<br /> .: � the 8 6 8� 9 Y . .
<br /> `;;";, ' `��`<.n.; `f"�'„.., of the pxinaipal of. pYemiwa at�d interest on the Notes, according to their tenos , , _
<br /> "�����°>; and effect, without preference, priosity os distinctioa as to intesest or �
<br /> :� �� -,
<br /> � .. ��"K-��t ;:�r��'�� . principsl (except as othexs�rise speciflcally provided herein) or �s to lien or ��- �
<br /> . "„a,f1,,�,.�,,,;
<br /> � •� �;��s . othaswise of smq Note over any other Note by reaso�s.�f the prio�ity ia time of . _ _
<br /> ;�.`� � , tbe execution; �delivery or maturity theseof os of the asaignaent or negotiation �
<br /> ,_, ��" � ther4of, oz otherwise, and� to secure the due performance of the covenants. ' .-.`
<br /> � :' ,
<br /> ,' ��- �._- ,: � sgr�ements and yrovisions herein and ia �e 3.oan Agreement contained. and fo= . �
<br /> � ��
<br /> •��;`�;�' ' � -y�r'?�° the usas and pusposea and upon the terats, ccnditios�.s, psovisos aad agreemants : '� '
<br /> 7':,, �.z��%� � hereinaftaz, expressed and declared, j�;� �
<br /> ,. .;':
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