�:i:, ew.,t��«.. �
<br /> :-�.,..,w�,w,,,.t;..�, . _. _ • ' -.
<br /> .. _ -f - —�
<br /> -- _ _
<br /> ��i"' �V����
<br /> 17.TrAru�ter at the i'r+apertY or s�fkneticiel lnterest in Borrower.If nll ar any part of tlie Pro�crty or any i�itcrest in it
<br /> iz snlc!<►r Ua�isfurc�l(rn•if n txnclici�ll I�11CP(St.l ltl I3i1iiUWl�r is r;nld ar tr�nqferrcd p�i�Rorrnwcr is nat n natural perc.an)witt�a�t
<br /> l,c�ulcr's prior Wi'ifl:�u con�:cut, Lciu4c►' li11y, i:t its oE�tion, �•,.�p+i�•� imiilcdiatc ► ntcut in fi�ll �f all Gums sccurcd 6�y this
<br /> S�:cuxiry Intitrument.lluwevee,this n{xian slinll�ot t,c oxcrcisal hy I.�nder if exeecise is proi►ibitcd f�y fcdcrul law���of tti�;dat�
<br /> of.this 5ecurity Instrunxnt.
<br /> If[.andor exercinrs this option,I.ender shali givo&►rrower re�tice of uccelerntlan.The n�tice shall provide n(xria9 o ix�t
<br /> less than 3(►days f'roin tho �wer fdls��ice i ir��fium prior tothc ix'piruti n�of his pc icxln Len ler mayyi�vokc�uny re�t,e lir.v
<br /> Security instrurnent.if Annrcc� PaY
<br /> pe�niuec!by thi�Security Instrunxnt withnut fu�ther nOtice or demand on Borrnwt�. ,
<br /> 1g. BorrowerR �ti��t ta k�i�ariA�e. jf C+:�tu��r nw:ts ccrili�t cnnditions, Fiorrower shall hzivr, thr, right to finvG
<br /> enforcement of this Security InWTUme�k dlscontinuod at any time prior to the earlfer Uf: (a) 5 days (or such ather pGrial a��
<br /> upplicable law rr►ay s�xcify for rcinstatement) before sa�e uf thc Propeny pursuant to nny pnwer of sale cantuinecl En this
<br /> Securiry Instrument:or(b)ontry af a ju�gment enforcing this Socurity Instn�n�ent• 'Chose conclitions are that Bormwer.(a)pays
<br /> I.encicr ull sums which then wc�uld be:due under�tmients��, (c)y aystnllrrexpenses�incurrcd nicnforci glthis�SecurUy�utrunxnb,
<br /> cures any default of nny othcr covenants or g P
<br /> including, buc nnt limited to,reasonable attomeys' fces;und(d)tukrs such uction as Lc:nder may reasonably require to assure
<br /> ttu4t tMc li�n of this S�urity Instrument. L.ej�der's rights in.th�Property anci Horrower's obligation to pay the sums ser.ured by
<br /> this Socurity instrument shull crontinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borr�wer, this Scxunty xnsirument and thc
<br /> oFiEigations secu��ci hereby s6a11 reniain fully effective as if na acceleratian had occarred• However> this right to reinstate shall
<br /> �x�t app{y in lhe�asa af acceleration undee parugraph 17.
<br /> 14, Srfr.6y�'Note; Clu��e of Lw�n Saxvicer. 'I`he Note or a partial intcrest in thc Note (together with this Security
<br /> Insuumeny muy t+e sotd p!�e�'r mon�"��%nlhout prior natic V to 1�orr�wer. A sale mny result in a�change in the entity(kn�wro
<br /> �s qhe°Loen Serviac"1 th�tt�cr�'wtxes mon�hAy�aYments dpr�unc;e.r tl�e Note and this Security Instmment. Thcre ulso tnay be or�=
<br /> pr mn�rc ef►enges of the Lcut�i�w�r�.r�►ar unrel�ted tu n s�9•4�a!i t�an Nota.If there is a eha�e of the Loan Servicer.Bc�.rrawer will be
<br /> given written noticc of thr i-�r+v;.�t in accozx�a;rtci:w�ircr par��,ta�i�i�#sbo:=a arKi appli�b1s la4Y.The no�icc wilf��.t:i ihe name und
<br /> address of tl�e new L,oan Son'Icer and tt►e,ndi:iress ttr+��?lie9�pay�itts�?�oald be�r��r,1e. The notice wii! alsn cont:�in uny other
<br /> infom�ation required by applicable iaw. • � •�
<br /> ZQ. ��z�lOys 5ul�stal�e�.Borrn��:r Ahall noL'�stti:,�ar pernzi�t S'h�: pmscnoe.yse. dispost�b, storage. or relca:ye of any
<br /> �i;uardous Substances on or in the Proporty• Horro�e�' s'na�� ix� �°� nor allo� <`myone else ro do, a��ythiag affecting thc
<br /> �lroperty t3�t!s in violatiun of any Lnvinynn�ental La�• �T�he precoding two set±oianc�:t shall not applY to th�.p�re.aence. u�e, or
<br /> siu►�e a7 u`►a:.:.�.�',r flf Sm=!�9t"-�"�iGC of Hazardous Substances that are geYacrs�lty recagni�.ed to be apPropria(e to norntial
<br /> ►tisidenti�l uses tu�d to mointennnce of the Pmp�rty.
<br /> Borrower shxll pmmptly give Lender wriuzn natioe of any investigation,ctaim, cfemand.lawsuit or other actton by ar�y
<br /> �;��verrunenW or rtgulatorya.gency or private puny invosving the Pro�rty and sny Ha7ardous Substancegor En�ironment�'L$�n;', •
<br /> ��+i which Horrower has a�tuxl knoWt°d8e. jf B°�cc'war loams,or is notifiai by any guvernrrr.ntnl m•rc ulato authorit 111�ti�:.
<br /> any rexnovd or other xrmediuion of a��y Eiarudous Substance affecting the Prope.rty is neassary�Bormwer shall promptly iatk�
<br /> �.�t�r,ccarv remediat actions in xrnrdance wich Environmental Luw.
<br /> �►s asod in this peregr�ptt 2Q. "Hazardous�bstaoces' Ste innar.eairauu'iK,3 L�sfs:.:;!°..° iC�.tC�r ha�nnLw.4 SUh5t8Il4C8'Y��`..,
<br />= Eavironmentat I.�w and che following s;l�scances: gesoline, k�rosette, other flemmable or toxic petroleum pmduct;, 14�i�c.:.,
<br />.. p�ti��des ptd t�bicides,volatile solvs�ta,.niateriuls contnining asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioxtive materiats.As U's�A•4��'.;
<br /> this par�graph 20, "Envimua�o�ta1 I.at�'" m�ans foderal laws ancl laws of the jurisdiction where the Prvperty.,is.tocated 1�1'u+t�
<br /> relau:to health.s�f�ty or e,x!,i�rdipnental Protection.
<br /> NON-UNIlFUIt1Vt CU��Y�INTS.Borrower anri�i.ender�urther oovcnw�t anrl agrce as follows:
<br /> zt.Aeoda�atioa;R�medla.I.euder sbRl1�ive notice ta Bo�mwer Prlor to pooder�tjoa falb�inf BaTawer's braich
<br /> of�' oone�et or ap�ea�cnt in tidt Security Intru�eent (t�ue nM �ior co aoedastlou undec p�ra�r�PM 1? uokas
<br /> �pplfe�ble bw pravide�a(ctierwbc).The nutke sU�ll spedQ�r: (�)tl�e ddault: (b)the�etiou retA4�ed to cwc tLe deladtt
<br /> (c)a dMe,e�t le�tlw�39 da�n firoms tl�e date tLe nutice is giren to Honnwer,by whkL tbe dd�rlt mMet 6e narod;aod
<br /> w�
<br /> (d)tN�t hllare ts�ne tbe dda�it ae oe bdoe�the�We speci,�notke sl�ll fYurthra'�orm�����°
<br /> seerred b!'d�In Securitr Imrt�mae�t wd a�k o[the Property of:det� or xn� aYer
<br /> e�drtMe a[t�' �ccderatioo and tl�e ri�bt to brin��rourt nctbn to a�+ert tlie�
<br /> de[ere at l��ower to saat�erMion�4��tbe ddaufR is nnt cured on or bd�+e tl�e d�te q�edtk�i ir tbe nMfcq
<br />- I,e�er, �t�1�:;opio�+,m�'��"� meat ia Oul!of xlt sun�a 9eeured bf tMh S�ecar�itl'I�wllYwt
<br />- [M�tl�er dan���d�:�Fv�ke tl��ower d sde aad awy otLec remtdks pa�nitted by�ppllcabk hw.l,eni�er eY�Y be
<br /> ;.i�+ii�titled to aollett ail exp�d�s��ncrrn�ia�pun�aiuK tbe resn�es P�'urided in this p�r+RnPM x�.l�clydlt�,bat not 1iedl�d
<br /> 'ZY1�1�lM0��1W71lyiy�'W�'��OOf�S O�[�{�lY�lDtC•
<br /> [f t�e At eale b inroked, Traatee eWl ra�r'd a notice of de�ault i�n be�ch y�h�+��
<br /> pROpe�iy ia�ed sNd smll m�ll oopiee�iC�aeh notioe in tbe m�tner pe'eacri p�
<br /> ��er����y�w��uw.Atter tlbe Wne req��ired by�PP�ic�b0e law,'C�-�ee eldk tk�P�wntke
<br /> ot�ale to uK pe�s.opd��s t9e manner rresc*i�ed M��nP��law.Tro�tee,witi�ont aa.wd o.Berruwer, slMa�adl
<br /> et �u►�.!t{on to ti�e bi�i�eat bidrkX'et the ti�qe and plsee�nd aeder tMe te�ns de�ted Iw 16e ewtice o�
<br /> Nie Propat7 P���.... st�ie o[aM or arY p�rcd ol'tbc
<br /> s�k i�oa�e ar esore��1x aud in any order Tr�lee�ietamines.'f'rm�lee m*��k. l.eader or its d�ee�na7
<br /> Fropaty AM��ifc aa�iHi�►t at t�e tirtk x�P�*�of An,4` P�r
<br /> p�r�e qyd.�p�ropa�ir at rut�sde. ., .,,' .
<br /> � . � � . �3oza srso
<br /> , P,o.s<f.e�'
<br />