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<br /> �.�:' .�s,pr�..��i�.�:,,,w.y�' .-
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<br /> pAycn�n�s nuy no longsr b�rzqaizul,ac tlie opsian of i.e�xiar,lf nbngag,e inse►ranc.c covcrngr.(in the Ar�awnt a�x1 for the period
<br /> that i..¢ndee� requirca)Provlded by an insurcr�ppe'ovAd b�p Lendec a�uln bacornes�vnil�ble�ux1 is ol+taired. Aorrowor shail P�Y
<br /> the prtreriums roquirod tu maintaln moctgage insuruice in effect.or t�provide x loxs resscvG,untll the roquiremeat for mortgage
<br /> irowranne etda fn�with any writte.n+�groanent betwcsen�orrower end Lencle��r co�licable law.
<br /> y, Ipepert6up,I.rnder ur i�s agetd muy make rcasa.anhU cr►tdes upon and irtspect�ons of the Propeny. L�e►�der shall giva
<br /> 8c�rr�war notice�t the timo of or priar to at�inspoctian�yxx:iir�t�g��::I%t�c:«u`�.f r ti:�in�F��en. __
<br /> !0. Coa�k�ara�tfoa• 17x Proca'ds�f any award or cl�im for damges. dicYYxtt or canseqtxntial, in connoctioR wlth�ny
<br /> co�demnation or ottxr tal-ing of�ny part of the Pm�erty. or for conveyance in lieu of condsrruu►tion,are hcreby assigned u�d
<br /> shel!be paid to l.rnder.
<br /> Ia the evrnt af a twal taling rf tiie Prn(xrty.the proceads stW�be ePP11Od tq the sum5 sccnced by this Securiry Ynstn�mcnt,
<br /> wtKther or not then due,with:uxy excass paid to Barrower.In the event of a partia!trlr.in�of the Prcrpecty in whach the Cxtr
<br /> market value of the Proputy immnediuetY bsfore the�a1nn81�wival to or grr�'►t�r ttun thr_suix�ur,�of tlr.+sums �t�1 by this
<br /> Stcuriry iiwtnim:nt irtutxdiadely 6efcxe th�ulcing,uriles,9 Hott+ower and I.ec►der othecwise agroe in writing,lhe surn9 socucod by
<br /> thi.s Secu:rit�� Ingm4ment shall be reduced by thr. arrx�une of the procad.s rtwltiplied by th� fail�owic�g fr�etion: (a) tbe tcxa6
<br /> amc�unt of the sum.s secui'ed im�aed'utcly befor�the takia8.dividal by (b)the fair crnrket value of tht Prc►perty urunecliatdy
<br /> 6�are ihc takiog. �ny balance sf�l! be paid to Bornow�>Uy thc evcnt uf$prrtiat tsk.xr�of ttre Property in whlch tt�fair
<br /> marktt vulue oi the Prc�ty imn�ediiWy before the t�i.��is leas than the�rrrount of ih;swm seeural imu�ediat�ly befcxe the
<br /> t*��,e�!K!s Anrmwcr and I.eoder otbersviae.�t�st ir�;a�siting or unkss spplicahlo!nw othecwise pcovidcs,the Proc.'e�eda sfa�t
<br /> bc.�ylied to the sums securod by thia Sau►{r�ic���Y�tni�mE whether or not the s�uns an ttiu►due.
<br /> : ::If the Froperty is nbudoerrn!by Dorro�er,.or if��i{��'r tatia by l�a�a�to Horrower that the caoduertuar offers to aulce an
<br /> �`�A:i�1 or settle A claim tbr d:►Fiitiges, Borrower faels w�r,�pond to i.e�der within 30 ciuys after the date the c►ot�e is giva�.
<br /> 1;i+�i�ler��utlarimd to coitoct ud appty t�C proaeed�.���s�n,u1i�r to restor�ion Qr r�ir of the PTOpaty or io the sum�
<br /> �!t!d t+y�hic Gnenty Insttument.whetlrca;mx nqt ttxn due. �
<br /> Ur�l� l,�yde�a�d Aorroyvcr uthawiKO agroe in writin8, �Y �PPtic�t�'on Af pr000e�ds to pri�si�l shall no' cxtcnd ar
<br /> postpq�re the due ds�of�he m,t�crlhYY paYmaits rcfer�+ed to in p»xngtsphs 1 u�d 2 or clu�nga the amount of sach Uryma�b.
<br /> 11.�rswa'Kot'R�ks�do�a,�w��By I�'Nnt s W�iver.Exlensi�x►of the time for p�yment i�r;modiCiaition
<br /> of�moctiz�tion of'the aums aavred by this Sa�ricy I�trument AruKod by[.atider to wiy s++ce�eteor in intenest os'8uiro�ver sh�1l
<br /> not o�te to reka�e the liability of the origirwl Barrower or Borrowu's succ�so�in int�.st.I.axfer shall not be nqu�md to
<br /> �,,,,�,�,a n�oomdin�s atainst smr yaoo�ssur ir�interesi ar refuse to exta�d time for payma�t or otl�Crwise modify a�i�o+i
<br /> ' r�i,the surrn saa�red by this Security I►�stiumerit by re�son of any cSem�nd m�by the aeigir� ioorm.vcr or w.N.:,�:-a
<br /> wooe�eors in i�Mereat. My fo�i�ar�ue bY Leoder ia�:�M�i�i�ing any righr.or rauedy slu�il not be a w�iver ok'nr pmdude the
<br /> . exarax af aenr ri�ht or raaedv. �'��� �
<br /> � 12. S�ooew�s �sd A�Bw�d;,�aiut�.'�k�virat I.�bitlty; Co-+r�as. 'I1� �covetw�ts lnd agrc�s of this
<br /> S�ritY imtruma�t stnl! bi� atrl b�ne�tt-3h�.:�ucr.�t�q�s�n3 assiga�of L+a�der and Sn4?+�*�'rr,�ssbjax w tho provliw�c�f�:.,
<br /> p�r�nph 17. Bonuwer'a arre.napt� and'�n��4��11 i�joint iind sevenl. Au;r;,'.�a'e�,w�,a.,r.wvhv co3iane this Secusiey-�
<br /> Ir�stcuiea+t but does not ea��c:� Noto: (�) is ar�i$Ui�this Secutity In�ttun�tit'.ra�'Ir�ta''�ltp�e,g�t�d oomrS'that
<br /> Ao�s'6 Int�e+�esc in the IPta�rty uader tfie,te�s af'l�i�x.Soc�►rity Inunimenc�(bj•i�,�c�t patto{+sllY oblipted W P�Y tbe u�me
<br /> sa�rnd by this Security Inst�umeflt;aod�(+.���n�•r+ees t1►�t slae'tider arxi�ny dher Bortowa mtY?�gra+�an�actad,�aodifY•fatbar or
<br /> m�Ce uyar s000u�nad�tlons with reEu+d to tl�'b`t�slms of this 5eGUrity fn�tn�mant or the Iduie wi9bhu��trt Bosrow�a'a a�roak.
<br /> Y3.'I.oM'L'�.�f the!wn xairod`by Uua Sectl!ri�9�nu�umrat is aubjoct w s Sa�r wi�:n.;.,,'�a maxicr�um 3o�a d�r�ea,
<br /> . •i�r,ti�"thet brv is fu�Uy in�eryxeted,so thrt the itNerest�%r��b�hec lu�n chsrje�oalfectad or co be colldeted in uono�tiaa w�ith.dre
<br /> '�n accxed the permieted tir.�ita,then:(a)�ny such lau�ch��rgo elWt be rdduoed by tiu:wnouiet uocrswY to riet7uae tbe rlur4e
<br /> tu the pecmitoad limit:and(b)�Y���Y solleGSed"tiecn Horrow�er which exoeaied pam�tted limiu wi3l,�bt nfuadod to
<br /> Hornnr�. b�ader may ct�owe ca m�ke,fhi?c��efund by roducing t�se�p�r�r�cipnl owed undes t6a,Nocc or by �a d�for�s,
<br /> pep�neot ta Botmwer. If � retue►d raaiiccs���tincipl. the x+eductiun wili be tro�ted as � p�a'ti�i peqnyma�c widoout ihy' .
<br /> �w+epayme�t d�8p ua�da tjae,:i+,lptt. .' � � •
<br /> 14.MNk�s.My nnti�.'1G{ta:�crrtower provided for"i�h this Securiry inauumaot sh�ll be given by ddivering�it`ar by mrilio�
<br /> it by fust ctws rnW unkss ap�plieable law�guins 4se of uatl�a'melhud.'It�e notia shall be di�'�t�ed to the PropatY Addrdu�
<br /> �nr ae� a�uar addreas Bormvver design��'s-�1�y noticx w Lender. Any notia oo t.erider shal!:tie�iren I�y fint clw m�il w
<br /> I.euder'e tld►�aa�st�od beran ur u�othvx,address l.endsr dcsignat�by notix to Bortc�wrx. .�1iy:-naice poovided foc in tWa
<br /> Seari�y iu�trua�ait siall!+e de�arr.d to h�ve ba�rivea to Borruwer or I.et�der wtxn gxven es provi8�i in this p�n�ph. •
<br /> 1S.Go+erwi� I.aw: Se�e�tbWty. T'his Socuriry In�trument ahall be govenaed bY fakral law sad the law of t6e
<br /> � ju�ri�diction idwfiich ti�e P�ppafy is loated. ln the event tt�st s�ry provision or cl�aiso of this 5ocurity inst�uamc a the Nc+te
<br /> cmntlicta with appliable larv,wch conflict sludl not affoct othcr provisicx�s of this Security Instatitneat oti�the Naoe which an be
<br /> �iven efiact widoout the ca�fi.icting pcovision. To this ead the prnviaions of thia 9ocurity In4tnuncnt an�!the Note an cieclaned
<br /> to bc aevenrbk. ,
<br /> fi.Eom+rr�►ar'R i:o�y���urrower shall be givsn onc confom�od copY nf the ltic�o and of this Sxuriry Ynsuunu�t.
<br /> fo�.aaxs �sr�o
<br /> Ppt�dd
<br /> , . .'c
<br />