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<br /> ..��,.
<br /> r��1J�4 �C�IVrir
<br /> '�.'�'M��!rt+�M _lk+�!i4,�-„,
<br /> . . �
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<br /> ��� �4����
<br /> 5. ��:.rr�! �ir �t�cc�x.ly� Ii���a�it�e� �ai��:�ti���:z' r�ir:l1 i���+.�� thc i�����:orc:i,;.�iis r,u�� r�I�.tit��� ar (ic��:.iRcr c�'cr:tctl mt tli: -
<br /> Prqpeny an�ured w�dnat los�by frs, harasds inrluil�within Iho tenn "Qxfeixttd c�nver;�ge" wx!any�Iher huzarde,lncluding
<br /> flooda ar floodinj. f4r wi�ich X.ernler roqulm 3nwnu+ue.'Phl�►insuronce�hMlf bo maintotned in tho rmounta w�x1 for tha pedad�
<br /> thzt l.e�xkr reafuir�s. Thc inau�c�rrier pmviQln� the lmurat�s�hal! �►e cho�etc by �rrtiwae xubjat ta 4tnder'��pprovel
<br /> r►fiich�hWl not be unno�w+t�.�'ly withhald. If Horrower faili to ►nwinuin caverye dexribod abUVK, I.ender mry, at Lencler'u
<br /> option,c�bt�in cover�e to protect l�enderb riXhta in the Pmpccty(e�r�lwncx a�ith pe.�agr�ph 7.
<br /> Aii irwtru�oe poiici�s and ttncwaie rciu�fi ix�oin cu i.r,�i +UUI ��wil ��x;lu:;u a st:,:�1:.J ;�io�i�.y�u cl:,ua:. i�:.�;:r .
<br /> aMll hxve the ridhl to hoW tho poHcia aM rer.,ewdK. If Le�der roqulrra.Hormwrr Fh+�ll promptlY Bive to Lender al!rooeipu af
<br /> paid premiums and reaewxl nac�r,YS.U tha event of loxs,Borcower�1►all give prom�vt ncxias to�lte inxurance canier und I.en�kr.
<br /> [.ender rn�y m�ke Ex�oof o(lo�s iF not�n�e promptly by&�rrowmr.
<br /> Uniea.t i.etoder ard Bormwer a�herwise�r�roe in writing,insurxrx�e pcoceods shall 8�e appiii�d to restur�►tion or rcpair of the
<br /> propaty dAmr,�dd.if the reatoretion or repeir iy ocoaamically feASibte and Ltnder's secudty ip not I�ssenal. If the rcatara�ion or
<br /> rep�Ie ia not ocoramis�ily feasibla o�I..encicr's accurity wuuld�u It�be�xxi,the i��surance pr�ceds shalt be applicd to the.sums
<br /> securod by this Scx,�r�ty Intttument. whcthcr or not thcn duc, with any excea.�paid to}brcowor. If Ciorrower abandona.tNe
<br /> Prope�ty, or does not anuwer within 30 dey�a nodcx from I.a►xler thr�t tl�o incuranoe carrier hes off�rod to r,erola a claim, tfien
<br /> i.r,nder may rnlluct the insurance proctxds. I.ender nmy use thc procet�ds to repair or nestors the Property or to pa►y sums
<br /> secured by this Sc+ccunity Instcumer►t,whexher or nat thcn dua 7'he 30-day peri�al will lxgin when the notice is given.
<br /> Udes� L.ender anc! Borrower ahervvise agrce ia writi�g, any application of proceeds to principal shall not exta�d or
<br />. postpon�the doe dAta of the manthly Qaymrnts rcfcrrcd to in pntagraphs I and 2 or chxnge the surnwnt of the paymaus. If
<br /> unda�ra�raph 2l the Pto�x:�ty is ncqulnd by I,c�der,Burrower's right•to wny Insurana ipolicies rmd prooeeds resuiting from
<br /> dam�o tsr;c�e Pit�perty ptior to the aa�uitition slu�ll p�ss to I.cndar to the extcnt of thc sq�r�s.sccured by thi4 Security Inatn►ma�t
<br /> i � : ..
<br /> � 'immpdiAt��yM���1nr qa�u:acquisition. .. , � ' ;� .
<br /> ��. . �;�Ck+�W��i�r.�pres�erxrtiva,MdMea�ioe'����t!'�Pretection o[Ihe P���y�'�nxra�tive�"�Y.t►�r�Ap�i9l��n;�old�.
<br /> �.�Bnrro.c�tt'�`hnl�t,�`OCCit `� `�' �
<br /> �y,,�:s'ri►�}�is4,�nd•zusc the I'ro�,erty'us�crm�rr�c�'s�nci,paf.reslclen��,�11t1un,s,x;y c9ey, r�Ftar che;cxenutib�of
<br /> � %ffi�fil4ruai�,�.::9�Nfruincrlt��a►ic�5t��4;canc��}�a to oecupy ttk Pra��4�::,^��Borrbw�r'�.�.tin41}�d1`resld'ence fur�t le�at one y��i��uHer
<br /> ;� ;• the datt rs!'2�aYipui�;�!;�n��sk�'Jrende7';�t2urwise mgreks in writing:��hich.cott6ent',ghnll not Ix tinreasonably withbeld,��r imless
<br /> . • � extetiruting cinu�ntitai.M�:s'e:tlsi;�v.hicfi�;are beycynd Borrowcr•s control. Boi'rower shAll nat destroy. darn�e or ln�mir the
<br /> ' Prc�paty, allnw the Pro�e'rty tis�eter�brete, or commit waste on the Pn�puxy: Borrowor shwll be in default if an�� forfdWre
<br /> action or prooeading, wl�other civil o*criminal,is begun that in l.endor's gooei faith judgment could resutt in forfawre of 1he
<br /> Prape�ty o.r otf�awise�eteritdly impair the lir.n craued by this St�curity Instrument nr I.cnder's socutity inttrat. Horror►w n�ty
<br /> core�e'a�efanh a�iil reir�te,as providecl in par�nph I8,by auninE ttie adlon or procbeding to b�diw�iueU wittf i nui�
<br /> th�t, ia l.adac'� �ood fi�eth daerminRtion, pe+acludea forfeituro of the I3orrower's interest in the Property or od�er moeeritl
<br /> imp�irmeat of the tiat cze�ied by thia Security Icwtruman or I.emkrb sxvrity intecest.,Borrower dull dw be in defiult if
<br /> 8oc[oaer,duric�the Iwn�ppiication procaa.gave materially false ar inaccur�tt infom�otlw�or etaten�enta to La�dK(or fdlpd
<br /> . eo provide Landu Nith any m�terid InfortnMlon)in oonnaction with the lan evidci�a�d by thc Notc.iadudir�.6ut not Wdtad
<br /> W.rop'e�e�8om opnuerrni�Borrower�s oocup�ncY.of tlrt Propeny a�a prirtcip�l ne�idena. If this Sacurity In�tntma�t 4 aa a
<br /> � faasidd. Born�w�r sbaU oomply wit6 �U the pro�isicxu of the 1e�e. If Burrower acqulres fa tltle to the �'roparty. t6e
<br /> 3erio{d wd the Ibe title�l�il not ma=e unle�s i�adet�grea W the merga jn writing.
<br /> '/.t!�lL�Ot I.lO�IS''i R�A�N t�W�y.If BO[f�OMkf ff116 t0�1C[f0[Tll tflC OOVCO�IIb M1II�g1adllEfltl�t0
<br /> thfs Secudry I�, or there is a legd procoeding thet may significantly affect Ixr�der's riRhts in tde Prapaty{auc6 as a
<br /> p�c�eodina in baikivptcy, prc�bMe,for conda�u�tian or forfeituc�e or to uiforoe laws or reguWiao�). thms I.ender m4y do and
<br /> . pay [ur wh�teva in nooewry w protoct U�vslue of tha P�v�e�ty and L,aKkr's rights in thc Praperty. I.ender's adion�mry
<br /> _ �� P�Y�� �' w�s xcurod by a fiea wrhi�t+.Iws pcicxity over this 5ecut9ty Instruntint. appearirig in court. WY�B
<br /> ee�a�b3e�'�ec�s;aoQ r,rK+�ring on the R+d���;y to m�ic��rt�ir�.Aldiough,l.xa�lex aaiy take aotii+�<t�+�dec ehi:p�i :
<br /> 7,Lendrii'dbe�not�h�va�tiado 90. '•� ;'� . •• : � �; ��• � ` :.�'•; i
<br /> M�:'a�uat�:diatiiji'eed by �.:aider under thi� p�rngn�p}i.y gt�al! beocKrip�tcWitec��g�3abt of Rc{�tM�br teeutt�T;St+�+:t�jc ,''
<br />__ Sm�curity 1n�maat:.tlnf�eaR Bo[rdw�er and L.awier_�1gra to uther taiir►s of pny.rrie,�t.thr`Oo;�itnatnt9 r�iill:bac inta+at fio�the '��.'�� '"
<br /> .r.,...
<br /> date af di�bonema�.'i�K:�,bo Note nue tad siq4jl�`�°,�3nrYable, with intercst..;"•u��can notice from La�.tc:,;BaKrower requaititqt. � ;;_� .-r:
<br /> � �; .,. , , �•• ;; �•' a,,,�r,
<br /> '`�^'. ��r.�a�e.I[�S.�a�ti�r roquirod mortg�ge ie�ftinoe�a A oorditian of mbkiisg•tF�lowl�ecu�+ed by thv►�ecuricy .4'
<br /> - • T�ent, Borrower ahall pay tt�`.;jitlaniums requirod ta mninWn the moragage insurx�i��e in eft'ect. If. for ury cea�nn, the
<br /> = mort{�e imunn�ce oovas�e noquired by I.erder lap�ac or cast�ta be in effect,1#ornnvuer atull pay the'.prenuwm roquirud w
<br /> i obtain ooveraas�ubataeKisllp equivakm to the mo:tgage insuraca�ptr.viously in etYect. at a c�ost substaniislly cquireltmt to thc
<br /> ovet w 8orcower of dre matga�e insurancc pnwiously in eE�'oct,from an�Iterru�te mastgage insurer approved.�y LAnder. If
<br /> = sab�nti4tly aryivatent xnoKs�gc ir.surance oovuage is nat avwtublc, Borrower shafl puy to Lender wch mwtth a suni+�c�ttl to �
<br />--_ ond-R�elitn of the yearly mortg�ge insurenoe pernuum being puid by Borrowec when thc insurenoe cov,rngr,l'epnod vr tcued to
<br />� be in effoct.Lendor will aca:pt,use arxl retiin thexe paymrnts as a Insa ressrve in lieu of mortgage insurana. Loss reserrr '
<br />� , ram ao�e sreo �
<br /> r.o.a�r e
<br /> e} .� ' , . �
<br />'t
<br />