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<br /> �. . . - - -. . . . . . .
<br /> � ` � � , , . �o�ny po�ver d.ssle ooapined in�is� —
<br /> � . �gplicabie taw m�y spaify fa ieimt�aneat)�ieefa�e ssk oi the Pm'PettY Pu�au�,��arc that Ba�ower. `i�)
<br /> Sa�rity 1mmn��(b)e�Y of a ja�d�atfa�cinE tlus Sec�otY�aod tde Note is if no � .
<br /> _ _ ._ ._ _:..,. .,�.�_wms_rfiicf�__tben would be dae uodet this Secunt�r , .
<br /> - - ----.. . �y e�atle��nsecmcutred iqeof�x�e�n,_ __.__. __
<br /> Toccutse$(b)cu�es nY ��ys'fe�:and td1 ad�es sacb action as . -
<br /> __- ���g.-.��L_li�aue�:to�t!easnnabk �g����an to pzy!he
<br /> , requi�e to auane that the�lia�of th[s Sa��ity►Inst�ume°�t,endec's tights�m the Rop�rty Bormwa.�dtis Secunry-
<br /> sums scctuced bI' �his SecucitY Ic�t s� �� ��� U�s�ei�tautnent �y
<br /> Instrumeat�ad the'obligstioas se�ed 1�e�ebY shaU�n fu11y effective u if no acceter�uan had acc�med. Howtver.t�is
<br /> � t��t ta c�ei�tate s1�A mt applY m tBecase uf aaeela�n i�nda P�Ph����the Note(togetl�er vi+itlh this Sunrity
<br /> I! SNe d l�iaie:C�e d LoM Sar�oec The Note a a p�rtial'
<br /> �t?ut�y be sold one ar mo�times withau prior natioc to Bormwer. A s�Te may i+esutt in a chamgc ia the entiry
<br /> pmown ss the"Loau SRYioer"?tbat colkas moathly paymeats due under the Note u�d t6is SeciuitY Ir[smun�t 'llxte aLso
<br /> may be dre ar mae cl�ages of the l:o�n Setvicer wudatod w a sale of t4e Nou. if tbece.is a c6arige of the t.oan Setvicer.
<br /> . garpwer wn'tt be given written notioc of tt�cd�nge in aaeo�d�u�ce wilh�14 abotre aud appiicabic law. 7'6�e naice
<br /> w�i sate the name aad add�ess of We ntw Loan Servicer and t6e idd�ess to abich y�aY»xMS sln�id 6e mada.The tatice wiU
<br /> alw cAatsin aay otber iufamation t+equirod by applic�ble law. y�g�,a Rlease of any ,
<br />--- I� Aa�arda�s S�6e�oes Bon°wer sba11 not cause or pmmit the pnsence,use.dispusa4 � affectin ihc - .
<br /> _ - , Hazardoas Subat�aces on or in the PiropatY- Bore°wer shal!not do.na alIow aayax else to do.anyth 8 S
<br /> - pmpe�ty tlnt is in v�da�an of aaY Favimnn�l Law. 7be�S twa sentences sbals aot appiy to the pnesence,o�
<br />-= S�g�on the p�ope�ty af mnll qu�tities of Hazardous Substaqce.s thu are gena�ali9 rxog�ized to he appmp�i
<br /> reside�wl uses aad to maiatena�a of the Ao�penY-
<br /> - Bort+nwa shall p�roptty give Lender writ�eu tatice of any invatigati��any Ha7ardau�wsuit or other ac6oa by aay ` -
<br /> g If1Y0IVlA 111C�Y S SU1)S�C��Y���
<br />- - $OYGfl111C11�a TCSV�Y aS�Y�R�Q�y g OYEiIAIICIIIiT Of� '
<br /> lav� of wbicb Ba�ower has�etuai lmnw�ledge. if Borcower I Se S���affcctin8 the�PmPertY is�a�►•Bomnwar
<br /> - - aotiioriry,that any remavat or ottier retne�ation of aay Han�rdou. . ` - ,.
<br /> - - shall promptly t�ke a11 necess�Y semeei��t actions in acca�dance with E►vi�a[utrental Law.
<br /> _ - . As usod in this p+tagraph 2(1."Nazardous 5i�bstances"are those subsrances defu�td as toaic or Uazardo�s sub�ances by
<br /> Enyuonmental Law and the following substaz�es. 8asoline.tceros��.°����e or toxic pqroteum PmduMS.toaic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile solverts.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and tadiQactive materiai��'
<br /> de
<br /> u���is�ph 2(i.°Eav�meatal law"means federallaws and laws of the j�aisdi�xion whe�e the PropertY�
<br /> that relate to 1�ealth,safety or environmental ptotecdon. � -
<br /> , NON-iJNIFORM COVENANfS. Barrower and Ixnder furtt�cr covenaat and��fiekratian tdbrving Ba'roWa's -
<br /> - Zl. Accekratbn,lhm�dks. I.ender shall SiQe notke W Borcower P�. to sooekration under�SaraSnP617 .� .
<br /> ' • bresch oi pey covenaat or a�eemeat jn t6is Security Instrament ibaE�wt P�'
<br />' unles�aPO�kabie iaw provides ot6erwisel. 71�e notice sdall speci[Ys (ai tlie defaufl;(b1 tUe actlon reqoired to care the
<br /> ' ddsalN,(c)a Aate,aot kss t6an 30 daYg t�°the date the nutke is gi�eo to Bon'°Wer,by wbich the detauft m,ustb�
<br /> � c�cied:aad(d)t6at tWurc to cuee tiK defaait on or bd'are the ds�te speci The riotia�e s�6a11 fuh6er in[��
<br /> -- , ti�san�secured by this Sec�rit9 Inslrament and sale of the irrapertY• o�A d'etaWt or
<br /> � tie riaht to rdastate s�ttec sFCeekratioa and the rtght to bring A eanrt action to assect t6e nonax�stence
<br /> � " any a6er de��e of Borrower to scceki�Hon���y t���iito�rail�s�uo��a�a ny�ib�s�ecu�rity 1�a�r�a�i
<br /> � " �.�, thc noti�x,l.aw�at its uPtia�maY�1 itted by applics6k I�w
<br /> �:,;��;:: wlthaut fircther demand and may invotce the power af sak und�ny otfier remeAies perm h 21, -
<br /> �",;,' Lender shall be entitied to talkct al!expenses incarred in porsuiog the remedies provided in ihis paraS�P -
<br /> inclading.but not I�mited to.re9sorwbte attorneys'tees and msts o[titie evidence
<br /> r.,, �'•' � It ihe p�R���1e�invoked�71�'ustee slud�record a notice ot default in tach county in w6ich Any part o�the -
<br /> - �: prop��,is Rp�2ed su�l slwll mail copies o�such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable IAw to Bon�ower and ta
<br /> . _ '°:� the dher persc�s Presc�ibed by appltcabte Is�w Atter the time�equire�by�pplicabie law.Trustee shaU give public -
<br /> �'�:�� �tice of sak to the persans and in the manner prescrlbed by applicabk law '1'rustee.witMout demand oo BorroNer, -
<br /> -- ��p��e pruperfy at pablic audion to t6e highest Q3idder at•the time and place and under the te����,�ny _
<br /> >
<br /> . 59�e notice of sale in oae c�r m�ore parcels and in any or�ter Trustee determines.. 'n'�s���y P�� _
<br /> ne
<br /> � � ', parcel ol the Pcoperty IsY public announ�ement at the time and ptace ot any previously scheduted sale. l.ender or its _-
<br /> ,,:'%}f, �;; designee ms�y purchase t6e Property at any sale. _
<br /> �s r�'.`t} Upon receipt ot payment of the prlce bid,Trastee shall deliser ta the purchasee.7�rustee's deed conveying the =
<br /> — � ,' ' property. The recitals ia tl�e 71r�stee's deea shall be prim�Pacie evidence ot the truth ot th�statement�made therein. -
<br /> . . �'.•-.- 'IYttstee shaU apply tht p�'oceed-v�f the safe io the toltowing order. !a1 to all mstg and expens�.w of exerc�ing the power _
<br />; .:j:. '
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