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<br /> � , - . . f - - _ - - -a.r.�. . ' . . � �.,�
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<br /> � � �-. . � � � , ; - . . , � �9Z--t'a.�a�3 � � �.
<br /> �eCpdy t6at i�eader n�pi�es. 'iUe"-ujsu`r�oe c�iec pmridinS d�e�iasurance ah�ll6e ctwsea by�Bamrva subjxt!o f.enderh � .
<br /> _ a �r�va1 iv�ic6 slWl aot be�sot�6iy wit�itld. If 8a:awer fails to nutiqtaie caverage descn'bed above.Leoder msy.st .
<br /> -- -__ .------- = -�t�.�-'�,• ,. • rnar�pb�l_---•= �_ --
<br /> — . Atl insiu�noe poticies aad�xwils shall be aaca�?eeptabtc to L.eodtr and s6aU include a sw�d�id mo�tga$e claus� Leudet -
<br /> shall htve tht rig�t to[�old tJ1t pdities tifd t�als. if i.ender iequires.BoROwer shall�pt19 8►ve to l.enda aH nceipts� .
<br /> �:�if p�id p�emiums and r�ewal� Ia dte evrnt of lass.Bartower shall give p�rnnpt notice to tUe ins�irance runer and
<br /> �Leeder. Lrader mry a�alce�uoof of toss if not made pmmptly by BoRON+er.
<br /> Unks.s l.eadet and Borrower dhezwi,se ag�in writiog.insuraoce peocads sf�il be apptied to testaatioo a�epaQ of
<br /> . the prnpaiy,d�ugsd. if tf�e Rstaratian or npair is ecaoomicaIlY feasible and I:ender's secunty is nat iessenrd. �ff ti�c .
<br /> r�storauan or iepair is noi econrnnically feasble or Lender's securic� woutd be I�.the insutance procads shall be
<br /> appliod to tbe swns secuiad by this Secnrity Instrt�rixn�wtxtl�er or�t tl�en dWe.v�rett�any excess paid m Banowa. If
<br /> Bonowa ab�odoas the Fropaty.or does nat answrer within 30 days a naice fmm Lender�h�t the insmance prrier has
<br /> offe[od to seak a claim,then Lender may colkct tbe ins+uaoce pmceeds. Lender may�ase the pocads to iepairor trsWne
<br /> _- . , � the ptopeRy ar to pay s�ms secuted by this Securiry Ins�unent,whether a not dun due. 'IUe 30day period art'fl 6egin wixn
<br /> - thenatice is givee�..,
<br />-= Unkss LeiWer and Bamwer oiliecwise agnee in writing,any apptic�ian of�occeds to pcincipol sha[f aot extend or -
<br />�'� postpone�h�e dut due of tbe monthtY PaY�nu refeRed to in paragrapl�t and 2 or c4ange tbe arrio�nt of the payis�arts..If
<br /> u����1 t6e p�e�ty is ac;qui�d by Lendet.Borrowers rigbt tn any insur+rlce_policies and proceeds nsultin8
<br /> - from damage to tLe RopeaY Pnor to the a�Nisuion s6a11 pass to L.ender to tbe exteat of the smns socuned bY tTiis Sec�ity
<br /> . t�rent immed'ntely prior-to d�e acquisition. � , .
<br />::-.',�_ 1G• �P�R Pnservatioa. Mainteasnce aad Ysateetios d t6e Property, aorruwers l.a�n Appiicstiosi
<br /> I.e�e6otds. Bormwec shali accugy.establish,and use tiie�a.�eCty a4 Barowu's principal residence within sixty days after ..
<br /> - the eaecut'iat of this Ser.urity Insuvmeet and sdall continae L�r oocupy the Pmperty as Bortower's prjncipal�es�daice far at
<br /> leau ate �rear after the date of oc�cupaocy. unless ixnder otbecwise agroes in writing, whieh consent shali aot 5E
<br />.. � unre�somWy wiWm�d,oc uakss exteauuing cincumstar�ces esist which are beyaod Sacruwer�s contmL Borrower stralt�wk�
<br /> des�roy,dama8�or i�r the Pt°PMY�altow the Praperty w deteriorate.oc commit waste on t6e PtopectY. Bortower s6all
<br /> � `� 6e in default if arty forfeituu�e action or praceeding,whether civil or crimiaal.is 6egun that in Lender.'s good faith jud�e� -
<br /> '` 2'� could nesvlt in forfeitnre of the Qt�opercy or othenvise materiaIIy impair the lien creaud by tlas Securiry Insdumc�nt.as
<br /> `�-' Lender�s se�ucity inurcst Bomower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph!8.by causing the actioa _
<br /> � . ar proceeding w 6e•hem;�sea with a so}ing th�.in Len�kr§good faith dete�aeination.pr+ecludes focfeiwr8 af the Bomav�er'�.
<br /> ;�:`'' . , interest in the Property ae other material impainnent of the lien created by this Security Inmument or Lertder's sec�aitg .
<br /> � intet�es� Boirower sl�aIl also be in default if Bomnwe�during the loan�applicatia� pracess, gave materially false or
<br /> •� inaccurate informati+an or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Ixnder wAh any material infomtiadon)in camectiQn with _
<br /> the laau evidenced�c �he Note. including, but not limited to�nepreseatations conceming Bortnwer's occupancy of the _.
<br />: ' .` �� Pmperty as a pcineipai cesidence. If this Security Instrument is dn aIeasehold,Horrower shall co�nply with all the provisions —
<br /> • of�he lease. If�or���acquins fce title to Qie Fc�erty.the Teasehold and¢5a�ee ritte shall nat merge nntess Lender agrees
<br /> '. `. to the metger in write�
<br /> �� ' 7� protcctiow of Leeder's Rights in the Property. .If.Eotrawer fa�'ts to perform the covenants aad agc.cme�is
<br />`'r,.- - }� containcd in diis Security Instrument.or there is a legai prac.e�ing that may sign�caatlY affect Lenckr's tights in H�e
<br /> '. . �,. ;'f°- • Propetty f such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for coademnauon or forfeiture or to e�eforce taws or regulations),then �'��-`
<br /> • : ��."_ . I.ender may do and pay for whauwer is necessary to protect the value of the Fropercy and IIr.nder's rights ia tba Property �-=W=
<br /> � 3---
<br /> , °? . %7�'`:`. L.ender's actwns may include payinS any sums secured by a lien which has priority aver this Security lnsunimen�appearin8 ;;�*"-
<br /> nsu
<br /> ` �S� . �c4•:}�—_
<br /> to make re uirs.Althou I.ender talce action �rr;-�.-
<br /> - f- • �� . in court,paying reasonabte attomeys'fees anA entering on the Propercy p � �Y , r.r. .
<br /> �T�� '.
<br /> ' '=,�•,�.;;,.�.: under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. � '--�`-
<br /> � �--.
<br /> �"'''��'`_=�' ' Any amounts di�bursed by Lender under this paragraph T shall hecome additianal debt of Borrower secured by this r' '
<br /> � - Securi�}Fnstrumen� Unless Borrawer and Lende�agree to other terms oipayment,these amoants shall bear interest from the . :��_ ;
<br /> f dato of distsursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest.upan natice from l.ender to Borrower requesting ;.-,,�_-:�:_
<br /> •,� ~ paymen� � '�-
<br /> .� °'' 8. Mortga�e fi�surAnea If l.ender required mortgage insarm�ce as a tondition af making the laan securcd by this _ :�-.
<br /> • - �= ` Securiay tnstnrmen�Bonower shall pay the premiums required ca maintain the mortgage insurance in effec�. If.for any.
<br /> � y�• 'T�,Ij`.�.: � � .
<br /> ��i•. .�., � reasa�r.cfie moRgage insurance coverage required by l.ender iapses or ceascs to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the � �
<br /> ' . ��` �' �'.�• premiunss required to abtain coverage substantialty equiva(en[to the mortgage insurance prcviously in effect. at a cost •,;',;:
<br /> ",_ r•�; " ,:;" substarnially equivalent to the cost to Barrawer of the mortgage insurance previously in effert.from an Altemate mortgage `•;;_.
<br /> -- �' insurer approved bg l.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insumnce caverage�s not available.Boirower shall pay to �_
<br /> .. s;:�' L:.
<br /> �:,:,: � l.ender each rna:��sum equal ta ane-twelfih nf�he yearly martgage insurancc prcmium being paid kry•I3orrower when the .-
<br /> " `' inrurance coverrge iap.ced ar ceased ta be in etfeet. Lender will accep�use and retain�hese payments a,a toss resecve in lieu _ .,
<br /> '.' s of rtzortgage insurance. l.ass resetve payments may no tonger be reyuiced.al the aptian af Lender,if mortgage insurance .',;-��
<br /> � �` � coverage tin the amount and for thc periad that Lender requirc�l provided by un insurcr approved by Lender again be��nes �
<br /> ' avaitabie and is obtained.Borrower sha11 p�y�he premiums rectui�cd ta maintmn mortgage insur�nce in effec�or to pravide a '
<br />� ' -�; r;. , .��_�• loss reserve,untif the requircmcnt for martgage insurance cnd�in acranlartrc with any wntten agreement bctwcen 8orrower
<br />, _ and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> ;".'�� '` .. 9 Inspectbn. Lender or its agent may make rea�nnablc e.ntrier upon and in�pcctionti oP�hc Pn�perty. Lcnder shall •
<br /> �- S„ . ,:�;~:::�:,�'=;;;.,• : give Boaowcr notice at ihe timc af ar pnor en an inspectiun specifying rcasanable causc for the inspeclion. : �
<br /> « r��� !0. Candemnation. 'Phe prnccedv of any award er ct:iim for damageti,direct or cunseyuential,in cannection with any i�
<br />. ' '� � :'�.��.a .•��.-t:7 ��� .
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