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<br /> Yf th� tir�ntor'a Fluaband �urv�.ves her, �ad the Trustee �e tha � '
<br /> axnar of artip pol.ici�as at' inauz�anee trn h�s ilfe, then� na�-
<br /> x�.thetanding th� proviait�na af Par.a$raph FOURTH hereof Lo the
<br />� ranr,rary, the Grantt�r'� Huaband ahall be deemed Lo have prsde-� _
<br /> eeaae�d !1#�ar t.or the purpoaea af dispoa�.xi•an of nny eurh palieisa
<br /> of li.Yc� in»uraace, and tt�s pro�r3s�tona of parngraph SIXTH and
<br /> . , 3'al1oM�:�,}��,;.tlereoi' ah�11.,�pPl�l 3;�.%�tead. �,
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<br /> .- � .., , .... . . . - , . ' _ . . . _ . �._ _ .. . __ .- ... 4 w� .
<br /> ��i,.-l7i ��t�1. . �''' ..�1 .. . . . ..' ,t, . . .. ___.. . . t ,'. .-,_. . . . ..,�` J -._.
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<br /> .. , . ����•;'��te tirantar'a Idu�band, �f3i�k�C.� L. �I1IC[SR��N, predseeas�m ..,�� .. y`''
<br /> •;� ::;,,�f.
<br /> . .`.�s�,y:;
<br />� her� th� Truatee ah�►1�.' d�ad over and diatriDUt� th• reaideae�. �,
<br /> Yoeat�d at 100$ 8ast t3 SLpeet, � �tuaeel.l�ill�� I.rkaqswa. „without .
<br /> . furtb�r Lrurt ad�iaistr�tiao� to th� (3ranLor's Dau�ht�r, BE??ZR , �
<br /> AN� JOHMSOIP, it tbsa Iiein�, or� if then d�c�as�d, to d�r
<br /> � . �nrsi�!�nL dise�n¢a�tta�, ,,p�r etirp�e. �he firantor �aall Par oTar
<br /> aad ��d�aldcihuta tbe r�e��, ra�sidu� and' �twlraied�r o! tbR trulst �
<br /> •eLS�tO R erit�ou� �urtt��r tcua�t admieist�ratio�, Lo tha Gr�ntor's
<br /> . ' Chi�ldre�,,. $R??ZE UII� .�3t1�1113�li. arad MdRL'B. L. riICKERSON, �JR. „.��ln ,:�'`��.
<br /> . :�,•..
<br /> .:�;•�;�
<br /> equal aa�ree, i� than. ii�rin�, or, if either is thea dee�a�eaQ, �n ,
<br /> �;:,�h� de�aaeed ChiYd'e then aurri�ias de�e�adan�s,° p�er stirpse. ' � .
<br /> . .�;;':
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