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<br /> _ - - - _ �� �o��o� Assu�ar�:��x. � _ �
<br /> � � - � . �.' T4 �� OF TRUST / 1VIORTGAGE � � `
<br /> � '[tiis V�A 1�AswmPtaa Ri�er u toade tbis lth d�Y of Mpri1 1992 �
<br /> - and ame�ids the pro+iisions of 4he Deed of Trust/Mortp�e.(ti�e"SocnritY Iastr�nient�'f of tbe sune date. `
<br /> ` . b���ud bet�t 61en E. IldWski �nd Dti� L. RdCosici., asd� it� 1►is and her wn
<br /> _ - _ ` _ - r�l�t. and as spp� of aecl� other ,`the Trustors/Mort�,and ,
<br /> , 7!r Equ�.t�bL 9u31din9 sd laen Asaociatinn..6rand �1s�d.���ort��y�faIla�s:
<br /> -- -- ` _ . Ad��the follow�p�ovi�oass _� ;;; �
<br /> - �HLS IAAN IS NOT A .:,,:: ,- LE WiTHOiTf:THE
<br /> ,.�
<br /> APPR4�AL-!�F THE VET�NS AD ; ON.aR �
<br /> , 1TS AUTHURi�ED AGEN't::,. � . � ., -. -; � .. .
<br /> - This to�c►is immadistdY due and payabk uPon traasfa of the praperty securn�sucli Io��t�v?e�Y .kaiufera.
<br />_ unle3:the sooeptabIlitY di the auumpdon ofthe loan is estab�ished puisuant�a sectioa�I��af chapder 37, • -
<br />- tjtle 38.United Sutes Code. � ,
<br /> A. Fi�iY�F�A fa oqual to one-hatf a�i perceat of tbe 6alanae gf this toaa as of the date of
<br /> - tr�nsfer of the propaty shaU be payable a�the ti�ne of transfer to�cloan bolder or its authar3zed
<br /> - �tt,as wsta for the Administratoc v�Veuer�ns Affairs.�Tf thc a�uner faiis to pay this fa at
<br /> - • the time of transfer,the fee shaU coasbitt�te an additional debt to t'�at atre�s�cured by this in- ...
<br /> �, atrumant,shall beaz interest at the rate herein provided,and,at tbe option ofthe paya of the in-
<br /> - . debtedness 1xc+eby secured or aay trans�+e�ee thereof,shall be i�ne�ately due aad p�yabk.T6is .
<br /> - � fa is auto�allY waived if tlye assum�rss exempt under the p_c�sions of 98 U.S.C. 1829 f b)•
<br /> g, �CM�.Upon applicatian�'��pprovat to allow assumption of tiils loan,a praoessin8
<br /> � � � fa msy be cbargal by the loan holder or its suthoriud agent for determining tt►e creditorworthi-
<br /> . ness of the assumer and subseyueady revlsing the holder's ownership re�ord9 when an appmved _
<br /> transfer is completal.The amount of this charge shail not eacad the maximwn established by the =
<br /> Veterans'Administration for a loan to wldch seetion 3817A of Chapter 37,title 38.United States _
<br />"'°- Code Appliea• _
<br />--== C, bde�■[t�ILbWIy."If tbis obUgatio�f is assnmed,then the assumer henby agras to assume aU -
<br /> -�+���' of the obUgarions of the veceran nndec the terms of the instruments creatiag and savring the -
<br />�''"`-�� loan,including the obligation of the v�to indemnify the Veterans'Administrat�on to the ex '
<br /> :��
<br />`=`'u�" trnt of arry claim paymrnt arising from tl�e guaranty or insuraaoe�f thG indebtedness caeated by =
<br /> ;r. . _
<br /> �°' this instrument" _
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<br /> }.
<br /> .�= 1N WITNESS WHBREOF,Trustor/Mortgagor has eaecuted this VA Laan Assumption Rider. -
<br /> - Signature of Trustar(s)/Mortgagor(s)
<br />_ � ` � ° . ' ��
<br /> , ..� � i
<br /> - -,,. 1 ^� .'` en . � i ans . aa .
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